

单词 巨额

巨额 ()

a huge amount
large sum (of money)

See also:


huge adj

very large

horizontal tablet or inscribed board
specified number or amount

External sources (not reviewed)

他还提到气候变化的影响,以及由于严重的飓风而对沿海地区花费 巨额资 金
He also referred to the impact of climate
[...] change and the enormous financial amounts spent on the [...]
coastal areas owing to the severity of the hurricanes.
在国内,如果得到联合国教科文组织教席,则可以在大学网中享有号召力 并得巨额的资金资助。
At the national level, holders of a UNESCO Chair can more easily mobilize university networks and obtain substantive financing.
每年巨额资金 直接投入水处理厂和供水系统的建造与改善。
Large amounts of funding are [...]
directed to the construction and rehabilitation of water treatment plants and water supply systems each year.
但考虑到在开 发和运营石油行业上巨额投资,南北苏丹对于中 国国有石油巨头中国石油天然气集团公司 (CNPC )仍然重要,也因此成为中国政府的焦 点。
But given the considerable investment in developing and operating [...]
the oil sector, the Sudans remain important for China
National Petroleum Company (CNPC), the state-owned oil giant, and thus a focus for the government.
瞄准犯罪分子在 全世界积累巨额非法 资产必须成为国际合作的重 点。
Targeting huge illegal assets accumulated [...]
by criminals around the world must be a major thrust of international cooperation.
这些特许勘探区中的石油并未 按照股份进行精确分配,而是巨额 数 量 售给中国等买 家。
Oil from these concessions is not divided precisely according to stakeholder shares, but instead sold in tanker-size quantities to buyers, including Chinese buyers.
全球经济面临的挑战是如何发挥信贷的杠杆作用,加快复苏,尤其是在许多 发达国家的公共部门更加需要筹集资金来填补财政刺激措施造成 巨额 赤 字 时, 为消费和中小企业提供资金。
The challenge facing the global economy is how to leverage credit to speed up the recovery, particularly with regard to financing consumption and SMEs, at a time when the public sectors of many developed countries will have greater need for financing to cover the massive deficits built up by their fiscal stimulus measures.
[...] 金)、世界粮食计划署(粮食计划署)和世界银行都在促进该方案方面提供巨 额支助
ECA, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the
World Food Programme (WFP) and the World Bank
[...] have all provided significant support in the [...]
advancement of the Programme.
鉴于项目的规模以及“泡沫塑料行业计划”核准 巨额 项 目 筹备资金,选用的方法 似乎不可靠,项目文件确认了这一点,即“根据调查,做出了以下假设:大型企业将至少 [...]
有两台发泡设备,一台为 150 公斤/分钟,1 台为 80 公斤/分钟;中型公司平均也有两台设
备,一台为 80 公斤/分钟,一台为 40 公斤/分钟。
Given the magnitude of the
[...] project, and the substantial amount of project [...]
preparation funds approved for the Foam Sector
Plan, the chosen approach seems unreliable, as recognized in the project document, i..e, “based on the survey, the following assumptions are made: large size companies would have at least 2 foaming units, 1 of 150 kg/min and 1 of 80 kg/min; medium size companies would also have on average two units, one of 80 kg/min and one of 40 kg/min.
这种情况包括外国公民持有公司三分之 一以上的资本,或拥有公司三分之一以上的投票权,或者已向 公司提供巨额贷款
This is the case if foreign nationals hold more than one-third of the company capital, have more than one-third of the voting rights or have provided significant loans.
我敦促各国执行《联合国反腐败公约》第 52 条和《联 合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》第 7
[...] 条,该条要求缔 约方必须了解其客户,同时披露存入 巨额 账 户 的资 金的受益人。
I urge States to implement article 52 of the United Nations Convention against Corruption and article 7 of United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime,
which require parties to know their customers and reveal the beneficiaries of funds
[...] deposited into high-value accounts.
就第一种风险来说,失业保险应帮 助雇主支付集体裁员费用,以便能够以较轻的代价改组公司,避免出现雇主 因为市场情况恶化和支巨额裁员补偿而面临重重财务困难的局面。
