单词 | 工作量 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 工作量 noun —workload nSee also:工作 v—work v • operate v • go v 工作 n—working n • employment n • job n • operation n • jobs pl • task n • exercise n
因進行檢討帶來的工作 量,將由現有的撥款吸納。 legco.gov.hk | The workload arising from the review will be absorbed by our existing provisions. legco.gov.hk |
基於新職務的性質和所涉及的工作量 , 由 總 電訊工程師負責擬議總規管事務經理職位的工作並不可行。 legco.gov.hk | It is not feasible for the CTEs to take up the work of the proposed CRAM post both in terms of nature of the new responsibilities and the workload involved. legco.gov.hk |
不過,現有副廣播處長的工作量已十 分 繁重;日後他亦須全力參與數碼平台新節目的編輯管理與策 劃工作。 legco.gov.hk | However, the existing DD of B has [...] already been fully stretched in his [...] schedule of work, and the incumbent will be heavily [...]involved in editorial management [...]and planning for new programming on the digital platform. legco.gov.hk |
為應付與日俱增的工作量,管 理局必須擴大 成員名單,以及令成員組合更多元化。 legco.gov.hk | It is necessary to expand the size and the diversity of VSB’s membership to cope with the increasing demand on the work of the VSB. legco.gov.hk |
新審裁處大樓會有足夠空間以配 合 未 來 增 加的工作 量。 legco.gov.hk | There would also be sufficient room in the new premises to accommodate future increase in caseload. legco.gov.hk |
商 品說明( 修訂) 條例》實施後,通訊辦的執法職務將會擴大, 而 工作量亦 會增加。 legco.gov.hk | The implementation of the TDO(A) will bring about expanded enforcement duties and increased workload to OFCA. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 由於我們使用外判服務的需要因時而異,也因應當時 的 工作量 而 有 所不同, 因此我們無法預測未來 3 年可由公務員職位取代的外判服務合約中職位的數 目。 devb.gov.hk | (b) While the need for outsourced service varies from time to time and depends on the prevailing workload, we are unable to predict the number of posts under the outsourced service contracts which can be replaced by civil service posts in the next 3 years. devb.gov.hk |
由於預期 增加的工作量會長期持續,因此不宜聘用非公務員合約僱員應付有關 執法職務的人手需求。 legco.gov.hk | As the expected increase in workload would persist over the long-term, it would not be appropriate to address the manpower needs for enforcement duties in particular with the employment of non-civil service contract staff. legco.gov.hk |
這些安排均能 將 工作量 公 平 分 配予不同規 模 的 顧 問 公司。 legco.gov.hk | These arrangements can ensure an even [...] distribution of work among consultancy [...]firms of different scale. legco.gov.hk |
一如市場及競爭 科 1 和 2 的現行安排,新設的市場及競爭科主管 2 亦須在有 [...] 需要時分擔市場及競爭科主管 1 的工作量,處理廣播和電訊 行業中反競爭行為的個案。 legco.gov.hk | Same as the existing arrangement between Division 1 and [...] Division 2 in MCB, the new HM2 is also [...] required to share the work load of HM1 on a [...]need basis in respect of cases of anti-competitive [...]conduct in the broadcasting and telecommunications sectors. legco.gov.hk |
然而這並不可 行,因為兩個職位的工作量預期 在未來數月將會同樣繁重,並需 要負責人員全職及專責處理。 legco.gov.hk | This is not feasible either as the workload of both posts are expected to be equally heavy and would require full and dedicated attention in the coming months. legco.gov.hk |
為減輕教師的工作量,獲發校本津貼的學校只 須在周年校務計劃書內納入旨在為清貧學生提供的扶貧計劃及 [...] 在周年校務報告內匯報實際的受惠人數,以及計劃的成效評估結 果。 legco.gov.hk | In order to reduce the workload of teachers, [...] schools in receipt of the School-based Grant were only required to include [...]in their Annual School Plans programmes aiming at alleviating poverty of the disadvantaged students, and to report in their Annual School Reports the actual number of disadvantaged students served as well as the evaluation on the effectiveness of the programmes. legco.gov.hk |
我於是選擇要求小組法官提供文件 副本,以期減輕他們的工作量或方 便他們處理。 legco.gov.hk | My request to the panel judges for copy documents was an alternative adopted to [...] reduce their efforts or facilitate their work. legco.gov.hk |
不過, 為配合這科目的跨學科本質,學校可考慮安排具不同專科背景的教師教授 本科的不同年級(中四、五和六)課程,或安排兩位具不同專科背景的教 [...] 師教授同一班學生,讓教師得以專注教授其擅長的單元,有助減輕教師在 準備這新課程的工作量。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | However, due to the multi-disciplinary nature of this subject, schools may consider assigning teachers with different expertise to teach this subject at different levels (S4, 5 and 6), or two teachers with [...] different subject expertise to teach one class, so that teachers can focus [...] more on modules with which they are [...]familiar. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
此外,為進一步減輕工作量,在這階段並不要求「探 究研習」的分數。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Moreover, in order to further alleviate the workload, marks of ‘Investigative Study’ are NOT required in this stage. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
(d) 在 2007 年及 2008 年,機電工程署透過調配內部人手應付檢驗次數上升而增 加的工作量。 devb.gov.hk | (d) In 2007 and 2008, the workload arising from the increase in number of inspections was met by internal redeployment of manpower resources. devb.gov.hk |
機電工程署已調配現有人手應付增加 的 工作量。 devb.gov.hk | The increased workload was met by redeployment of existing manpower resources. devb.gov.hk |
