单词 | 巳蛇 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 巳蛇—Year 6, year of the Snake (e.g. 2001)See also:巳—6th earthly branch: 9-11 a.m., 4th solar month (5th May-5th June), year of the Snake 蛇n—snaken snakespl 蛇—serpent
邮票的设计槪念以「蛇」的各种形态与“金、木、水、火、土”的特质结合,岁次癸巳,蛇的五行属性为水,所以五枚邮票中「水蛇」是今次的主角。 hongkongpoststamps.hk | The design of the stamp combines the [...] different forms of the snake andthe distinguishing [...]characteristics of "Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth". hongkongpoststamps.hk |
海丽商场巳於20 05年中落成,为海丽邨及邻近私人屋苑居民的购物消费中心点。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Completed in 2005, Hoi Lai Shopping Centre has become a shopping place for residents of Hoi Lai Estate and the nearby private housing courts. housingauthority.gov.hk |
大唐巳向本公司寻求解除一项在大唐股权购买协议完成日期起两年期间内未得本公司事先书面同意前不得 [...] 转让任何大唐现有股份的禁售限制。 cre8ir.com | Datang has sought from the [...] Company a release from the lock-up restriction not to transfer any Datang Existing Shares without [...]prior written consent of the Company for a period of two years from the date of completion of the Datang Share Purchase Agreement. cre8ir.com |
ASIA FRESH 是一家由智利农业工程师带领下,与亚洲和智利不同地区的农业综合部门有联系相关项目和企业的单位巳有 10年以上经验。 asiafresh.net | Asia Fresh is a company led by a Chilean Agricultural Engineer, linked to activities and businesses in different agroindustrial fields between China / Asia and Chile for about 10years. asiafresh.net |
他说,他在军营内遭到了酷刑,但是在审 [...] 讯时没有,而且说他被施以溺刑和强制体位,他还记得被带到了一间 放满了蛇的房间,蛇被关在笼子里,看守威胁他说如果不交待他在阿 [...]富汗所做的一切就将笼子打开。 daccess-ods.un.org | He said that torture took place in the barracks but not during the interrogations, and that he was subjected to drowning [...] and stress positions, and recalled a [...] room fullof caged snakes thatguardsthreatened [...]to open if he did not speak about [...]what he had done in Afghanistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
整个民意研究组巳密锣紧鼓,筹备选举当日的票站调查,及选举前的选举民意调查。 hkupop.hku.hk | The POP Team is now busily preparing for the exit poll and various pre-election studies. hkupop.hku.hk |
符合这个规格的一些品牌产品巳列出在 B 部份之最後驱动齿轮箱文中。 umcproducts.com | Some common brands meeting this specification are listed in section B of Final Drive Gearbox. umcproducts.com |
本公司对以各成员名义注册之所有股份及发行股份所得收入具有至高无上之留置权,用来 [...] 偿还其单独或与其他任何人士共同承担或对或与本公司共同承担之债款、负债及债务,而不论 其付款、清偿或偿还期限巳到期与否 而且该种留置权应延伸而适用於时时宣布之有关股份一切 [...]股息。 readymade.com.hk | The Company shall have the first and paramount lien upon all the shares registered in the name of each Member and upon the proceeds of sale thereof, for his debts, liabilities and engagements, solely or jointly with any other person, to or with the Company, whether the period for [...] the payment, fulfilment or discharge thereof [...] shall have actually arrived or [...]not, and such lien shall extend to all dividends [...]from time to time declared in respect of such shares. readymade.com.hk |
石排湾商场位於香港仔渔光道,属石排湾邨重建发展计划的一部分,商场毗邻渔晖苑,邻近有香港仔郊野公园及香港仔水塘,巳於 2005年10月落成。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Shek Pai Wan Shopping Centre, located on Yue Kwong Road, Aberdeen, is part of the Shek Pai Wan Estate Redevelopment Project. housingauthority.gov.hk |
本年内, 本会巳着手为即将实施的最低工资( SMW) 法例所带来的挑战作准备。 hksb.org.hk | Thisyear,we had to make preparations to meet the challenges arising from the enactment of Statutory Minimum Wage (SMW) Ordinance. hksb.org.hk |
日本厂商辰巳电子工业株式会社推出的「HONEY HEART」,是一款以女生最憧憬的小脸拍摄作为号招,同时也是专为女性设计的照相贴纸机。 taiwanslot.com.tw | Honey Heart rolled out by [...] Japan-based TatsumiElectronics [...]Co. is a photo sticker machine specially designed for female users [...]and features the small face photography highly appreciated by girls. taiwanslot.com.tw |
工程组负责预制建筑物、发电机、桥梁、工程支持、有刺铁丝网、捆扎用 铁丝、蛇腹形铁丝网、篾筐、沙包、木材和胶合板以及水处理和供电用品的采购, 以支持维和特派团。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Engineering Team is responsible for the procurement of prefabricated buildings; generators; bridges; engineering support; barbed, binding and concertina wire; gabions; sandbags, timber and plywood; and water treatment and electrical supplies in support of peacekeeping missions. daccess-ods.un.org |
1.5.3巳完成的调查是以经常与青年人有接触的团体或个人为对 象,而特意不就公衆 舆論加以调查。 hkreform.gov.hk | The survey conducted was purposely not a public opinion survey, but was a survey of those organisations or members of the public having dealings with young persons in their day to day activities. hkreform.gov.hk |
