

单词 巨著

See also:

very large

External sources (not reviewed)

全世界科学家之间的合作研究中亚历史的重大成就之一是,修订和研究了 “中亚文明史巨著六卷 ,描绘了中亚、地中海到中国的历史文化演变全貌。
One important outcome of cooperation in the study of Central Asian history between researchers from around the world
was the preparation and
[...] study of a substantial six-volume history of Central Asian [...]
civilization, which offers a comprehensive picture of historical and cultural processes in the Central
Asian region, from the Mediterranean to China.
1802 年,拿破仑授权出版了该考察团的发现成果,这是一部不朽的多 巨著 , 其中包括插图、地图、学术文章以及详细的索引。
In 1802 Napoleon authorized the publication of the commission’s findings in a monumental, multi-volume work that included plates, maps, scholarly essays, and a detailed index.
很多議員也表示要支持儒家學說、宣揚仁愛精神,甚 至經常自習孔子的著作,並把儒家的經 巨著 放 在 案頭。
Many Members have already indicated that they are prepared to support the teachings of Confucius, promote the
spirit of compassion, and even study the works of Confucius
[...] regularly as well as putting Confucian classics on their desks.
去年,IWC沙夫豪森推出了一部关于其品牌历史 巨著。
Last year, IWC Schaffhausen published an impressive chef d’oeuvre about its history.
巨著共 3 3 章,索引完整,洋洋 1 795 页,内容涵盖政治和安全问题、人权、经济和社会问题、法律问题以及机 构、行政和预算问题。
The 33 chapters of the fully indexed 1,795-page volume deal with political and security questions; human rights; economic and social questions; legal questions; and institutional, administrative and budgetary questions.
2TB 型号的硬盘可存储长达 45 小时的 1080i
[...] HD-DVCPRO 编码视频 — 足以生产数部长篇视巨著。
The 2TB models can hold up to 45 hours of 1080i, HD-DVCPRO encoded video—enough to produce several feature
[...] length video masterpieces.
巨著共 33 章,索引完整, 洋洋 1 628 页,内容涵盖 2007 年开展的与政治和安全问题、人权议题、经济和 社会问题、法律议题以及机构、行政和预算问题有关的活动。
The 33 chapters of this fully indexed 1,628-page book deal with activities related to political and security questions, human rights issues, economic and social questions, legal issues, and institutional, administrative and budgetary matters carried out in 2007.
Codex Gigas (又称恶魔圣经)是一部源自波希米亚(古代的捷克领土之一)的 13 世巨著手稿
The Codex Gigas (or Devil´s Bible) is a large 13th-century manuscript from Bohemia, one of the historical Czech lands.
鼓励私人和公共合作伙伴翻译和出版世界名著和杰作,尤其通过继续出版教科文 组织主要代表作品丛书,在作品原有国之外的文化区域传播这些文 巨著。
encourage private and public partners to undertake the translation and publication of great universal works and classics, among others by extending the
UNESCO Collection of Representative Works in order to make
[...] major literary works known outside their cultural area of origin.
他们的宏巨著《Th e Guitar Collection》用512页的篇幅讲述了历史上最著名的吉他,硬边、天鹅绒内衬的吉他外壳采用高品质印花,重30多磅。
The Guitar Collection,” (pictured
below) their magnum opus, is 512 pages of
[...] history’s most famous guitars, delivered [...]
in a hard-sided, velvet-lined guitar case
with a high-quality print of one of the guitars featured and weighing in at more than 30 pounds.
巨著向我 们介绍了关于亚洲文明具有象征意义的哲学体系, [...]
因为它探讨各种问题和为争取政治独立、尊重文化和语言特性而斗争的种种社会矛盾,同时 提出理想和宽容及与西方对话的做法,这使他赢得了世人的尊敬和赞赏。
His significant work provides [...]
us with a philosophical system emblematic of Asian civilizations since it addresses all the
