

单词 巴闭



Shut up!

See also:

close to
next to
long for
stick to
cling to
surname Ba
bar (unit of pressure)
Ba state during Zhou dynasty (in east of modern Sichuan)
sth. that sticks
spread open
abbr. for east Sichuan or Chongqing
abbr. for Pakistan
abbr. for Palestine or Palestinian

stop up

External sources (not reviewed)

When Aleu and Balto reunite after a close escape from [...]
the bear, a part that helped them escape is a strange ability that
Aleu managed to get somehow, and allowed Aleu see the bear’s thoughts.
2004 年 9 月:在 2004 年巴塞罗那论闭幕式 上,指定蒙特雷为下一个世界文化论坛举 办地。
September 2004: at the closing session of Barcelona 2004, [...]
designation of Monterrey as the site of the next Universal Forum of Cultures.
瓦 努阿图总理和亚太经社会执行秘书致开幕词、基 巴 斯 总统 致 闭 幕 词
The Prime Minister of Vanuatu and the Executive Secretary of ESCAP opened the meeting and the
[...] President of Kiribati provided closing remarks.
同时,巴已经开始闭石油行 业,由于其已经看到效果,因此更倾向于使用其经 济主权而不是被喀土穆从经济上加以束缚。
Meanwhile, Juba had commenced a shutdown, preferring, as [...]
it saw matters, to fully exercise its economic sovereignty than
be held financially hostage by Khartoum.
作 为一个经历过核试验恐怖的国家,在塞 巴 拉 金 斯克闭了世 界上第二大的核试验场,并自愿放弃世界第 四大核武器和导弹库,哈萨克斯坦拥有绝对的道德权 利呼吁在裁军领域和为大力加强防治大规模杀伤性 [...]
As a country that has experienced the horrors of
[...] nuclear tests, shut down the world’s second-largest nuclear testing site, at Semipalatinsk, and [...]
voluntarily renounced
the world’s fourth-largest nuclear and missile arsenal, Kazakhstan has an absolute moral right to call for more decisive action in the area of disarmament and for the radical strengthening of the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction regime.
以色列继续对加沙地带实行不公正的封锁,并对巴勒斯坦各地实行闭和限制巴勒 斯 坦人通行的 政策,这是导致该区域紧张局势加剧的重要原因,以 色列全然不顾国际社会一再发出呼吁,特别是秘书长 在许多报告中并通过自己的努力敦促以色列当局解 除封锁,并使在该地区开展工作的国际机构与组织能 够在其重建努力中以及在向加沙平民提供基本必需 品方面取得进展。
This is despite repeated calls from the international community, notably from the Secretary-General in numerous reports and through his efforts to urge the Israeli authorities to lift the blockade and enable the international bodies and organizations working in this area to make progress in their reconstruction efforts and in providing for the basic needs of the civilian population in Gaza.
(b) 出于歧视任意将阿尔巴尼亚族公务员撤职,尤其是将他们开除出警 察和司法队伍,大规模开除阿尔巴尼亚族人,没收和征用他们的财产,歧视 阿巴尼亚族师生,闭阿尔巴尼亚语中学和大学, 闭 所 有阿 尔 巴 尼 亚族 文化科技机构
(b) discriminatory and arbitrary dismissals of ethnic Albanian civil servants, notably from the ranks of the police and the judiciary, mass dismissals of ethnic Albanians, confiscation and expropriation of their properties, discrimination against
Albanian pupils and
[...] teachers, the closing of Albanian-language secondary schools and university, as well as the closing of all Albanian [...]
cultural and scientific institutions
以色列以安全问题为由,对被占领 巴 勒 斯 坦领土采取 闭 制 度, 使 巴 勒斯 坦人家庭的日常生活(前往学校、卫生保健设施、当地市场、工作场所和耕地)麻 烦重重。
Israel’s adoption, citing security
[...] concerns, of a closed regime with regard to the Occupied Palestinian Territory makes it complicated for Palestinian households [...]
to conduct
normal lives (to reach school, health-care facilities, the local market, the workplace and agricultural land).
纳扎尔巴耶夫总统和哈萨克斯坦人民在 1991 年闭 塞米巴拉金 斯克试验场以及拆除和消除哈萨克土地上遗留的核武器一事上有很 [...]
President Nazarbayev and the people of Kazakhstan deserve
[...] great credit for closing the Semipalatinsk [...]
test site in 1991 and for dismantling
and removing the nuclear weapons left on Kazakh soil.
[...] 上的人民以及用以色列定居者取代原有居民的系统 性政策,加之闭巴勒斯 坦机构和对老城内穆斯林和 基督教圣地采取挑衅行为,包括袭击阿克萨清真寺, [...]
这令阿拉伯国家和伊斯兰国家深受伤害,感到义愤填 膺。
The systematic policy of confiscating Palestinian territory and wealth, depopulating that land and replacing its
inhabitants with Israeli settlers,
[...] along with the closure of Palestinian institutions [...]
and the provocative acts against Muslim
