

单词 差之毫厘,失之千里

差之毫厘,失之千里 ()

a miss is as good as a mile
the slightest difference leads a huge loss [idiom.]

External sources (not reviewed)

副主席先生,今日劉千石議員的原動議和張鑑泉議員的修訂動議,看似字面㆖的競爭, 然而差之毫厘,謬以千里」。
MR MAN SAI-CHEONG (in Cantonese): Mr Deputy President, the Honourable LAU Chinshek's motion and the Honourable Stephen CHEONG's motion for
amendment today appear to be a contest over the wording, but "an error the
[...] breadth of a hair can lead you a thousand li astray.
如果連吃素還是吃葷也還未問 他們,便煮出了豬、牛、羊,則未 差之毫 釐 ,謬 以 千里。
If they do not even ask whether the people are meat lovers or veggies, and then prepare dishes of pork, beef and mutton, this would be shooting wide off the mark and hitting the wrong target.
如果我們以法律或憲法處理和理解這個問題,便恐怕 差之毫 釐,謬以千里矣。
If the issue is dealt with and perceived from a legal or constitutional perspective, I am
[...] afraid that this will make a world of difference.
如果 政府仍立足於
[...] 1999 年或 2000 年的所謂法定諮詢過程而忽略了今天的民意, 便差之毫釐,謬之千里了。
If the Government still bases itself on the so-called statutory consultative
process in 1999 or 2000 without regard to the public opinion today, it will
[...] be making a great difference with a false step.
大家要明白,投訴時如果欠缺一句口供、一個觀察,或一句字句, 便差之毫釐,謬以千里。
We all know that in a complaint
[...] case, it makes a big difference if a sentence in [...]
a statement, an observation or a phrase is missed out.
截至民國一○一年一月一日及一○一年三月三十一日,子公司因上述調整致商 譽分別減少138千元及增加508千元;其他應付款分別增加6千元及2千元;國外營運 機構財務報表換之兌換差額分 別增加1 6, 6 1 9 千 元 及20,133千元;民國一○一 年第一季攤銷費用調整減少963千元、利息收入調整減少2千元及其他 失 - 兌失調整增加4,397千元。
As of December 31, 2011 and March 31, 2012, due to the change of the functional currency, the effect of subsidiaries were as follows: the goodwill was decreased by $138 thousand and increased by $508 thousand, respectively; other payables increased by $6 thousand and $2 thousand, respectively; the effects of changes in foreign
exchange rates increased
[...] by $16,619 thousand and $20,133 thousand, respectively; for the first quarter of 2012, the adjustment of amortization was decreased by $963 thousand; interest income was decreased by 2 thousand and currency exchange losses was increased [...]
by $4,397 thousand
with subsidiaries as mentioned above.
为此,起重机司机需要一双好眼睛:他必须在距地面约10米高的操作台上,精确完成不能 厘 米 之差 的 工 作。
The crane operator, sitting
[...] in a cab some 10 meters above the ground, [...]
needs a really good eye for such precision work.
但是,剛才我聽到有些議員的發言,竟然將這項議案理解 為“輸打贏要”的層次,這未免有 差之毫 釐 , 謬 之千里。
However, I find from the speeches delivered by some Members earlier that the motion has even been interpreted as "a bad loser's complaint".
倘若客戶指示平和於某一交易所或其他市場訂立任何合約以進行此等外匯交易:(a)因外匯匯率變動而引起該等的外匯 有任何利潤或失將全部由客戶自負;(b)所有初始或持續之保證金存款應以平和依其唯一酌情權要求之貨幣和金額而 予以繳納;且(c)當該合約須予以清算,平和將以客戶戶口所記幣種以平和依其唯一決定權基於當時現行貨幣市場該等 貨之間的匯率厘定的 匯率(當相關合約爲另一種貨幣)借記或貸記該等戶口。
In the event that the Customer directs PEACE TOWN to enter into any contract on an exchange or other market on which such transactions are effected in a foreign currency: (a) any profit or loss arising as a result of a fluctuation in the exchange rate affecting such currency will be entirely for the account and risk of the Customer; (b) all initial and subsequent deposits for margin purposes shall be made in such currency and in such amounts as PEACE TOWN may, in the sole discretion of PEACE TOWN, require; and (c) when such a contract is liquidated, PEACE TOWN
shall debit or credit the account of the
[...] Customer in the Customer in the currency in which such accounts is denominated at a rate of exchange (where the relevant contract is denominated in a currency other than that of the account) determined by PEACE TOWN in the sole discretion of PEACE TOWN on the basis of the then prevailing money market rates, of exchange between such currencies.
生物多樣性起源、結構與演變實驗室主任路易•德哈文(Louis Deharveng)指出:“每棵樹、每個隱蔽的角落都生活著數百種形態各異的小虫子,小到 毫 米 , 大道 厘 米 !一個誘捕器一次紀錄的標本就達 千 個。
