

单词 巴伊兰大学

See also:


Dutch studies (study of Europe and the world in premodern Japan)


a big coach
tourist bus

External sources (not reviewed)

巴尔-伊兰大学法律 教研室,教学和研究领域有:家庭法律;男女平等主义 者的法律批判;妇女与宗教;国际妇女权利。
Bar-Ilan Law Faculty: teaching and [...]
research areas: family law; feminist critic of law; women and religion; international women’s rights
巴尔-伊兰大学鲁特 和伊曼纽尔·拉克曼促进妇女地位国际中心主任,以色 列拉马特甘
Director, the Ruth and Emanuel Rackman International Center for the Advancement of the Status Women, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
(iii) 中心将制定其涵盖领域的全年培训计划(启动年 6 个,此后每年 12 个), 由以色列各大高校根据各自的专长来实施,主要包括魏兹曼科学研究院、耶 路撒冷希伯来大学、特拉维夫大学、海法大学、以色列科技(Technion)学、巴伊兰大学、本-古里安大学和农业研究组织(Volcani 研究所); (iv) 中心将利用这些具体领域现有的硕士和博士后研究与培训计划、奖学金和奖 项开展活动。
(iii) It will provide full-year training programmes (six in the start-up year and 12 annually thereafter) on fields covered by the Centre, to be hosted by various Israeli universities according to their expertise, notably, the Weizmann Institute of Science, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Tel Aviv University, the Haifa University, the Israel University of Technology (Technion), the Bar Llan University, the Ben-Gurion University and the Agricultural Research Organization (Volcani Institute).
由以 色列所有大学根据它们的的专业特长来承担,其中主要是魏兹曼科学研究院、耶 路撒冷希伯来大学、特拉维夫大学、海法大学、以色列科技(Technion) 学、 巴伊兰大学、 本-古里安大学和农业研究组织(Volcani 研究所
University of Jerusalem, the Tel Aviv
University, the Haifa
[...] University, the Israel University of Technology (Technion), the Bar Llan University, the Ben-Gurion University and the Agricultural Research Organization (Volcani Institute).
目前,主办天基信息平台各区域支助办事处的有六个国家机构 (阿尔及利亚空间局伊朗空 间局、尼日利亚国家空间研究和发展局、巴基斯 坦空间和高层大气研究委员会、罗马尼亚空间局和乌 兰 国 家 空间局)和四个 区域组织(位于日本神户的亚洲减灾中心、位于内罗毕的资源测绘促进发展区 域中心、位于特立尼达和多巴哥圣奥古斯丁的西印度群 大学 和 位 于 巴 拿 马 城 的拉丁美洲和加勒比潮湿热带地区水中心)。
Currently, UN-SPIDER regional support offices are being hosted by six national
organizations (the Algerian
[...] Space Agency, the Iranian Space Agency, the Nigerian National Space Research and Development Agency, the Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission, the Romanian Space Agency and the National Space Agency of Ukraine) and by four regional organizations (the Asian Disaster Reduction Center, based in Kobe, Japan; the Regional Center for Mapping of Resources for Development, based in Nairobi; the University of the West Indies, based in St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago; and the Water Center for the Humid Tropics of Latin America and the Caribbean (CATHALAC), based in Panama City).
以下与会者作了发言大韩民 国教育、科学和技术部第一副部长薛东健 (Dong-Kun Sul) 先生,喀麦隆科学研究和创新部部长玛 兰 · 春 特 女士阁下,埃 及学研究和技术部部长阿姆尔·伊 扎 特·萨拉姆先生阁下,马耳他科学和技术 理事会总裁尼古拉斯·萨马特先生,黑山科学部部长萨尼娅·维亚霍维奇女士阁 下巴基斯坦联邦科学和技术部部长厄尔凡·南迪穆·赛义德先生,菲律宾科学 技术部副部长福图纳托·德拉佩尼亚先生, 巴 布 韦科学和技术发展部部长亨 利·季诺提维伊先生阁下,加纳环境、科学和技术部部长谢丽·阿伊泰女士。
Presentations were made by the following participants: Mr.