and Christian Holy Sites in the Old City, including attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque, have produced bitterness and great rancour in the Arab and Islamic worlds.
1990 年代期间,伴随和平谈判的起伏,以色列军队定期“ 闭 ” 巴 勒 斯 坦 地区,通常是针对在以色列境内的自杀炸弹而来。
During the 1990s, following the contours of the peace
negotiations, Israeli forces imposed
[...] periodic “closures” of the Palestinian areas, usually [...]
in response to suicide bombings inside Israel.
其目的是驱赶巴勒斯坦原住民,包括拆除房屋(从今年初以来,占领国至少拆毁 了31座巴勒斯坦住宅楼,造成 106
[...] 名巴勒斯坦平民无家可归,包括 61 名儿童在 内)、取消居住权、继续闭城内的巴 勒 斯 坦机构、最近还决定禁止社会活动家 前往西岸其他地区,实际上切断了他们的工作及其与自然环境的亲密关系。
Indeed, in addition to illegally confiscating land and constructing settlements, Israel continues to apply a host of other illegal measures aimed at driving out the indigenous Palestinian population, including the demolition of homes (the occupying Power has demolished at least 31 Palestinian residential buildings, leaving 106 Palestinian civilians, including 61 children, homeless since the start of this year), the
revocation of residency rights, the
[...] continued closure of Palestinian institutions in the city and the [...]
recent decision to ban social
activists from travelling to other parts of the West Bank, effectively severing them from their work and familial relations with their natural surroundings.
另一方面,虽然每天有数百个美国航空公司航班在前往中美洲和南美洲的路 上穿越古巴领空,但由于从加拿大飞往古巴中东部地区(科科岛、谢戈德阿维拉、 卡马圭、奥尔金和圣地亚哥)的航班不能飞跃美国领土,古巴飞机被迫不能取直道, 而要以高于建议飞行速度和夜航才能赶上加拿大机场的 闭 时 间 ,抵达 巴 各 目 的 地需增加 14 至 47 分钟,而且提高了燃油消耗,从而降低航班的效益和竞争力。
In addition, although hundreds of flights by United States airlines pass through Cuban airspace each day on their way to Central and South America, owing to the limitations on flights from Canada flying through United States airspace en route to the central-eastern region of Cuba (Caya Coco, Ciego de Ávila, Camagüey, Holguín and Santiago de Cuba), Cuban aircraft have to use indirect routes, at greater than recommended speeds and
at night, in order to
[...] comply with the closing times of Canadian airports, with the resulting increase in flight time of between 14 and 47 minutes, depending on the destination in Cuba, and increased [...]
fuel consumption, making
those flights less efficient and less competitive.
根据国际合法性的各项决议、马德里和平会议、 阿拉伯和平倡议和将巴勒斯坦分成两个国家的大会 第 181(II)号决议规定的两国解决方案,以及安全理 事会有关决议,特别是第 242(1967)号和第 338(1973) 号决议,接受巴勒斯坦要求作为正式成员加入联合国 的申请,根本不意味着闭以色列和 巴 勒 斯 坦继续和 平谈判的大门;相反是支持尽快恢复和平谈判努力的 一个积极步骤。
The United Arab Emirates also hopes that the Council’s deliberations will lead it to take the unanimous decision to recommend to the General Assembly the acceptance of the Palestinian application as soon as possible, and in a manner consistent with the positions of the vast majority of the world’s countries, which have officially recognized an independent State of Palestine based on the 4 June 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and on the basis of the resolutions of international legitimacy, the Madrid Peace Conference, the Arab Peace Initiative and the vision of the two-State solution, as stipulated by the General Assembly in its resolution 181 (II) partitioning Palestine into two States, as well as the relevant Security Council resolutions, especially resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973).
36 巴勒斯坦安全部队还逮捕了一名为al-Quds 新闻社
[...] 工作的记者,他被控对穆罕默德·阿巴斯总统进行诽谤和诋毁。372010年10 月,哈马斯安全部队闭了巴勒斯 坦记者辛迪加;3811月30 日,哈马斯安 全部队关闭了Sharek 青年论坛的所有办事处,理由是“道德行为不轨”的指 控。
Palestinian security forces arrested a manager of a radio station on 15 November 2010, after the station reported on differences between the president of the Palestinian Authority and the Fatah Central Committee.36 Palestinian security forces also arrested a journalist working for al-Quds Press News Agency on charges of libel
and slander against
[...] President Mahmoud Abbas.37 In October 2010 Hamas security forces shut down the Palestinian Journalists’ [...]