图为辰巳电子推出的照相贴纸机-「HONEY HEART」。 taiwanslot.com.tw | The photo sticker machines [...] rolled outby TatsumiElectronics--- [...]“Honey Heart” . taiwanslot.com.tw |
总括而言,各服务单位在满足服务对象不同的需要上巳取得重大成就。 hksb.org.hk | All in all, substantial achievements [...] have been made among individual services to meet the various needs of our service users. hksb.org.hk |
卫生署十分关 [...] 注方便残疾人士获取医疗卫生服务的需要,现时大部分母婴健康院及妇女健康中心巳备有专为残疾人士而设的无障碍设施,本署亦会继续推行有关计划,改善各 [...]健康中心的设施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most of the MCHCs and WHCs have provision to cater for persons with disabilities and there are ongoing projects to further improve [...] the barrier-free facilities in the health [...] centres, e.g. provisionof more wheelchair [...]accessible gynaecological examination tables in MCHCs. daccess-ods.un.org |
此 外 , 因 工 受 伤 致 死 的 钟 点 家 佣 的 雇 主 须 支 付该巳故雇员 合 理 的 殡 殓 费 和 医 护 费 。 bank.hangseng.com | In addition, for a part-time domestic helper who dies due to a work-related accident, the employer is liable to pay reasonable expenses of funeral and medical attendance on the deceased employee. bank.hangseng.com |
宾州卫生部巳经制定了在六、七年级以及在不分年级的班级里相应年龄(十一至十二岁)的学童中进行 脊椎侧凸的普查的法规。 webapps.philasd.org | The Pennsylvania Department of Health has adopted regulations regarding each child in grades 6 and 7 and age appropriate (11 and 12 years of age) children in ungraded classes to be screened for scoliosis. webapps.philasd.org |
除上述报告购入 [...] Winwill Investment PteLtd巳发行股本之 20﹪,及成立一间名为南联物业管理有限公司之全资附属公 [...]司外,本年度内本集团之结构并无其他改变。 wingtaiproperties.com | Other than the aforesaid investment in 20% [...] of the issued share capital of Winwill [...] Investment Pte Ltd andtheformation [...]of a new wholly-owned subsidiary in the name [...]of Winsor Estate Management Limited, there are no other changes in the Group’s structure. wingtaiproperties.com |
年1月23日,三菱重工印刷纸工机械株式会社(取缔役社长:清水雅巳)与利优比株式会社/Ryobi Limited(代表取缔役社长:浦上 彰)两家公司就开始进行 商业用印刷机事业的业务合作的协商事宜签订了基本协议书,以此向外界发布。 mhi-ppm.com | Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Printing & Packaging Machinery, Ltd. (Masami Shimizu, President) and Ryobi Limited (Akira Urakami, President and COO) herein announce signing a Letter of Intent, dated January 23, 2013, for a joint study on business alliance for commercial printing machinery business. mhi-ppm.com |
满意地注意到特别是过去五十年来众多的前殖民地均巳实现独立,并注意到 许多前托管领土和非自治领土已按照《给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言》行使其 自决和独立权利, 又满意地注意到给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言执行情况特别委员会对促 进《宣言》的目的和宗旨所作出的重要贡献 daccess-ods.un.org | in particular, that during the past fifty years a large number of former colonial Territories have achieved independence and that many former Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories have exercised their right to self determination and independence in accordance with the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples daccess-ods.un.org |
罚则:对应於违犯地点,在违犯队的越位线上罚踢 (f) 参加maul不持球方的球员自动脱离maul集团後,若这时maul集团巳没有其他队友,maul将会继续组成,这时将会有两条越位线,持球方以maul 集团中最後面队友的後脚为越位线,不持球方则以持球方最前面参加 maul球员的前脚为越位线。 irblaws.com | (f) When players of the team who are not in possession of the ball in the maul voluntarily leave the maul such that there are no players of that team left in the maul, the maul may continue and there are two offside lines. irblaws.com |
新一代系统还配有多种高级加工功能:如《矩阵加工》,《镜像加工》,《扫描加工》,《钻孔加工》……该系统备有U盘系统升级功能;凡“啄木鸟”雕刻机合法用户可通过因特网从洛克公司官方网站上直接下载控制系统升级程序,对自已系统进行升级,方便用户不断提高巳有机器的性能,共享洛克公司科研成果,为客户创造价值! roc-cnc.com | The new controller has many kinds of high level functions, like “Duplicate Mode”, “Mirror Image Mode”, “Scanning Mode”, “Drilling Mode” *, etc. With the new DSC controller, updates can be made via files that can be downloaded from ROC-MESE website (only for registered end users). roc-cnc.com |
根 据 上 市 规 则 第 17.04 (1) 条 , 本 公 司 向 董 事( 不 包 括 属 有 关 购 股 权 承 授 人 的 本 公 司 独 立 非 执 行 董 事 )、 鲜 清 平 先 生 与 鲜 帆 先 生 授 出 购 股 权 一事巳经本公 司 独 立 非 执 行 董 事 批 准 。 hidili.com.cn | In accordance with Rule 17.04(1) of the Listing Rules, the grant of Share Options to directors (excluding the independent non-executive director of the Company who is the grantee of the Relevant Share Options), Mr. Xian Qingping and Mr. Xian Fan has been approved by the independent non-executive directorsof the Company. hidili.com.cn |