单词 | 左标线 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 左标线 noun —left scale nSee also:左 adj—left adj • wrong adj • opposite adj 左—differing • unorthodox • surname Zuo • queer • the Left (politics) 标线—graticule • grid lines
在趋势线区域的左边或 右边页边空白区域包含一个时间 光 标 , 用 鼠 标 拖 动 时间 光 标 进 入到趋势线区域,这样你就可以在数据窗口里面读取到曲线数值。 evget.com | The left or the right margin of the trend area contains a time cursor. Using the mouse to drag the time cursor into the trend [...] area will allow [...]you to read the curve values in the data window. evget.com |
与之形成对比的是,标准PET丝线(左 图 )在突然断裂后会产生大量纤丝。 voith.com | In contrast, the standard PET filament (left) has numerous small [...] fibrils after a sudden break. voith.com |
按住鼠标左键同 时移动鼠标光标来修改时间或者数据比例, 曲 线 就 会 自动更新。 evget.com | Move the cursor with the mouse key pressed down to modify the time or data scale. evget.com |
你可以在PC上使用鼠标的同 时外加一个 无 线 的 左 手 “ 方向”控制手柄,或者直接接驳PS3。 tuact.com | You can game on the PC with the [...] Mouse while using the WAND as a wireless wasd controller or take the [...]Mouse and WAND and play directly [...]on the PS3 This multi platform controller uses the highest quality parts, features the best wireless laser mouse performance available. tuact.com |
您也可以按住鼠标右键拖曳旋转目标点,当十 字 线 对 准 物件的同时再按住 鼠 标左 键 来 旋转摄影机。 rhinoceros.helpmax.net | If you are dexterous, you can press the [...] right-mouse-button and then the left-mouse button and hold them down [...]at the same time to target an object and rotate the camera. rhinoceros.helpmax.net |
按照水平线向左读取 流体出口压力 (上图)或 空气消耗量 (下图)。 graco.com | Follow left to scale to read fluid [...] outlet pressure (top chart) or air consumption (bottom chart). graco.com |
按照水平线向左读取流体出口压力。 graco.com | Follow left to scale to read fluid [...] outlet pressure. graco.com |
当鼠标指针在轮廓周围移动时,指针将会改变以标示 您可以按住鼠标左按钮来调整轮廓。 graphics.kodak.com | As the mouse cursor moves around the [...] outline, the cursor will change indicating that you can adjust the outline by pressing and holding the left mouse button. graphics.kodak.com |
2009 年 3 月 14 日,21 时 30 [...] 分,以色列敌方从在纳库拉角的阵地,朝 3 号 浮标线约 500 米以北黎巴嫩领水照射探照灯 [...]5 秒钟。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 14 March 2009, at 2130 hours, the Israeli enemy, from its position at Ra's [...] al-Naqurah, directed a searchlight for five seconds towards Lebanese territorial waters [...] some 500 metres north of buoy No. 3. daccess-ods.un.org |
为此我们在我的计算机上用鼠标左键 单 击, 在出现的对话框中,单击工具, 然后文件夹选项, 在视图上, 在高级选项"以不同的颜色显示加密 NTFS 文件"中找到这行,并采取刻度线. driver-download.ru | To do this we click with the left mouse button on my computer, in the dialog box that appears, click on Tools, then folder options, on view, find this line in the advanced options "to display encrypted NTFS [...] files in a different color" and take the tick. driver-download.ru |
4)按住鼠标左键, 将表格拖到Excel窗口中,松开 鼠 标左 键 将 表格放在需要的位置即可。 oapdf.com | (4) Hold down the left mouse button to drag the Excel spreadsheet window, release the left mouse button [...] on the forms required location. oapdf.com |
决议草案 36 C/DR.1(埃及)力图通过在如下段落中增加有关内容(增加部分以下 划线 标示),修改决议草案 00100,第 2 段,内部监督,第一项预期成果:“强化教科文组织的 风险管理、资金支付前后的控制、合规和效率机制” 该决议草案无预算影响。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Draft Resolution 36 C/DR.1 (Egypt) seeks to amend draft resolution 00100, paragraph 2, Internal Oversight, first expected result by adding the words underlined in the following paragraph: “Risk management, control, before and after payments of cash, compliance and value-for-money mechanisms strengthened. unesdoc.unesco.org |
