

单词 巴解组织



Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

See also:

组织 n

organization n
outfit n
nerve n

组织 v

direct v
line up v

External sources (not reviewed)

秘书长希望看到巴勒斯坦在“四方”立 场、巴勒斯坦解组织(巴解组织)的 承 诺和阿拉伯和 平倡议框架内实现统一。
The Secretary-General wishes to see unity in the framework of the
positions of the Quartet and the commitments of
[...] the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the [...]
Arab Peace Initiative.
大会邀请 巴勒斯坦解组织(巴解组织)以观 察员身份参加大会的届会和工作以及大会主 持下召开的一切国际会议;此外认 巴解组织 同 样 有权参加联合国其他机构召开 的一切国际会议(第 3237(XXIX)号决议)。
The Assembly
[...] invited the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to participate, in the capacity of observer, in its sessions and its work and in all international conferences convened under its auspices, and considered that the PLO was similarly [...]
entitled with regard
to all international conferences convened by other organs of the United Nations (resolution 3237 (XXIX)).
大会第四十三届会议承认巴勒斯坦全国委员会 1988 年 11 月 15 日宣布成立 的巴勒斯坦国;并决定自 1988 年 12 月 15 日起,联合国系统内以“巴勒斯坦” 的名称取代“巴勒斯坦解放组织”的名称,但不影 巴解组织 依 照 联合国有关决 议和惯例在联合国系统内的原有观察员地位和职能(第 43/177 号决议)。
At its forty-third session, the General Assembly acknowledged the proclamation of the State of Palestine by the Palestine National Council on 15 November 1988; and decided that, effective as at 15 December 1988, the designation “Palestine” should be used in place of the designation “Palestine Liberation Organization” in the United Nations system, without prejudice to the observer status and functions of the PLO within the United Nations system, in conformity with relevant United Nations resolutions and practice (resolution 43/177).
我再次呼吁加沙和西岸巴解组织原 则的基础上并 在合法的巴勒斯坦权力机构之下实现统一,并敦促所有派别积极展开对话。
I reiterate my call for the reunification of Gaza and the West Bank
[...] on the basis of the PLO principles and under [...]
the legitimate Palestinian Authority,
and urge all factions to engage positively in dialogue.
正如四方在 12 月商定的那样,在巴勒斯坦解组织(巴解组织)各项 原则基础上恢复团结,将是在 实现四方原则方面取得进展的一个重要因素——如 [...]
As the Quartet agreed in December, restoring unity on the
[...] basis of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) principles [...]
would be an important factor
in progress towards the fulfilment of the Quartet’s principles — the more so in the context of a durable Gaza ceasefire.
[...] 须强调,“巴勒斯坦方面”的官方是巴勒斯坦民族权力机构,其最高权力机关巴解组织。
Therefore, it must be stressed
that the official for the “Palestinian side” is the Palestinian National Authority, whose
[...] ultimate authority is the PLO.
像呼巴解组织放弃 其对以色列的承认、赞美乌 萨马·本·拉丹或强调该运动的唯一纲领是抵抗那样 [...]
的声明都在提示,为什么国际社会依然深感关切,为 什么我们必须警惕关注事态发展。
Statements such as those
[...] calling on the PLO to renounce its recognition [...]
of Israel, lauding Osama bin Laden or stressing
that the movement’s sole programme is resistance are a reminder of why deep international concerns remain and why we must follow developments vigilantly.
尽管加沙出现了若干积极的势态发展,但危机的主要特点仍然未解决,包括 好战分子一再采取暴力行为和以色列一再采取军事行动、持续封锁和巴勒斯坦人 不能在巴勒斯坦权力机构巴解组织 承 诺框架内实现团结。
Despite a number of positive developments in Gaza, the main features of the crisis remained unaddressed, including recurring violence by militants and Israeli military actions, continued
closure, the lack of
[...] Palestinian unity within the framework of the Palestinian Authority and the commitments of the PLO.
其次巴解组织和巴 勒斯坦人民承诺放弃暴力, 摈弃和谴责一切形式的恐怖主义,尤其是国家恐怖主 义,其中包括定居者进行的恐怖行动。
Secondly, the PLO and the Palestinian people are [...]
committed to renouncing violence and reject and condemn terrorism in all
its forms, especially State terrorism, including terrorism by settlers.
我们重申“四方” 的呼吁,要求以巴勒斯坦解 组织(巴解组织 ) 作 出的 承诺为基础促进巴勒斯坦人团结,并在合法的巴勒斯 [...]
