

单词 差生

See also:

differ from
make a mistake
fall short of

External sources (not reviewed)

它限制了已被证明能够提高学习成绩和缩小 生 及 差生 之 间的差距的形成性 评价(或为了促进学习的评价)的发展。
It inhibits the development of formative assessment (or assessment for learning) which is proven to raise achievement levels and reduce the gap between higher and lower achieving pupils.
但是因為各地的自來水有地差,生 成 Sy nnohl液的做法在各地的水質中做出同樣性質狀態的鹼性離子水是有限。
[...] since there are differences in tap water in [...]
each region, there were limitations to using the synnohl liquid manufacturing
method to manufacture alkaline ionized water with the same characteristics for the water quality of each region.
在考试练习时连续的失败会挫伤一些学生的士气,从而增加优 生 和差 生之间的距离
constant failure in practice tests demoralises some pupils and increases the gap between higher and lower achieving pupils
代理主席,當我們在市區的生活空間越來越小、空氣越來 差 、生 活節奏越來越快時,我們只須踏出辦公室,在不遠的地方便可親臨海 [...]
Deputy President, when our living space in the urban area is
getting smaller and smaller and air
[...] quality is poorer and poorer but the tempo of life is quicker [...]
and quicker, all we have to
do is to step out of the office and go to a place nearby where we can come close to the harbour, take in fresh sea breeze and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the city.
而热喷放则在10.5秒内完成,两者相差1200倍,存在不可回避的初喷、中喷、末喷,由于初喷、中喷、末喷时的蒸汽压力不同,物料预处理的效果将有较大的差异,可见热喷放工艺所产生的物料其质量一致性 差 , 生 熟 不 一。
The thermal spray put it in 10.5 seconds to complete, a difference of 1200 times, there is the beginning of spraying can not be avoided, in the spray, spray the end, because the beginning of spraying, the spray, spray the end of the steam when the pressure difference, the effect of pretreatment of materials will have a greater difference,
showing thermal spray process to put the materials produced by the
[...] consistency of its poor quality, raw and [...]
cooked mixed.
负责这起诉讼案件的执行法官曾经查访了上述监狱,他明确表示说:“这 所监狱就不是人待的地方,里面拥挤不堪而且没有经过装修;不但伙食 差 ,生 了病的囚犯也不能立即得到医疗救治,哪怕是药物也得不到;没有机动车辆来转 移囚犯,监狱的基础设施也不足,只能容纳 50 到 60 名犯人,可那里却关押了 118 名犯人”。
The habeas corpus enforcement judge inspected the facility and observed that “the inmates are living in inhumane conditions caused by overcrowding and the lack of rehabilitation; the food is inadequate and there is no immediate access to medical care or medicines; there is no vehicle in which to transport inmates, and the infrastructure of the jail, which has an inmate capacity of 50 to 60, does not offer sufficient physical space to lodge the 118 prisoners”.
由於上述調整使按香港財務報告準則與中國會計準則計算之淨利潤/股東應佔盈利存在差異,因而引致 少數股東權益生差異。
Due to the above adjustments, there is a difference in net profit / profit attributable to equity holders of the Company prepared under the new PRC Accounting Standards and HKFRS.
研習 與實驗標準會持續幫助小孩培養觀察與分辨、描述物體的相對位置並當 生差 異 時 進行 再次觀察的能力。
Investigation and experimentation standards continue to help children develop the
ability to observe and compare, describe the relative position of objects, and revisit
[...] observations when discrepancies occur.
虽说我们并不质疑这些人员的诚实和 廉洁,但我们对 FABS 系统可能生差错仍表示关切。
While we do not question the honesty and integrity of these individuals we are concerned that errors can occur in FABS.
IAS 39 所訂明及財務報表附註 2.4 所披露的投資持倉估值,與按日期為二零一一年八月六日的子 基金信託契約所示方法計算所得金額之間的差額,導致在計算每基金單位資產淨值以處理子基金認購及贖 回時計算子基金於二零一二年十二月三十一日的資產淨值中 生差 額 人 民幣 7,337,726 元(二零一一年: 人民幣 10,842,390 元)。
The difference between the valuation of investment position as prescribed by IAS 39 and as disclosed in Note 2.4 to the financial statements, and the methodology indicated in the Sub-Fund's Trust Deed dated 6 August 2011 results in a difference in the calculation of the Sub-Fund's net asset value of RMB7,337,726 (2011: RMB10,842,390) as of 31 December 2012 for the purpose of calculating the net asset value per unit for processing subscription and redemptions in the Sub-Fund.
表 4 说明了生差额的一些原因:2003 年的一些核定资金被转移到了 2004 年;工发 [...]
组织的一览表中没有反映期票的情况;有必要把执行机构收到的一些利息考虑在内;第 41/65 号决定只为中国的制冷战略提供了一半资金;期票的撤销;过早归还的结余;杂项
收入支出和货币升值以及 2002 年对账产生的收入。
Table 4 demonstrates some of the
