

单词 工党的


支持工党的 adj

labour adj

See also:


party n
association n
society n

surname Dang

External sources (not reviewed)

较之用语更为令人担忧的是隐藏在这些声明背后的意识,其体现了恐 怖组织库尔德工人党/劳工党的意识
What is more alarming than the terminology used is the mentality behind these statements, which reflects the mentality of terror organization PKK/Kongra-Gel.
再次,欧洲——第三世界中心上述声明与恐怖组织库尔德工人党 / 劳 工党的 用语一致。
Third, terminology used in the above-mentioned Centre Europe-tiers monde statements is the same terminology used by the terror organization PKK/KongraGel.
工党的得票 数翻番,为独立派带来了一个全新的政治格局。
The two-fold increase in the number of votes won by the Parti travailliste creates a [...]
new political landscape for the pro-independence movement.
工党的恐怖 主义行为也造成了大量的资源损失,而这些资源 [...]
The PKK terrorism also caused [...]
a huge amount of loss of resources that could have been used to improve the living standards of the region.
1945年,工党第一次赢得英国大选,并在执政期间倡建了英国国家医疗机构(National Health Service),俗称全民公费医疗,被公认 工党的 最 大 业绩。
In 1945 the Labour Party won their first general election, going on to form the National Health Service, which many regard as Labour’s greatest achievement.
在该声明中,库尔德工人党/劳 工党的恐怖 袭击被描写成“武装斗争”,该恐怖组织成员是“库尔德积 极分子、游击队员和同情库尔德事业者”。
In the statement, terrorist attacks of PKK/Kongra-Gel are described as “an armed struggle” and members of this terrorist organization as “Kurdish activists, guerrillas and sympathizers of the Kurdish cause”.
1984 年以来,库尔德工人党( 库工党) 的恐怖主义活动造成了成千上万人的死 [...]
亡,其中许多人是平民和公务员,包括教师、医生、护士,他们遭到这些恐怖主 义者的蓄意袭击。
Since 1984, the
[...] PKK’s (Kurdistan Workers Party) terrorist activities [...]
have resulted in the death of tens of thousands of
people, many of whom were civilians as well as civil servants, including teachers, medical doctors, nurses, who were deliberately targeted by the terrorists.
2010 年,欧洲——第三世界中心在人权理事会第十三届会议上提交的联 合声明中把恐怖组织库尔德工人党/劳 工党的 两 名 高级成员 Remzi Kartal 和 Eyup“Faruk”Doru 称作“人权卫士”。
In 2010, in the joint statement delivered at the thirteenth session of the Human Rights Council, Centre Europe-tiers monde referred to Remzi Kartal and Eyup “Faruk” Doru, two high-ranking members of terror organization PKK/KongraGel, as “human rights defenders”.
提交人称,《公约》第十四条第1 款有关保证平等的规定受到违反,因为 现行选举判例法被弃置不顾,损害了提交人的利益;提出报告的法官是议会根据 社工人党的提名选举出来的,由于该党作为被告他本应退出本案;也没有要求 社会工人党必须依法律要求,说明在提出宪法保护中,本案的“特别宪法作 用”。
3.2 The authors allege that the guarantee of equality, provided for in article 14, paragraph 1, of the Covenant, was violated on the grounds that current electoral case law was disregarded to the detriment of the authors; the reporting judge, elected by Congress on a proposal by the PSOE, should have withdrawn from the case because that political party was the plaintiff; and the PSOE was exempted from having to justify the “special constitutional role” of the case in amparo, as required by law.
欧洲——第三世界中心把恐怖组 织库尔德工人党/劳工党称作“库尔德民兵”和“库尔德游击队员”,把
[...] 其成员称作“库尔德工人党战斗人员”,还把其恐怖活动称作“库尔德 起义”和“库尔德斯工人党的武装 斗争”。
Centre Europe-tiers monde refers to terror organization PKK/Kongra-Gel as “Kurdish militia” and “Kurdish guerrillas”, its members as “fighters
of the PKK” and its terrorist activities as “Kurdish rebellion” and “armed
[...] struggle of the Workers Party of Kurdistan”.
1997年,新选的工党政府 做出令人吃惊的改变,当戈登.布朗一天一天的将利率的控制权移交给英格兰银行(这个政策最早由自由民主党提出)。
In 1997, the newly-elected Labour government made [...]
a surprising move when Gordon Brown handed over day-to-day control of
interest rates to the Bank of England (a policy that had initially been proposed by the Liberal Democrats).
1997 年工党上台,结束了长的保守 党统治,其竞选承诺之一就是批 准信息权法,这在 2000 年按期实现了。
When the Labour party came to power in 1997, after a long [...]
period of Conservative rule, one of its election promises was
to adopt right to information legislation, and this was done in due course in 2000.
工党失去了领导政的权力 ,汤普森成为反 对党领袖,从 1994 年到 2003 年,他一直担任该职务。
The Democratic Labour Party lost the Government and [...]
Thompson became leader of the opposition, a position he held between 1994 and 2003.
2007年,由陆克文(Kevin Rudd)领的工党当选 执政,提出了改革澳大利亚的劳资关系制度、气候变化政策以及医疗保健与教育部门的议程。
In 2007 the Labor Party led by Kevin Rudd [...]
was elected with an agenda to reform Australia’s industrial relations system,
climate change policies, and health and education sectors.
该法令承认私营和公营部门工薪族有组建 独立的和独立于党的工会组 织的权利。