We reiterate the Quartet’s call for the promotion of Palestinian
unity based on the commitments of the
[...] Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the [...]
reunification of Gaza and the West Bank
under the legitimate Palestinian Authority.
联合国承认巴勒斯坦解 组织(巴解组织 ) 依 照 大会 1974 年 11 月 22 日第 3237(XXIX)号决议所获得的联合国观察员地位,这符合 1974 年在拉巴特举行的阿拉伯首脑会议的决定。
The United Nations has recognized the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as an observer to the Organization pursuant to General Assembly resolution 3237 (XXIX) of 22 November 1974, which is in keeping with the decision of the 1974 Arab Summit in Rabat which designated the PLO as the “sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people”.
我们同时遵巴解组织和以 色列双方签署的全部协议。
We also adhere to all
[...] agreements signed between the PLO and Israel.
我们感到遗憾的是,它拒绝签署去年下半年经 过冗长讨论之后获得巴勒斯坦解组织(巴解组织) 各派别接受的埃及和解方案。
We regret its refusal to sign the Egyptian reconciliation proposal,
accepted late last year by
[...] factions of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) following [...]
an extended process of discussions,
and urge Hamas to reconsider this position.
协议中还设想在全国委员会选举举行之前设立 一个负责处理民族政治事务的临时委员会;哈马斯和 其他巴解组织派别 将与包括法塔赫在内 巴解组 织各派别一道参加这个委员会。
The agreement also envisages the establishment of an interim committee to address national political issues, in which Hamas and other non-PLO factions would participate with PLO factions, including Fatah, pending National Council elections.
2009 年 3 月 23 日,黎巴嫩几周来相对平静的局 面被打破巴解组织驻黎 巴嫩副代表和法塔赫高级成 员卡迈勒·梅德哈特在赛伊达的米赫米赫难民营入口 处被路边炸弹炸死。
On 23 March 2009, the relative calm that had prevailed in Lebanon for several weeks was interrupted when Kamal Medhat, Deputy PLO Representative in Lebanon and a high-ranking Fatah member, was killed by a roadside bomb outside the entrance to Saida’s Mieh Mieh camp.
这强调说明,巴勒斯坦人民必须在巴勒斯坦权力机构 和巴勒斯坦解组织(巴解组织)各项 承诺框架内实现团结,并在这方面取得进 展。
That underscored the need for progress towards Palestinian
unity within the framework of the Palestinian Authority and the
[...] commitments of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).
在开罗协议缔结仪式上,阿巴斯主席重申,他充 分致力于落巴解组织的纲领。 巴解组织 长 期 以来一 直接受第 242(1967)号决议和第 338(1973)号决议, 承认以色列和平、安全存在的权利,并放弃暴力和恐 怖主义,而且仍然致力于遵守现有协议。
At the Cairo ceremony, President Abbas reiterated his full commitment to the platform of the PLO, which has long accepted resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973), recognized Israel’s right to exist in peace and security and renounced violence and terrorism, and which remains committed to existing agreements.
美国谴责星期一的袭击事件 巴解组织驻 黎巴嫩代表的顾问卡迈勒·迈达特及其护卫在袭击中 遇害。
The United States condemns the attack on Monday that killed Kamal Medhat, adviser to the PLO’s representative in Lebanon, and his bodyguards.
在始于 1991 年马德里和平会议的中东进程起步之后,根据安全理事会有关 决议的规定和“土地换和平”原则及 1993 年奥斯陆协定签订后巴解组织在为 期 5 年的过渡期间,承担管理被占领土某些地区的有限责任直到缔结一项全面和 平协定。
Following the commencement of the Middle East Process, beginning with the Madrid Peace Conference in 1991, based on the relevant Security Council resolutions and the principle of “land for peace”, and the
signing of the 1993 Oslo
[...] Accord, the PLO assumed limited responsibilities for governing certain areas of the Occupied Palestinian Territory for what [...]
was to be an interim
period of five years until the conclusion of a comprehensive peace agreement.
我们继续支持在巴勒斯坦解 组织(巴解组织) 所作 出的各项承诺、“四方机制”立场和“阿拉伯和 平倡议”的框架内实现巴勒斯坦民族团结。
We continue
[...] to support Palestinian unity within the framework of the commitments of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), the [...]
positions of the Quartet,
