

单词 差异化

See also:


(of speech) dissimilation
alienation (philosophy)


other adj
different adj


External sources (not reviewed)

其中一个重要的改革将是差异化的 方 式对待发展 中国家,允许发展中国家使用补贴和支持出口产业的其他机制。
One important reform will be to treat developing
[...] countries in a differentiated way to allow [...]
the use of subsidies and other mechanisms
in support of export industries.
而且,当对其进行混合配搭时,由此产生的特殊效果将创造出更多特殊产品,而这些产品使得利奧能够向您和您的客户提供多 化 和 差异化 的 产 品。
And, when mixed and matched, the resulting special effects create an even wider range of
special products and finishes enabling Leo
[...] to offer tremendous diversification and differentiation to you and [...]
your customers.
私营部门积极参加这些讲习会,因而查明了管理做法以及营销和产差 异化方面的局限性。
The active participation of the private sector in these
workshops led to the identification of limitations in managerial practices as well as in
[...] marketing and product differentiation.
代表们强调本区域的地理范围和多样性决定了需要采取特定的 差异化 的应对措施和行动,并且有必要谨慎地对减缓和适应措施进行优先排序。
Delegates stressed that the geographical size and diversity of the region required specific and differentiated responses and actions, and that adaptation and mitigation options needed to be carefully prioritized.
同时,这导致对本法差异化运用 ,使行政部门(机构与实体)受到独立性 更强的机构的更严格的监督。
At the same time,
[...] this has lead to differential application of the Law, [...]
with the executive branch (agencies and entities)
being subject to more rigorous oversight, and by more independent bodies.
丰隆银行集团董事总经理Yvonne Chia女士表示:“丰隆在线的更名,标志着消费电子银行的革命,我们将以持久的非介入方式,通过多个平台向客户提 差异化 的 时 尚银行服务。
The rebranding of Hong Leong Online signifies a revolution in consumer e-banking where we can engage with our customers in a constant non-intrusive manner through multiple platforms to offer differentiated lifestyle banking," said Ms. Yvonne Chia, HLB's Group Managing Director.
山都平热塑性硫化弹性体的着色性,严格成型公差和与其它材料的兼容性支持具有成本效益和品 差异化 解 决 方案的设计。
The colorability, tight molding tolerances and
compatibility of Santoprene TPVs with other materials support the design of
[...] cost-efficient, brand-differentiating solutions.
[...] VPN业务支撑的能力,完善QoS部署,在城域网内提 差异化 服 务 ,同时大大满足日益丰富的新业务需求,包括目前发展前景广阔的3G业务、即将开展的IPTV业务和其他新业务,都将逐渐利用IP城域网来承载。
The project involves upgrading for municipal core layer and core convergence layer. Upon finishing the project, MAN core export of Hebei will reach 1,220G, so as to greatly improve IP net public service capacity and MPLS VPN service
support ability, perfect QoS
[...] deployment, provide diversified services on MAN, [...]
and greatly meet demands of increasingly rich
new services, including current 3G service with wide development prospect, IPTV service and other new services to be carried out, which will be conducted gradually by utilizing IP MAN.
产品结合了可配置的高性能模拟、100 MIPS 8051
[...] 内核和在系统现场可编程能力,为用户提供了灵活的完整设计,缩短了面市时间,并实现了优异的系统性能和更 差异化 优 势 的最终产品。
The combination of configurable high-performance analog, 100 MIPS 8051 core and in-system field programmability provides the user with
complete design flexibility, improved time-to-market, superior system performance and
[...] greater end product differentiation.
它们需要考虑价格 、甚 至产差异 化之外的因素,以便找到独特的价值定位—可以是卓越的客户服务、 [...]
快 速 可 靠 的 配 送 、通 过 精 准 的 营 销 提 升 转 化 率 、高 效 的 购 物 体 验 、定 制 商 品 ,或 是 便捷的退货等等。
They will need to think beyond price and
[...] even product differentiation to find a unique [...]
value proposition—be it superior customer
service, fast and reliable delivery, targeted marketing to increase conversion, streamlined shopping experience, customized offerings, easy returns, or something else.
展望未来,中等收入国家应该借助这些改革, 提高对外竞争力,方法是实现产 差异化 , 更积极地开展国际市场营销,并进入 [...]
Looking ahead, middle-income countries should build on these reforms
and improve external competitiveness
[...] through product differentiation, and more [...]
active international marketing, as well as
through moving into more dynamic areas of specialization with a higher technological content and greater value added.
针对各种无线和传输组网形式、 各种站点应用场景和应用环境, 差异化 创 新、低成本、绿色节能、快速建站为主题的系列化解决方案,可以满 [...]
足运营商的不同需求,提升了无线产品整体市场竞争力以及Turnkey项目的交付能力,并持续降低了无线基站全生 命周期的TCO。
