

单词 巴斗

See also:

long for
next to
close to
stick to
cling to
abbr. for east Sichuan or Chongqing
spread open
abbr. for Palestine or Palestinian
sth. that sticks
Ba state during Zhou dynasty (in east of modern Sichuan)
abbr. for Pakistan
bar (unit of pressure)
surname Ba

put together
coming together
cup or dipper shaped object

External sources (not reviewed)

科特迪瓦共和国部队前进与寻求避难的 巴 博 战 斗 人 员 流入利比里亚相应。
The advance of FRCI corresponded to the movement into
[...] Liberia of pro-Gbagbo combatants seeking refuge.
中非政府将一贯支 持巴人民的斗争,直至所有这些禁止都解除为止。
The Central African Government will
[...] stand behind the Cuban people in their struggle as [...]
long as the embargo is not completely lifted.
在阿拉伯叙利亚共和国危机的背景下,10 000 多名叙利亚国民越过边界进入巴嫩,躲避斗,他 们正在得到联合国和黎巴嫩政府的协助。
Against the backdrop of the crisis in the Syrian Arab Republic more than 10,000 Syrian
nationals have crossed the
[...] border into Lebanon to seek refuge from the fighting and are being [...]
assisted by the United Nations
and the Government of Lebanon.
它有机会实现公正,也有机会立即释放五名 巴 反恐 斗士,他们被美国当作政治犯囚禁在戒备森严的监狱 内长达 11 年之久,但事实上,他们不过是怀着崇高 [...]
的利他主义和英勇气概,设法收集以迈阿密为基地的 恐怖团伙的资料,以防止他们实施暴力行径,挽救古
It has the opportunity to achieve justice and
to release, without further
[...] delay, the five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters whom it has kept [...]
as political prisoners in high-security
prisons for more than 11 years in spite of the fact that they were just trying, with great altruism and courage, to gather information about Miami-based terrorist groups in order to prevent their violent acts and save the lives of Cuban and American citizens.
像路易斯·波萨达·卡里莱斯(1976 年炸毁古巴航空公司一架客机导致 73 名机上人员丧生;1997
[...] 年对古巴旅馆制造恐怖爆炸)这样人所周知的恐怖分子在 美国一些城市逍遥自在,而试图保护古巴人民免遭这些杀人犯行动伤害的五名巴反恐斗士却仍被关押在美国监狱中。
Known terrorists like Luis Posada Carriles, who was responsible for the inflight bombing of a Cubana de Aviación aircraft in 1976, killing the 73 people on board, and for the terrorist bombings of hotels in Cuba, in 1997, walk freely
around cities in the United
[...] States, while five Cuban counter-terrorism fighters who sought to protect [...]
the Cuban people from
the actions of those same killers remain in United States prisons.
这 表明巴人民的斗争赢 得国际社会与日俱增的同情,充分显示了国际社会几乎一 致反对这项非法和不人道的政策。
The fact that in the
[...] past 18 years Cuba has obtained significant international support against the policy imposed [...]
by the United States Government
is a sign of the increasing sympathy which the struggle of the Cuban people is eliciting at the international level and convincing proof of the almost unanimous rejection by the international community of this unlawful and inhuman policy.
巴勒斯坦战斗人员 在为获得其民族自决的合法权利而进行的武装斗争中, 必须遵守国际人道主义法和国际公法原则和规定中规定的战斗期间战斗人员行 [...]
为守则,并充分遵守这些规则中规定的在国际武装冲突中保护平民的保障措施和 原则。
Palestinian combatants, in their armed struggle to obtain [...]
their legitimate right of self-determination, must respect the
rules governing the behaviour of combatants during fighting established in the principles and provisions of international humanitarian law and public international law and comply fully with the guarantees and principles pertaining to the protection of civilians in international armed conflicts laid down in those rules.
亚美尼亚和阿塞拜疆独立后,纳戈尔诺-卡 巴 赫 地 区的 斗 更 加 激烈,亚 美尼亚共和国部队在此期间越来越多地参与战斗。
Fighting in the region of Nagorny Karabakh intensified after independence of Armenia and Azerbaijan, followed by the increased involvement of troops from the Republic of Armenia during this period.
(d) 对依靠各种非暴力形式作为推巴勒 斯 坦 斗 争 最 有效方式的普遍支 持,在这方面,主导这类行为的公民社会运动得到了重要支持,包括开展BDS [...]