and the Arab Peace Initiative.
1969 年,约旦国 王侯赛因放弃了对西岸的主权要求,将其归还给巴勒斯坦人民,其得到承认合法 代表巴解组织。
Egypt had not claimed sovereignty over the Gaza strip, but merely the right to exercise administration over it, pending its return to a prospective Palestinian state, and in 1969, King Hussein of Jordan renounced any claim of sovereignty over
the West Bank and
[...] relinquished it to the Palestinian people, whose legitimate representative was recognized to be the PLO.
在 2 月 12 日阿拉伯和平倡议后续行动委员会会 议和 2 月 20 日巴勒斯坦解组织(巴解组织)中央 委 员会会议期间,巴勒斯坦人重申了其立场,那就是, 除非停止一切定居点活动,否则就不应当恢复直接会 谈。
During the Arab Peace Initiative Follow-Up Committee meeting on 12 February
and the meeting of the
[...] Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Executive Committee on 20 February, the Palestinians reiterated [...]
their position that
direct talks should not resume unless all settlement activity was halted.
在此同时,随着 2010 年 1 月 25 日本来应该以选出的官员替换各级官员的日子 的过去巴解组织作出 决定,延长了主席和议员的任 期直到能够举行选举为止,尽管由于内部的分裂,议 会至今未能举行会议。
In the meantime, with the passing of the 25 January 2010 date by which the ranks of elected officials would ordinarily have been renewed by elections, the presidency and legislature have been extended by PLO decision until elections can be held, though the legislature is unable to meet due to the internal divide.
然而,协议中明确指 出,这个委员会的工作将不会 巴解组织 执 行 委员会 的管辖权相冲突,因巴解组织是得到国际公认的巴 勒斯坦人民的唯一合法代表。
However, it is explicitly stated that the work of this committee will not contradict the jurisdiction of the Executive Committee of the PLO, which is recognized internationally as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.
突尼斯指控以色列1988年4月19日袭击突尼一住宅区,造成数人丧生,包括巴勒斯坦解 组织 ( 巴解组织 ) 执 行委员会委员哈利勒•瓦齐尔“阿布• 杰哈德”。
Tunisia accused Israel of attacking a residential area in Tunis
and killing several people,
[...] including the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) executive [...]
committee member Khalil al-Wazir
“Abu Jihad” on 19 April 1988.
我们希望,叙利亚将 通过支持以巴勒斯坦解 组织(巴解组织 ) 所 作承诺 为基础的巴勒斯坦和解进程、安全和稳定的伊拉克, 以及黎巴嫩自由和公正的议会选举等等,在该地区发 挥建设性作用。
On 7 March, United States officials travelled to Damascus to build on previous discussions in Washington, D.C. [...]
We are hopeful that
Syria can play a constructive role in the region by supporting, for example, Palestinian reconciliation based on commitments undertaken by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), a secure and stable Iraq, and free and fair parliamentary elections in Lebanon.
当然,我们与巴勒斯坦 各方合作,坚信巴勒斯坦人民如果不能在巴勒斯坦解组织(巴解组织)纲领和阿拉伯和平倡议的基础上, 在巴勒斯坦权力机构巴解组织合法 领袖马哈茂 德·阿巴斯的领导下实现团结,就很难解决巴勒斯坦 人民最终地位问题。
Of course, we work with all Palestinian sides, firmly convinced that without Palestinian unity based
on platform of the
[...] Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Arab Peace Initiative, under the leading role of Mahmoud Abbas, the legitimate head of the Palestinian Authority and the PLO, it will [...]
be very difficult to
achieve a final status for the Palestinians.
同时,巴 勒斯坦权力机构/巴解组织面临 的局面与科索沃政府面临的局面十分相似,这说 明如果征求国际法院的意见,就有可能得到相同的结果。
At the same time, the similarities between the situation confronting the Palestinian Authority/PLO and that confronting the Government of Kosovo suggest the likelihood of a similar outcome in the event that the International Court of Justice were to be consulted.
2000 年 9 月爆发阿克萨起义之后,以色列再次占领根据以色列政府 巴解组 织和巴 权力机构签署的协议指定交给巴权力机构的许多地区。
With the outbreak of the Al-Aqsa Intifada in September 2000, Israel reoccupied many of the areas assigned to the PNA according to agreements signed by the Government of Israel with the PLO and the PNA.




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