

单词 巨款

See also:

very large

External sources (not reviewed)

如果要在較短的時間內重 建,目
[...] 前只有兩種方法,其㆒是利用出售居屋所得的收益來彌補公屋重建費用的不足, 其㆓是要求政府撥巨款資助重建。
Either we make use of the proceeds from the sale of HOS flats to
supplement the cost of redevelopment, or we ask the Government to come up
[...] with the huge funds to subsidize the [...]
現時私㆟機構㆗公積金的數目已經接近 800 億元,假如㆗央公積金通過成 立,將涉及數以千億元計巨款。
At the moment, the Central Provident Fund of private enterprises have amounted to nearly $80 billion.
人们向 人贩子支巨款,而 人贩子则安排他们在例如极其危险的情况下翻越崎岖的山路 [...]
Enormous sums of money are paid to [...]
smugglers who, for example, arrange journeys across mountain ridges in dangerous circumstances
or across the sea in overcrowded vessels that are neither seaworthy nor adequately provisioned.
(b) 當局會加強宣傳工作,向市民提供資 料,教導他們注意一些迹象,以作防範, 例如,參與者為須支巨款才能參與計 劃;參與者的利益主要源自介紹其他新 參與者,以及貨品/服務的售價應訂於 合理的水平
(b) publicity would be stepped up and information would be provided to the public on signs to watch out for e.g. a participant had to pay a huge sum of money for participation in a scheme, a participant's benefit was primarily derived from the introduction of further new participants, and the prices of goods/services sold should be reasonable
每位內地旅客均身巨款來港 購物,全因香港的貨物價廉物美,質優可靠。
When mainland visitors come to Hong Kong with rolls of banknotes in their pockets, they are doing this because goods in Hong Kong are affordably priced and they are of a good and reliable quality.
据估计,到 2030 年,非传染病给全球 经济产值造成的累计损失可达 30
[...] 万亿至 47 万亿美元 ——这是一巨款,而在资源越来越稀缺的经济环境 [...]
It is estimated that by 2030 the cumulative loss of output to the global economy could
be between $30 and $47 trillion — a
[...] staggering amount of money that, in an economic [...]
environment of increasing resource scarcity, is totally unacceptable.
或許政府作出這個決定是好的,否則我們將會欠 巨款。
Perhaps, the Government has made a good decision, or else we would have become heavily indebted.
针对我报发起的第二起讼诉案带来了更坏的结果:声称我们报纸破坏了亚美尼亚Mika公司的名誉并对我们处以高达25,000美元的罚金(在这里这可是 巨款 )。
A second trial against our newspaper had worse consequences: a $25,000 fine (a huge sum here) based on allegations that we had damaged the reputation of the Mika Armenia Company, controlled by the so-called Karabakh clan that helps rule Armenia.
此 外 ,政府一方 面用退 稅 等 方法付出一丁 點小恩惠, 另
[...] 一 方 面則藉印花 稅 徵巨款, 可 謂假仁 假義, 不 敢 [...]
恭 維 。
Further, there is an unsavoury hypocrisy for the Government to give away
small perks in the like of tax rebates with one hand, and take
[...] away significant sums in stamp duty [...]
increase with another.
劉皇發議員: 主席女士,近年,騙徒在街頭行騙的手法層出不窮,例如
[...] 藉詞替事主祈福消災、與事主攤分在街上拾獲 巨款 , 以至合資購買靈丹或 高科技零件以轉售圖利等。
MR LAU WONG-FAT (in Cantonese): Madam President, in recent years, culprits of street deceptions have employed many different defrauding tricks, for instance, by making excuses such as seeking spiritual blessings for removing
misfortunes for the victims, sharing with the
[...] victims a large sum of money found on the [...]
street, and jointly buying and reselling magic
drugs or high-tech components with the victims to make a profit, and so on.
DEC 向公众筹集巨款(3. 5 亿多英镑)用于海啸救灾,将资助款的使用期限增加到三 年。
The DEC raised such huge sums (over £350 million) from the public for the tsunami response that the DEC increased the period of expenditure to three years.
所以,我想請問政府,除了現時頗能得到民間好評,在進行土地 審裁之前多設一個調解機制的做法之外,政府會否考慮發揮更大角 色,尤其是當中每每牽涉過億元,大型屋苑甚至會涉及二、三億巨 款,正 是利之所在,的確極有可能引致分裂和經濟利益的爭奪。