issues and social contradictions underlying the struggle for political independence and respect for cultural and linguistic identity, while offering ideals and practices based on tolerance and dialogue with the West, which have earned him universal respect and admiration.
安魂曲》是莫札特(Mozart)離世時仍未完成的一 巨著 , 在 「復活節音樂會」(30/3下午2時,玫瑰堂、1/4晚上8時,澳門文化中心)中,由澳門樂團音樂總監、首位在意大利國家歌劇院擔任總監的亞洲指揮呂嘉執棒,與樂迷一起探索並細味這位非凡作曲家所留下的不朽名篇。
In the Austro-German Tradition - Beethoven String Quartet Series I (23/3 at 8:00pm, Dom Pedro V Theatre) the Macau Orchestra surveys the trajectory of chamber music writing, from the brilliance of Mozart - whose unfinished Requiem Mass presents an enigma to this day - to the dark, serious masterpieces of Beethoven, interwoven by the lively musical world of Weber.
圣里奥已经弗拉维安谴责他的信的教学性质的一个名 巨著 , 一个确切的术语杰作,手无与伦比的清晰思路,其中一个谴责聂斯脱里的,就和其他欧迪奇(见利奥一世,教皇)。
St. Leo had already condemned the teaching
[...] of one nature in his letter to Flavian [...]
called the tome, a masterpiece of exact
terminology, unsurpassed for clearness of thought, which condemns Nestorius on the one hand, and Eutyches on the other (see LEO I, POPE).
綺麗的風景激發了許多英國文豪的創作靈感,其中包括 William Wordsworth、Agatha Christie、 Charlotte Bront 和 Jane Austen,而後者更以湖區為背景創作 巨著 「 傲 慢與偏見」(Pride and Prejudice)。
This dramatic scenery has inspired some of Britain’s biggest literary names, including William Wordsworth, Agatha Christie, Charlotte Bronte and Jane Austen, who used the Peak District as the setting for key scenes in Pride and Prejudice.
於2009年出版,由著名設計團隊M/M Paris負責設計的《Stanley Kubrick’s Napoleon: The Greatest Movie Never Made》,便透過平面媒介,徹底呈現出偉大導演Stanley Kubrick至去世後也沒完成的心願 — 拍攝一齣關於拿破侖的史詩式電 巨著。
Published in 2009 and art directed by the famed M/M Paris, Stanley Kubrick’s Napoleon: The Greatest Movie Never Made manifests itself as a record of the great director’s unfulfilled wish – completing an epic film on Napoleon.
[...] 2個最大的學校體系,即德州和加州,對於教科書的內容和出版著巨大的影響。
As a result, two of the country’s largest school systems — Texas and
[...] California — wield enormous influence over [...]
textbook content and publication.
再 者 , 鎖 國 政 策 的 結 束 對 外 藩 的 處 境著 巨 大 的 影 響 , 特 別 是 後 來 促 使 幕 府 衰 亡 的 長 州 及 薩 摩 。
Furthermore, the breakdown of the seclusion policy had also a profound effect on the position of tozama especially Satsuma and Choshu, which would later bring about the collapse of the Bakufu.
所有人的目光均注著巨型的 ILS 質子運載火箭,將亞洲衛星 在軌衛星隊伍的最新成員載送進入太空。
All eyes
[...] were fixed on the giant ILS Proton launch [...]
vehicle that propelled the latest addition to the AsiaSat family of in-orbit satellites into space.
電影的名字,令我想起一幅由著名意大利畫家卡拉瓦喬 (Caravaggio, 1571-1610) 所畫的「大衛著巨人頭顱」繪畫。
It reminds me of a painting by
[...] the famous Italian Caravaggio (1571-1610), David with the head of Goliath.
新興市場中的消費者市場以及針對新興市場的出口市場都蘊 著巨 大 的 商機。
HSBC predicts there will be big opportunities both in terms of consumer markets in the emerging markets, and export markets to the emerging markets.
推薦進行多份備份的另一因素:啟動復原時,Seagate DiscWizard 會刪除目標磁碟分割 (或磁碟) ,因此,如果您僅有一份單一備份,那麼在正在復原 的電腦上刪除系統磁碟分割時,您面 著巨 大 風 險 - 您僅有的是正在復原的影像,如果該影像 損毀,這將成為十分棘手的問題。
One more argument in favor of several backups: when starting recovery, Seagate DiscWizard deletes the target partition (or disc), so when you have just a single backup, the moment the system partition is deleted on the computer being recovered you are at great risk - the only thing you have is the image being recovered and if it is corrupted you are in big trouble.