The Act recognizes the right of wage earners in
the private and public sectors to form trade union organizations that are independent
[...] and separate from political parties.
的工党总理 包括在二战期间领导澳大利亚的John Curtin,以及创立了澳大利亚公民身份的Ben Chifley。
Early Labor Prime Ministers include John Curtin, who led Australia through World War II, and Ben Chifley, who established Australian citizenship.
土耳其代表强调如下几点:(a) 该组织“欧洲——第 三世界中心”不尊重土耳其的领土完整和政治统一,一直在违背《联合国宪章》 的基本原则和理事会第 1996/31 号决议的基本要求;(b) 该组织一直在对土耳其 进行无事实根据并有政治动机的指控;(c) 该组织一直在煽动和纵容针对联合国 会员国的恐怖主义行动,而这是被国际法所禁止的;(d) 该组织已经成为恐怖主 义组织库尔工人党/库尔德国民大 的 宣 传 工 具 ;(e) 该组织未能考虑到土耳 其之前关于需要捍卫《联合国宪章》和理事会第 1996/31 号决议所规定的该国的 义务与责任的发言。
The representative of Turkey underlined the following points: (a) the organization, Centre Europe-tiers monde had been failing to adhere to the basic principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the basic requirements set out in Council resolution 1996/31 by disrespecting the territorial integrity and political unity of Turkey; (b) the organization had been undertaking unsubstantiated and politically motivated allegations against Turkey; (c) the organization had been inciting and condoning acts of terrorism against States Members of the United Nations, which is prohibited under international law; (d) the organization had become a propaganda vehicle of the terrorist organization PKK/Kongra-Gel; and (e) the organization had not taken into consideration earlier statements of Turkey regarding the need to uphold its obligations and responsibilities under the Charter and Council resolution 1996/31.
有鉴于上述情况,很显然,不仅欧洲——第三世界中心的声明充斥对土耳其 毫无事实根据和有政治动机的指控,而且,欧洲——第三世界中心这一具有经济 及社会理事会一般咨商地位的非政府组织已成为恐怖组织库尔德工人党 / 劳 工党 在联合国的宣传工具。
In the light of the above, it is abundantly clear that not only are the statements of Centre Europe-tiers monde full of unsubstantiated and politically motivated allegations against Turkey but moreover that Centre Europe-tiers monde, a non-governmental organization in general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, has become a propaganda vehicle of terror organization PKK/Kongra-Gel at the United Nations.
已故总统马拉姆·巴卡 伊·萨尼的前安 全部门改革顾问、团结 工党 领袖 Iancuba Djola N'Djai 所领的“全 国反政变阵线” 谴责政变,并提出下列要求:第一,立即恢复宪政秩 序,释放所有被拘留者;第二,停止迫害政府领导人 和掠夺公共财产;第三,恢复 2008 年选举产生的几佛 独立党政府;第四,部署一支联合国授权的稳定部队, 以保证国家机构安全,协助执行安全部门改革方案; [...]
The National Anti-Coup Front, led by the former security sector reform (SSR) adviser to late President Malam Bacai Sanhá and leader of the Solidarity and Labour Party, Iancuba Djola [...]
N’Djai, has condemned
the coup and called for, first, the immediate restoration of constitutional order and the release of all detainees; second, the end of the persecution of Government leaders and looting of public property; third, the reinstatement of the PAIGC Government elected in the 2008 elections; fourth, the deployment of a United Nations-mandated stabilization force to provide security to State institutions and to facilitate the implementation of the SSR programme; fifthly, the fight against impunity and drug trafficking; sixth, the imposition of individual sanctions on the coup leaders and their prosecution; and seventh, the conclusion of the electoral process.
宪法委员会负责土耳其大国民议会议长会议交办的有关宪法和议会章程修改的议案、土耳其大国民议会选举、活动、成员的地位和权力、部长会议、总理府和部委的组建 工 作 方 式、 党的 地 位的法律草案和立法议案以及与宪法内容有关的其他法律草案和立法议案的审理。
The Committee on Constitution shall discuss government bills and private members’ bills concerning amendments of constitution and Rules of Procedure assigned by the Speakership of the Grand National of Assembly of Turkey, election of parliament, activities, status of members and their rights, foundation and methods of working of Council Of
Ministers, Prime Ministry, Ministries, a
[...] draft law of political parties about their status and [...]
shall discuss other government bills
and private members’ bills about constitution issues assigned by the Parliament.
在最近于 2007 年 12 月 18 日举的大选中,Brown 博士再一次当选为百慕大总理, 进步工党在众议院 36 个席位中继续占多数,共占 22 席。
During the latest general election, held on 18 December 2007, Dr. Brown was re-elected as Premier of Bermuda, with PLP retaining their majority of 22 of the 36 seats in the House of Assembly.
第 7 条(政党的工作方法)――政党应通过以下途径实现其宗旨和目标: […… ]提名候选人,参加 竞选,包括与其他政党结成选举团体,以及对选举的实施和结果实行监督等
Article 7
