

单词 巴蒂



Sebastian (name)


Bastia (French town on Corsica island)

See also:

next to
long for
close to
stick to
cling to
abbr. for Palestine or Palestinian
Ba state during Zhou dynasty (in east of modern Sichuan)
bar (unit of pressure)
abbr. for east Sichuan or Chongqing
spread open
abbr. for Pakistan
sth. that sticks
surname Ba

stem (of fruit)

External sources (not reviewed)

作者:圣- Maur笃伟大的历史著作不需要在这里提及,但大教堂 巴蒂 尔 的 拉丁圣经的旧版本,并都参搁的词汇,新版本必须加以注意。
The great historical works of the Benedictines of St-Maur need not be mentioned here, but Dom Sabatier's edition of the Old Latin Bible, and the new editions of Du Cange's glossaries must be noted.
与发放住房补贴相关的费用应由财政支出, 并且应当在地方政府预算、基希那乌市 巴蒂 市 预 算、加告兹自治区预算及国家 预算范围内支付。
Expenses related to granting housing is made from the means and within the limits of the raion budgets, the budgets of the municipalities of Chisinau and Balti, the budget of the autonomous territorial unit Gagauzia, as well as from the state budget.
为了减轻艾滋病感染对妇女健康的影响、防止母亲将艾滋病毒传 给子女,摩尔多瓦制定并公布了《防止艾滋病毒/艾滋病母婴传播指南》,同时
[...] 在母婴保健科学研究中心成立了专门的预防机构 巴蒂 自 治 市妇产中心也成立了 相应的机构。
In order to diminish the influence of the HIV/AIDS infection on the women’s health and prevention of the mother to child transferral, the guide “HIV/AIDS infections with mother cu child transmission” was developed and published, specialised centres in the
Scientific Centre of Mother and Child Healthcare have been created, as well as in the
[...] perinatal Centre in municipality of Balti.
这首史诗是作者最重要的作品,此为极具纪念意义的两卷版本,于 1745 年由威尼斯的出版商兼记者乔瓦尼· 巴蒂 斯 塔 ·阿尔伯利兹(Giovanni Battista Albrizzi,1698-1777 年)出版,乔瓦尼的家族在威尼斯图书贸易行业一直活跃达 150 年之久。
This monumental, two-volume edition of his most important work was completed in 1745 by the Venetian publisher and journalist Giovanni Battista Albrizzi (1698–1777), a member of a family active in the Venice book trade for some 150 years.
生物工艺学的发展伴随着更加广泛的生物专利,这种专利的合法性在美国最 高法院 1980 年戴蒙得诉查巴蒂案例1 中得到了确认。
The development of biotechnology has been accompanied by the more widespread patenting of living things, whose patentability was confirmed in the US by the Supreme Court case of Diamond versus Chakrabarty in 1980.1 Similarly the development and growing sophistication of information and communications technology has been accompanied by the extension of patenting to computer software in the US.
Little Gudda looks on, quietly, patiently, as Ms. Bharti and her five colleagues, all auxiliary nurse midwives, take turns inserting naso- and orogastric tubes through Gudda’s nose and mouth.
- 巴蒂斯特 ·拉马克描述了这个“需要”(乐besoin)在他的著作“哲学”Zoologique(1809)的,但被难住了,说明如何改变的特性,以某种方式上标明的“种质”,从而确保变化被传递到未来,并进一步代,环境的变化保持稳定。
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck had [...]
described this ‘need’ well (le besoin) in his book ‘Philosophie Zoologique’ (1809), but was stumped
with explaining how such changed characteristics somehow became marked on the ‘germ-plasm’ thus ensuring the change was passed on to the next and further generations, were the environmental change to remain stable.
由罗纳尔多本人和国际米兰俱乐部桑德罗 · 萨 巴蒂 尼 共 同策划和启动的,球迷可以了解他的历史、关注他每时每刻的动态。
Are many personally by Luo natrium and international Milan club Luo - Sa Nepal together plans with start, fan may understand his history, pays attention to he every time tendency.
细木墙裙来自路易十四原来的台球厅,路易十五把它改建成了卧室;门头板饰的鲜花绘画出于让 巴蒂 斯 特 莫努瓦耶(Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer)和让巴蒂斯特布兰德封特奈(Jean-Baptiste Blain de Fontenay)之手。
The woodwork comes from Louis XIV's old Billiard Room, transformed by Louis XV into a bedroom; the floral tableaux on the panels above the doors are the work of Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer and Jean-Baptiste Blain de Fontenay.