运动( 抵制、撤资和制裁) 、对指称的以色列政治和军事领导人犯下的国际罪行寻 求国际管辖权下的司法补救,和从事人道主义工作的非政府组织挑战封锁加沙的 行动
(d) Widespread support for reliance on various forms of
non-violence as the most effective way
[...] to move the Palestinian struggle forward and, in [...]
this regard, significant support for
civil society movements leading such initiatives, including reliance on the BDS campaign (boycott, divestment, and sanctions), pursuit of judicial remedies under universal jurisdiction in relation to alleged international crimes of Israeli political and military leaders, and efforts of humanitarian NGOs to challenge the blockade of Gaza
南方还承认巴在其解放斗争中发挥的作用;南非和古巴保持有长久的关 系,并通过在经济、商业和金融等系列广泛问题上扩大合作,继续发展这一关系。
South Africa continues to recognise the role that Cuba played
[...] in its liberation struggle; and the two countries [...]
have maintained longstanding
relations, which are continuing to expand through increased cooperation on a wide range of issuesincluding economic, commercial and financial collaboration.
当天晚些时候,政府宣布库巴利先 生在 斗 中 丧 生。
Later that day, the Government announced
[...] that Mr. Coulibaly had been killed during the fighting.
3 月 26 日,在
[...] Khan Younis 附近发生的冲突导 致两名以色列士兵和 3 名巴勒斯坦战斗人员死亡。
On 26 March, a clash near Khan Younis led to the deaths of two
[...] Israeli soldiers and three Palestinian militants.
科摩罗始终支持兄弟巴勒斯坦人民斗争,支持巴勒斯坦权力机构请求国 际社会承认以 1967 年 6 月的边界为国界并以东耶路 撒冷为其首都的巴勒斯坦国。
The Comoros has always supported the struggle of the brotherly Palestinian [...]
people and supports the request of the Palestinian
authorities to the international community for the recognition of a Palestinian State in its borders of June 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital.
主席女士,我们还对你和安全理事会其他成员在 当巴勒斯坦人斗争历 史上的重要时刻安排举行 本次辩论会深表感谢。
We further express our deep appreciation to you, Madam President, and other members of the
Security Council for arranging this debate at this critical moment
[...] in the history of the struggle of the Palestinian people.
14 16. 2004 年 11 月 19 日欧洲委员会议会政治事务委员会关于“欧安组织明斯克会
[...] 议处理的有关纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫的冲突”的报告中强调:“除阿塞拜疆境内的当 地亚美尼亚族人外,来自亚美尼亚的亚美尼亚族人也参加了有关纳戈尔诺-卡巴赫的武装斗”。
In the report of the Political Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe concerning “The Conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh Region Dealt with by the OSCE Minsk Conference”, dated 29 November 2004, it was emphasized that:
“Armenians from Armenia had participated in
[...] the armed fighting over the Nagorno-Karabakh region [...]
besides local Armenians from within Azerbaijan”.15 17.
过去 19
[...] 年来古巴深得国际支持反对美国政府实施的政策这一事实,表明巴人民的斗争在 国际上越来越赢得同情,确切证明国际社会几乎一致反对这个不 [...]
The fact that in the past 19 years Cuba has obtained significant international support against the policy imposed by the United States Government
is a sign of the increasing sympathy
[...] which the struggle of the Cuban people is eliciting [...]
at the international level and
convincing proof of the almost unanimous rejection by the international community of this inhuman policy.
12 时 40 分至 14 时,两架以色列敌斗机侵犯黎巴嫩 领 空,从 Kafr Kila 上空入境,在黎巴嫩各地区上空盘旋,最后从沿海上空飞离纳库拉。
Between 1240 hours and 1400 hours, two enemy Israeli warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. They circled over all Lebanese regions, and departed over the sea off al-Naqurah.
委员会欢迎巴勒斯坦成为联合国教育、科学及文化组织的正式成员,并呼吁 成员国加大力度,支持巴勒斯坦人民按照联合国有关决议获得充分权利和建立一 个独巴勒斯坦国斗争,支持巴勒 斯坦争取成为国际论坛、组织和机构正式成 员的努力,加倍努力、提供帮助以支持巴勒斯坦人民坚忍不拔的精神,并确保他 们在自己土地上继续生存。