Therefore, I wish to ask the Government, apart from the introduction of a mediation mechanism, a measure commendable by the public, to deal with disputes before submitting the case to the Lands Tribunal, will the Government consider playing a more important role in view of the fact that the fees involved can be as high as hundreds of millions of dollars, and even $200 million to $300 million for large housing estates?
69. 关于这一点,应当指出的是,运用“合同的审慎管理”于是就不遵守本组织的基本规 则,比如进行市场竞争和通过集体办公机制审 巨款 合 同
In regard to that point, it should be noted that “prudent contract management”, in this particular case, amounted to failure to comply with the Organization’s basic rules and regulations, such as competitive bidding and review of the largest contracts by a collegial body.
增大這部分的承擔,會令政府的盈餘情況惡化,民主黨認為政府 其實無須預留一巨款,有 需要時,大可以來立法會財務委員會(“財委 會”)申請追加撥款,這便可避免讓政府做大開支,令盈餘累積,使財政看 來不穩健,還可能會令有需要的項目被拖延幾年。
This can avoid the provision of a large expenditure leading to the accumulation of surplus and an impression of an unhealthy fiscal position, apart from delaying essential projects for years.
随着战事发展,Livia接到一笔送往威尼斯抵抗力量巨款,但 她却将钱交给了Franz让他打通关系从军队中退役。
As war approaches, Livia is entrusted with a large sum of money meant for the Venetian resistance, but gives it to Franz so he can buy his way out of military service.
辩论还表明,本组织在目前的预算情况下,不可能拿出这样一 巨款 ( 63 ,210,000 欧 元)来实施所有工程,因为正如行政部门当时所指出的那样,米奥利斯/邦万没有做任何预 算计划,而且对实施贝尔蒙计划第二期工程的供资问题也没有作出什么决定。
The debate also emphasized the inability of the Organization, in the current budgetary context, to spend such a substantial amount (€63,210,000) for all the work since, as the Administration pointed out during the debate, no financing has been earmarked for Miollis/Bonvin and, what is more, nothing has been decided with regard to the financing of Phase 2 of the Belmont Plan (Fontenoy site).
但是,另一邊廂,情況卻完全不同,政府坐擁 巨款。
However, the situation is entirely different when it comes to the huge surplus recorded by the Government.
[...] 修订的战略规划框架中,教科文组织正常计划的资金是用来支持全民信息计划理事会的运作 开支以及为计划的筹资活动提供行政支助费用,所有计划工作都只能依靠捐助国提供的自巨款。
While the Director-General appreciates the concern expressed in this draft resolution, she wishes to call the attention of its authors to the fact that, in the framework of the revised strategic plan of IFAP, UNESCO’s Regular Programme funds are used to support the functioning of the IFAP Council and the provision of administrative support for the
Programme’s fundraising efforts, while all programme work
[...] relies on funds from voluntary contributions by donor countries.
通过节省多达零售价格 80% 的折扣,拥有一块奢华女士手表不再需要花费一 巨款。
With savings of up to 80% off retail, owning a luxury women’s watch does not have to cost a small fortune.
Although Hong Kong is hoarding a huge amount of money now, it is unable to narrow the disparity between the rich and the poor.
在農業方面 , 由 於 政 府 的城市 規劃失當, 讓 新 市 鎮 建 於 傳統的 農場附 近 , 以致大 量 民 居 與 豬 場 、 雞 場為鄰 , 即 使場主 花巨 款 以 滿足苛刻的 排污 要 求 , 農 民與居 民仍然矛盾重重。
Farmers and residents are still pretty much at odds even though farm owners have spent a lot of money to meet harsh requirements of sewage disposal.
然 而 ﹐ 在 18 世 紀 下 半 葉 ﹐ 由 於 亞 當 斯 密 (Adam Smith) 及 邊 沁 (Bentham)強 烈 反 對 花巨 款 以 肩 負 殖 民 地 這 個 擔 子 ﹐法 國 和 英 國 政 府 便 放 棄 了 殖 民 地 政 策 。
During the second half of the eighteenth century, however, the colonial policy was abandoning in France and Britain when Adam Smith and Bentham strongly repudiated the costly and burdensome colonial management.
