

单词 工整

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 了正规经济部门、通常是面向出口的部门的工作,这些国家在国家和公司各级推 出了分担工作和整工间的基本形式。
A number of middle-income and lower-middle-income countries that were experiencing job losses in their formal economy, often in
export-oriented sectors, introduced basic forms of work-sharing
[...] or working timeadjustments,atnational or [...]
company levels.
在201314学年,学校的防震翻新工程会率先於平房课室进行,另学校亦会为健康中心职员因要迁往新地点而进行 一些大楼内部结构整工
In 2013-14, retrofit work for earthquake preparedness will begin in the bungalows, and structural changes will be made to accommodate the Wellness Center staff at its new location.
土木工程拓展署正在不同地区进行土地整工例如大埔的工程项目第 7730CL 号 (大埔发展计划-大埔第 39 区南部前础设施工程),涉及平整 7.1 公顷土地,以及观塘的工程项目第 B566CL 号 (安达臣道发展-地盘平整及相关基础 设施工程),涉及平整 20 公顷土地,供房屋发展。
TheCivil Engineering and Development Department is carrying out various land formation projects in different districts such as Project 7730CL (Tai Po Development – advance site formation and engineering [...]
works at southern portion of Tai Po Area 39) in Tai Po, which involves formation of 7.1 hectares of land, and Project B566CL (Development at Anderson Road – site formation and associated infrastructure works) in Kwun Tong which involves formation of 20 hectares of land for housing development.
2010 年,该司将在加强基础设施后使用整工以更加精简的方法调整养恤基 金的战术资产配置。
In 2010, having completed the infrastructure enhancements, the Division
will implement the rebalancing tools for a more
[...] streamlined wayof adjusting thetactical [...]
asset allocation of the Fund.
秘书长还提议,在今后采用将工作地点差价调整数乘数点并入基薪并同时相 应地重新整工点差价调整数乘数的方法修正适用于专业及以上职类工作 [...]
人员的基薪表时,也应同时以同样的百分比调整法院法官以及两法庭法官和审案 法官的基本年薪(A/61/554/,第 83 段)。
The Secretary-General had also proposed that on the occasion of future revisions to the base salary scale applicable to staff in the Professional and higher
categories that are effected through the
[...] consolidationof post adjustment multiplier points [...]
into the base scale with a corresponding
readjustment in the post adjustment multipliers, the annual base salary of the members of the Court and the judges and ad litem judges of the Tribunals, also be adjusted by the same percentage and at the same time (A/61/554, para. 83).
根据第 41/10
[...] 号决定,秘书处审查了环境规划署和工发组织的整工并提出了一 些建议,以解决与开发计划署开办费用有关的问题,以及秘书处审批项目清单与世界银行 [...]
2002 年进度报告不统一的问题。
In response to Decision 41/10, the
[...] Secretariat reviewedadjustments forUNEPand UNIDO [...]
and made proposals for addressing the
issues related to the start-up costs of UNDP and the differences between the Secretariat’s inventory of approved projects and the World Bank’s 2002 progress report.
包括对其创造的稳定工作岗 位提供补贴,当该中心登记在册的残疾人就业率超过 90%时,补贴金 额可以达到 12 000 欧元;对企业缴纳的社会保险 100%补贴;对工资 成本按照最低工资的 50%进行补贴;对于整工位一世英残疾人 需求及拆除建筑障碍给予补贴,每一工作岗位最高可补贴 1 800 欧 元;对于为残疾人提供技术辅助给予补贴;对于特殊就业中心的非盈 利及公共利益预算给予财政补贴。
The incentives offered are varied and wide-ranging; they include subsidies paid for each stable job created which may amount to as much as € 12,000 where the proportion of workers with disabilities in the centre exceeds 90 per cent Thereare also rebates of 100 per cent of employers' social security contributions, wage cost subsidies equivalent to 50 per cent of the minimum interoccupational wage, subsidies for adaptation of jobs and removal of construction impediments of up to € 1,800 per job, subsidies for technical assistance and subsidies to balance the budgets of non-profit-seeking special employment centres and those declared of public utility.
综合性全球管理将各工 作地点视为一个整体,有改进的余地,办法是在当地整工搁置不太紧急的任务,以处理全球优先事项。
Integrated global management treated the duty stations as one and there was room for improvement by having them rearrange their work locally by setting aside less urgent tasks in order to fulfil global priorities.
