

单词 工具化

See also:

化工 adj

chemical adj
petrochemical adj

化工 n

chemical process n
metallurgy n

External sources (not reviewed)

她还强调指出,仇恨罪行 的增加以及种族主义的政工具化和 思想合法化是新形式的种族歧视。
She also highlighted as new forms of racial
discrimination the increase in hate crimes and the
[...] political instrumentalization and intellectual legitimization of racism.
Diène 先生也提到了他认为的种族主义的三种趋势:(a) 种族暴力和歧视
[...] 的高涨,包括反犹太主义和仇视伊斯兰心理同时上升;(b) 民主社会中政治党派对 种 族 主义的政工具化;(c) 种 族 主义的思想和 科学合法化。
Mr. Diène also made reference to what he saw as three trends in racism: (a) the surge in racist violence and discrimination, including the joint increase of anti-Semitism
and Islamophobia; (b)
[...] the political instrumentalization of racism by political parties in democratic [...]
societies; and (c) the intellectual and scientific legitimization of racism.
[...] 包括:规章和标准、税收和收费、可交易的许可 证、自愿协议、信化工具、补 贴和奖励、研究和 开发以及贸易和发展援助。
These policies, measures and instruments include: regulations and standards, taxes and charges,
tradable permits, voluntary
[...] agreements, informational instruments, subsidies and [...]
incentives, research and development, and
trade and development assistance.
中期内,应利用现有的贸易便 化工具 积 极 开展规则和程序的简化、协调 与标准化。
In the medium term, the simplification, harmonization and standardization of rules and procedures could be actively pursued, using the existing trade facilitation instruments.
凭借这些正式和非正式的安排,可以通过交流经验教训(如在乍得共和国和 中非共和国的军事行动从欧盟向中乍特派团过渡的事后总结),制定关于联合规 划与培训的指导(如与欧洲联盟和北约举办的两次培训或“教育日”活动),以及 目前开展的活动(如关于欧洲联盟委员会稳 化工具 的 定 期视频会议和对与伙伴 合作的审查),开展结构化对话,结成更可预测的关系,进行信息交流,共享知 识和良好做法,加强合作以及相互了解彼此的结构、程序、优势和制约因素。
These arrangements, formal and informal, allow for structured dialogue, more predictable relationships, information exchanges, the sharing of knowledge and good practices, improved cooperation and understanding of the structures, procedures, strengths and constraints of partners through lessons learned (e.g., the after-action review on the transition from the European Union military operation in the Republic of Chad and in the Central African Republic to MINURCAT), the development of guidance on joint planning and training (e.g., two events with the European Union and NATO training or “education days”) and ongoing events (e.g., periodic videoconferences on the European Commission’s Instrument for Stability and reviews of cooperation with partners).
此 外,秘书处正在制订各种便化工具 或 准 则来协助成员国及其发展伙 伴编制交通运输便利化政策、查明各种具体瓶颈、加强促进便利化的 [...]
In addition, the secretariat is developing
[...] various facilitation tools or guidelines to [...]
assist member countries and their development
partners in formulating transport facilitation policies, identifying particular bottlenecks, strengthening national coordination for facilitation and implementing facilitation measures.
[...] 出创造性并创建一些机制,以优化资金筹措方式并使这一基金长久存在,使它成为一个有效的现化工具。
It would be necessary to be creative and to
design mechanisms to optimize fundraising and ensure the permanence of the Fund, which should
[...] be a modern and effective tool.
务危机,降低债务危机的发生频率和代价,并鼓励私营部门为此进行合作,邀请 债权人和债务人继续在相互商定的基础上根据个案情况,酌情探索使用诸如债务
[...] 转换等新的和改进的债务工具以及创新型机制,包括在千年发展目标项目中使用 的债务换权益机制以及债务指化工具
Calls for the intensification of efforts to prevent and mitigate the prevalence and cost of debt crises by enhancing international financial mechanisms for crisis prevention and resolution, encourages the private sector to cooperate in this regard, and invites creditors and debtors to further explore, where appropriate and on a mutually agreed, transparent and case-by-case basis, the use of new and improved debt instruments and innovative mechanisms such
as debt swaps, including debt for equity in Millennium Development
[...] Goal projects, as well as debtindexation instruments
