

单词 左支右绌

See also:


left and right

左右 v

control v

External sources (not reviewed)

如报告(A/64/346/Add.2,第 14 段)所 述,档案扩充项目的费用超出了最初的预算,绌 266 000 美元,将用 37 中支助事务厅的现有经费匀支。
As indicated in the report (A/64/346/Add.2, para. 14), the cost of the archive expansion project exceeds the initial budget, leaving a shortfall in the
amount of $266,000, which is to be absorbed from
[...] within the existing resources of the Office of Central Support Services.
270 度运动可在两个方向进行支持 左 耳 和 右 耳 佩 戴。
The 270 degree movement can be done in
[...] both directions, supporting left and right wearing styles.
不過,他們當中亦有五分左右支持 政 府的方案,和不贊成因為缺乏普選時間表而否決政改方案。
However, about
[...] one-fifth of them also supported the government's [...]
package, and would not like to see the package voted down
due to its lack of timetable for universal suffrage.
在 2002 年的預算案中,當時的財政司司長梁錦松先生指出,自從亞洲
金融風暴爆發後,金融管理局(“金管局”)已落實一系列的措施,強化了 港元匯率的穩定性,外匯基金亦逐步有較好的盈餘,加強了外匯基金捍衞港
[...] 元的穩定性,因此財政儲備已無須與貨幣供應量掛鈎,只須預留一筆相等於 政府 12 個月支左右的儲備便已足夠。
In the Budget of 2002, Mr Antony LEUNG, the then Financial Secretary, pointed out that in the wake of the Asian financial crisis, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority had implemented a series of measures to reinforce the stability of the Hong Kong Dollar exchange rate, and that with the Exchange Fund getting more favourable surplus, the Exchange Fund's ability to maintain exchange rate stability had been enhanced, and, consequently, it was no longer necessary to link the level of fiscal reserves
to money supply as it should be sufficient to have fiscal reserves
[...] equivalent to about 12 months' government expenditure.
关于方支助费 用特别账户,必须持有一笔业务准备金, 以防范在交付、通货膨胀和货币调整等方面出现意外 绌 , 或 在预算外资源供资 的活动突然终止的情况下清偿法定债务。
With regard to the Special Account for Programme Support Costs, an operational reserve is required to protect against unforeseen shortfalls in delivery, inflation and [...]
currency adjustments
or to liquidate legal obligations in case of abrupt terminations of activities financed from extrabudgetary resources.
但是,面对如此巨大 的挑战,迄今所作的努力加在一起仍然相形 绌。
But the combined efforts so far pale against the magnitude of the challenge.
[...] 7/1 号决定中强调,海洋占地球的大部分,海 支持 生左右着气 候和水文循环并且为人类和许多其他生物物种提供关键资源。
In its decision 7/1, the Commission emphasized that oceans
and seas constituted the major
[...] part of the planet that supported life, drive the climate [...]
and hydrological cycle, and provide
the vital resources for mankind and many other living species.
大 家 必須明 白,僱 主 在 經濟不 景 時,進 行 裁 員、減 薪、凍 薪 的 情況增加, 不 是由於僱 主 貪 得無厭 , 為 追 求 更大的 邊 際 利 潤 而 刻 意 壓 榨 工人; 真 實 的 情 況是由於本港整體經濟不 景 , 營 商環境惡 化左 支 右 絀 的 僱 主 為求生 存 而無 法 不 減 低 成 本所致 。
We must understand that in times of economic recession, employers lay off staff, and reduce or freeze employees' salary more often not because they are insatiably greedy so they deliberately oppress their workers to maximize the profit margins.
咨询委员会从审计委员会的报告(A/63/5/Add.11 和 12)中注意到, 审计委员会已对这两个法庭发表了经修订的审计意见,其中的强调事项 是 2007 年 12 月 31 日终了的两年期的财务报表,涉及这两个法庭准备金 和基金结余方面的绌,原因是在财务报表中已确认在服务终了负债, 包括离职后健康保险负债。
The Advisory Committee notes from the reports of the Board of Auditors (A/63/5/Add.11 and 12) that, for both Tribunals, the Board issued a modified opinion with an emphasis of matter on the financial statements for the biennium ended 31 December 2007 in relation to the deficits in the reserves and fund balances of the two Tribunals, owing to the recognition on the face of the financial statements of end-of-service liabilities, including after-service health insurance.
我們會繼續嚴謹控制成本,並期望我們本年度的 全年資本支維持在 1.9 億左右。
We continue to exercise vigilant cost control and expect our
[...] full year capital expenditure to be around $190 [...]
million for the current year.