The series of solutions, aiming at the various wireless and transmission networking modes, various station application
scenarios and application environments,
[...] with the theme of differential innovation, low cost, [...]
green energy saving and rapid station
building, can meet the different requirements of operators, improve the overall market competitiveness of wireless products and the delivery capability of turnkey projects, and continuously reduce the TCO of all life cycles of wireless base stations.
此外,他还曾参与非甲醛产品的开发,并且在产 差异化 ( 如 VINNAPAS® EP64)方面做出了重要贡献。
He also participated in the development of non-formaldehyde products and made significant contributions
[...] to product differentiation such as VINNAPAS® EP645.
分享来自 IT 和制造业的最佳实践成果和工具 在全球竞争和技术快速发展的背景下,机器生产商必须通过提供高性能 差异化 的 机 器为客户创造更大价值, 同时提升自身经营的效率。
Share best practices and tools from IT and manufacturing With global competition and rapidly evolving technology, machine builders must deliver greater value to their customers with high performance, differentiated machines while achieving greater efficiencies within their own operations.
第一部分,Porter分析了行业结构(五力)、讨论了三种一般性竞争战略(总成本领先战略、专一化战略 差异化 战 略 ),为竞争分析、竞争运作提出了一个非常有效的框架。
In Part I, Porter discusses the structural analysis of industries (with the five forces), the three generic competitive strategies (overall Cost Leadership, Focus, and Differentiation), offering an excellent framework for competitor analysis, competitive moves, strategy toward buyers and suppliers, structural analysis within industries (strategic groups, strategic mapping, mobility barriers), and industry evolution (life cycle, evolutionary processes).
一是市场上无更多的强势品牌,无品牌竞争;二是各厂家未与商家建立稳定的合作关系,无通路之争;三是市场上流通的大多数属于通用产品,技术含量低,产品差异程度低,无产 差异化 的 市场运作和技术之争;价格成为单一竞争手段,低价格市场运应该是企业形成规模化生产后形成成本优势且能保证产品质量,而大多数企业无品牌优势、无较高的市场占有率、无规模化生产,成本居高不下,只能偷工减料,所以出现以次充好,不同品牌同一价格竞争现象。
First, the market is no more a strong brand, no brand competition; Second, not all manufacturers and merchants to set up stable cooperative relationship, no access dispute; Third, the market most of circulation are common products,
technology content is low,
[...] the product differences between low and no product differentiation in the market [...]
and technology dispute;
price competition means a single, low-price market operation should be the business formed after the formation of large-scale production cost advantages and can ensure product quality, and most enterprises have no brand without a high market share, no large-scale production, high cost, can only cut corners, so there are shoddy, the same price competition in different brands.
本新闻稿包含前瞻性表述,包括但不限于有关英飞朗DTN-X的当前及未来的技术功能;DTN-X平台的主要优势(包括但不限于简单性、可扩展性、效率、弹性和潜在的运营成本节省);英飞朗的系统提供服务就绪型架构,通过网络效率和迅速提 差异化 服 务 的能力,实现更快的营收和更大的利润,且不必改变光网络基础设施。
This press release contains forward-looking statements including, among other things, statements relating to: Infinera's DTN-X current and future technical functionality; the key benefits of the DTN-X platform including but not limited to: simplicity, scalability, efficiency, resiliency and the potential cost savings on operational expenses; and that Infinera's systems provide a service-ready architecture that enables faster time-to-revenue and greater profitability through network efficiency and the ability to rapidly deliver differentiated services without reengineering optical infrastructure.
随着电信行业业务不断飞速发展,业务多 化 、 差异化 不 断推出,内蒙古联通对承载其业务的DCN网络的网络质量、网络稳定性以及服务质量提出了更高要求,而现有DCN网络设备老化、资源不足、网络备份能力弱,原有一些设备厂商已经停产,已经不能满足业务发展的需求。
As telecommunications industry’s
services developed constantly and fast
[...] with various and diversified services promoted, [...]
China Unicom Inner Mongolia raised high
requirements on DCN network quality, stability and service quality for services; besides, DCN network equipment were old, with lacking resources and network backup capability, and previous equipment manufacturers have cancelled production, thus service development demands could not met yet.
通过突出独特的文化元素,主办国得以借助奥运会建 差异化 的 国 家品牌。
By highlighting
[...] the unique cultural elements, the host countries are able to build a differentiating [...]
national brand through the Olympics.