如果需要更快的固化时 间,快速密封胶化工具包是可用的,24N985。
If faster cure time is needed, Rapid Sealant Cure Kit is available, 24N985.
资拓宏宇协助新北市政府信息中心进行CMMI管理制度导入暨工具平台建置,建置「专案管理平台(包括需求追溯管理)」、「建构管理工具」及「测试验证平台」,使客户具备软件应用系统自 化工具 、 标 准程序与验证机制,以期有效管理需求、建立版本控制、问题追踪机制进而确保委外开发软件应用系统之品质与安全性。
(IISI) assists Information Center of New Taipei City Government to implement the introduction of CMMI management system and establish tool platform, including "Project management platform ( includes requirement backlog management), "Construction management tool" and
"Test verification platform", so that
[...] customers possess automation tools of software [...]
application system, standard procedure and
validation mechanism to manage requirement effectively, establish version control and problem tracking mechanism, and ensure the quality and safety of software application system by outsourcing development.
一大具体的 建议已提交给对话的协调员,如建立大学的对话与网络;青年科学家的 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实习记者和资深新 工 作 者 的 对话;举行青年论坛;重新启动文学作品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; 学校教科书的比较研究;化产业 专业人士的对话;举办跨地区会议,探讨欧洲历史教科书 中阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的形象。
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue among student journalists and
seasoned media
[...] practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
该青少年记者俱乐部在其所在社区进行调查,以了解其同龄人正在如何利用社交媒体及其他数 化工具。
The Junior Reporters Club conducts research in their communities to understand how their peers are using social
[...] media and other digital tools.
我預計這些控制成本及提高生產力的措施會繼續與 醫管局發展和實施的新策略同時進行;這些策略包括嶄新的超級聯網管理制 度,以期能進一步精簡架構及使資源的運用更有效率;繼續精簡醫管局總辦 事處及屬下各間醫院的行政架構;重整及 化工 作 程序;設立嶄新 具 成本效益的醫護系統;以及嚴格管理新的醫療科技,確保合乎經濟效益。
I foresee that such cost containment and productivity enhancement measures will continue with the development and implementation of new strategies, including their new mega-clustered management to achieve further economies of scale and efficient use of resources, continuing administrative downsizing of the HA Head Office and hospitals, reengineering and streamlining of work processes, creation of new cost-effective systems of providing care, and rigorous management of new medical technologies to ensure their cost-effectiveness.
[...] 份关于气候变化的全球伦理原则宣言进行磋商的过程中,人们清楚地认识到,需要做大量的 工作,上游需要澄清基本的伦理原则(包括但不限于气候 化 问 题 的伦理原则),而下游则 需要制定实际的政工具。
In the course of consultations with key constituencies (Member States, United Nations and academia) around the desirability of preparing a draft universal declaration of ethical principles in relation to climate change, it became clear that significant work is needed on the upstream clarification of basic ethical
principles, including but not
[...] limited to climate change issues, along with downstream development of practical policy tools.
[...] 于利用作为文化指标的译文统计情况的信 化工具 , 在光盘上出版了第 9 版合订本,正在准 [...]
备收入了近 80,000 条书目说明的第 10 版。
A major innovation in the field of translation was the publication online of the Index Translationum’s database, with the installation of a
computer tool for the use of translation
[...] statistics as cultural indicators, the [...]
publication of the 9th cumulative edition
on CD-ROM and the preparation of the 10th edition, integrating some 80,000 new bibliographic entries.
在该决议中,联大注意到秘书长关于第十二届联合国预防犯 罪和刑事司法大会的后续行动和第十三届联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法大会的筹工作的 报告(E/CN.15/2011/15),并再次请各国政府在拟订法规和政策指示时 考虑到《关于应对全球挑战的综合战略:预防犯罪和刑事司法系统及其在变化 世界中的发展的萨尔瓦多宣言》1 以及第十二届大会通过的建议,并且视情尽一 切努力在顾及各国经济、社会、法律和 化具 体 情 况的前提下执行宣言和建议 所载各项原则。
In the resolution, the General Assembly took note of the report of the Secretary-General on the follow-up to the Twelfth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and
