单词 | 巨无霸汉堡包指数 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 巨无霸汉堡包指数—Big Mac Index, a measure of the purchasing power parity |
他们向附近的烘培店要求制造三倍大的汉堡面包,当巨大汉堡完成後,大夥人都吓了一大跳,因为它实在太巨大了。 4tern.com | When the bread wasdone, everyone was shocked of its size. 4tern.com |
这高达1.5公斤重,19公分直径的巨大汉堡包当被置放在麦当劳的大麦克汉堡旁时,大麦克汉堡显得渺小。 4tern.com | This massive 1.5kg, 19cm [...] acrossdiameter hamburgerwhen isplaced together [...]with Mc-Donalds Big Mac, the Big Mac seems to be a mini size burger. 4tern.com |
Waihi Beach的巨大汉堡包含了一半的沙拉叶、一粒切片番茄、两大培根、3至4片的小黄瓜、四分之一的洋葱、番茄酱、起司酱、2片180gram的牛肉片。 4tern.com | Waihi Beach jumbo hamburgercontains halfa lettuce, [...] a whole chopped tomato, three fried eggs, two large slices of shoulder [...]bacon, three or four gherkins, a quarter of an onion, mustard, tomato sauce and a special cheese sauce and 2 slices of 180gram beef patties. 4tern.com |
他是若干政府/公共艺术文化政策研究的首席作者和编辑,包括:《香港创意产业基线研究》(2003)、《创意指数研究》(2005 )和《珠三角及香港创意产业》(2006)和 《香港艺术界年度调查报告》(2010 )。 venicebiennale.hk | He is Chief Author and Editor of several government/ public [...] studies related to arts and [...] cultural policy including the Baseline Study on HK's Creative Industries (2003), A Study on CreativityIndex (2005) and Study [...]on the Relationship between [...]the Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong's Creative Industries (2006) and Advisor for the Annual Survey of the Arts Sector in Hong Kong (2010). venicebiennale.hk |
(a) 於首个截止日期下午四时正或之前(或要约人根据收购守则之规定可能决定之其他 较後时间及/或日期)接获就导致要约人及其一致行动人士持有汉登最少 69.06%投 票权的汉登股份数目(其中须包括销售股东拥有的所有汉登股份) (且并无在倘获 准许之情况下撤回)之要约有效接纳书 ygmtrading.com | The Offer will be conditional on the satisfaction or waiver of the following Conditions: (a) valid acceptances of the Offer being received (and not, where permitted, withdrawn) by 4:00 p.m. on the First Closing Date (or such later time(s) and/or date(s) as the Offeror may, subject to the [...] rules of the Takeovers [...] Code, decide) in respect ofsuch numberof Hang Ten Shares (which shallinclude allthe Hang Ten Shares owned by the [...]Selling Shareholders) [...]which will result in the Offeror and persons acting in concert with it holding at least 69.06% of the voting rights in Hang Ten ygmtrading.com |
汉堡为佛罗里达的创意阶级概念范例,市政府具备创新精神,强调佛罗里达重视的「3T」(科技、包容、人才),发展为都市成长政策,藉以吸引全球人才,并扩张当地创意环境,亦即日常生活与接触的实体、社会与文化环境,市政府基於这些创意阶级核心论述,认为创意政策将有助提升汉堡在国内的竞争优势。 thisbigcity.net | With emphasis on Florida’s 3 Ts (Technology, Tolerance and Talent), the entrepreneurial city council has developed urban growth policies a) to attract global talent and b) to expand the city’s creative milieus, that is, the physical, social and cultural environments in which people act and live. thisbigcity.net |
他在国际赛事中获奖无数,包括日内瓦(1979)、慕尼黑(1982)、布拉格(1986)、斯洛伐克、圣彼得堡。 tomleemusic.com.hk | His success in international competitions is also [...] impressive: Genève, Vercelli (1979), Munich (overall prize in 1982), Prague (1986 unanimous first prize), Slovak prize, MRAVINSKY medal St Petersbourg. tomleemusic.com.hk |
极少数,特别是罗马天主教会与东正教会,就像麦当劳的汉堡包;你会找到完全相同的环境,他们的任何教会,确切同样的程序,取得的经验和信仰。 mb-soft.com | Averyfew,specifically Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches, are like McDonald's hamburgers; you willfind [...] the exact same environment [...]in ANY of their Churches, with the exact same procedures, lessons and beliefs. mb-soft.com |