业务准备金的目的是填补暂时的资金 绌 , 确 保在出现资源向下波动或短 缺,现金流动不均匀,实际费用意外增加,或者存在其他意外情况时,确保项目 厅承办的项目能连续执行。
The main purpose of the operational reserves is to provide for temporary deficits, fluctuations or shortfalls in resources, uneven cash flows, unplanned increases in costs or any other contingencies, and to ensure continuity in the implementation of the projects undertaken by UNOPS.
曾司長乃習武之人,出招後見勢色不對, 左支右 絀 下 ,陡然變 招,但先機既失,攻守逆轉,要扭轉被動局面,全身而退,司長仍雖 努力。
It is hard for him to reverse the situation and withdraw from the situation safely.
2006 年底,安哥拉的计划支率为 60%左右,这 是因为为了更加有效地重新确定该项目的方向而推迟了执行工作。
The programme
[...] in Angola shows an expenditure rate of around 60% [...]
at the end of 2006, due to a postponed execution with a
view to refocusing the project in a more efficient way.
我们还将提供 6 千万欧左右的预算支助,用以 支付卫生、教育和安全领域的经常性支出,以及帮助 政府灾后恢复能力。
We are also
[...] providing budgetary support in the amount of almost €60 million to cover current expenditures in the [...]
areas of health, education
and security, as well as to restore the Government’s capacities in the wake of the disaster.
这些计划应用的是相对较低的管理费,通常是直接项目 支的 7% 左右,但 是直接从项目预算中收取一大笔支助职能费,以及估算出来的一部分联合国基础设 [...]
These apply a relatively lower overhead rate, usually converging towards
7% of direct project costs, but charge
[...] a large amount of support functions directly [...]
to the project budget, together with
an imputation of part of the Organization’s basic infrastructural costs.
支付未 缴摊款方面的拖延,截至 2012 年 4 月 19 日, 特派团特别账户的现金余额为 150 万美元,这是从已结束的维和特派团借来的 2 250 万美元贷款余留下来的,这一贷款尚未偿还,从而导致截至同一日三个月 业务现金储备绌 3 370 万美元。
Owing to the delayed payment of outstanding contributions, cash on hand in the Mission’s special account as at 19 April 2012 amounted to $1.5 million, from a loan of $22.5 million from closed peacekeeping missions which remains unpaid.
由于市场流动资金绌,企 业银行业务凭借其丰富之行业知识、有效之风险管理以及在香港与内地 之专责团队紧密合作,令客户贷款较去年底增长 7.9%。
Against a backdrop of tightening market liquidity, it leveraged its strong industry knowledge, effective risk management and dedicated business teams in Hong Kong and on the Mainland, to achieve selective growth of 7.9% in customer advances from the end of last year.
如果对气候变化对全球经济的社会经济 影响听之任之,其冲击力就有可能使当前的经济衰退 的影响也相形绌。
The socio-economic impact of climate change on the global economy, if left unchecked, is likely to dwarf the current economic recession.
管理人员和工作人员深刻地体会到,就财政和 工作人员资源而言,该部在经济发展和社会领域的规模相对较小,其预算与世界 银行、国际货币基金组织(基金组织)和开发计划署(开发署)等实体相比相形绌。
Management and staff were acutely aware that it is a relatively small player in the economic and social development arena in terms of financial and staff resources; its budget is dwarfed by entities like the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
这种持续的恐怖威胁来自各种国内民族主义团体和受政治 动机驱策的团体,包括分裂主义组织 左 翼 和 右 翼 团 体以 支 持 某 项特定政治议 题(例如动物权利保护和反全球化)的激进团体,也来自基地组织等跨国组织。
This continued terrorist threat derives from a range of domestic nationalist and politically inspired
groups, including
[...] separatist organizations, left- and right-wing groups and groups radicalized to support a certain political [...]
issue (e.g., animal
rights protection and anti-globalization), as well as transnational organizations such as Al-Qaida.
關於第 12 段 (f)項,13,144,000
[...] 元的預算是應急費用,款額相等於 第 12 段 (a)至 (e)項支 10% 左右。
On paragraph 12(f), the estimate of $13,144,000 represents an approximately 10% contingency
[...] on the cost items set out in paragraphs [...]
12(a) to (e).
根据大会规定的 报告方法,养恤基金顾问精算师和精算师委员会认 为,目前的缴款率足以满足养恤金计 支 付 长 期负债 的需要,到 2007 年 12 月 31 日时,不需要根据《基 金条例》第 26 条弥补绌的缴款。
In accordance with the reporting methodology mandated by the General Assembly, the Fund’s consulting actuary and its Committee of Actuaries were of the opinion that the present
[...] rate was sufficient to meet long-term liabilities under the pension plan and that there was no requirement, as at 31 December 2007, for deficiency [...]