Criminal Justice and preparations for the Thirteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (E/CN.15/2011/15) and reiterated its invitation to Governments to take into consideration the Salvador Declaration on Comprehensive Strategies for Global
[...] Challenges: Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Systems and Their Development in a Changing World,1 and the recommendations adopted by the Twelfth Congress when formulating legislation and policy directives, and to make all efforts, where appropriate, to implement the principles contained therein, taking into account the economic, social, legal and cultural specificities of their respective States.
该项目旨在促进社交媒体和数 化工具 的 使 用,以支持某些国家儿童的权利,同时识别这些工具及平台可能造成的风险。
The workshop was part of the global UNICEF Digital Citizenship and Safety (DCS)
project, which promotes the use of social
[...] media and digital tools to advance the [...]
rights of children in developing countries,
while also identifying the risks that these tools and platorms can pose.
机械和机床、石化工产品 、电器和电子商品、 计算机及信息和通信技术设备、钢铁产品,以及具和休 闲设备等都属于其他受影响的发展中国家工 业出口产品之列。
Machinery and machine
[...] tools, petrochemicals, electrical and electronic goods, computer and information and communications technologies (ICT) equipment, steel and steel products, and toys and leisure equipment [...]
were among other
developing country industrial exports to be affected.
强调指出使全化具有充 分包容性和公平性的努力必须包括在全球一级订 立政策与措施,这些政策与措施应符合发展中国家和经济转型国家的需求,并且 应由这些国家有效参与其制订和执 工作
Stressing that efforts to make globalization fully inclusive and equitable must include policies and measures, at the global level, that correspond to the needs of developing countries and countries with economies in transition and are formulated and [...]
with their effective participation
执行委员会还采纳了有关修改与中国签订 化工 生 产 行业协定的建议,以便允许在 2012 年生产供出口的药用级氟氯化碳,并进行一次年度审查,以便符合缔约方在第 XXIII/2 号决定中为其他国家核准的 2012 年关于计量吸入器的必要用途豁免, 但出口国须 已建立报告和核查制度,并且报告和核查制度收集并报告某 具 体 信 息,还请世界银行作 为中国氟氯化碳生产淘汰计划的执行机构提供服务,开展核查和审计,并代表中国向执行 委员会提交报告(第 66/54 号决定,(b)和(c)分段)。
The Executive Committee also adopted the recommendation to modify the production sector agreement with China to allow the production for export of pharmaceutical grade CFCs in 2012, with an annual review, for purposes of meeting the 2012 essential use exemption for metered-dose
inhalers authorized by
[...] the Parties in decision XXIII/2, provided the exporting country had reporting and verification systems in place and that the reporting and verification systems collected and reported on some specific information and requested the World Bank, as the implementing agency, to provide its services in carrying out the verification/audit and to submit reports to the Executive Committee on behalf [...]
of China (decision
66/54, sub-paragraphs (b) and (c)).
在监测《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》的执行进展以及后续行动和审查方面,宣布 推出一个称为 LDC Mapper 的视化工具和一 个推动议员更积极参与的项目。
With respect to monitoring the progress of the implementation, and the
followup and review of the Istanbul
[...] Programme of Action, a visualization tool called the LDC [...]
Mapper and a project to engage parliamentarians more actively were announced.
联合国和平与裁军非洲区域中心向国家、 次区域组织和民间社会提供技术咨询意见及能力建
[...] 设方案,包括提供培训、给予法律援助和制定区域登 记册和透化工具等。
The United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa provides States, subregional organizations and civil society with technical advice and capacity-building
programmes, including training, legal assistance and the elaboration of regional registers
[...] and transparency instruments.
完善的mysql的备份、恢复、和 化工具 , 在数据很大或网速很慢时,您可以设定分卷的大小,系统将分卷备份,分卷恢复。
Improve the mysql
[...] backup , recovery, and optimization tools , the data is [...]
