

单词 工作流

See also:

工作 n

working n
operation n
exercise n
employment n
job n
jobs pl
task n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 要資訊系統,即「綜合物業數據庫」、「數據對齊措施」和 工作流 管 理 系統」 的數據庫管理系統。
This project is the second phase and aims to upgrade the de-supported Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) of the three major information systems in the
RVD, namely the Integrated Property Data Bank (IPDB), Data Alignment
[...] Measures (DAM) and Workflow Management System (WMS).
(c) 舉行簡介會,向學前機構加強說明資助計劃的詳 情,以 便學前機構能配工作 流 程。
(c) Briefings will be provided for the pre-primary institutions to explain the details of the scheme to
[...] facilitate them to follow the work flow.
選管會亦建議應 檢討現行機制,簡化有工作流程以 找出更具成本效益、更 靈活的方法向選民宣傳候選人/候選人名單。
The EAC also recommends that a review of the existing mechanism is needed to streamline the workflow to promote candidates/lists of candidates to electors in a more cost-effective and flexible manner.
營商 評估研究發現,電器電子產品的實際移運的模式繁複,並
[...] 涉及多個持份者及其分判商(見附件 B),他們屆時須相應 重工作流程。
As found out in the BIA study, the physical movement of E&E products follows a complex pattern involving
multiple stakeholders and their subcontractors (see Annex
[...] B) whose work flow would have [...]
to be revamped correspondingly.
這項功能不但可以提高儲存、檢索和傳送資料的效 率,還可以讓多名社會保障人員在新系統內同時查閱同 一項資料,有助加工作流程。
Moreover, social security staff can gain concurrent
[...] access to the same piece of information stored in the system, thus improving the efficiency of workflow.
業界歡迎在該建議下,他們並 不需要在業工作流程或資訊科技系統作出任何改變。
They welcome the fact that the proposal would not involve any changes to the business workflow, in particular the demands placed on their IT systems.
(c) 該殘疾人士在公司/有關部門的崗位及角色(例如是否需要與其他同事合作以 完成該工作),以及與其他僱員 工作流 程 上 合作的情況
(c) position and role of the person with disabilities in the company/relevant division (such as whether co-operation with other colleagues
is required to complete the work) and how the person with disabilities co-operates
[...] with other colleagues in the work flow
為確保醫院員工的職業健康和安全,當 局已根據以下兩項國際標準檢討現有的解剖設施:美國 疾病控制及預防中心公布的《醫護設施環境感染控制指 引》,以及英國 生及社會保障署公布的《醫療建築物概 要 20:殮房和驗屍房》,檢討範圍包括實際環境 工作流 程的安排、員工輔助設施和設備。
To ensure occupational health and safety for hospital personnel, existing autopsy facilities have been reviewed against such international standards as the “Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities” published by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the United States and the “Health Building Note 20: Mortuary and Post Mortem Room” published by the Department of Health and Social Security of the United Kingdom, in terms of physical environment, workflow logistics, staff amenities as well as equipment items.
(b) 內工作流程電子化-這是一套配合產品標準編碼的通用軟 件應用系統,可把各局/部門的整個採購程序簡化和自動 化,這些程序包括提出採購申請、確定可用撥款、發出訂貨 單、確認付運和認收,以及向庫務署提交最新付款資料。
(b) Internal Workflow System – this is a common software application supported by a standard [...]
product coding. The application
will streamline and automate the entire procurement process of B/Ds from initiating a requisition, confirming availability of funds, placing a purchase order, confirming delivery and acceptance, to providing updated payment information to the Treasury.
定期合約承建商目前工作流程和 行政管理程序可予檢討,以便 精簡程序和加強對承建商表現的監察,特別是針對與安全和健康有關 [...]
The current workflow and administration procedures for term contractors
[...] can be reviewed with a view to streamlining [...]
the processes and strengthening the
monitoring of their performance, particularly with respect to works that have safety and health implications.
i. 內工作流程電子化: 這是一套配合產品標準編碼的 軟件系統。
i. Internal Workflow System – a common software application supported by a standard product coding.
該公司採取補救行動:(i)召開全體員工會議討論事件,再次審工作流程,並解釋不按程序辦事所招致的後果;(ii)設計新工作流程檢查表,確保草擬遺囑採用正確格式,即必須由有關 的員工簽署及該員工的上司副署;及(iii)向發送該投訴人的個人 資料的有關員工發出警告;及(iv)向投訴人致歉。