[...] (Methods of Work of Political Parties) - The political parties are to implement [...]
their objectives and goals through:
[...] the nomination of candidates for elections, participation in electoral campaigns, including by means of formation of electoral blocks with the other parties, as well as the control over the conduct and results of elections [...
根据第 40 条第 1 款,“公民可自由 结成党、工会、雇主协会及其他形 的 社 团
According to Article 40 (1), “Citizens may freely
[...] associate into political parties, trade unions, employers’ associations, and other forms of association”.
[...] 民身份证件的立法框架改革,支持为确保妇女在选举管理和争端解决机构中享有 实质性代表权,以及所有选举进程(包括选民登记、公民教育、投票、候选人安 全和媒体准入报道)没有性别歧视所 的 努 力 ,以及支持评估妇女(作为选民、党工作者和候选人)可能遭受暴的脆 弱 性勘查以及采取行动防止和应对这些威 胁。
To this end, the United Nations will support reform of the legislative framework relating to political parties, citizenship, personal status and identity documents for internally displaced persons and refugees; efforts to ensure that women achieve substantial representation in electoral administration and dispute-settlement bodies, and that all election processes (including voter registration, civic education, polling,
candidate security and media access) are free from gender discrimination; and vulnerability
[...] mapping to assess potential violence facing women (as voters, party workers and candidates), as well as action to prevent and respond [...]
to such threats.
外国公民和无国籍人员拥有与摩尔多瓦共和国公民同 的 权 利 、自由和责 任(居住工作和工作保护、教育、休息、健康保护等权利);同时现行法律规定 了一些例外情况(不得被提名参与或参与根据法律规定必须是摩尔多瓦共和国公 民才能参的活动 ,在立法、行政及其他职能机构中无选举与被选举权,无权参 加普选,不得加党派及 其他社会政治组织,不得在摩尔多瓦共和国武装部队服 役)。
Foreign citizens and stateless persons have the same rights, freedoms and responsibilities as do the citizens of the Republic
of Moldova (right to
[...] residence, work and protection of work, education, rest, health protection, etc.); with the exceptions set by legislation in force (may not be nominated or involved in activities for which, according to the legislation in force, the Republic of Moldova citizenship is required, do not enjoy the right to elect and the right to be elected in legislative, executive and other eligible bodies, to participate in the universal suffrage, may not be members of parties and other sociopolitical [...]
organisations, may
not exercise the military service in the armed forces of the Republic of Moldova).
[...] 障法律面前人人平等、享有生命权、人身自由和安全权、法律诉讼相关权利、劳 动权、集会权利和工自由 、信息自由和媒体自由、组建 党的 权 利 、组建社会 组织的权利、政治庇护权、教育权、保护家庭的权利以及享受社会福利的权利。
It also prohibits interference with personal communication, and guarantees inter alia, equality before the law, the right to life, personal liberty and security, rights relating to legal proceedings, labour, the right
to assemble and
[...] freedom to strike, freedom of information and media, the right to establish political parties, and the right [...]
to establish social organizations,
political asylum, education, protection of family, and social welfare.
因此,该法规定了在政治和公共生活领域采 的 具 体 措 施,这些措施将导致在公共当局、共和国、省、镇和市政机构、 党 、 工 会 、社 团及国际合作授权实现平等。
The Law therefore sets forth specific measures for the areas of political and public life which shall lead to achieving
equality in public authorities,
[...] the Republic, provincial, town and municipal bodies, in political parties, labour unions, associations and international cooperation delegation.
这一概念还包括民间社的许多 方面,包括公共委员会、地方理事会以及诸如各 党 、 工 会 、 专业或 行业协会、妇女组织、社区基层组织和其他与公共生活和政治生活有关的组 织的活动。
The concept also includes many aspects of civil society, including public boards
and local councils
[...] and the activities of organizations such as political parties, trade unions, professional or industry associations, [...]
women’s organizations,
community-based organizations and other organizations concerned with public and political life.
现任总理 Ewart Brown 阁下在当选为执的进步劳工党领导 人后,于 2006 年 10 月 30 日就任,并在最近于 2007 年 12 月 18 日举行的大选中再一次当选为 百慕大总理,进步劳工党在众议院 36 个席位中保持多数,共占 [...]
22 席。
The current Premier, Ewart Brown, took
[...] office on 30 October 2006, following his election as the leader of the governing Progressive Labour Party, and was re-elected [...]
in the latest general
election, held on 18 December 2007, with the Progressive Labour Party retaining its majority of 22 of the 36 seats in the House of Assembly.




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