In the case of the first risk, unemployment insurance should help employers to cover expenses of collective redundancy in order to allow for cheaper reorganisation of a company and avoid a situation where an employer faces financial problems due to a worsened market situation and an obligation to pay large redundancy compensations.
[...] 防冲突机制的投资,以便省下用于处理真正全面冲突巨额资源,无论是人力还是物力。
I would strongly urge, therefore, that the United Nations and the international community invest more in
conflict prevention mechanisms in order to
[...] save the huge amount of resources, [...]
both capital and human, that is expended in
addressing fully fledged conflicts.
重新设计小组认为,当前的 司法系统令各组织付巨额财务 费用、名誉费用和其他费用,建议建立新型、分散、高效、颇具成 [...]
本效益的联合国内部司法制度,并从 2008 年 1 月开始运作。
The Redesign Panel found that the present
[...] justice system has enormous financial, reputational [...]
and other costs to the organizations,
and suggests a new, decentralized, streamlined and cost-efficient system of internal justice for United Nations that could become operational in January 2008.
[...] 是一种受经济利益驱动的经济行为,只要盗版还存 巨额 的 利 润空间,那么盗版就不会自行 消亡。
The main reason cited by the latter group of interviewees is that
piracy is driven by economic interests; so long as
[...] piracy remains tremendously profitable, [...]
it will not die out by itself.
工发组织在回应关于根据第十九届缔约方大会第 XIX/6 号决定第 11(b)款调动额 外资源以最大程度实现氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的环境惠益的潜在财政奖励措施和机会的第 54/39(h)号决定时指出,除了受益企业和其他未接受援助的企业提供 巨额 共 同 资金外 ,各方还努力想方设法根据《联合国气候变化框架公约》的现行要求获得今后与气候变化 有关的供资,但得出的结论是,现用的清洁发展机制方法不适用于沙特阿拉伯国内得到援 助的行业。
In response to decision 54/39(h) on potential financial incentives and opportunities for additional resources to maximize the environmental benefits from HPMPs pursuant to paragraph 11(b) of decision XIX/6 of the Nineteenth meeting of the Parties, UNIDO indicated that in addition to the large co-financing to be provided by the beneficiary enterprises and other enterprises not assisted, efforts have been made to identify ways and means to obtaining future climate change related funding based on current UNFCCC requirements, but it has been concluded that current Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) methodologies are not applicable to the sectors being assisted in Saudi Arabia.
另外,从人发会议召开以来 15
[...] 年中缺少充足的投资造成许多国家 大大落后于实现人发会议目标的步伐,需 巨额 投 资才能加快进展。
In addition, the lack of sufficient investment in the first 15 years since the Conference has left
many countries well behind the pace for achieving the targets
[...] and requiring significant investment [...]
to accelerate progress.
在加纳,尽管在矿业部 门投巨额资金 ,在本世纪开端,大规模的矿业公司只雇用 2 万名国民。
In Ghana, in spite of large investments in the mining sector, large-scale mining corporations employed only 20,000 nationals at the turn of the century.
提交人强调,死刑减为无期徒刑是因为向受感染儿童家属提供巨额赔偿 ,且欧洲联盟、保加利亚和其他国家施加了很大压力。
The author emphasizes that the death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment only after a large sum of money had been offered to the families of the infected children, and heavy pressure had been brought to bear by the European Union, Bulgaria and other States.
考虑到欧盟和瑞士公共部门出现 巨额支 出 ,采购市场的进一步放开将为出口行业(如建筑机械)和服务业 [...]
In light of the considerable expenses incurred [...]
by the public sector in the EU and Switzerland, this further opening of the
procurement market is creating opportunities for the export industry (e.g. machine construction) and the services sector (e.g. for engineering and architecture firms).
在这里了解更多关于著名的美国强力球彩票信息,该彩票在2012年彩票大奖累积到一 巨额 数 字 5.88亿美元,同时还为购买了强力投注的彩票提供丰厚的200万美元二等奖奖金。
Learn more about the famous USA Powerball Lotto here, that broke its jackpot record in 2012 by handing out a massive $588 million jackpot and also offers generous $2 million second prize for Power Play tickets.