Syndicate;38 and on 30 November Hamas security forces shut down all offices of the Sharek
Youth Forum, on the basis of allegations of “moral misconduct”.39 In March 2011 Hamas security forces attacked journalists, including women, covering peaceful demonstrations, including beating, insulting, threatening and detaining journalists, and raiding several media agency offices.40
这些行动提醒人们以 色列继续在东耶路撒冷强制性闭巴 勒 斯坦官方机构,因为它企图在东 耶路撒冷清除巴勒斯坦的存在和削弱巴勒斯坦社会的能力。
Such actions are a reminder of the
[...] continued forced closure by Israel of official Palestinian institutions [...]
in East Jerusalem as
it attempts to erase the Palestinian presence and disable Palestinian society in the City.
定居者的存在将 导致巴勒斯坦领土四分五裂,并使领土变成相互分 离的孤立飞地,原因在于以色列实施限制和 闭政 策,这导巴勒斯 坦经济萎缩和居民失业及普遍贫 穷。
The presence of the settlers would have the effect of fragmenting the territory and turning it into isolated enclaves separated from each other as a result of the
restrictions imposed and
[...] the policy of closure, which had led to the contraction of the Palestinian economy and [...]
to unemployment and
widespread poverty among the population.
闭巴巴多斯及特立尼达和多巴哥办 事处并在牙买加建立多国办事处,需要进行多方面调 [...]
整,其影响波及到所有有关国家,是计划延误的主要 原因,致使到了 2000—2001 年双年度末,计划大部 分没能完成。
The closure of the Barbados and [...]
Trinidad and Tobago Offices and the creation of the Cluster Office in Jamaica called for
re-adjustments that affected all concerned, causing major delays so that at the end of the 2000-2001 biennium, most of the project was not fully implemented.
另一方面,我们高度赞赏东帝汶政府作出努力,处理 冲突后问题,特别是与境内流离失所者的回返和闭 帝力与巴克乌 63 个境内流离失所者营地中的 54 个营 地有关的问题,通过创造机会让所有利益攸关方为解 决事关国家利益的问题作出贡献来加强民族和解,并 与联合国、地方伙伴和公众密切协商,努力提高自身 的能力和执行社会经济发展方案。
While taking note of the increased poverty as a long-term challenge, demanding even stronger determination and more effective combined synergy, we highly appreciate the efforts made by the Government of Timor-Leste to address post-conflict issues, particularly those related to the return of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and the closure of 54 out of 63 IDP camps in Dili and Bacau; to strengthen national reconciliation by creating opportunities for all stakeholders to contribute to solving issues of national interest; and to work in close consultation with the United Nations, local partners and the public to enhance its capacities and implement socio-economic development programmes.
闭巴巴多斯 的区域办事处影响了这项进展, 发言人要求对该决定进行重新审议。
That positive achievement,
[...] however, had been overshadowed by the decision to close a UNODC regional [...]
office in Barbados, a decision which should be reassessed.
[...] 秘书长今天上午所说的一样,都希望这种信函交换能 够为和平带来机会,但我们必须意识到,窗口正在快 速闭,正在对巴勒斯坦不可剥夺的自决权和以色列 长期安全的最佳前景关闭。
We share the hope expressed by Under-Secretary-General Pascoe this morning that this exchange of letters will provide an opening for peace, but we
have to recognize that
[...] the window is closing very quickly — closing on the Palestinian inalienable [...]
right to self-determination
and on the best prospect for Israel’s long-term security.
美国 总统的各项措施中包括最近禁止了美国政府所有机构采用酷刑和残忍、不人道或 有辱人格的待遇或处罚;关闭了原先由中央情报局运营的秘密审讯中心;宣布有 意闭在古巴关塔 那摩湾的美国海军基地内的监禁中心;并签署了一项法律加强 了为被指控犯有战争罪的人在军事委员会得到审讯方面的程序性保障。
Among other measures, the President has banned torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment by all agencies of the U.S. government; closed secret interrogation centers formerly operated by the Central Intelligence
Agency; announced his
[...] intention to close the detention center at the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; and signed a law [...]
enhancing procedural
safeguards for persons accused of war crimes in trials before military commissions.
[...] 其居留权和阻碍家庭团聚的努力;征用其财产;在神圣禁地和历史遗址附近 和周围挖掘;闭耶路撒冷巴勒斯 坦机构;妨碍信仰自由;多次对朝拜者 过度使用武力;以色列定居者在耶路撒冷实施恐怖、暴力和煽动行为。