Granted, its scope and amplitude do make it look something of a mission impossible, admits Louis Deharveng, director of the Origine, Structure et Evolution de la Biodiversité (OSEB) laboratory at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, in charge of small land invertebrates, which represent potentially the largest (and the least well recorded) part of Mercantour’s
biodiversity: “Every tree, every
[...] hidden little nook contain hundreds of different creatures from a millimetre to a centimetre long!
爱沙尼亚人和非爱沙尼亚失业率的 差 别 , 首先是由东北爱沙尼 失 业程 度高造成的,里的经 济基础设施已经改变。
The difference in the employment rates of Estonians and non-Estonians is first and foremost caused by the high level of unemployment in north-eastern Estonia, where the economic [...]
infrastructure has changed.
虽然发达国家有数百万人失去了好工作、养老金、积蓄和房屋,但发 展中国家的穷人的福祉受到的损害更大,尽管他们与危机起 毫 无 关 系,承受重 大冲击造成失的能力最差。
While millions of people in developed economies have lost good jobs, pensions, life savings and homes, the people living in poverty in the developing world have been subjected to disproportionate erosions in their well-being even though they did not contribute to the causes of the crises and are the least able to bear the costs of any major shock.
一名在柴 灣居住的學生,如果要乘地鐵到上環上學,所需車程為 27
[...] 分鐘,與在大埔 居住的學生乘火車到紅磡的時間相若,但收費 差之千里。
If a student living in Chai Wan takes the MTR to his school in Sheung Wan, the travelling time is 27
minutes and this is more or less the same as the time it takes a student living
[...] in Tai Po to travel to Hung Hom [...]
by train.
於 資 產 終 止 確 認 當 年 的 利 潤 表 確 認 的 處 置 或 報 廢 的 任 何 收 益 或失 乃 淨 銷 售 收 入 和 相 關 資 產 賬 面 金之 差。
Any gain or loss on disposal or retirement recognised in the income statement
in the year the
[...] asset is derecognised is the difference between the net sales proceeds and the carrying [...]
amount of the relevant asset.
如果食環署的官僚思維只是正如我剛才 所說般要做好盤數,藉加租向帳委會或審計署署長交代,那麼真的差 之毫釐、謬以千里。
If I was indeed right in pointing out just now that the sole intention of FEHD bureaucrats is just to increase rents and do "window-dressing" for their books, so
that they can cope with questions from the PAC and the Audit
[...] Commission, I must say that they have gravely miscalculated.
叶茎生; 托叶早落,0.8-1.4厘米×4-5毫米;叶柄 2. 5 - 6 厘 米 , 无毛; 叶片非常浅盾形(叶柄从边缘在基部 里 1 - 2 毫 米 ), 长圆状披针形的或卵状披针形的,稍不对称, 4.5-14 * 1.5-4 厘米,无毛,羽状掌状脉,5-或6脉,基部圆形,边缘稀疏和稍有细锯齿,先端长渐尖或长尾状。
Leaves cauline; stipules caducous, 0.8-1.4 cm × 4-5 mm; petiole 2.5-6 cm, glabrous; blade very shallowly peltate (petiole 1-2 mm from margin [...]
at base), oblong-lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate,
slightly asymmetric, 4.5-14 × 1.5-4 cm, glabrous, venation palmate-pinnate, 5- or 6-veined, base rounded, margin remotely and minutely serrulate, apex long acuminate or long caudate.
RFID应用浩繁,各种应用的需求千差 万 别,读写距离从 厘 米 到 几百米,成本要求从几分到几百美元,同时读取标签数从一个到几百个等等,这些差异要求不仅存在于不同RFID应用系统,也同时存在于同一RFID应用系统,同架构超限技术融合主被动通讯技术在不同或同一RFID系统中能使不同通讯技术发挥其互补的性能特点和成本在同一体系下满足RFID应用的不同要求。
Application of RFID voluminous,
various application
[...] requirements also differ in thousands of ways, read distance ranging from a few centimeters [...]
to several hundred meters, cost
requirements from a few hundred dollars, while reading the number of tags from one to hundreds, and so on, these differences requires not only exists in different RFID application system, also exist in the same RFID application system, the same architecture - technology integration passive communication technology in different or the same RFID system can make different communication technology plays its complementary characteristics and cost in the same system to meet the different requirements of RFID application.
据报告在整个本任务期内,苏丹政府与不同反叛派别之间的冲突、各派别 内部之间的冲突、部之间的 冲突导致平民的生活和生计遭到破坏,1 000 多 人死亡,千人流离失所。
Throughout the current mandate, clashes between the Government of the Sudan and the various rebel factions, intra- and inter-factional
clashes, and inter-tribal