[...] Dong-Kun Sul, First Vice-Minister of Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Korea; H.E. Ms. Madeleine Tchuinte, Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation of Cameroon; H.E. Mr. Amr Ezzat Salama, Minister of Scientific Research and Technology of Egypt; Mr. Nicholas Sammut, CEO, Council for Science and Technology of Malta; H.E. Ms. Sanja Viahović, Minister of Science of Montenegro; Mr. Irfan Nadeem Sayeed, Federal Secretary, Ministry of Science and Technology of Pakistan; Mr. Fortunato T. De la Peña, Undersecretary, Department of Science and Technology [...]
of the Philippines; H.E. Mr. Henry Dzinotyiweyi, Minister of Science and Technology Development of Zimbabwe; and Ms. Shery Ayittey, Minister
of Environment, Science and Technology of Ghana.
印度尼西亚还继续积极促进真正的对话,以推进人权事业, 大 各 文 明、 文化和宗教之间的理解,途径是通过各种双边、区域和区域间举措,包括巴厘民 主论坛、亚太区域宗教间对话、全球媒体间对话、国 伊 斯 兰学 者 会 议、关巴 勒斯 坦能力建设问题的亚非新型战略伙伴关系国际会议。
Indonesia also continues to actively promote genuine dialogues to advance human rights causes and to broaden understanding among civilizations, cultures and religions through various bilateral, regional and
interregional initiatives, which include
[...] the Bali Democracy Forum, Asia-Pacific regional interfaith dialogues, global inter-media dialogues, the International Conference of Islamic Scholars and the New Asian-African Strategic Partnership international conference on capacity-building for Palestine.
在一般性意见交流过程中,下列国家代表发了言: 阿尔及利亚、澳大利亚、贝宁、巴西、智利(代表拉美及加勒比国家共同体)、中 国、古巴、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、厄瓜多尔、埃及、法国、印度、印度尼西 亚(代表不结盟运动)、伊朗伊斯兰 共和国、日本、哈萨克斯坦、尼泊尔、尼日利 亚(以本国身份并代表非洲集团)、挪威 巴 基 斯 坦、 兰 、 大 韩 民国、俄罗斯联 邦、瑞典、瑞士、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、美利坚合众国和越南。
Representatives of the following countries made statements during the general exchange of views: Algeria, Australia, Benin, Brazil, Chile (on behalf of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States), China, Cuba, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Ecuador, Egypt, France, India, Indonesia (on
behalf of the Non-Aligned
[...] Movement), Iran (Islamic Republic of), Japan, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Nigeria (in its national capacity and on behalf of the Group of African States), Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Republic of Korea, Russian [...]
Federation, Sweden,
Switzerland, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America and Viet Nam.
以下理事会成员国派代表出席了本届会议:安提瓜和巴布达、阿根廷、澳大 利亚、孟加拉国、比利时、巴西、加拿大、中非共和国、智利、中国、哥伦比亚、 刚果、古巴、捷克共和国、厄瓜多尔、埃及、斐济、法国、格鲁吉亚、德国、印 度、印度尼西亚伊朗伊斯兰共和 国、以色列、意大利、日本、肯尼亚、利比里 亚、马来西亚、毛里求斯、墨西哥、莫桑比克、荷兰、尼日利亚、挪威 巴 基斯 坦、兰、大韩民国、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯联邦、沙特阿拉伯、塞内加尔、西班牙、 苏丹、瑞士、泰国、多哥、特立尼达和 巴 哥 、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、 坦桑尼亚联合共和国、美利坚合众国、乌拉圭、赞比亚。
The following States members of the Governing Council were represented at the session: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Central African
Republic, Chile, China,
[...] Colombia, Congo, Cuba, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Fiji, France, Georgia, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Liberia, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Mozambique, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Spain, Sudan, Switzerland, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad [...]
and Tobago, United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United Republic of Tanzania, United States of America, Uruguay, Zambia.
以下亚太经社会成员派代表出席了本届会议:阿富汗、澳大利 亚、孟加拉国、不丹、文莱达鲁萨兰国、柬埔寨、中国、印度、印度 尼西亚伊朗伊斯兰共和 国、日本、老挝人民民主共和国、马来西 亚、蒙古、缅甸、尼泊尔巴基斯坦、帕劳、菲律宾 大 韩 民 国、俄 罗斯联邦、萨摩亚、所罗门群岛、斯里兰卡、泰国、美利坚合众国和 越南。
The Committee session was attended by representatives of the following members of ESCAP: Afghanistan; Australia; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Brunei
Darussalam; Cambodia; China;
[...] India; Indonesia; Iran (Islamic Republic of); Japan; Lao People’s Democratic Republic; Malaysia; Mongolia; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; Palau; Philippines; Republic of Korea; Russian [...]