payments under
article 26 of the Fund’s Regulations.
事實上,我們只不過是在儀式上有發表意見的權利,而不 應該介意我們有多少權力左右大學 的政策。
In fact, we only have the right to express our views as a formality, so we should not care about how much power we have to sway the policies of the university.
他说,他感到满意的是,维持 和平方面商定的预算数额为各个维持和平行动提供 为执行任务所需的资源,并考虑到本组织需要切实有
[...] 效的管理,还考虑到各会员国在当前经济局势中面临 的财支绌情况
(Spain), speaking on behalf of the European Union; the candidate country Croatia; the stabilization and association process countries Albania and Montenegro; and, in addition, Armenia, Georgia, Iceland, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, said that the European Union was satisfied that the peacekeeping budget levels agreed upon provided the necessary resources for the various peacekeeping operations to implement their mandates, and also took into account the requirement of
effective and efficient management of the
[...] Organization, as well as the financial [...]
constraints faced by Member States in the current economic situation.
(c) 由于尚未为服务终了和退休后负债编列预算经费,所产生的 绌 在资 产、负债及准备金和基金结余表中的准备金和基金结余部分单列一项。
(c) As budgetary provisions for end-of-service and post-retirement liabilities have not been made, the resulting deficits are shown in a separate line in the reserves and fund balances section of the statements of assets, liabilities and reserves and fund balances.
答案就在日本。该国交通密集,速度普遍较低,因此在大约1800公斤以下的几乎所有车重级别中,CVT与行星齿轮自动变速器相比具有显著的燃油经济性优势,就连被誉为最高效的DCT双离合自动变速器解决方案,与经济性更佳的CVT相比也相形 绌。
The answer lies in Japan, where traffic is dense and speeds are generally low, giving CVT a significant fuel economy advantage over planetary automatics in almost every vehicle weight class up to some 1800 kg; even DCTs, hailed as the most efficient automatic transmission solution, are shaded by the economy performance of the better CVTs.
关于截至 2009 年 12 月 31 日精算估值揭示的赤 字问题,令人欣慰的是,基金的咨询精算师和精算师 委员会得出结论,目前的缴款率足以满足长期负债, 没有必要为弥补绌而缴款。
With regard to the deficit revealed by the actuarial valuation as at 31 December 2009, it was reassuring that the Fund’s consulting actuary and the Committee of Actuaries had concluded that the current contribution rate remained sufficient to meet long-term liabilities and that there was no need for deficiency payments.
不同地区和不同团体的筹款规模也不同,大至塔利班的数 百万美元,而类似阿拉伯半岛上的基地组织(QE.A.129.10)则相形 绌 , 其 夸口 说,2010 年 10 月只用了 4 200 美元就把炸药藏入打印机中,以对两架飞机发动 攻击(均告失败)。
The scale of financing varies from area to area and group to group, with the multimillion dollar business of the Taliban dwarfing groups like Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (QE.A.129.10), which boasted that it had spent just $4,200 to mount a (failed) attack on two airplanes with explosives concealed in printers in October 2010.24 48.
換言之,雖然自由黨的參選人數和區域不多,整體得票只得 7 % 左右 , 但 其 支 持 者的背景與民主派支持者的背景非常類似,在新登記及新投票選民之中,相對優勢(而非絕對數字)尤勝民主派。
In other words, although the number of candidates from the Liberal Party and the constituencies involved was small, with only around 7% of overall support rating, while the background of the Liberal Party's supporters was very similar to that of the democratic camp's, the Liberal Party thus had a relative (but not absolute) superiority over the democratic camp among the newly registered voters and first-time voters.
年度费用为:向 6 个肯尼亚监狱提供的后勤、医疗和培 支 持 每年 500 000 美左右;危 机护理单 位的人员配置和运营费用每年 40 000 美元;协助减少还押和被定罪囚犯人数的 可能的方案每年约 200 000 美元。
Annual costs would be: logistical, medical
[...] and training support to the six Kenyan prisons (around $500,000); staffing and operating costs for the crisis care [...]
unit ($40,000); and
the possible programmes to help reduce remand and convicted prisoner populations (around $200,000).




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