The Commission welcomed Palestine’s full membership of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and called upon member States to raise the level of their support for the Palestinian people in their struggle to obtain their full rights and establish an independent Palestinian State in accordance with relevant resolutions of the United Nations, support Palestine’s efforts to obtain full membership in international forums, organizations and bodies, and redouble efforts and support to reinforce the resilience of the Palestinian people and ensure their continued existence on their land.
因此,我们对该决议投赞成票,要求立即终止这种使该加勒比岛国痛苦不 堪的种族灭绝式措施。几内亚比绍的立场不会改变,支持 巴 与 封锁 作 斗 争 的事 业。
Guinea-Bissau’s position will always be that of
[...] unflagging unity with Cuba’s cause in the fight against the [...]
21时10分四架以色列斗机侵犯黎巴嫩 领 空,在 巴嫩 领 水上空盘旋,从西部飞向南部,最后于 21 时 11 分飞离。
They circled over Lebanese territorial waters, flying from the west to the south before leaving at 2111 hours.
20 时 35 分 一架以色列敌方斗机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空 盘旋,然后于 20 时 38 分飞离。
2035 An Israeli enemy warplane violated Lebanese airspace, circling over the South before leaving at 2038 hours.
继续努力与任何理由的歧视和暴力侵害妇女和女孩的行为 斗争 (古)
Continue efforts to combat discrimination on any ground and violence
[...] against women and girls (Cuba)
在扎林盖地区,2010 年 3
[...] 月至 9 月,米塞里亚部落和雷扎伊加特-纳 巴部 落发生斗,估计造成 700 死亡,为了改善扎林盖地区的部族关系,达尔富尔混 [...]
合行动 5 月为在 Hillabeyda(扎林盖以东 25 公里)举行的部族间会议提供了大力 支持。
With a view to improving intercommunal relations in the
[...] Zalingei area — where fighting between Misseriya and [...]
Rezeigat-Nawaiba claimed an estimated
700 lives from March to September 2010 — UNAMID provided substantial support to an intertribal conference in Hillabeyda (25 km east of Zalingei) on 10 May.
根据哈马斯恐怖组织、其他斗集团 和 巴 勒 斯 坦非 政府组织的一些不实报告和数字,以色列国被无端地指控为故意针对无辜平民的 [...]
On the basis of unsubstantiated reports and figures from the
Hamas terrorist organization, other
[...] militant groups and Palestinian non-governmental [...]
organizations, the State of Israel was
falsely accused of deliberately targeting innocent civilian life and objects.
22 时,两架以色列敌斗机侵犯黎巴嫩 领 空,从 Rumaysh 上空入境向北飞, 在黎巴嫩各地区上空盘旋,最后于 2009 年 1 月 18 日 0 时 5 分从纳库拉上空飞离。
At 2200 hours, two enemy Israeli warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh and flying north.
23 时 5 分,两架以色列敌斗机侵犯黎巴嫩 领 空,从`Aytarun 上空入境, 在黎巴嫩各地区上空盘旋,最后于 2009 年 1 月 20 日 0 时 40 分从`Alma al-Sha`b 上空飞离。
At 2305 hours, two enemy Israeli warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over `Aytarun. They circled over all Lebanese regions, and departed on 20 January 2009 at 0040 hours over `Alma al-Sha`b.
多民族玻利维亚国共同支持这一国 斗 争 , 支持 巴 , 支 持反对这种单方面 措施的大会第 64/6 号决议,并承诺遵守《联合国宪章》和国际法,奉行多边主 义。
The Plurinational State of Bolivia joins
[...] in endorsing this battle that is being fought on the international front and expresses its support for Cuba and, consequently, [...]
its support for
General Assembly resolution 64/6, which reflects the repudiation of this type of unilateral measure, as well as its commitment to the Charter of the United Nations, international law and multilateralism.
2001年至2005 年期间被关押在中央情报局拘留所的94 名囚犯中的人员。法官贝兹认为,布什政府将这些被拘留者不作为战俘而作为 “非法敌方斗员”关押巴格拉 姆,建立了一个审查程序――非法敌方战斗人 员审查委员会,在这个审查委员会内,“被拘留者甚至不能为其自身辩解,他们 只能提交一份书面陈述。
Judge Bates found that, in holding detainees at Bagram not as prisoners of war but as “unlawful enemy combatants”, the Bush administration had put in place a review process, the Unlawful Enemy Combatant Review Board, in which “detainees cannot even speak for themselves; they are only permitted to submit a written statement.




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