一些国家还支巨 额资金 用于公共债务的还本付息;虽然亚太国家没有发生债务危机,但仍有一 些国家需支巨额费用以还本付息。
Some are also spending significant sums servicing public debt; while no Asia-Pacific country has a debt crisis, some nevertheless still have sizable servicing [...]
它应重申必须实现彻底销毁大规模毁灭性武器, 特别是核武器;体现应当指导核裁军措施并成为其特 点的透明、可核查和不可逆原则;重申联合国作为审 议裁军问题的普遍多边框架所应发挥的核心作用;重 申军备竞赛及其所浪巨额资源 造成了尤为消极的 后果,这些资源本来可以用于发展和遏制贫困、疾病 和气候变化;突显在常规武器领域采纳普遍商定的规 范的重要性;重申国际社会承诺防止和遏制小武器非 法贸易及其造成的灾难性人道主义后果。
It should reaffirm the need to achieve the complete elimination of weapons of mass destruction, in particular nuclear weapons; reflect the principles of transparency, verifiability and irreversibility that should guide and characterize nuclear disarmament measures; reaffirm the central role of the United Nations as the
universal multilateral
[...] framework for considering disarmament issues; reaffirm the particularly negative consequences of the arms race and the extensive resources that it squanders, which could be [...]
dedicated to development
and to combating poverty, disease and climate change; highlight the importance of adopting universally agreed norms in the area of conventional weapons; and reiterate the commitment of the international community to preventing and combating the illicit trade in small arms and its disastrous humanitarian consequences.
为说明这一点,一位与会者提到债权国给本国的农民 提巨额津贴 ,而同一个债权国却阻拦债务国同样这么做,从而损害了农民的利 益。
To illustrate, one participant referred to the huge subsidies that creditor countries provided to their farmers while debtor countries were prevented, by the same creditors, from doing the same, to the detriment of their farmers.
请注意,违反这些 规定可能致使所涉人员和公司面 巨额 罚 款、失去未来的政府合同,甚至是遭受刑事起诉。
Please note that violations of these rules can result in substantial fines, the loss of future government contracts and even criminal prosecution for the individuals involved and our Company.
This may result in you having to pay significant hospital, medical or other costs yourself.
5) 造成电影盗版的经济原因在于:不是所有的产品都能通过中国的审查制度,也 就是说,盗版电影的种类比正版电影丰富、使消费者有更多的选择;盗版可以
[...] 逃避税收,又没有质量保证,从而给经销商带 巨额 利 润 ;盗版电影的销售商 一般都没有营业执照,因而盗版光盘的销售体系远比正版光盘的销售体系发 达。
5) Economically, the reasons enterprises are attracted to movie piracy include: China’s censorship process means that legitimate titles are a subset of all titles produced, i.e. producing pirated titles allows distributors to offer customers much wider choice; with no
royalties and taxes to pay, and no quality control requirements to meet, pirated movies provide distributors
[...] with significantly higher profits; because [...]
sellers of pirated movies
are generally unlicensed, the distribution network for pirated movies is far more developed than that for legally licensed movies.
关于有关裂变材料禁产条约的决议草案 A/C.1/65/L.33,我们不得不投反对票,因为它要求 谈判拟订一项条约,而该条约只会禁止今后的裂变材 料生产,而不是寻求削减此类材料的现 巨额 库 存
With respect to draft resolution A/C.1/65/L.33, regarding a fissile material cut-off treaty, we were obliged to vote against it because it calls for negotiations on a treaty that will only ban future production of fissile materials but will not seek to reduce the existing huge stockpiles of such materials.
不过,例行做法是,贩运分子并不将乘客运往目的地,而是扣押乘客,向其家人 勒巨额赎金 ,然后才予释放:赎金通常为 30 000 至 50 000 美元。
However, instead of delivering the passengers to their destination, the traffickers routinely hold their passengers captive and demand exorbitant ransoms from their families for their release — typically between $30,000 and $50,000.




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