large or very slow speed , you can set the sub-
volume size , the system will be the backup volume , sub volume recovery .
多名代表重申,移徙为国家和移徙者都创造了发展潜力,他们同时也承认 主化工具的实 际作用,这项工具要求在政府内部以及政府、民间社会和其他利 [...]
Reaffirming the development potential generated by migration for countries and migrants alike, a number of
delegates also acknowledged the
[...] usefulness of the mainstreaming tool as entailing [...]
a process that requires institutional coherence
and cooperation within Government and with civil society and other stakeholders.
經 營 範 圍 為 航 天 技 術 產
[...] 品,機 械、電 器 產 品,儀 器 儀 錶;電 子 產 品,塑 料 製 品化 工 製 品,起 重 運 輸 產 品,五 金具,建 築 材 料,磁 性 材 料,粉 末 冶 金,國 產 汽 車(小 轎 車 [...]
除 外 )、倉 儲 及 進 出 口 業 務 等。
The scope of business includes aerospace technology products, mechanical products, electrical appliance
products, apparatuses and instruments; electronic products, plastic
[...] products, chemical products, hoisting and transportation products, hardware and furniture, construction [...]
materials, magnetic
materials, powder metallurgy, Chinese-manufactured automobiles (except sedans), warehousing and import and export operations.
(e) 为平板电脑发布了和计划发布 5 个新的移动应用程序(“apps”),包括 “联合国国别统计”,这是一个与经济和社会事务部合作开发的可 化工具 ,用 户可以用它绘制所有国家和领土的几十种指标的图表,还有新闻和媒体司开发的 “联合国新闻阅读程序”,使人们可以轻松阅读联合国新闻中心发布的所有新闻, 并标出每条新闻的相关联合国出版物。
(e) Five new mobile applications (“apps”) have been published or planned for tablets, including “UN CountryStats”, a data visualization tool developed in cooperation with the Department of Economic and Social Affairs that allows users to graph dozens of indicators across all countries and territories, and “UN News Reader”, developed in cooperation with the News and Media Division, which gives easy access to all stories published by the United Nations News Centre and highlights key United Nations publications related to each story.
[...] Explorer提供包括临时工在内的团队人员的列表和照片;提供表现主要人才概念(如晋升能力、跳槽风险或领导潜能等)的可配置分类;挖掘人才团队成员的“人才记录”,查看工作经历、教育、薪酬、绩效反馈及其他详细的职业信息;提供其他可 化工具 , 包括地图、分析观点和组织结构图。
Compiled from all talent management processes and presented on a convenient screen, the Executive Explorer provides list and picture views of people on the team, including contingent workers; configurable categories that visualize key talent concepts like promotability, flight risk or leadership potential; drill-down into the "talent book" of a talent team member to see work history, education, compensation, performance
feedback and other professional
[...] details; and other visualization tools including maps, [...]
analytic views and org chart views.
便化工具的应用有助于完善项 目并对所取得的效益进行量测。
They should be further expanded and promoted with the support of transport ministries and other authorities as well as transport operators. The use of facilitation tools can help refine projects and measure the benefits derived.
[...] 制与秘书处就国家行动方案展开合作,但全球机制仍独立于缔约方会议、审评委 或其他附属机构之外,单独制定了侧重于综合融资战略的新战略方针,并制定了 独立于《公约》进程之外的第二个“主 化 ” 工具。
Although numerous COP decisions have required the GM and Secretariat to work together to focus on NAPs, the GM’s development of its new strategic approach focused on IFS was carried out independently of the COP, CRIC, or
other subsidiary bodies
[...] and effectively brought into existence a second ‘mainstreaming’ tool developed outside [...]
of the Convention process.
我们还注重制订政策,以便改善基本社会 服务可及性,同时化具有巨大增长潜力的部门,如 农业、工业、渔业、旅游业、矿业等等以及基础设 施和投资方面其它前景良好的部门。
We are also focusing on putting in place policies to
improve access to basic
[...] social services and optimize sectors with high potential for growth — such as agriculture, agro-industry, [...]
fishing, tourism and
mining — as well as other promising sectors when it comes to infrastructure and investment.




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