在与残疾工人签订培训合同的情况下,无论是培训合同或实习合同,无论 是全职合同或兼职合同,用人企业在合同有效期范围内,有权少缴纳 50%企业承
[...] 担部分的社会保险金,此外还可由于整工位获得最多 900 欧元的补贴。
Enterprises offering induction training contracts for workers with disabilities (either formal or on-the-job training, full-time or part-time) are entitled to a 50 per cent
reduction of employer social security
[...] contributionsfor the entire periodof the [...]
contract in addition to the subsidy of up
to € 900 for job adaptation.
2006 年 7 月 19 日,安 全理事会主席发表了一份说明(S/2006/507),其附件 中载有一系列寻求更新和整工法的某些领域 以使其符合现实需要的规定。
On 19 July 2006, the President of the Security Council issued a note (S/2006/507), whose annex contained a series of provisions seeking to update and modernize some areas of the working methods.
2008 年,以色列议会颁布了第 5768-2008 号《鼓励提高妇女地位、安排妇 女就业和根据妇女需要整工位法》(《鼓励提高妇女地位、安排妇女就业 和根据妇女需要整工位法》),向努力吸纳和促进妇女在本企业就业的私 营部门雇主以及根据妇女和育有子女者的需要改进工作场所和工作条件的雇主提 供货币奖励。
In 2008, the Knesset enacted the Encouragement of the Advancement and
Integration of Women in
[...] the Work force and theAdjustment of Work places to Women’s Needs Law 5768-2008, (the “Encouragement of the Advancement and Integration of Women in the Work force and the AdjustmentofWork places to Women’s [...]
Needs Law”) granting
monetary incentives to employers in the private sector who endeavour to integrate and promote women in their business, as well as employers who modify the workplace and work conditions to the needs of women and parents.
造成文件迟发的因素,必须充分解决, 主席团应继续整工划,利用已经印发的报告。
The factors causing the late issuance of documents
must be fully addressed and the Bureau
[...] should continue to adjustthe programme of [...]
work to take account of the availability of reports.
重大活动如下:(a)目标 7,指标 1:培训了 286 名环境和冲突合作问题公务员; 通过政策对话,加强了南非、博茨瓦纳、赞比亚和纳米比亚的生产和可持续再生 能源技术;(b)目标 7,指标 2:推动欧洲联盟政策对话,以保护黑海;(c)目 标 7,指标 3:在意大利、法国、比利时、爱沙尼亚和拉脱维亚,通过树立参与 意识,建立了可持续的水生态系统;在印度,实现了更清洁的生产措施,开发了 金属表面整工水分散管理概念;(d)目标 8,指标 4:制订了种种政策, 改善了印度非熟练劳动力的健康和生活条件;(e)目标 8,指标 5:改进了电子 废品技术,以管理印度的电子废品和回收。
Major actions included the following: (a) Goal 7, target 1: trained 286 civil servants in environment and conflict cooperation issues; strengthened productive and sustainable renewable energy technologies in South Africa, Botswana, Zambia and Namibia through policy dialogues; (b) Goal 7 target 2: promoted European Union policy dialogue to protect the Black Sea; (c) Goal 7, target 3: achieved a sustainable water ecosystem through participatory scenario-building in Italy, France, Belgium, Estonia and Latvia; implemented cleaner production measures and developed a concept for decentralized wastewater treatment from metal finishing industries in India; (d) Goal 8, target 4; developed policies that improved the health and living conditions of India’s unskilled labour force; (e) Goal 8, target 5: improved e-waste technologies to manage e-waste and recycling in India.
通过从任务区其他地点抽调同样人数官兵来完 成这一兵力整工
This rebalancing would be achieved by repatriating an equivalent number of troops from elsewhere in the mission area.
大会在第 63/248
[...] 号决议第二.A 节第 3 段中欢迎若干机构采取步骤整工案,以便优化利用会议服务资源,并请会议委员会继续同未充分利用会议服务 [...]
A, paragraph 3, of its resolution 63/248, the General
Assembly welcomed the steps taken by
[...] those bodies that hadadjusted their programmes of [...]
work in order to achieve the optimum
utilization of conference-servicing resources, and requested the Committee on Conferences to continue consultations with the secretariats and bureaux of bodies that underutilized their conference-servicing resources.
巴西利亚办事处已开始起草联合国教科文组织国别计划文件,文件将反映截至 2008 年 初整工程的一些初步成果,以及其他一些重要进展,如即将实施的巴西联合国教科文 [...]
The Brasilia Office has started the preparation of its UNESCO Country Programming Document (UCPD) which shall reflect by
the beginning of 2008 some of the first
[...] outcomesof its reorientation processplus [...]
other important developments such as the
forthcoming Brazilian UNESCO National Education Support Strategy (UNESS) and other United Nations agencies strategies and inputs in the country.