既要对新任职人 员,也要对所有可能承诺支巨款的 所有任职人员开展有关学习了解《行政手册》和《财务 条例》内容的培训,这种培训应纳入遵守规章的道德规范层面内容。
Compulsory training on the content of the Administrative Manual, which should also include the ethical dimension of compliance with the rules, should be organized for new arrivals and also for officers who, by the nature of their duties, incur high levels of expenditure.
例如我們說投訴警 察 課 的 成 績 只 達 到 我們所要求 的 1%至 2%或 三數個百 分 點 的指標 , 這 也 算不太差, 算是有點用處, 也 值 得 予 以 保 留 , 然而, 這 架 構又是否值 得本會 同意撥巨 款給他們來運 作 呢 ?
People may perhaps say that though the CAPO can only achieve 1%, 2% or several percentage points of our performance requirement, it has not performed too poorly after all; it is still worth its existence and there is a point in retaining it.
我們亦 聽 到 羅致光議員談 及處理 私 人 地 方 樹木的法律問題、 梁劉柔芬議員談 到應如何 像 尊 重 人 一般地 尊 重 樹木、朱幼麟議員談 到 中國各 大 城 市 在 關 乎 樹木的 一 些 法律經驗 、 陳婉嫻議員歌 頌 樹 林,說 得 如 詩 如 畫 、 葉國謙議員說出科 士 街 的石牆 和 龍 華 街 一 棵 樹 的 故 事 、 陳偉業議員說到樹木 的 珍 貴 和 其 經 濟 價 值、張宇人議員對 樹木表 示 讚 賞 和 提 到應不惜 動巨 款 來 保 護一些 古樹、 劉炳章議員提到有關規劃 用地時 , 如 牽涉一 些 古樹時應持的 看 法 、 胡經昌議員列舉 了一個園 林 城 市 保 護 樹木的 做 法 、 單仲偕議員談 到應 如 何 在 香港安 置 櫻 花樹的 問題, 以及勞永樂議員對 古樹的 祝 福 。
We have also heard Mr LAW Chi-kwong discussing legal issues involved in handling trees on private lands, Mrs Sophie LEUNG expounding on how we should respect trees in the same way as we respect people, Mr David CHU mentioning the legal experience relating to trees of the various major cities in mainland China, Miss CHAN Yuen-han rhapsodizing about trees poetically, Mr IP Kwok-him telling the story of the Forbes Street stone wall and that of a tree in Lung Wah Street, and Mr Albert CHAN speaking of the preciousness and economic value of trees.
工业化国家对中国向国有石油公司发放 巨 额贷 款和为 专制政权提供限制性援助与支持忧心忡 忡。
Industrialised countries are also worried about China’s subsidised lending to its state-owned oil companies, use of tied aid and support for repressive regimes.
因此审计员建议,应再次 提请多边基金缔约方会议注意,须将拖欠时间最长 巨 额 欠 款 宣 布 为坏账。
The auditors had therefore recommended that the attention of the Meeting of the Parties should once again be drawn to the necessity of declaring as bad debts the longest-standing and largest debt balances.
40. 考虑到前政府时期向可可咖啡管理委员会缴纳 巨 额 税 款 没 有 记入国家预 算以及部分税收用于军购,专家组期待与农业部举行会议,以便对新政府出台的 可可工业改革措施进行分析(见 S/2011/271,第134段和S/2006/204,第22段)。
The Group looks forward to a meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture with a view to analysing the reforms the new Administration has adopted in the cocoa industry, given the fact that in the previous Government, large amounts of taxes paid to CGFCC were unaccounted for in the country’s budget, and on occasions, used for the purchase of arms (see para. 134 of S/2011/271 and para. 22 of S/2006/204).
会议指出,审计委员会建议,应再次提请缔约方会议注意,须将拖 欠时间最长巨额欠款宣布 为坏账,并鉴于执行委员会在第十九次缔约方会议 [...]
上已提请缔约方注意这一问题,请财务主任建议审计员不再提出关于长期拖欠 的债务的意见和建议(第53/41号决定)。
It was noted that the Board of Auditors had recommended that the attention of the Meeting of the Parties
once again be drawn to the necessity of
[...] declaring as bad debts the longest-standing [...]
and largest debt balances, and requested
the Treasurer to advise the auditors to treat as closed the observation on long-outstanding debts as the Committee has already drawn these to the Parties’ attention at their Nineteenth Meeting (decision 53/41).




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