就本集团於非上市股本基金及货币市场基金的投资而言,由於基金中的股本证券与相关市场指数或基金中的货币市场投资与相关利率走势的相互关系难以估计,加上基金的多元性质,其风险不能可靠地 计量,因此并无就价格风险进行敏感度分析。 cre8ir.com | For the Group’s investments in unlisted equity funds and money market funds, due to the difficulty in [...] estimating the correlation [...] with themarket indexesofthe underlying equity securities of the funds or the correlation with the interest rate trend of the underlying money market investments and the diversified nature of the funds, no sensitivity [...]analysis for price risk is performed as it cannotbe reliably estimated. cre8ir.com |
例如,某个人机的地址为 10,与数据分享连接 的连线个数为2,以下的巨集指令可使通讯驱动发布关联的数据至网路。 maxthermo.com.tw | For example, if the panel address of a panel is [...] 10 and the number of the link connecting to Data Sharer is 2, the following Macro command [...]will cause the communication [...]driver to broadcast the corresponding data on the network. maxthermo.com.tw |
例子包括白面包、裸麦面包、裸麦粗面包、提子乾面包、全麦面包、pain courant francais、麦芽面包、汉堡面包卷、全麦面包卷及牛奶面包卷。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples include: white bread, rye bread, pumpernickel bread, [...] raisin bread, whole wheat bread, pain courant [...] francais, maltbread, hamburgerrolls, whole wheat [...]rolls, and milk rolls. cfs.gov.hk |
联合声明中对伊朗伊斯兰共和国提出的指控是其篡改事实真相的又一事例, 为某些政治和经济权力集团的利益,在中东地区扩大其霸权主义政策,并转移美 国公民对国内和外交层面许多无效和失败政策的注意力而采取的又一骗术。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those accusatory allegations raised against the Islamic Republic of Iran in the joint statement are yet another example of misrepresentation of the realities on the ground in the interest of certain circles of political and economic power to furthertheir hegemonicpolicies in [...] the Middle East region, [...]and also a deception tactic to avert the attention of United States citizens from many unfruitful and failed policies at the domestic and foreign levels. daccess-ods.un.org |
Laughing在狱中认识藏毒被囚,斯文而与世无争,却 能以心理陷阱收服狱霸「巨川」的大学教授。 dddhouse.com | In prison, Laughing met Francis Ng, a university professor imprisoned for drug possession. Despite the professor’s gentle and aloof exterior, he was a vicious, cold-blooded criminal. dddhouse.com |
(b) 汉登股份於截至首个截止日期仍在联交所主板上市及买卖(惟待刊发有关不可撤回 承诺要约的任何公布而暂停买卖汉登股份除外)及於首个截止日期或之前并无接获证监会及/或联交所指示汉登股份在联交所的上市地位已或可能会撤回或暂停 ygmtrading.com | (b) the Hang Ten Shares remaining listed and traded on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange up to the First Closing Date (save for any temporary suspension of trading of the Hang Ten Shares pending any announcement in connection with the [...] Irrevocable Undertaking and [...] the Offer)andno indication being received on or before the First Closing Date from the SFC and/or the Stock Exchange to the effect that the listing ofthe Hang Ten Shares [...]on the Stock Exchange [...]is or is likely to be withdrawn or suspended ygmtrading.com |
很多时候,自然灾难往往突如其来:泥石流令房屋及村庄与外界失去联系,地震在瞬间摧毁整个地区,洪水威胁着无数人的家园,森林火灾危及城镇和村庄,海啸巨浪席卷整个地区,而龙卷风更会摧毁当地的基础设施。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Ever more frequently, nature strikes at lightning speed: mudslides cut houses and villages off from the outside world, earthquakes destroy entire regions within seconds, floods threaten people's livelihoods, forest fires endanger towns and villages and tidal waves devastate whole regions, tornadoes destroy a region's infrastructure. mercedes-benz.com.hk |