The company took remedial actions by (i) convening
[...] a meeting with all staff discussing the incident, running through the workflow again and explaining the consequences of not following the procedures (ii) devising a new workflow checklist to make sure that draft will was in correct [...]
format which has
to be signed by the staff concerned and countersigned by the superior of that staff; and (ii) giving a warning to the staff concerned who released the complainants personal data; and (iv) making an apology to the complainants.
c) 於工作流管理系統」設立數據庫復原措施,從而提高系統的可靠性。
database from 3 days to 2 days. c) improve the system reliability will be improved by setting up database resilience in WMS.
5.111 工作小組希 望 進一步 指出, 在 實施上 文 第 4 至 28 項的一攬 子建議時,如能得到資訊科 技 的 配 合,以及審裁處 登記處修工作流 程和實 務常規的支援,成效將 更理想 。
5.111 The Working Party further wishes to point out that the implementation of the package of Recommendations 4 to 28 above will benefit from the application of information technology, and be supported by revised workflow and work practices in the Tribunal Registry.
更新工程也有助改善系統架構、更 新已過時/將要過時的軟件和硬件及改 工作流 程 和 功能,以滿足地政總署「系 統性鑑辨本港斜坡維修責任」計劃的運作需要,以及各局、部門及公眾的要求。
The revamping exercise also helps refine the system architecture, replace the
obsolete/to-be-obsolete software and
[...] hardware, enhance the workflow and the functionality in order to meet the [...]
operation needs of Systematic
Identification of Maintenance Responsibility of Slopes (SIMAR) in the Territories project, and the requirement of government bureaux and departments and the public.
在上述的前提下,我們應可把過去一般需時七 年工作流程縮 減至五年內 (包括一年前期工作,另 三年半建造工程),以求加快公營房屋的興建。
With these, time needed for completing projects, which generally takes seven years in the past, may be shortened to within five years (including one year for the early planning and design stage, as well as another three and a half years for construction work), so as to expedite the PHCP.
在 實施上 文 第 4 至 28 項的一攬 子建議時, 司法機 構 政 務處應 考慮,如何 透 過 運 用資訊科 技
[...] ,以及 修 訂 審裁處登記處工 作 流 程和實 務常規, 予 以 配 合。
The Judiciary Administration should consider how the implementation of the package of Recommendations 4 to 28 above will benefit from the
application of information technology and be supported by
[...] revised workflow and work practices in the [...]
Tribunal Registry.
在開始進行評估時,評估員應透過與僱主、殘疾人士,以及其他有助了解 該工作的相關人士(例如該僱主其他執行相同或相類似工作的僱員),收 集該工作的詳細資料(包括職務內容、工作要求、工作程序 工作流 程、僱主其他執行相同或相類似工作的僱員的表現等)。
At the beginning of the assessment, the assessor should collect detailed information on the work (including duties and requirements of the work, procedures and work flow as well as performance of other employee(s) of the employer performing the same or similar work) through the employer, the person with disabilities and any other relevant person(s) conducive to the understanding of the work (e.g. other employee(s) of the employer performing the same or similar work).
研究回顧香港設計業目前的動態,可協助 各界發展未來與設計相關的教育和培訓,並協助 流工 商業 過程部署設工作。
The study, which reviews the current dynamics of Hong Kong design industry, may assist various parties for the future
development of design-related education, training and deployment
[...] of design in mainstream industrial or business process.
委員亦重申,提供適當的培 訓和就業機會,對協助失業人士重返 流工作 行 列 十分重要。
Members also reiterated the importance of suitable training and employment opportunities to assist the unemployed to move back to mainstream employment.
Computer simulations can be used to model a reversible reaction at equilibrium, the factors affecting rate of reaction and the processes of a chemical plant.
委員會並聯絡了一些從事本地水產品貿易人士,收集更多有關在香 港發展水產流和加工業的意見。
The Committee has also contacted some local fisheries product traders to gather views on developing the fisheries product logistics and processing industry in Hong Kong.
任 何就項目或項目協議作的任 何修正、修訂或增補,包括但不 限於改變項目推行時間、項目範圍、財政預算或現 流 預 算 或 更換項目統籌人/副統籌人等,均須事先獲 工 貿 署 署長的書 面批准。