Federation; Samoa;
Solomon Islands; Sri Lanka; Thailand; United States of America; and Viet Nam.
一大批具体的建议已提交给对话的协调员,如建 大学 的 对 话与网络;青年科学家的 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实习记者和资深新闻工作者的 对话;举行青年论坛;重新启动文学作品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; 学校教科书的比较研究;文化产业专业人士的对话;举办跨地区会议,探讨欧洲历史教科书 中阿拉伊斯兰文化的形象。
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the
Dialogue, such as: dialogue
[...] and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue among student journalists and seasoned media practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European [...]
history books.
国际合作:在瑞士的支持下举办《公约》40 周年的活动;与国际刑警组织(2010 年 2 月联合举办有关非法贩运的会议,充实被盗作品数据库,引起对财产清单的关注)、国际博
物馆理事会(拟定海地和柬埔寨的红色名录,日内瓦 Barbier-Mueller 博物馆向坦桑尼亚联合 共和国归还 Makonde
[...] 面具)与毒品和犯罪问题办事处合作;加强与国际拍卖公司的关系; 加强与学术机构的合作(日内瓦艺术法律中心、墨西哥统一法中心、 兰大学 和 巴 黎大 学)。
Fortieth anniversary of the Convention with the support of Switzerland; cooperation with INTERPOL (joint meeting on trafficking in February 2010, contribution to the Stolen Works of Art Database, raising awareness of inventories), with the International Council of Museums (ICOM) (preparation of the ICOM Red Lists for Haiti and Cambodia, restitution of the Makonde Mask by the Barbier-Mueller Museum, Geneva, to the United Republic of Tanzania) and with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) strengthening relations with international auction houses; strengthening cooperation with
academic institutions (the Geneva Art-Law Centre, the Mexican Centre of
[...] Uniform Law and the Universities of Milan and Paris).
围绕着“文明的和谐与共同繁荣”的总主题,北京论坛除了每年举办年会,还成功举办了多场高端演讲和文明对话活动,其中包括美国麻省理工学院乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)教授北京大学演讲会、哈 大学 霍 米 巴巴 ( Ho mi Bhabha)教授北大学演讲会、林毅夫对话诺贝尔经 学 奖 得主 、 伊 斯 兰 与 儒家文明的对话、基督教与儒家文明的对话、轴心文明的对话等。
With the general theme of “The Harmony of Civilizations and Prosperity for All”, Beijing Forum has held several lectures and dialogues in addition to the annual conference, including the lecture of Prof. Noam Chomsky of MIT at PKU, the
lecture of Prof. Homi Bhabha
[...] of Harvard University at PKU, the dialogue between Justin Yifu Lin and Nobel Laureates in Economics of Roger Myerson and James Mirrlees, Islamic-Confucian Dialogue, [...]
the Christian–Confucian
Dialogue, Dialogue on Axial-Age Civilizations, etc.
以下亚太经社会成员的代表出席了会议:阿富汗、亚美尼亚、大利亚 、阿塞拜疆、孟加拉国、不丹、文莱达鲁萨兰国、中国、法国、印 度尼西亚伊朗伊斯兰共和 国、日本、哈萨克斯坦、基 巴 斯 、 吉尔吉斯 斯坦、老挝人民民主共和国、马来西亚、马尔代夫、蒙古、缅甸、尼泊尔、 新西兰巴基斯 坦、帕劳、菲律宾、萨摩亚、新加坡、所罗门群岛、斯里 兰卡、泰国、东帝汶、汤加、图瓦卢、美利坚合众国、瓦努阿图和越南。
55. The meeting was attended by representatives of the following members of ESCAP: Afghanistan; Armenia; Australia; Azerbaijan; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Brunei Darussalam; China; France; Indonesia; Iran (Islamic Republic of); Japan; Kazakhstan; Kiribati; Kyrgyzstan; Lao People’s Democratic Republic; Malaysia; Maldives; Mongolia; Myanmar; Nepal; New Zealand; Pakistan; Palau; Philippines; [...]
Samoa; Singapore;
Solomon Islands; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Timor-Leste; Tonga; Tuvalu; United States of America; Vanuatu; and Viet Nam.