為改善整體工作環境,醫管局已推行各項措施,包括改善 醫生的工作時間及當值安排、推行醫生工作支援措施,以 減少前線醫生的工作量,以 及提供更多培訓機會,例如成 立獎學金資助醫生前往海外進修。 legco.gov.hk | To improve the overall working environment, the HA has taken various measures which include improving the working hours and roster arrangements of doctors, implementation of support measures to doctors so as to reduce the workload of front-line doctors as well as provision of more training opportunities, such as establishing scholarships to subsidize doctors to undertake overseas training. legco.gov.hk |
此外,我們會不時重行調配內部資源,以應 付 工作量 增 加。 devb.gov.hk | In addition, internal resources are redeployed from time to [...] time to cope with the increased workload. devb.gov.hk |
由政府或非政府機構統籌活動,以 減低教師行政工作量。 communitycarefund.hk | Activities should be coordinated by the Government or non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to reduce [...] teachers’ administrative workload. communitycarefund.hk |
此外,在使用《學校體適能獎勵計劃紀錄系統》這電腦軟件時,教師需從學校「校 管系統」(SAMS)或學校數據庫中抽取學生名單及相關資料,而這是使用該紀錄系統中最 重要的一環,可大大減輕教師推行本計劃 的 工作量 , 請各校長給負責學校體適能獎勵計 劃的教師全力協助。 childhealthhongkong.com | In connection with the use of the Physical Fitness Recording System (PFRS), school heads are recommended to give full support to the teacher in-charge of the Physical Fitness Award Scheme in extracting relevant students’ data from the SAMS (School Administration Management System) or the school data bank. childhealthhongkong.com |
當局會採取什麼措施確保辦事處的工作效率不會因 為 工作量 增 加 而降 低? devb.gov.hk | What kind of measures will the Administration adopt to ensure that the Office’s work efficiency would not be hampered with the extra workload? devb.gov.hk |
(2) 會否考慮增加人手及其他資源以應付增加 的 工作量? devb.gov.hk | (2) Whether consideration will be given to increasing manpower and other [...] resources to cope with the increased [...]workload? devb.gov.hk |
現建議 把管理局的現有成員組合( 即一名主席、六名註冊獸 醫、一名有權在香港以專業身分執業的醫生或藥劑師及 兩名業外人士)擴大至包括一名主席、12 名註冊獸醫、 一名有權在香港以專業身分執業的醫生或藥劑師及五 名業外人士,從而令管理局更具代表性,並分擔不斷增 加的工作量。 legco.gov.hk | It is proposed that the current membership of the VSB (with one Chairman, six registered veterinary surgeons, one member who is a medical practitioner or pharmacist who is entitled to practise his profession in Hong Kong, and two lay persons) be expanded to one Chairman, 12 registered veterinary surgeons, one member who is a medical practitioner or pharmacist who is entitled to practise his profession in Hong Kong and five lay persons, so as to broaden the representation of the VSB and to help the sharing out of increasing workload. legco.gov.hk |
我們已調配內部資源,應付因草擬條例草案所帶來 的 工作量 , 並 擬於 2011 年第 二季向立法會提交條例草案。 devb.gov.hk | We have deployed internal resources to meet the workload arising from the drafting of the Bill and target to introduce the Bill to the Legislative Council in the second quarter of 2011. devb.gov.hk |
(c) 既定的薪酬原則( 例如釐定入職薪酬的資歷基準制度和釐定較 [...] 高職級薪級的“廣分職級”原則13 ) ;過往為有關職系進行的 [...] 檢討;自上次檢討後,有關職系在工作性質、職務、職責和 工作量方面 的轉變和發展,以及公眾因應社會、經濟和政治 [...] 形勢的不斷改變,對這些職系的不同期望; (d) 在招聘和挽留人員,以及士氣、事業發展方面的情況 legco.gov.hk | (c) the established pay principles (such as the qualification benchmark system for determining entry pay and the ‘broad-banding’ principle13 for determining the pay scale of higher ranks), the previous reviews [...] of the concerned grades; changes and [...] developments in the work nature, job duties, [...]responsibilities and workload of the [...]concerned grades since the last review; and the public expectation of these grades consequential upon the changing social, economic and political landscape legco.gov.hk |
因應數字的上 升,署方如何安排額外資源去處理新增 的 工作量 , 詳 情如何;這些個案是否需要 等待較長時間才獲得處理;詳情如何? devb.gov.hk | In response to this increase, how will the BD arrange to provide additional resources to deal with the additional workload, and what are the details? devb.gov.hk |
校本評核的要求將會考慮到學生不同程度的能力, 並避免不必要地增加教師和學生的 工作量。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | The requirement to implement the SBA will take into consideration the wide [...] range of student ability [...] and efforts will be made to avoid unduly increasing the workload of both [...]teachers and students. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
當局重申,任何形式的整體租金與入息比例,無論平均數或中位數,均 會受到眾多外在因素所影響,因而並不適合,而且要房委會搜集每一住戶的 租金與入息比例資料,以便向為數約 65 [...] 萬戶的公屋住戶進行租金檢討,所 涉及的工作量和行 政費用將十分龐大,亦會對租戶構成莫大滋擾。 legco.gov.hk | The authorities reiterated that any form of global RIR, be it mean or median, would be affected by a number of extraneous factors, and was therefore not appropriate. Furthermore, the HA would have to require information on the RIR of each and every PRH household for the purpose of conducting a rent [...] review of some 650 000 PRH households, [...] where the amount of work and administrative [...]costs required were enormous and would [...]also create considerable disturbance to all PRH tenants. legco.gov.hk |