Any modification, amendment or addition to the project or the project agreement, including but not limited to change of project duration, project scope, budget or cashflow projection, or replacement of the project coordinator or deputy project coordinator, shall require prior written approval by DGTI.
研究報告的主要建議包括新發展區的規劃、就各項跨界基建設施建 議加強與內地合作及伙伴關係、善用空間以提倡優質生活環境、預留土 作 優質 辦公室、特工業、物流設施 之用,以及在鄉郊地區引入更多具效益的用途。
The key recommendations from the Study include the planning for new development areas; cooperation and partnership with the Mainland on planning cross-boundary infrastructure proposals; promotion of a quality living environment through the optimal use of space; and reservation of land for the development of Grade A offices, special industries, logistics facilities, and more beneficial use of our rural land.
兩次本地考察活動包括參觀本地的魚類批發市場、漁產品加工中 心、漁港設施、捕撈漁船、海魚和塘魚養殖場、經營休閒漁業的魚排等﹔ 而內地考察活動包括前往廣州與廣東省海洋與漁業局、南海漁政漁港監督 管理局、廣東省港流動漁民工作辦 公 室及一家漁業集團舉行座談會,並 參觀廣東省湛江市的水產品批發市場、養殖發展、漁產品加工和休閒漁業 等項目。
The Mainland study tour included meetings with the Ocean and Fishery Bureau of Guangdong Province, the Fisheries Management and Fishing Port Superintendence Bureau of South China Sea, the Hong Kong and Macao Floating Fishermen Business Office of Guangdong Province and a fisheries business corporation.
SFA是通过一个模板编写的,它对CRIC 7的建议做出响应,并建立在为改进信息 流 程 序 而 作 为 政 府间特 工作 组 报 告的一 部分而提供给CRIC 6的财务报告GM方法指南2的基础上。
The compilation of the SFA is guided by means of a template, which responds to the recommendations of CRIC 7, and builds on the GM methodological guide for financial reporting2 presented to CRIC
6 as part of the report of
[...] the intergovernmental Ad Hoc Working Group to improve the procedures [...]
for communication of information.
關於建議為關乎外匯基金或中央銀行提流動資 金支援的資料設立安全港一事,陳茂波議員 要求政府當局提供資料,述明金管局在決定應否和 何時向公眾披露此類事件時會考慮哪些因素;以及 若金管局決定把此類事件保密,有何安排規定該局 須為此類事件中運用外匯基金及進行其他規管活作問責交代。
Mr Paul CHAN requested that, in relation to the proposed safe harbour for information concerning provision of liquidity support by the Exchange Fund or a central bank,
the Administration
[...] should provide information on the considerations of the HKMA in deciding whether and when such incidents should be disclosed to the public, and in the case of deciding to keep such incidents confidential, the accountability arrangements that HKMA would be subject to for the operation of the Exchange Fund and its other regulatory activities conducted in such incidents.
另一名成員建議政府在 擬定版權政策時,考慮創作共用特許及其他開放使用權特 許,以推動知識和原作品的流通和 共享。
To facilitate sharing of information and creative works, another member suggested the Government consider the Creative Commons License and other open-access licenses in formulating its copyright policy.
委員會亦建議漁護署與其他有關部門加強與內地漁業部門和漁業公 司聯繫和交流,了解內地漁業政策和在水產養殖業、休閒漁業、水產品流和加工業、遠洋漁業和捕撈業方面的最新發展,並為有意到內地發展漁 業的漁民提供所需資料和適當的渠道,協助他們聯絡內地有關部門和公 司,以便他們更能把握發展商機及推行發展計劃。
The Committee also proposes that the AFCD and other relevant departments strengthen connections and exchanges with fisheries departments and companies in the Mainland to keep abreast of the fisheries policies and the latest developments in aquaculture, recreational fisheries, fisheries product logistics and processing, offshore fishing and capture fisheries in the Mainland.
(vi) 任何或連串不可抗力事件(包括但不限於任何天災、敵對事件或恐怖主義活動 爆發或升級、宣佈國家或國際緊急狀態或戰爭、災難、危機 流 行 病 、爆發疾 病、經濟制裁、工、停工、爆 炸、水災、地震、火災、群眾騷亂、火山爆發、 擾亂公共秩序);或
(vi) any event, or series of events, in the nature of force majeure (including, without limitation, any acts of God, outbreak or escalation of hostilities or act of terrorism, declaration of a national or international emergency or war, calamity, crisis, epidemic, outbreak of disease, economic sanctions, strikes, lock-outs, explosion, flooding, earthquake, fire, civil commotion, volcanic eruptions, public disorder); or




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