他还提到气候变化的影响,以及由于严重的飓风而对沿海地区花费 巨 额资 金。
He also referred to the impact of climate
[...] change and the enormous financial amounts [...]
spent on the coastal areas owing to the severity of the hurricanes.
Coagrosol透過合作社給予小型生產者最好的商業機會,因為合作社誠實和擁有誠信,尊重組織內成員,運作上提供充分的透明度,而且在種植時對於環境付予責任,同時有面 著巨 大 的 挑戰和克服問題的能力。
COAGROSOL provides the best business opportunity to small-scale producers through cooperative union which upholds the values of integrity, respect, transparency, responsibility for environmental sustainability, as well as the ability to overcome challenges and difficulties.
已经有一些改善的切实迹象,见之于 著 人 民 、暴力受害者和以往的侵 权行为,以及从体制入手增进该国的权利等方面。
Real signs of improvement had been seen in the
[...] conditions of indigenous peoples, victims [...]
of violence and past abuses, and the
institutional promotion of human rights in the country.
他是勇氣與力量的化身,在他的體內蘊 著巨 大 的 精神力量,還有人們可以察覺到的感性氣息。
Whilst he represents the maximum expression of valour and strength, he still harbours immense humanity from which his spirituality springs forth, at the same time as one perceives great inner sensitivity.
某些代表团强调了维持年会的特别理由:鉴于许多发展 中国家缺乏进行危险性评估的资源,及时提供法典食品安全标准用于国家层面非常重要; 对许多国家来说,参加食典委会议具有能力建设的功效;两年期会议可能需要更长的时 间解决所有的议题,将造成实际困难;应认真考虑政府为准备和参加年度会议做出巨 大努力。
Some delegations highlighted specific reasons for retaining annual sessions: in view of the lack of resources for risk assessment in many developing countries, timely availability of Codex food safety standards was very important for use at the national level; participation in the Commission had a capacity building function for some countries; biennial sessions may need to be longer in order to address all items of work, which would create practical difficulties; and the considerable efforts made by governments to prepare themselves and participate in annual meetings should be taken into account.
尽管资源有限且面对政治困境,政府仍在建立现代国家,以及增进 和保护人权,尤其是教育权方面取得 巨 大 进 展。
In spite of limited resources and difficult political conditions, the Government had been able to make major progress in building a modern State, and promoting and protecting human rights, in particular the right to education.
[...] 文化和发展联合计划而言,基本目标是增强 著 和 非 洲裔人口的技能,以促进文化复兴、文 [...]
化管理和文化生产,并且推动文化多样性的保护政策,保护他们的物质和非物质文化遗产, 包括富有创造性的文化创业举措。
The MDG-F joint programme on culture and
development aims essentially at strengthening
[...] skills of the indigenous and Afro-descendant [...]
populations for cultural revitalization,
cultural management and cultural production, and at promoting policies for preserving cultural diversity and protecting their tangible and intangible cultural heritage, including through cultural and creative entrepreneurial initiatives.
许多代表团支持制定一项全球标准,指出石榴的生产和贸易已经扩展到近东以外 地区,由于许多国家对此商品越来越感兴趣,因而将 巨 大 的 市场潜力。
A number of delegations supported the elaboration of a worldwide standard, noting that the production and trade of pomegranate extended beyond the Near East Region and that there would be significant market potential in view of growing interest in this commodity in many countries.




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