然而,委员会依然关切缔约国颁布条例禁止妇女和女童 在政府机关以及中小学大学中佩戴 伊 斯 兰 面 巾
Nevertheless the Committee remains concerned at
regulations prohibiting the
[...] wearing of an Islamic headscarf (hijab) by women and girls in Government offices and in schools and universities.
[...] 亚、奥地利、保加利亚、加拿大、乍得、哥斯达黎加、捷克共和国、丹麦、埃 及、芬兰、德国、希腊、海地、教廷、匈牙利、印度、印度尼西亚、伊 伊 斯兰 共和国、爱兰、意大利、 列支敦士登、立陶宛、毛里塔尼亚、摩洛哥、荷兰、 新西兰巴拉圭、秘鲁、葡萄牙、卢旺达、圣马力诺、塞尔维亚、新加坡、斯洛 文尼亚、南非、瑞典、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、前南斯拉夫马其顿共和国、突尼 斯、土耳其、玻利瓦尔委内瑞拉共和国以及津巴布韦。
The following States and observers also participated in the meetings of the Working Group: Algeria, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Chad, Costa Rica, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland,
Germany, Greece, Haiti,
[...] the Holy See, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Mauritania, Morocco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, [...]
Rwanda, San Marino,
Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden, the Syrian Arab Republic, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Tunisia, Turkey, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) and Zimbabwe.
委员会下列 56 个成员国的代表出席了会议:阿尔及利亚、阿根廷、澳大利 亚、奥地利、阿塞拜疆、比利时、多民族玻利维亚国、巴西、布基纳法索、加 拿大、智利、中国、哥伦比亚、巴 、 捷 克共和国、厄瓜多尔、法国、德国、 匈牙利、印度、印度尼西亚、伊伊 斯 兰 共 和国 、 伊 拉 克、 意 大 利 、 日本、哈 萨克斯坦、肯尼亚、巴嫩、 利比亚、马来西亚、墨西哥、摩洛哥、尼日利 亚巴基斯坦、秘鲁、菲律宾、波兰、葡萄牙、大韩民国、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯 联邦、沙特阿拉伯、斯洛伐克、南非、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、阿拉伯叙利亚共 和国、突尼斯、土耳其、乌克兰、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、美利坚合众 国、乌拉圭、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国、越南。
Representatives of the following 56 member States of the Committee attended the session: Algeria, Argentina,
Australia, Austria,
[...] Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Burkina Faso, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Ecuador, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, [...]
Peru, Philippines,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) and Viet Nam.
[...] 议:白俄罗斯、贝宁、保加利亚、喀麦隆、加拿大、智利、中国、哥伦比亚、 捷克共和国、埃及、萨尔瓦多、德国、希腊、危地马拉、印度、伊 伊 斯 兰共 和 国、意大利、日本、马达加斯加、马来西亚、 墨西哥、摩洛哥、巴基斯坦巴拉圭、波兰、大韩民 国、俄罗斯联邦、塞内加尔、西班牙、斯里兰卡、瑞 士、泰国、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、美利坚合众国、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔 [...]
The session was attended by representatives of the following States members of the Working Group: Belarus, Benin, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Egypt, El
Salvador, Germany,
[...] Greece, Guatemala, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Italy, Japan, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, Paraguay, Poland, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, [...]
Senegal, Spain, Sri
Lanka, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of).
工作组由下列国家组成:阿尔及利亚、阿根廷、亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、奥 地利、巴林、贝宁、多民族玻利维亚国、博茨瓦纳、巴西、保加利亚、喀麦 隆、加拿大、智利、中国、哥伦比亚、捷克共和国、埃及、萨尔瓦多、斐济、 法国、加蓬、格鲁吉亚、德国、希腊、洪都拉斯、印度、伊 伊 斯 兰 共 和 国、 以色列、意大利、日本、约旦、肯尼亚、拉脱维亚、马来西亚、马耳他、毛里 求斯、墨西哥、摩洛哥、纳米比亚、尼日利亚、挪威、巴基斯坦 巴 拉 圭 、菲 律宾、兰、大韩民国、俄罗斯联邦、塞内加尔、新加坡、南非、西班牙、斯 里兰卡、泰国、土耳其、乌干达、乌克兰、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、美 利坚合众国和委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国。
The Working Group is composed of the following States: Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Benin, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Egypt, El Salvador,
Fiji, France, Gabon,
[...] Georgia, Germany, Greece, Honduras, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Latvia, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines, Poland, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Senegal, Singapore, [...]
South Africa,
Spain, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of).
