单词 | 差不多 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 差不多—almostnearlyless common: more or less about the same good enough not bad Examples:相差不多—not much difference 差不多的—the great majority See also:差—differ mission differ from messenger lacking commission make a mistake err fall short of 差n—differencen errorn discrepancyn inferiorn 不多adj—not muchadj 不差—not bad not lack OK
事实上,二零零八年 上半年来自新客户之收入,差不多弥补了因为失去中国广播客户而损失的收入。 asiasat.com | In fact, the income from new customers in the first half of 2008 almost compensated for the loss of revenue from the Chinese broadcast customers. asiasat.com |
教科文组织差不多总是采用各种正式 和非正式安排同合作伙伴一起携手工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO almost always works withpartners in a variety of formal and informal arrangements. unesdoc.unesco.org |
差不多只有一份档案有其关于产出的证据,例如一本课程 小册子、一份出版物,或计划官员在圆满完成所要求的工作后 提供的备忘录等。 unesdoc.unesco.org | All but one had [...] evidence thatan output wasproduced, such as a course brochure, a [...]publication, or a memo from the programme [...]officer that the required work had been done satisfactorily. unesdoc.unesco.org |
常见夫妻在差不多同一时 候退休,由于妻子一般比丈夫年轻,所以妻子要提早退休。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thereseemsto be a tendency for spouses [...] to retire near the same time, with wives retiring earlier as they are usually younger than their husbands. daccess-ods.un.org |
由於本集团差不多所有收入及大部分开支全均以美元或港元为单位,因此毋须对货币风险进行套戥。 asiasat.com | Since almost all the [...] revenueanda majority oftheexpenditure [...]of the Group are denominated in United States Dollars or [...]Hong Kong Dollars, there is no need to hedge for currency risk. asiasat.com |
当被要求评价自己国家对外政策的道德水平,在21个国家当中,有19个国家最普遍的评价为『与平均差不多』或『比平均低』。 hkupop.hku.hk | When asked to assess the morality of their country's foreign policy, in 19 out of 21 countries the most common answer is that their countryis about average or below average. hkupop.hku.hk |
88%的国际维持和平人员的合同期为一年或一年 以下,尽管维持和平特派团中文职工作人员平均服务 期限差不多为五年。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some 88 per cent of international peacekeeping staff had contracts of one [...] year or less, although the average duration of service for civilian staff in [...] peacekeeping missions was nearly five years. daccess-ods.un.org |
它们都差不多——还是某些更适合特定的问题领域? infoq.com | Are they all equivalent - or are somemore suited toparticular problem domains? infoq.com |
本公司将股本削减所产生进账转拨本公司缴入盈余账(缴入盈余 账之结余由约38,342,000港元增至72,662,000港元),并动用全数缴入盈余以差不多全数抵销本公司之累计亏损。 equitynet.com.hk | The Company transferred the credit arising from the Capital Reduction to the contributed surplus account of the Company (the balance of which was increased from approximately HK$38,342,000 to approximately HK$72,662,000) and apply the entire amount of the contributed surplus to eliminate almost the entire accumulated losses of the Company. equitynet.com.hk |
在 2008 年,接近 25% 的拥有硕士学位的经济学者在专业科 学和技术部门工作,五分之一在金融业工作,差不多三分之一的 人在联邦政府工作。 fgereport.org | In 2008, nearly one quarter of master’s-level economists were working in the professional science and technology sector, one fifth in finance, and almost one third in the federal government. fgereport.org |
大中华四地民众认为其国家对外政策的道德水平「比平均高」者有由香港的16%至中国大陆的38%不等;认为「与平均差不多」者有大陆的36%至香港的52%不等;而认为「比平均低」的由大陆的8%至台湾的25%不等。 hkupop.hku.hk | The percentages of publics in the four GCR regions thought the morality of their country's foreign policy was "above average" range from 16% in Hong Kong to 38% in Mainland, while those of "about average" range from 36% in Mainland to 52% in Hong Kong and those of"belowaverage" range from 8% in Mainland to 25% in Taiwan. hkupop.hku.hk |
我需要服药控制体重,我现在的体重和成年人差不多,也可能更重,而且健康方面也存在问题。 unicef.org | I weigh as much as a grown man, maybe even more and I have health problems,” explains Marcell. unicef.org |
其它制造商的产品可能看起来和世伟洛 克卡套管接头的部件差不多、但它们的 制造不可能采用世伟洛克的工程技术标 准、而且它们也不可能具备世伟洛克公司 自 1989 年以来所发布的 36 项有效的世 伟洛克卡套管接头专利所确定的设计和 制造革新所有优点。 swagelok.com | Components of other manufacturers may look like Swagelok tube fitting components—but they cannot be manufactured in accordance with Swagelok engineering standards, nor do they benefit from innovations in design and manufacture defined by 36 active Swagelok tube fitting patents issued since 1989. swagelok.com |
2006 年的遵守率也差不多高,共有 1 593 名(98.5%)工作人员遵守人力处进 [...] 行的 2006 年行动的报告规定,当时道德操守办公室还未成立。 daccess-ods.un.org | Asimilarly highrate of compliance was [...] achieved for the 2006 year, when 1,593 staff members (98.5 per cent) complied with [...]the reporting requirements for the 2006 exercise conducted by OHR, prior to the creation of the Ethics Office. daccess-ods.un.org |
在生成的幻灯片网页中,双击里面的网页文件就可以看见效果了,点击网页右下角的“幻灯片放映”按钮,浏览器还可以以全屏的方式进行播放,效果和在PowerPoint2003播放差不多(如图3)。 oapdf.com | In the resulting slide page, double-click the file inside the web page can see results, and click the bottom right corner of the page "slide show" button, the browser can also be the wayto full-screen playback,effects and playing almost in PowerPoint2003 ( Figure 3). oapdf.com |