基础教育处在评价意差异化是值 得肯定的:在两个顾问的文档中出现“A”,还有两份文件中为“B”(表现很好);最常 见的评价是“C”(表现好)。
The Division has the merit of varying its evaluations: “A”s were found in the files of two consultants and “B”s (very good performance) in two other files; the most frequent mark was “C” (good performance).
四个“V”朝向不同角度,寓意万科理解生而不同的人期盼无限可能的生活空间,积极响应客户的各种需要,创造性的为人们提供各 差异化 的 理 想居住空间。
Four "Vs" pointing to different directions means that Vanke understand infinite living space expected by different
people, so it will actively
[...] respond to different demands of customers to create differentiated ideal living [...]
space for people.
通过为具体的测试项目提供针对性的支持,路博润能够确保为润滑油生产商供应合适的Anglamol产品,使其产品在市场上形 差异化 竞 争 优势。
By delivering dedicated support to individual programs, Lubrizol can be sure of supplying the right Anglamol products to enable lubricant manufacturers to differentiate their products in the marketplace.
[...] Gibson均展示了如何通过对品牌承诺的实际呈现来表达他们的品牌承诺 差异化 的 产 品,以及具有鼓动性的品牌传播人员来塑造品牌体验,产生持久的顾客关系。
Both Apple and Gibson demonstrate how
thoughtful physical expressions of their
[...] brand promise, differentiated product offerings [...]
and an inspired staff of brand evangelists
can shape experiences that create lasting customer relationships.
对于旅游业运营者和设施提供者而言,如何有效形 差异化 的 产 品、有效的渠道建设、有效的资源利用和整合成为未来持续发展的核心。
As far as tourism operators are concerned, the most important factors toward a sustainable future include the formation of differentiated products, effective channel development, and effective use of resources and integration of resources.
由于移动市场竞争异常激烈,多核处理器变成了营销工具,厂商利用这个最显著 差异化 特性向消费者传递一个过于简化的信息:处理器核数越多,平台就越好,性能就越高,事实却复杂 得多,在多核处理器平台内,处理器数量对总体性能只产生一定的影响,不同的底层硅技术将 会对性能产生完全不同的影响,多个关联因素决定了多核处理平台能效(例如,平台对软件性 能的有效影响、芯片频率、芯片大小和功耗)。
The reality is much more complex, because several interdependent factors are at play in determining the efficiency of multiprocessing platforms (such as the effective impact on software performance, chip frequency, area and power consumption) with the number of processors impacting only partially the overall balance, and with contrasting effects linked to the underlying silicon technologies.
获奖的 Williamson Printing 使用柯达 TRENDSETTER Quantum 直接制版机、柯达 APPROVAL
[...] 数码彩色成像系统和柯达印版来提供行业领先的图像质量,同时在市场上使自 差异化 , 并 使业务增长。
Award winning Williamson Printing uses the KODAK TRENDSETTER Quantum Platesetter, KODAK APPROVAL Digital Color Imaging System and KODAK printing
plates to produce industry leading image
[...] quality, while differentiating themselves [...]
in the marketplace and growing their business.
不论您是寻求安全及高性能云解决方案的企业 IT 部门,还是提供云应用的软件提供商,在
[...] Equinix 内维护您的私有云令您无需打理设施事宜,可专注于创造和提 差异化 服 务
Whether you are an enterprise IT department looking for a secure and high-performing cloud solution or a software provider delivering a cloud application, maintaining your private cloud inside
Equinix enables you to get out of the facilities business and focus on the creation
[...] and delivery of differentiated services.
埃施朗智能收发器的基础是行之有效、在全球范围内被广泛采用的 LonWorks 标准(ISO/IEC 14908.1、.2 和
[...] .3),可以消除开发过程中的技术和市场风险,让您专注于要投放到市场的产品 差异化 , 并 确保这些产品可方便地集成到世界各地的楼宇之中。
Echelon smart transceivers are based on the well-established, globally adopted LonWorks standard (ISO/IEC 14908.1, .2, and .3) to eliminate technology and
market risks in development and allow you
[...] to focus on differentiating the products [...]
you bring to market with the confidence
that they will easily integrate into buildings all over the world.
差异化代表 了品牌区别于其他品牌的能力,而相关性则是对于和适度的评估;品牌尊严体现了目标受众尊重品牌的程度,而品牌认知则指出了品牌内涵是否被真正理解。
Esteem indicates the degree to which the target audiences regard and respect a brand while knowledge identifies whether there is a true understanding of what a brand stands for.
当今的公司所面临的挑战是增加利润和降低成本,同时通过 差异化 的 新 产品推向市场得以生存或实现增长—并且需要了解企业所作所为正在对业务规模和业务基线产生的影响。
The challenge for today’s companies is to grow profits and reduce costs, whilst maintaining or growing by offering new, differentiated products to the market – and to understand the impact that the actions taken are having on volume and the bottom line.




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