The past year has witnessed the intensification of the demolition of Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem, rendering hundreds more families homeless; eviction of Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem, including by arbitrary revocation of their residency rights and obstruction of family unification efforts; expropriation of
properties; excavations near and around holy
[...] and historic sites; closure of Palestinian institutions [...]
in the City; obstruction of
freedom of worship; use of excessive force against worshippers on several occasions; and acts of terror, violence and incitement by Israeli settlers in the City.
委员会感到关切的是,居住在被占领巴勒斯坦领土内的巴勒斯坦人,特别 是居住在隔离墙与绿线之间闭地区 的 巴 勒 斯坦人,在获得医疗卫生设施、商品 和服务方面受到严重限制。
The Committee is concerned that Palestinians living in the
Occupied Palestinian Territory, especially
[...] those living in the closed zones between the [...]
Wall and the Green Line, and in Gaza,
have severely restricted access to health facilities, goods and services (art. 12).
合国促进和平,特别是于 1991 年闭塞米巴拉金 斯 克核试验场,于 1996 年建立中亚无核武器区,以及 促进形成欧洲安全与合作组织和伊斯兰会议组织有 关和平、安全与可持续发展问题的集体思维。
In closing, I would like to affirm Kazakhstan’s support for the United Nations in promoting peace in numerous ways, in particular the closure of the Semipalatinsk [...]
nuclear test site in
1991, the establishment of the Central Asian nuclear weaponfree-zone in 1996 and the generation of collective thinking by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Organization of the Islamic Conference on peace, security and sustainable development issues.
他们吁请立即停止在该城中及其周边,包括 Al-Haram Al-Sharif(神圣禁地)
[...] 附近修建定居点和建造隔离墙、拆毁房屋、驱逐和挖掘; 闭巴 勒 斯 坦机 构;通过关于放逐的军事命令等方式取消巴勒斯坦人的居住权;定居者暴 [...]
力以及旨在减少城内巴勒斯坦居民及巩固以色列对东耶路撒冷的非法吞并 的其他措施。
an immediate end to the construction of settlements and the Wall, home demolitions, evictions and excavations in and around the City,
including near Al-Haram Al-Sharif (Noble
[...] Sanctuary); the closure of Palestinian institutions; [...]
the revocation of Palestinian residency
rights, including military orders regarding deportations; settler violence; and all other measures aimed at de-populating the City of its Palestinian inhabitants and entrenching Israel’s illegal annexation of East Jerusalem, which is completely rejected and not recognized by the international community.
[...] 加以加勒比共同体的名义号召毒品和犯罪问题办公 室重新考虑其作出的闭巴巴多斯 的区域办公室的 决定,该办公室负责联系 29 国事务。
It therefore associated itself with the appeal by Jamaica, on behalf of the
Caribbean Community, to UNODC to reconsider its
[...] decision to close its regional office in Barbados, which served [...]
29 countries.
若干举措支持受难民影响的区域和接纳难民的区域,其中包括埃塞俄比亚和乌干 达的难民营闭和安置工作巴基斯 坦的受难民影响地区和接纳地区方案;以及 在尼泊尔发起的“拓展战略”。
A number of initiatives supported refugee-affected
and hosting areas,
[...] including camp closure and rehabilitation in Ethiopia and Uganda; the Refugee-Affected and Hosting Area Programme (RAHA) in Pakistan; and the [...]
“reach-out strategy” initiated in Nepal.
13. 深切关注由于不断围困加沙地带、以色列日复一日的入侵、限制人员流 动以及不断闭和封锁巴勒斯坦与周边国家的商业过境点,巴勒斯坦被占领土上 的人道主义局势不断恶化,卫生和经济状况每况愈下;敦促以色列占领当局立即、 毫不拖延地取消这些措施,使人们能够获得人道主义援助和建筑材料,重新开放 所有过境点,以开始重建和恢复工作
13- FOLLOWS WITH DEEP CONCERN the worsening humanitarian situation and increasing sanitary and economic deterioration in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, due to the constant siege imposed on Gaza Strip, ongoing daily Israeli invasions, restrictions on the movement of persons and constant closures and blockades of the Palestinian commercial crossing points with neighbouring countries; and URGES the Israeli Occupying Authorities remove it immediately and without delay, to allow the humanitarian assistances and construction materials to reach to People, and to re-open all crossing points in order to start the reconstruction and rehabilitation




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