[...] clashes reportedly resulted in the destruction of civilian lives and livelihoods, with a toll of over one thousand dead and thousands displaced.
倘天鍛集失去一 間子公司之控制權,則其( i) 於 失 去 控制權當日不再按賬面值確認該子 公司之資產(包括任何商譽)及負債;(ii)於失去控制權當日不再確認前子公司任何少數股東權 益(包括彼等應佔其他全面收益之任何組成部份)之賬面值;及(iii)確認所收取作價之公允價值 及任何保留權益之公允價值之總額,所產 之差 額 於 損益內確認為天鍛集團應佔之收益或虧 損。
When the
[...] Tianduan Group losses control of a subsidiary, it (i) derecognizes the assets (including any goodwill) and liabilities of the subsidiary at their carrying amounts at the date when control is lost; (ii) derecognizes the carrying amount of any non-controlling interests in the former subsidiary at the date when control is lost (including any components of other comprehensive income attributable to them); and (iii) recognizes the aggregate of the fair value of the consideration received and the fair value of any retained interest, with any resulting difference being recognized as [...]
a gain or loss in profit
or loss attributable to the Tianduan Group.
为了说明这些长期承付款所采用的会计处理规定,精 差 异 ( 损 失 或 收 益)直接计入 本组织的净资产/净头寸中10 。但是IPSAS第 25 项标准第 107 段规定,只有实体将其全部福 利计划和其全部精算失或收 益直接记账时,才能在本组织的净资产/净头 之 中 直 接记账。
Under the accounting method used to
report these long-term
[...] commitments, actuarial losses or gains were recognized directly in the Organization’s net assets/equity.10 IPSAS 25, paragraph 107, provides, however, for recognition of actuarial gains and losses directly in net assets/equity only if all of the entity’s defined benefit plans and actuarial gains and losses are also entered therein.
本 集 團 對 預 計 合 同 總 成 本 超 出 預
計 合 同 總 收 入 的 工 程 項 目,按 照 預 計 合 同 總 成 本 超 出 預 計 合 同 總 收 入 的
[...] 金 額 與 該 合 同 已 確 認失 金 額 之 間 的 差 額 計 提 合 同 預 計 損 失 準 [...]
備,計 入 當 期 損 益。
Where estimated total contract costs exceed estimated total contract revenue, provision for estimated
losses on the
[...] contract measured at the difference between the amount in excess [...]
and recognized losses on the contract should be made
and charged to current profit or loss.
[...] vehicle):指具動力可載人,且其最大起飛重量不逾五百一 十公斤及最大起飛重量之最小起飛速度每小時不逾六十五公里或關動 失 速速 度每小時不逾六十四里之航空器。
Ultra-light vehicle:“Ultra-light vehicle” means a powered aircraft which is used for manned operation in the air, has a maximum takeoff weight of five hundred and ten kilograms or less, and has a takeoff speed of less than sixty-five
kilometers per hour at maximum takeoff weight or
[...] a power-off stall speed which does not exceed sixty-four kilometers per hour.
这种紧凑型钻机有一个橡胶履带、2300 毫米宽的底盘,接地比压极低(0.65 千克/平方厘米);因此可减少对使用家用地热能源的私人财产(花园和庭院)的破坏。
The compact drilling rig has a rubber
[...] tracked, 2300 mm-wide carriage and very low ground bearing pressure (0.65 Kg/cm2), thereby minimising [...]
damage to private
property (gardens and courtyards) where domestic geothermal energy is used.
不過,大家不能忽視,現時在政府總部、下 厘 畢 道 、炮里一帶 ,共有 14 棵不同品種的樹本,已被列入康樂及文化事務署編制的《古 樹名木冊之內。
However, we must also bear in mind that 14 trees of different species, found in the vicinity of the Government Secretariat, Lower Albert Road and Battery Path, have also be included in the Register of Old and Valuable Trees compiled by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.
勞倫斯實驗室的專案負責人,同時身為電機電子工程師學會會員的 Dr. William W.
Moses 對於成果相當滿意,擁有 20
[...] 年原子造影經驗的他表示:「友晶團隊周密完善的檢驗找出並更正了可能導致第二波修改的設計 失 , 這讓我們省下幾個月的時間以及 千 美 金 , 毫 無 疑 問地,我將會請友晶協助我的下一個計畫,實際上,我現在已正在向他們尋求另一電路板的設計製造報價。
The project lead from Berkeley National Laboratory, Dr. William W. Moses, was immensely pleased with the outcome. “The extremely thorough checking performed by the Terasic team identified and corrected the design flaws that would have
forced a second
[...] iteration, and so saved us many months and many thousands of dollars,” states Dr. Moses, an IEEE fellow [...]
with over 20 years’
experience in nuclear imaging, “There is no question that I would consider Terasic for further projects, and in fact, am about to request a quotation from them for another circuit board.




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