[...] 《春》和《冬》也是他的作品;窗户之间的《维塔姆纳斯和波莫纳》出自尼古拉贝尔坦(Nicolas Bertin)之手;让巴蒂斯特 马丁(Jean-Baptiste [...]
Martin)则创作了侧面墙壁上的四幅 《凡尔赛风景》 。
The magnificent panelling carved with cassolettes and garlands of flowers dates from Louis XIV, as do the pictures: over the mantelpiece, Flora and Zephyr by Jean Jouvenet, who also painted the scenes above the door depicting Spring and Winter; between the
windows, Vertumnus and Pomona by Nicolas Bertin; and on the side walls, four Views of
[...] Versailles by Jean-Baptiste Martin.
享用巴蒂至西 西里岛正宗的当地菜肴,领略意式美食之旅。
Take a culinary journey of Italy with authentic regional
[...] cuisines from Lombardy to Sicily.
国家机构提请尼泊尔注意特别是南马德西和东部山地不同武装 犯罪集团经常杀人的现象以及有记录的安全人员杀人案件,包括尼泊尔军巡逻队 2010年在March 的巴蒂亚国家公园杀害三名贱民妇女( 包括一名12 岁女童)的案 件。
In July 2009, the Government had launched the Special Security Programme to curb the violent, criminal activities of such groups, but there were allegations of torture and extra-judicial killings related to that Programme.40 ALRC_AF also noted that between February and October 2009, it had recorded 12 cases of alleged extra-judicial executions in Tarai.41 The National Institutions drew attention to frequent killings by different armed criminal groups, especially in southern Madhesh and the eastern hills, as well as recorded cases of killing by security personnel, citing the killing of three Dalit women, including a 12 year girl, by a Nepal Army patrol in Bardia National Park in March 2010.
在股市的日跌幅,埃克·巴蒂斯塔 失去了几乎2双向 - 第八届世界最富有的人可能会被降职后,在排名上周四(2)时,他们的公司领导的强烈看跌运动中遭受损失的美元左右5亿美元 [...]
股票市场 圣保罗(Bovespa指数)。
On day drop in the stock
[...] markets, Eike Batista loses almost [...]
$ 2 bi - The eighth richest man in the world may have been demoted
in the rankings after suffering a loss of around U.S. $ 2 billion on Thursday (5) when their companies led the strong bearish movement of Stock exchange São Paulo (Bovespa).
和视频等多媒体元素,如音频,已成为我们这个世界的重要组成部分,和企业融入这一趋势在数字内容, 巴蒂 亚 说 迪利普,副总裁,市场营销和产品运营的ThinkPad,联想。
Multimedia elements like audio and video have become important parts of our world, and businesses are embracing this trend in digital content,” said Dilip Bhatia, vice president, ThinkPad Marketing and Product Operations, Lenovo.
在此之前它是意大利巴蒂斯塔巴西 莱 :猫灰姑娘在意大利的La GATTA中原汁原味的那不勒斯La GATTA cennerentola的的灰姑娘,喝的朱莉安娜传统,在这方面,讲的那不勒斯,在这语言编写的巴西莱的故事。
Previous to it is the Italian Giambattista Basile: The Cat Cinderella (in Italian, La Gatta Cenerentola, in the original Neapolitan La gatta cennerentola), drinking from juliana tradition, in that area, speaking the Neapolitan, and in that language is written the story of Basile.
我在戈 马附近的巴蒂难民 营见到的人都急切希望尽快返 乡——其中一个原因是种植季节已经开始——但严 重的关切仍使他们无法回返。
Those I met in the Kibati camp near Goma are keen to go home as soon as possible — not least because the planting season is already under way — but serious concerns still prevent them from doing so.
例如,四个国家最畅销的书籍,马塞多,南帕德里马塞洛,埃 巴蒂 斯 塔 和Danuza的的的狮子如需更详细的列表中值得考虑看看 无论圣保罗页报 就可以了。
The four national best-selling books, for example, are Macedo, Padre Marcelo, Eike Batista and Danuza Lion For a more detailed list worth taking a look at matter of Folha de São Paulo on it.
书中插图的作者是乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔 ·皮亚泽塔(Giovanni Battista Piazzetta,1682-1754 年),也称吉亚巴蒂斯塔 ·皮亚泽塔(Giambatista Piazzetta),他出生在威尼斯,是威尼斯美术学院的第一任院长。
The illustrations are by Giovanni Battista Piazzetta (also called Giambatista Piazzetta; 1682–1754), a Venetian-born painter who was the first president of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia.
澳大利亚布里斯班、布宜诺斯艾利斯、科伦坡、巴西库 蒂巴 、 日内瓦、河 内、伦敦、莫斯科、纽约、里约热内卢、澳大利亚悉尼、加拿大多伦多和华沙等 地的全国地标建筑纷纷打出道路安全标签的灯饰,这 些 灯饰的宣传照片通过社交 媒体流传至世界各地。