(a) 一个教科文组织小组访问了马来西亚科学院、马来西亚标准与工业研究院
[...] (SIRIM)、世界工业技术研究组织协会秘书处(WAITRO)、马来西亚国伊 斯兰大学、以 及科技与创新部(MOSTI)下属的几个机构,如科技处、马来西亚 [...]
科技园、多媒体开发公司、马来西亚气象局、马来西亚遥感研究所和马来西亚国 家科学中心等。
(a) A UNESCO team visited the Academy of Science Malaysia, The Malaysia Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM), the Secretariat of the World Association of Industrial
Research Organizations (WAITRO), the
[...] International Islamic University Malaysia, and several [...]
institutions under the umbrella
of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), such as: Division of Science and Technology, Technology Park Malaysia, Multi-Media Development Corporation, Malaysia Meteorological Department, Malaysia Remote Sensing Institute and National Science Centre Malaysia.
许多非洲国家大力支持联合国不同文明联盟和其他类似举措,包括联合国教 育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)、伊斯兰合作组织 伊 斯 兰 教 育、 科 学 和 文 化 组织等开展的举措,以及设在埃及亚历 大 的 安 娜·林德欧洲-地中海文化间对 话基金会在欧洲和地中海区域开展的举措。
Many African States strongly support the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and other similar initiatives, including those of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO), the
[...] Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and, in the context [...]
of Europe and the
Mediterranean, the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures, based in Alexandria, Egypt.
2011 年秋季,国际专家在当地专业人员,包括加 伊 斯 兰大学 建 筑保护学科的教授们的协助下, 挽救了拜占庭遗址的关键部分,避免了倒塌和不可挽回的损失,如马赛克地板和据说埋葬着 [...]
Levant 修道院创始人圣希拉容遗体的地下室。
During autumn 2011, international experts, assisted by local professionals,
including professors of architectural
[...] conservation at the Islamic University of Gaza, rescued [...]
key parts of the Byzantine site from
collapse and irreversible loss, such a mosaics floors and the crypt where it is believed is buried the body of Saint Hilarion, founder of the monastic life in the Levant.
这个项目着眼于那些科学、技术、工程和数学专业的学生 巴尔 的摩县马兰大学 (UMB C) 的麦耶霍夫学者项目旨在帮助那些 有前途的本科学生取得成功,为他们能够进入研究生院的科学和 [...]
工程专业就读做好准备;院校合作委员会(涉及十大高校和芝加 哥大学)通过其暑期研究机会项目
(SROP) 为学生和教职员工提 供很多研究机会。
For example, the University of California’s Leadership Excellence through Advanced Degrees (UC LEADS) program focuses on students in the STEM disciplines;
the Meyerhoff Scholars Program
[...] at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) works [...]
to help promising undergraduates
thrive and prepare themselves for graduate school in the fields of science and engineering; and the Committee for Institutional Cooperation (involving the Big Ten schools and the University of Chicago), has provided opportunities for both students and faculty as part of the Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP).
书记官长在法庭还接待了一些官员和组织人员,包括 巴 嫩 巴 卜 达 的安东大学代表、伊拉克 法官团以及波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维纳法院战争罪分庭法官检察 官团。
Visits were made by representatives
[...] of Antonine University, in Baabda, Lebanon; by a group of judges from Iraq; and by a group [...]
of judges and prosecutors
from the War Crimes Chamber of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
如备忘录第 1 段和有关发言所述,在全权证书委员会开会时,已根据议事规 则第 3
[...] 条收到了下列 42 个国家出席第二次老龄问题世界大会代表的正式全权证 书:安道尔、阿塞拜疆、巴哈马、中国、克罗地亚、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、加 蓬、几内亚、教廷、冰岛伊朗伊斯 兰 共和国 伊 拉 克、牙买加、日本、约旦、 科威特、列支敦士登、马耳他、莫桑比克、缅甸、尼泊尔、 兰 、 巴 拿 马 、葡萄 牙、卡塔尔大韩民 国、斯洛伐克、西班牙、斯里兰卡、瑞典、瑞士、阿拉伯叙 利亚共和国、泰国、多哥、特立尼达和多巴哥、突尼斯、土耳其、乌拉圭、委内 瑞拉、越南和津巴布韦。
As noted in paragraph 1 of the memorandum and the statement relating thereto, formal credentials of representatives to the Second World Assembly on Ageing, in the form required by rule 3 of the rules of procedure of the Assembly, had been received at the time of the meeting of the Credentials Committee from the following 42 States: Andorra, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, China, Croatia, the Dominican
[...] Finland, Gabon, Guinea, the Holy See, Iceland, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Malta, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, the Netherlands, Panama, Portugal, Qatar, the Republic of Korea, [...]