号线从○月○日左右 (○月后)开始可以通行。 tokyo-icc.jp | Road number ○○ will open around ○ (month) the ○th (from ○ (month)). tokyo-icc.jp |
鼠标左键双击用例元素可以让你定义 用例。 sparxsystems.cn | Double clicking on a use case element allows you to define the specifics of the use case. sparxsystems.com |
实线箭头所指为左心室 最小压力,虚点箭头所指为 A 波之前左心室压,虚线箭头所指为左 心 室舒张末期压力。 asecho.org | The solid arrow points to left ventricular minimal pressure, the dotted arrow to left ventricular pre-A pressure, and the dashed arrow to left ventricular end-diastolic [...] pressure. asecho.org |
国际协调小组还决定 (i) 研究与海洋学和海洋气象学联合技术委员会 合作的可能性;(ii) [...] 增加太平洋海啸警报系统国际协调小组夏威夷培训计划(ITP--夏威夷) 的时间并成立一个国际部,向会员国提供本地援助;(iii) 成立援助会员国的“专家库”; [...] (iv) 接受“海啸灾害区”和“海啸撤离路 线 ” 标 识 并 提交国际标准化组织;(v) 建议与环太平 [...]洋理事会建立正式合作的关系。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Group further decided to (i) study possibilities for cooperation with JCOMM; (ii) increase the duration of its ITSU Training Programme held in Hawaii (ITP-Hawaii) and establish an international component (ITPInternational) for in-country assistance to Member States; (iii) establish a “Pool of Experts” to assist Member States; (iv) accept [...] the “Tsunami Hazard Zone” and [...] “Tsunami Evacuation Route” signs and submit these [...]to ISO; and (v) recommend formal collaborative [...]links with the Circum-Pacific Council. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我在信中指出,联黎部队没有设立海上边界的权力,但我完全支持联黎 [...] 部队的努力,即鼓励黎巴嫩武装部队和以色列国防军利用三方论坛讨论有关海上 安全的事项,包括浮标线问题 ,以尽量减少出现安全事件的风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | While noting that UNIFIL did not have the authority to establish a maritime boundary, I fully endorsed in my letter the efforts of UNIFIL to encourage the Lebanese Armed Forces and the Israel Defense Force to utilize the tripartite forum to address [...] matters related to maritime security, including [...] the line of buoys, with the aim of minimizing [...]the risk of security incidents. daccess-ods.un.org |
自2008年10月28日启动,联信永益公司经过近5个月时间,对红塔集团用户进行了详细的需求调研、现状摸底等工作,从三条主线(业务主线、数据 主 线 、 标 准 主 线 ) 出 发,总结分析了四大模型(业务模型、数据流模型、指标模型、数据模型),创建、完善了五套标准(4套技术标准+1套管理标准),顺利完成了红塔集团数据中心的信息资源规划项目。 surekam.com | From October 28, 2008, it took Surekam nearly five months to carry out a detailed need research, current situation investigation, etc., summarize four models [...] (business model, data flow [...] model, index and standard model and data model) from the analysis of three main lines (business main [...]line, data main line, [...]standard main line) and propose 5 standards (4 technical standards + 1 management standard), and finally successfully complete the data center information resource planning project of Hongta Group. surekam.com |
2008 年 12 月 26 日,19 时 40 分,以色列敌方从纳库拉角阵地,朝 浮 标线照 射探照灯一分钟 40 秒。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 26 December 2008, at 1940 hours, from its position at Ra’s al-Naqurah, the Israeli enemy directed a searchlight towards the line of buoys for 1 minute and 40 seconds. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一新标准就是今天我们所了解 的802.11ac无线标准, 包括提高现有无线局域网(WLAN)数据吞吐量的标准结构,使无线网络可以提供有线网络的性能。 litepoint.com | The new amendment, known as 802.11ac, includes [...] mechanisms to improve the data throughput of [...] the existing Wireless Local Area Networks [...](WLAN), enabling wireless networks to [...]offer wired network performance. litepoint.com |