National landmarks were illuminated with the road safety tag in Brisbane, Australia, Buenos Aires, Colombo, Curitiba, Brazil, Geneva, Hanoi, London, Moscow, New York, Rio de Janeiro, Sydney, Australia, Toronto, Canada, and Warsaw, among others.
总统普蒂巴•帕蒂尔亲自为 NHDC 公司颁发了印度能源部提供的奖项。
The prize awarded by the Indian Department of Energy was presented in person by President Pratibha Patil to NHDC.
2010 年,委员会主席团由玛丽亚·路易莎·里贝 罗·维蒂(巴西)担 任主席,奥地利和乌干达代表团 [...]
In 2010, the Bureau of the Committee consisted of Maria Luiza
[...] Viotti Ribeiro (Brazil) as Chair, while [...]
the delegations of Austria and Uganda served as ViceChairs.
分庭作出多数决定(法官普 里斯卡·马蒂巴·尼亚 姆贝持异议),宣布 Pećanac 藐视法庭罪成立,并判处他 3 个月监禁。
The Chamber decided by a majority, with Judge Prisca Matimba Nyambe dissenting, that Pećanac was guilty of contempt and sentenced him to three months of imprisonment.
O 费尔南多,抽血检查发现严重的低血糖症是在BU的博客编辑器CA首先亿美元 和我一样,是在 Curitiblogs,集博客库蒂巴的博客,。
O Fernando Doege is the editor of the blog In Bu $ ca First Million and, like me, is in Curitiblogs, The
[...] blog that gathers blogs Curitiba.
位于波尔沃老城中心蒂巴利餐 厅是芬兰唯一 拥有蜗牛佳肴的餐厅。
Situated in the heart of Old Porvoo, Timbaali is the only restaurant in Finland that is specialised in escargot.
玛莎蒂巴西进口商销售顾问Eduardo Alves和营销经理Viviane Polzim接受了该奖项。
The award was received by Viviane Polzim and Eduardo Alves, respectively the marketing manager and sales consultant for the Maserati importer in Brazil.
[...] Mittal说:“所计划的在巴西塞蒂巴 港 修 建港口基础设施是一个理想的受制解决方案,可以为铁四角地区的铁矿石打通出口通道。
Aditya Mittal, Chief Financial Officer and Member of ArcelorMittal's Group Management
Board, stated, "The planned port facility at
[...] Sepetiba Bay in Brazil is the ideal [...]
captive solution to deliver access to the export
market for ore from the Iron Quadrangle region.
其中的七次会议已经开完:第一次会议针对非洲中西部国家,是 2004 年 6 月
8 至 10
[...] 日在达喀尔(塞内加尔)举行的;第二次会议针对拉丁美洲,是 2004 年 6 月 28 至 30 日在 帕蒂(巴西) 举行的;第三次会议针对亚洲,是 [...]
2004 年 9 月 20 至之 22 日在新德里(印 度)举行的;第四次会议针对非洲东部和南部国家,是
2004 年 11 月 22 至 24 日在内罗毕 (肯尼亚)举行的;第五次会议针对欧洲和北美洲,是 2004 年 12 月 15 至 17 日在喀山(俄 罗斯)举行的;第六次会议是 2005 年 1 月 5 至 6 日在阿尔及尔(阿尔及利亚)举行的;第 七次会议针对加勒比地区,是 2005 年 2 月 17 至 19 日在罗索(多米尼加)举行的。
Seven of those meetings have already taken place: the first, for West and Central Africa, was held in Dakar (Senegal) from 8 to 10
June 2004; the second, for Latin America,
[...] was held in Paraty (Brazil) from 28 to 30 [...]
June 2004; the third, for Asia, was held
in New Delhi (India) from 20 to 22 September 2004; the fourth, for East and Southern Africa, was held in Nairobi (Kenya) from 22 to 24 November 2004; the fifth, for Europe and North America, was held in Kazan, Russian Federation from 15 to 17 December 2004; the sixth was held in Algiers (Algeria) from 5 to 6 January 2005; and the seventh, for the Caribbean, was held in Roseau (Dominica) from 17 to 19 February 2005.
安理会主席玛丽 亚·维蒂(巴西) 会后告知媒体,泰柬两国政府如 雪片般发来安理会的信函已收到,安理会对此表示 [...]
Council President
[...] Maria Luiza Viotti (Brazil) later told the [...]
media members had acknowledged the flurry of letters from the
two governments, expressed concern, called for a ceasefire and urged a peaceful resolution.
典型的场景 –
[...] 在圣保罗或里约热内卢和生产设施在贝洛奥里藏特,萨尔瓦多,阿雷格里港,库 蒂巴 , 马 瑙斯,累西腓等建立可控的业务是ERP系统实施的第一步 [...]
– 建立区域办事处,正式的链的指挥,决策和管理。
Typical scenario – regional office is established in Sao Paulo or Rio de
Janeiro and manufacturing facility in Salvador,
[...] Porto Alegre, Curitiba, Belo Horizonte, [...]
Recife, Manaus, etc. The first step in
establishing controllable operations is ERP system implementation – this formalizes the chain of command, decision making and management.




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