Slovakia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden,
Switzerland, the Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela, Viet Nam and Zimbabwe.
经济及社会理事会在其第 2011/201 B 号决定中提名下列十二个会员国,大会第 六十六届会议选举,委员会成员任期三年,从 2012 年 1 月 1 日开始:阿 根廷、白俄罗斯、巴西、保加利亚、喀麦隆、 巴 、 伊 朗( 伊 斯 兰 共 和 国)、马来 西亚、巴基斯坦、摩尔多瓦共和国、乌拉圭和津巴布韦。
By its decision 2011/201 B, the Economic and Social Council nominated the following 12 Member States for
election by the General Assembly at its
[...] sixty-sixth session for a three-year term beginning on 1 January 2012: Argentina, Belarus, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Cuba, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Malaysia, Pakistan, Republic of Moldova, Uruguay and Zimbabwe.
过去数年中网络得到了扩大,如今包括下 述 48 个国家:澳大利亚、博茨瓦纳巴西 、加 拿 大 、 智利、中国、哥斯达黎加、 埃及、爱沙尼亚、埃塞俄比亚、芬兰、法国、德国、加纳、希腊、冰岛、印度、 印度尼西亚、爱兰、伊朗伊斯兰共 和国、以色列、日本、拉脱维亚、马来西亚、 毛里求斯、蒙古、尼泊尔、尼日利亚、挪威 巴 基 斯坦、秘鲁、菲律宾、波兰、 新加坡、斯洛伐克、南非、斯里兰卡、瑞典、土耳其、乌 兰 、 大 不 列颠及北爱 尔兰联合王国、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、美利坚合众国和赞比亚。
The network has expanded in the past years and is now composed of the following 48 countries: Australia, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Islamic Republic of Iran, Israel, Japan, Latvia, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mongolia, Nepal, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great [...]
Britain and Northern Ireland, United Republic
of Tanzania, United States of America and Zambia.
如备忘录第 1 段及有关发言所述,会议秘书长收到下列 60 个会员国按照会 议议事规则第 3
[...] 条规定的格式提交的本国与会代表的正式全权证书:阿尔巴尼亚、 澳大利亚、奥地利、巴哈马、巴林、巴巴多斯、白俄罗斯、比利时、巴西、保加 利亚、智利、中国、哥斯达黎加、克罗地亚、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱 沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、圭亚那、罗马教廷、匈牙利、冰岛 伊 朗 伊 斯 兰共 和国、爱尔兰、以色列、意大利、牙买加、日本、莱索托、列支敦士登、立陶宛、 卢森堡、马来西亚、马里、墨西哥、黑山、纳米比亚、荷兰、挪威、阿曼 巴拿 马兰、大韩民 国、罗马尼亚、圣马力诺、塞尔维亚、新加坡、斯洛文尼亚、 南非、苏丹、泰国、多哥、特立尼达和多巴哥、乌克兰、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、 美利坚合众国、越南。
As indicated in paragraph 1 of the memorandum and the related statement, formal credentials of representatives to the Conference, in the form required by rule 3 of the rules of procedure of the Conference, had been submitted to the Secretary-General of the Conference by the following 60 States: Albania, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany,
[...] Guyana, Holy See, Hungary, Iceland, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mali, Mexico, Montenegro, Namibia, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Panama, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, [...]
Singapore, Slovenia,
South Africa, Sudan, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Ukraine, United Republic of Tanzania, United States of America and Viet Nam.
在 2 月 10 日第 5
[...] 次会议上,委员会继续对项目 3(a)进行一般性讨论,并听 取了美国、巴基斯坦、埃及、危地马拉、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国、卡塔尔、巴、大韩民国、安道尔伊朗伊斯兰 共 和 国和斯洛伐克代表的发言。
At the 5th meeting, on 10 February, the Commission continued its general discussion of item 3 (a) and heard statements by the representatives of the United States, Pakistan, Egypt, Guatemala, the
Bolivarian Republic of
[...] Venezuela, Qatar, Cuba, the Republic of Korea, Andorra, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Slovakia.




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