

单词 己所不欲,勿施於人

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作为饱受战祸之苦的民族, 我们深知和平的可贵,更懂得己所不欲勿施道理。
As a nation repeatedly plagued by the scourge of war, we fully
appreciate the value of peace, and also the
[...] wisdom of “Do not do untoothers what you would not have others do unto you”.
本人经营NU LIFE业务的基本原则是每当进行推广业务活动时,必定要以诚实、尽力、可靠及公平的态度对待所接洽己所不欲勿施
As the basic principle, I will act honestly
[...] and faithfully, be reliable and fair to people I meet in my activities as a NU LIFE Member.
2000 年,“你能”协会就如何与学校开展工 作发表了一份宣言,目的是在学校中发展和平文化,让每个人都能够从根本上理解己所不 欲勿施原则。
In 2000, Youcan had adopted a charter on ways to work with schools to
develop a culture of peace and educate students on the basics of
[...] treating others as theywould like to betreatedthemselves.
在和平时期开展活动时,各国应当采取一切适当的使为符合保护文化 遗产的要求,尤其是符合 1972 年《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》、1956 年《关于国际考 古发掘原则的建议书》、1968 年《关于保护公共或危及的文化财产的建议书》、 1972 年《关于在国家一级保护文化和自然遗产的建议书》和 1976 年《关于保护历史或传统 建筑群及其在现代生活中的作用的建议书的原则和宗旨。
When conducting peacetime activities,
States should take all
[...] appropriatemeasures to conduct them in such a manner as to protect cultural heritage and, in particular, in conformity with the principles and objectives of the 1972 Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, of the 1956 Recommendation on International Principles Applicable to Archaeological Excavations, the 1968 Recommendation concerning the Preservation of Cultural Property Endangered by Public or Private Works, the 1972 Recommendation concerning the Protection, at National Level, of the Cultural and Natural Heritage and the 1976 Recommendation concerning the Safeguarding and Contemporary Role of Historic Areas.
受 疑 人 此 时 後 悔 自 己 曾 有 作 出 承 认 々提 供 的 意 见 , 又 或 者过 往 的 经 验 , 受 疑 人 指 称 有 份 参 与 记 录 其 供 认 的 执行 事以 设 法 令己 所的 承 认 可 被 豁 除 於 证 供 之 外 。
Upon advice, or in the light of his own previous experiences, he seeks to cause his admissions to be excluded from evidence by making allegations of impropriety against the law enforcement officers involved in taking his confession.
人权教育和培训应当面向所有人,人人都可参加,应当考虑到处于弱势和处个人和群体、包括残人所的特殊挑战和障碍,以及他们的需要和 期望,以增进赋权工作和人的发展,进一步消除受排斥或边缘化的根源,使人人 都能行使切权利。
Human rights education and training should be accessible and available toall persons, and should take into account the particular challenges and barriers faced by, and the needs and expectations of, persons in vulnerable and disadvantaged situations and groups, including persons with disabilities, in order to promote empowerment and human development and to contribute to the elimination of the causes of exclusion or marginalization, as well as enable everyone to exercise all their rights.
它继续以随所欲理和虚构的借口或甚 至以种族主义为借口,为律责任开脱,分散 国际社会对核心问题的注意力,延长冲突和进一步加 剧当地局势。
It continues to use arbitrary, irrational, fictitious and even racist pretexts to absolve itself of its legal responsibilities, to distract the attention of the international community from the core issues, prolonging the conflict and further exacerbating the situation on the ground.
谨请你以最强烈的措辞谴责这种以种族主义、仇视伊斯兰教和不容忍为表现 的亵渎行为,并敦促所有国家禁止这种行为或加强现行法律,以便些坚持 从事煽动仇恨和暴力的邪恶运动所欲
I would like to request you to condemn, in the strongest terms this act of sacrilege as a manifestation of racism, Islamophobia and intolerance and urge all States to outlaw such acts or reinforce the existing law in order to deny free hands to thosewho persist in their evil campaign of incitement to hatred and violence.
例如,所提 到的程序目的是防止资产离散和浪费而不是清算或重组债务人财产;法院的损害是对投损害害;对破产管理人赋予 的权力和规定的义务是汇集和保全资产而不是清算或分配资产;破产管理人没 有权力分配债务人资产。
For example, where the recited purpose of the proceedings was to prevent dissipation and waste, rather than to liquidate or reorganize the debtors’ estates; where the detriment that the court was concerned toprevent was detriment to investors rather to all creditors; where the powers conferred and duties imposed on the insolvency representative were to gather in and preserve assets, not to liquidate or distribute them; and where the insolvency representative had no power to distribute the assets of the debtor.
正如同专家们交谈的许人所的那样,秘密拘留最人不后果是,局势完全任意发展,加上无法 确定秘密拘留的时间,以及个人无法重新掌控的感觉。
The most disturbing consequence of secret detention is, as many of the experts’ interlocutors pointed out, the complete arbitrariness of the situation, together with the uncertainty about the duration of the secret detention and the feeling that there is no way the individual can regain control of his or her life.
此 项活动鼓励人们从今天开始,着手缓解水资源危机;在他们所在的城市举办一场赛跑/竞走活 动,或通过 Live Earth 好友会自行组织本地的赛跑/竞走活动;在家庭或社区范围内举 措,拯救水资源;通过资助的方式进行奉献,支援发展中国家的洁净、安全水资源专案;所 欲在 Live Earth 请愿书上签字,将水资源作为一项基本添加至《联合言》。
People are encouraged to START solving the problem today, RUN in a run/walk in their city or organize their own run/walk through the Friends of Live Earth program, SAVE water in their home and local community through conservation efforts, GIVE money to support clean, safe water projects in developing nations, and SPEAK UP and sign the Live Earth petition to add water as a basic human right to the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights.
Brooklyn’s dollar vans are just filling a gap that no one wants to fill—conservatives should be lauding the market-based solution toagovernmental shortcoming and liberals should be happy about the transit access, albeit informal, for low-income neighborhoods.




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