会议委员会在其报告中提议采取更多补救措施,例如通过提前足够时间发出 通知来减少可预见的取消会议的影响;如预期所需时间有所减少,则把会议时间 段减至 2
[...] 小时;可能时根据过去的实践和实际利用会议服务的情况整工案 (A/66/32,第 22 段)。
In its report, the Committee on Conferences proposes additional remedial measures, such as reducing the impact of foreseeable cancellations by providing adequate advance notice and reducing meeting blocks to two hours when it is anticipated that less
time is required and, whenever possible,
[...] adjusting the programme of work on the basis [...]
of past practice and actual utilization
of conference services (A/66/32, para. 22).
另一成员说,如果秘书处拟定准则草案,则应考虑下述事实,即:第 5 条国家必须
[...] 尽早采取行动,以执行加速淘汰氟氯烃的计划,并制定国家计划,包括调整相关法律和政 策框架、收集数据、进行研究、审议具体行业的淘汰战略以及酌情整工策。
Another Member said that, if the Secretariat was going to prepare draft guidelines, it should take into account the fact that Article 5 countries needed to take action as soon as possible in order to implement plans to accelerate HCFC phase-out and to develop national plans, including adjusting the relevant legal and policy framework, collecting data,
carrying out studies, considering sector-specific phase-out strategies and,
[...] wherenecessary, readjusting industrial policy.
在办事处的整工成了工作量大增的情况下,办事处正缺少一位既有经验,又有 必要权威的信息主任,担任总部信息处(DIT)和会计处(DCO)的对话者。
In a context where the workload has been
[...] increased by the reorientation oftheOffice, [...]
the situation is thus characterized by
the lack of an IT director who would have the experience and authority required to engage with the Division of Information Systems and Telecommunications (DIT) at Headquarters and the Division of the Comptroller (DCO).
In addition, Futuremark licenses Kanzi(TM), a 3D graphics UI engine with integrated tool [...]
chain to mobile, embedded and automotive device makers.
我期待危机得到和 平解决,并重新整工点,根据马德里会议促进和平的工作范围和安全理事 [...]
会有关决议的规定,依照安全理事会第 338(1973)号决议的要求,为全面处理这 个问题作出坚定努力,以达成全面、公正、持久的和平解决办法。
I look forward to the peaceful resolution of the crisis, so
[...] that efforts may be refocused towards the [...]
goal of a comprehensive, just and durable
peace settlement, as called for by the Security Council in its resolution 338 (1973), in accordance with the Madrid Conference terms of reference for peace and relevant Council resolutions.
促进进程将根据联森论坛第九届会议可能提供的指导和所需资源提供情况,整工划,包括将工作范围扩展到联森论坛第九届会议特别会议决议中所指 [...]
定的其他类别的国家的类似项目、特设专家组工作的重要领域和其他可能有兴趣 的领域。
The facilitative process, based on possible guidance provided by the Forum at its ninth
session and the provision of the necessary
[...] resources, willadjust itsworkplan, including [...]
by expanding its work to cover similar
projects for the remaining categories of countries identified in the resolution adopted at the special session of the ninth session of the Forum, areas of importance for the work of the Ad Hoc Expert Group and other potential areas of interest.
国际和国内公共部 门在便利农民免费获取信息和技术方面发挥重要作用,方式是提供适当激励使
[...] 私营和非盈利部门合作开展公益事业,并且重新振兴并帮助国际农业研究磋商 小组这样的网络整工点,使其成为可持续农业创新体系和国际合作的组 [...]
The international and national public sectors have an important role to play in facilitating farmers’ free access to information and technology by providing adequate incentives to the private and not-for-profit sectors to collaborate in
producing public goods, and by reinvigorating
[...] and helping toreorient the focus of [...]
networks like CGIAR as part of a Sustainable
Agricultural Innovation System and international cooperation.
TheScannerAdjustments toolbar gives you [...]
the ability to temporarily override contrast and threshold settings as defined
by your current Page Setup, e.g. because you have a particular document that doesn’t yield satisfactory results while the remainder of your scanned images look good.
上诉人已在申请表格上及在 覆核聆讯中承諾,他会聘请认可的专业人士评估天然山坡 灾害及拟备地盘整工告,并在有需要时进行斜坡巩 固工程。
The Appellant has already undertaken in the application form and during the review hearing that he will employ authorized professionals to assess natural terrain hazards and prepare a site formation report, and that slope stabilization works will be implemented if necessary.
多年来许 多人一直在埋头理解故障机制、控制 和整工并设计出有别于其它产 品的、作为任何电源转换系统中高可 靠性的产品基准。
Many years of workhave gone into understanding failure mechanisms, controlling and refining processes, and designing products that have distinguished themselves as the highly-reliable backbone of any power conversion system.




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