因为条形图的起点在 Y 轴的 0 [...] 点,所以图形不能够清楚的表示不同日粮直接的区 别:为了突出它们的区别,你可以在想查看的图形上按住 鼠 标左 键 向 左下方画一个矩形从而 放大条形图;也可以按照同样的方法向左上方画一个矩形,缩小条形图。 evapig.com | Because the bar chart starts at 0 on the Y axis, the chart may not clearly show the differences between diets: to highlight those differences, you can [...] zoom in the chart by holding [...] down the left mouse button (starting from the bottom left corner) and [...]then drawing a rectangle around the area of interest. evapig.com |
按住 [Shift] 并用鼠标左键单击一点,然后再单击另一点,可以为设置摄像机的若干功能定义窗口(视频动态侦测窗口、图像遮盖区域等),如在图像中设置图区窗口主题中所述。 ssf.lv | When using a [Shift]-click/click, you can define windows for several features of the camera (video motion detector, obscuring image areas, ...) as described in the Graphically Entering Image Areas topic. ssf.lv |
改变查看距离: 在模拟器窗口中按住鼠标左键, 上、下移动鼠标。 dmx512.ch | Changing of viewing distance: hold down the right mouse button inside the Emulator window, and move mouse up- or downwards. dmx512.ch |
一旦你把用例模型加入你的项目,如果要导航到这个用例模型,你只需 鼠 标左 键 双 击打开它。 sparxsystems.cn | Once you have added the use case model to your project, navigate to the use case model [...] diagram and double left-click to open it. sparxsystems.com |
箭头起点和箭头终点(箭头的头位于末端)也插入最后一次单击 鼠 标左 键 的 位置上 。 mesalabs.com | Arrow Start and Arrow End (arrow-head is at end) are also inserted at [...] the point of the last left click of the mouse. mesalabs.com |
2011年,中兴通讯与河源市政府签订合作协议,将中兴通讯(河源)生产研发培训基地正式落户河源,基地 建成后预计将容纳4.6万人左右, 其中生 产 线 员 工 预计4万 人 左 右 , 这将为河源及周边城市提供大量的就业机会, 同时也改善了贫困地区百姓的就业环境和就业条件。 zte.com.cn | When the base is completed, it is estimated to accommodate about 46,000 persons, in which the number of production line employees is estimated to be about 40,000. The facility will provide numerous employment opportunities for the people of Heyuan and the surrounding cities and improve the employment environment and conditions for the people in poverty-stricken areas. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
即该步骤是在 s204(s221)中检测到该行楔形线右端 (左端)而 分出的,从此时的 i(检测出的端值)起,在不接触刻度部分的范围内空出稍许余 [...] 量,指定移动数个像素后的楔形线外侧位置。 cipa.jp | This step is branched at s204 (s221) in which detection is [...] completed in the right (left) end of wedge and thus, [...]based on the i (value detected in [...]the end) at that point of time, the position is specified so that it is shifted toward the outside of the wedge by a few pixels, with some margin included to keep away from the scale area. cipa.jp |
浮标线是以 色列政府单方面安置的,并没有得到黎巴嫩 政府承认,虽然联黎部队没有监测这条 浮 标线 的 授 权,但这一问题已在三方论坛 上提出,部队指挥官对有关事件会加剧双方间的紧张关系表示关切。 daccess-ods.un.org | While UNIFIL has no mandate to monitor the line of buoys, which the Government of Israel installed unilaterally and which the Government of Lebanon [...] does not recognize, [...]the issue has been raised in the tripartite forum, and the Force Commander has expressed his concern that the incidents help to increase tension between the parties. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,为与私营部门伙伴关系提供便利的在线门户――“联合国 [...] 工商伙伴网站”应要求将“指导原则”和企业尊重人权的责任作为工商业行为准 则应遵循的基线标准。 daccess-ods.un.org | Lastly, the United Nations Business Partnership gateway, an online portal to facilitate partnerships with the private sector, should reference the Guiding [...] Principles and the corporate responsibility to respect human [...] rights as the baseline standard expected of business [...]conduct. daccess-ods.un.org |