在没有央行作为最后贷款人的欧元区,德国利 率下降;法国和西班牙的利率反复波动,但 2011 年底的利率与年初差不多;意大利的利率升幅显着。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the eurozone, where there is no central bank lender of last resort, German rates declined; French and Spanish rates experienced some volatility but ended 2011 at a rate similar to that at the beginning of the year; and Italian rates increased significantly. daccess-ods.un.org |
差不多每个医疗护理的服务者均受第六部份约 束,因为联邦资助医疗护理是普及性的。 familyvoicesofca.org | Nearly every health care provider is bound by Title [...] VI, because Federal funding of health care is almost universal. familyvoicesofca.org |
差不多在一年前的今天,安全理事会通过了关于 以联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团(联刚稳定 团)取代联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团(联刚特 派团)的第 1925(2010)号决议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Almost a year to the day, the Security Council adopted resolution 1925 (2010), by which the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo was succeeded by the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO). daccess-ods.un.org |
差不多有五分之一(19%) 的家庭有另一个孩子有特殊健康护理需要。 familyvoicesofca.org | Nearly one-fifth (19%) of the families had another child withspecial health care needs. familyvoicesofca.org |
第六步也是最后一步(这些步骤差不多可以同步进行)是,当各国与特别报告 员通信进程的合作或有效参与该进程的程度一直维持在较低水平时做出答复。 daccess-ods.un.org | A sixth and final step (these steps can be taken moreor less simultaneously) is to respond when countries have consistently poor levels of cooperation or meaningful engagement with a Special Rapporteur’s communications process. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果你严格按照这里所描述的规则执行了,并没有任何的简化,那么基本上你已经完成 了流浪猫安置工作的最困难的部分,差不多就算是成功了。 animalsasia.org | If you are in strict accordance with the rules described here, without simplifying any of these steps, then you have almost completed the most difficult part of the relocation. animalsasia.org |
令人鼓舞的是,已收回 179 万张登记表,这占合 格选民估计人数的 [...] 89%——较 2005 年登记的 130 万人 增加了差不多30%。daccess-ods.un.org | It is encouraging that 1.79 million registration forms were retrieved, representing 89 per cent of the [...] estimated number of eligible voters — an almost 30 per cent [...] increase from the 1.3million people [...]who registered in 2005. daccess-ods.un.org |
秘书长估计,可预期在生产率效益方面节约差不多250 人年,这一估计所依赖的假设是,各级工作人员平均花 5%的时间搜 索信息,以及 10 000 名秘书处工作人员配有企业内容管理软件。 daccess-ods.un.org | The SecretaryGeneral estimates that an annual economy of some 250 person-years in productivity gains could be expected, on the basis of an assumption that an average of 5 per cent of staff time at all levels is spent on searching for information, and that enterprise content management is deployed to 10,000 Secretariat staff. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,个人 电脑监视器的市场整合已差不多完成,冠捷在这个 稳定并以量为主的市场中己地位卓越,提供优良的 长远增长潜力。 cre8ir.com | Moreover, the consolidation of the PC monitor industry has more or less been completed. TPV’s preeminent position in this stable high-volume market offers us excellent long-term growth potential. cre8ir.com |
联合国信息中心门户网站(www.un.org/news)——联合国网站被访问次数最 多的一个部分——用六种正式语文突出报道有关和平与安全的议题和情况发展, 在本报告所述期间登载了差不多2000 份关于维和事务的新闻报道文章。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United Nations News Centre web portal (www.un.org/news) — one of the most heavily visited segments of the United Nations website — [...] gave issues and [...] developments related to peaceand security prominent coverage in all six official languages, carrying nearly 2,000 [...]news articles on peacekeeping [...]matters over the reporting period. daccess-ods.un.org |
2005 年至 2010 年, 在发展中国家中,40%的国家的生育率比 1970-1975 年水平下降了差不多一半, 而发展中世界所有其他国家的生育率实际上都有所下降。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2005-2010, 40 per cent of all developing countries saw their fertility drop to lessthan half their 1970-1975 levels, and fertility levels declined in virtually all other countries in the developing world. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种严格要求人车分离的态度自然不受欢迎,尽管405号公路封闭後,人们在现场被车撞伤的机率与走路回家途中差不多,但行政机关决定在夏日周末封闭10英里的道路,显然无力应付後果,故封街派对根本无法实现。 thisbigcity.net | Even though the possibility of some one getting injured on the 405 with cars banned is about on par with getting hurt walking home (and probably significantly less because you could get hit by a car doing that), the logistical exercise was apparently beyond a collection of administrations that dexterously developed a plan to deal with a 10-mile stretch of highway being closed during a summer weekend. thisbigcity.net |
西班牙最重要的鸡蛋生产商之一 Grupo Avicola la Cresta,最近以非常壮观的方式增加蛋鸡的数量:15 万只鸡分养在 7 列和带两层媒介天花板的惊人的 12 层鸡笼里,这差不多是世界上最高的鸡笼了。 bigdutchman.de | Grupo Avicola la Cresta, one of the most important Spanish egg producers, has increased its bird number in a spectacular way: 150,000 laying hens distributed on seven rows and impressive twelve tierswith two intermediate ceilings. bigdutchman.de |