[...] reasons for the differences: some approved funds [...]
in 2003 were transferred in 2004, promissory
notes were not reflected in UNIDO’s schedules; some interest received by implementing agencies needed to be taken into account; Decision 41/65 funding half of a refrigeration strategy for China; the revocation of promissory notes; balances returned prematurely; miscellaneous income charges and currency revaluation; and income from the 2002 reconciliation.
雄花每苞片10-15;苞片宽卵形, 1.5-2 * 1.5-2 毫米,基部腺体近肾形;花梗纤细,1-4毫米; 小苞片3,不相等,边撕裂了; 花萼杯状,浅3裂,裂片钝,有不规则细锯齿;雄蕊2或3,超过花萼; 花丝生,差不多 象球状的花药一样长;雌花每苞片1,有时与数个另外的雄花; 苞片3 分裂,裂片尖锐,腺体与雄花的相似;花梗粗壮,2-5毫米;小苞片与雄花的相似; 花萼3 分裂,裂片卵形或卵状披针形; 子房卵球形,平滑,3室;花柱3,在基部合生; 柱头外卷。
Male flowers 10-15 per bract; bracts broadly ovate, 1.5-2 × 1.5-2 mm, basal glands nearly reniform; pedicels slender, 1-4 mm; bracteoles 3, unequal, margins lacerate; calyx cup-shaped, shallowly 3-lobed, lobes obtuse, irregularly serrulate; stamens 2 or 3, exceeding calyx; filaments free, nearly as long as globose anthers.
Avocent公司在其提交给美国证券交易委员会的10-K表和10-Q表报告中对其他可能导致公司经营和财务状况 生差 异 的因素进行了描述。
Other factors that could cause operating and
[...] financial results to differ are described [...]
in Avocent's reports on Form 10-K and Form
10-Q filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
生差异的主要原因是如下各项所需资源减少:(a) 建筑事务,原因是多年 [...]
期项目接近完成以及混合行动采取利用本身资源和军力增强手段的战略;(b) 设 备购置,主要原因是 2011/12 年度期间计划采购所有水罐和化粪池、电气设备、 战地防御设备、发电机、净水设备和预制设施,2012/13
年度期间不再需要为此 编列经费;(c) 给部队和警察派遣国政府的特遣队所属自我维持装备偿款,原因 是根据当地实有的装备计算偿款,并对建制警察部队费用估计数适用了 16%的较 高延迟部署率,而 2011/12 年度期间的延迟部署率是 10%。
The variance is attributable [...]
primarily to reduced requirements with respect to: (a) construction services owing to the near
completion of the multi-year projects and the Operation’s strategy to engage in-house resources and military enablers; (b) acquisition of equipment, owing mainly to the planned procurement of all water and septic tanks, electrical equipment, field defence equipment, generators, water purification equipment and prefabricated facilities in 2011/12, for which no provision was made in the 2012/13 period; (c) reimbursement of troop- and policecontributing Governments for contingent-owned self-sustainment equipment, based on actual equipment on the ground and reflecting the application of a higher delayed deployment factor of 16 per cent to the cost estimates for formed police units, as compared with a 10 per cent factor for the 2011/12 period.
最不发达国家在人的能力发展方面的努力受到以下各方面的影响:贫穷率 高、失业现象严重、人口增长率高、 生 和 营 养结 差 ( 反 映 于妇幼发病率和死 亡率高),以及营养不良的沉重负担;传染性疾病的流行,包括艾滋病毒/艾滋病、 [...]
Efforts at development of human capacities in least developed countries have been affected by high incidence of poverty, mass unemployment, high
population growth rates, poor health
[...] and nutrition outcomes, as evidenced by high child [...]
and maternal morbidity and mortality
rates and the high burden of undernutrition, the prevalence of communicable diseases, including HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and polio, and the growing burden of non-communicable diseases.
Avocent公司在其提交給美國證券交易委員會的10-K表和10-Q表報告中對其他可能導致公司經營業績和財務狀況與預期 生差 異 的因素進行了描述。
Other factors that could cause operating and
[...] financial results to differ are described [...]
in Avocent's reports on Form 10-K and 10-Q
filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
吸管“管道”的长度是否使得提升碳酸饮料所需的吸力 生差 异?
Does the length of the straw
[...] “tubing” make a difference in the amount of suction [...]
needed to lift the chocolate milk?
信息技术资源生差异的 原因是与各维持和平行动得到核准的信息技术 项目的开发或实施阶段有关的资源变化,特别是 [...]
2010/11 年度订约承办事务项下 为以下各项核定的经费数额的变化:2009/10 年度执行情况报告(A/65/610/Add.1)
所述 2009/10 年度完成的维持和平报告程序自动化企业内容管理解决方案;电子 燃料管理系统和电子口粮管理系统,包括燃料系统的维护和增强阶段以及口粮系 统的预期施行;还有在总部建立二级数据中心造成的非经常性费用;因企业信息 门户预备阶段相关的开发许可证所需额外资源而被抵销。
The variance in information technology [...]
resources reflects the change in requirements associated with the stage of development
or implementation of approved information technology projects in peacekeeping operations, in particular amounts approved in 2010/11 under contractual services for the enterprise content management solution for the peacekeeping reporting process automation completed in 2009/10, as indicated in the 2009/10 performance report (A/65/610/Add.1), and for the electronic fuel management system and the electronic rations management system, including a maintenance and enhancement phase for the fuel system and expected implementation of the rations system, and non-recurring costs associated with the establishment of a secondary data centre at Headquarters, offset by additional requirements for the enterprise information portal for development licences associated with its preliminary phase.
(a) 关于改变费用分类办法生差异的资料
(a) information on differences in the categorization [...]
of costs into cost classifications
研究和教育机构应从事和支持对不同文化中的哲学思想的研究,比较各自的优点, 分 析促使彼此相联系和生差异的原因
Knowledge of philosophical insight in different cultures, comparison of what
each has to offer, analyses of what brings
[...] them closer together and what separates [...]
them, should be pursued and supported
by research and teaching institutions
生差异的 主要原因是特派团核定兵力增加了 1 890 名军事特遣队人员和 1 500 [...]
名警员;一项经商 定的适用于在海地服务的所有联合国人员的财政援 助和补偿一揽子计划的所需经费增加,向需要在任务 区外进行强制性休息和休养的所有联海稳定团人员
发放津贴, 部署临时出差的非联海稳定团工作人员, 提供临时住宿以及支付为牺牲同事举行追悼会的费 用; 更换和重置特派团资产和重建方案的初期费用; 在圣多明各设立一个支助办事处;和扩大现有的减少 社区暴力方案。
The main causes of variance were an increase [...]
in the authorized strength of the Mission by 1,890 troops and 1,500 police;
additional requirements in support of MINUSTAH staff related to an agreed financial assistance and compensation package applicable to all United Nations personnel serving in Haiti, the payment of allowances to personnel required to take a mandatory rest and recuperation break outside the Mission area, the deployment of non-MINUSTAH staff on temporary duty assignment, the provision of temporary living accommodation, and the cost of memorial services held in honour of fallen colleagues; the replacement and re-establishment of Mission assets and the initial requirements of the reconstruction programme; the establishment of a support office in Santo Domingo; and the expansion of the community violence reduction programme.
此區的微氣候,讓這裡與鄰區葡萄園的相同葡萄品種,在風味上 生差 異。
The micro-climates of the region result in quite different wine styles from the same grapes grown at neighbouring vineyards.
生差异的 主要原因是大部分场地和联合国设 施的清洁和拆除费用低于编入预算的成本;固定翼飞 [...]
机和直升机的飞行时数低于计划值;运费和有关费用 低于预算值。
The main causes of variance were lower than [...]
budgeted costs for cleaning and dismantling the majority of the sites and United
Nations facilities; lower than planned number of hours flown by fixedwing aircraft and helicopters; and lower than budgeted freight and related costs.
数据从Rave自动提取到Medidata CTMS监查报告中,这就就减少了生差 错 的 机率、避免了数据的重复录入、节约时间并提高了数据质量。
Data is automatically pulled from Rave into Medidata CTMS monitor reports, limiting room for errors and cutting out redundancies in data entry, contributing to time savings and improved data quality.
工作组还似宜考虑本建议或相关评注是否应当明确指 出,有不止一个设保人的,一个设保人的身份识别特征 生差 错 不会造成通知 对身份识别特征准确无误的其他一个(多个)设保人无效。
The Working Group may also wish to consider whether this recommendation or the relevant commentary should make it clear that, in the case of more than one grantor, an error in the identifier of one grantor does not render the notice ineffective with respect to the other grantor(s) identified correctly.
但是也可能因为国家的不同,保险合同的不同或是换房时间长短不同而 生差 别。
However it may differ depending of your country or the contract you have subscribed or the duration of your exchange.
而在油塘區,就有生差不多 是專門售賣軟性毒品,而且是街知巷 聞,不少癮君子慕名而至,不但對區內青少年身心有不良影響,更因為這些癮君子不時向居 民索取金錢購買丸仔,而帶來嚴重的治安問題,導致附近居民亦怨聲載道。
Many drugs addicts are attracted to them. Not only the physical and mental health of the youngsters is adversely affected, grave law and order problems are also caused, because those drug addicts sometimes ask residents for money to buy drugs.




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