

单词 工作坊

See also:

工作 n

exercise n
working n
employment n
operation n
job n
jobs pl
task n

工作 v

work v
go v
operate v

作坊 n

shop n


workshop (of artisan)

External sources (not reviewed)

作為參考,附錄六列工作坊參加 者在廣場發展及管理模式上為他們不同的選擇 所提供的理據。
For reference purposes, Appendix F provides a list of rationales for the different choices made by the participants of the brainstorming workshop.
计划亦提供导师培工作坊,让 更多人加入推广 展能艺术。
The project also provides trainers’
[...] training so that more practitioners can bring arts to persons with disabilities.
這包括 (i) 向企業提供資助共 5 億 元;(ii) 向香港生產力促進局提供 5,500 萬元,以成立專責隊伍,負
責「專項基金」個別企業資助部份的管理、行政支援及項目監察工作; (iii) 向香港生產力促進局提供 400
[...] 萬元,以舉辦各項推廣及宣傳活 動工作坊及研討會,出版指引作教育及分享經驗,及支付其他必需 [...]
的相應開支如審計費;以及 (iv) 香港生產力促進局作為政府的執行
伙伴,提供總額相等於 1,700 萬元的專業人手支援、場地租金及其他 輔助、技術及支援服務。
This includes (i) $500 million of funding support to be provided to enterprises; (ii) $55 million to be provided to the HKPC to set up a dedicated team for programme management, administrative support and project monitoring; (iii) $4 million to be provided to the HKPC to conduct various publicity and promotional activities, organise seminars and symposia, publish
guidebooks for education and experience
[...] sharing, and meet other necessary expenses [...]
such as audit fees; and (iv) $17 million
to be contributed by the HKPC as the implementation partner in terms of professional manpower support, venue rentals and other ancillary, technical and support services.
)主要申請機構及/或相關的指定本地 公營科研機構,必須透工作坊、研 討會、特許安排或顧問安排等, 向業界發放項目成果及促進技術轉移至業界。
) The lead applicant and/or the relevant designated local public research institute are required to disseminate the project deliverables and promote technology transfer to industry through workshops, seminars, licensing or consultancy, etc.
中心會與香港認可處合作,一同為私營實驗室提供更多資訊 和指導,包括在二零零九年七月二十九日為實驗室從業員而設 工作坊 , 以 及在二零零 九年九月進行的另一輪私營實驗室間比對測試。
The CFS would work with Hong Kong Accreditation Service to provide more information and guidance to private laboratories, including a workshop for laboratories on 29 July 2009 and another round of inter-laboratory comparison exercise for private laboratories in September 2009.
在實施很多獲得通過的措施,都涉及各個學院教研人員的參與,包括:港 大核心課程的設計和發展、發展科目學習果效和評核標 工作坊 、 成立評核資源 中心 (AR@HKU)、推進就港大學生學習經歷問卷調查和修課式研究生學習經歷 問卷調查中所帶出的事項而制定和跟進課程為本行動計劃等。
The implementation of many approved initiatives have involved the participation of staff across all Faculties, including the design and development of the Common Core Curriculum, workshops for developing CLOs and assessment standards, the establishment of an Assessment Resources Centre (AR@HKU), and the formulation of and follow-up on programme-specific action plans to take forward issues identified in the HKUSLEQ and TPGLEQ.
除了小学、中学教育及语言课程,也有一些专业培训让参加者考取专业资 格证书,例如图书馆管理、专业化妆、杂志编辑及不同 工作坊 活 动,例如手工 艺、木工、五金器具、服务缝纫和造鞋、洗衣、汽车维修等。
The educational activities include primary and secondary education as well as language courses, whereas the professional training activities comprise professional qualification certificate programmes, such as library management, professional make-up, magazine editing and varied workshops, for instance, on handicrafts, carpentry, hardware, manufacture of garment and shoes, laundry, maintenance of cars, etc.
5.2.2 在公眾參與活動(包括社工作坊) 中 收集到不少公眾意 見,其中多數參與者同意,如果沒有其他方案,而且有必 [...]
要興建主幹道以解決交通擠塞問題,他們傾向選擇隧道建 造形式,以容許更有彈性地利用海濱,同時將景觀影響減 至最低。
5.2.2 Public views and opinions were
received during engagement exercises
[...] including community charrettes, where most participants [...]
agreed that if there is no alternative
and there is a need for the construction of the Trunk Road to solve the traffic congestion problem, they prefer a tunnel form of construction, to allow more flexible use of the waterfront with least adverse visual impacts.
此外,本署藉持續研究,並經互聯網 工作坊發 布 研究結果,向專業人士推廣通行方面的最佳作業模式,以供 應用於工程項目,並加深市民對暢道通行的認識。
Separately, through the Department’s continuous research and promulgation of results via internet and workshops, best practices on accessibility are promoted to the fellow professionals for application in their projects, and public’s awareness of universal accessibility has been raised.
[...] 包括派發營養標籤及營養聲稱技術指引;把常見問題上載至中心網頁;設立 專為業界而設的電話查詢服務;製作網上營養標籤計算器及為本港業界舉工作坊。
To facilitate the food trade to understand and comply with the new scheme, the CFS has also conducted a number of trade facilitation measures, including the distribution of Technical Guidance Notes on Nutrition Labelling and Nutrition Claims, uploaded frequently asked questions (FAQs) onto the CFS website, set up telephone
enquiry service for the trade, developed a web-based nutrition label calculator and
[...] organised workshops for the local trade.
由香港設計中心及中 文大學創業研究中心合辦的 7+1 志在創工作坊是其中之一。
The 7+1 programme on Entrepreneurship for Design and Creative Professionals jointly organized by Hong Kong Design Centre and CUHK Center for Entrepreneurship is one of such workshops.
自2007 年,民政事务总署向较多内地新来港定居人士及弱势社群的地区提 供资源,让地区组织举办小区活动,例如 工作坊 、 兴趣班、探访、亲子营及其 它活动,帮助初到香港的人士早日融入小区。
Since 2007, the HAD has allocated resources to those districts with a higher concentration of new arrivals and the disadvantaged in the community, to facilitate district organizations to organize activities (such as workshops, interest classes, visits, camps and other activities) to assist those newly arrived in Hong Kong to integrate into the local community as soon as possible.
為增加社會對民意研究的認識,提升各界對有關方面的專業水平,民意研究計劃歷年來為社會各界舉行了多個民意研究講座 工作坊 , 內 容包括民意調查的運作、傳媒解讀及誤用、掌握民意的方法、社會與民意的互動等。
In order to increase the knowledge of the general public on opinion studies, and to lift the overall professional standard of the local community, POP has conducted many public opinion lectures and workshops for the local society, which introduce the operation of opinion polls, the interpretation and misuse of opinion data by the media, the appropriate ways of mastering public opinion, as well as the interactions between society and public opinion.
此外,我们将会与一所社会企业共同举办一项教育活动 计划,期望透工作坊、体 验活动及学界比赛,让学生和青少年对残疾人士的不 同能力有着正确认识,并学习尊重差异和残疾人士的固有尊严,从而培养无歧视 的文化,并鼓励他们共同建立无障碍的社会。
In addition, we will organise an education programme jointly with a social enterprise with a view to enabling students and youths to have a correct understanding of various capabilities of persons with disabilities, and learn to respect differences and the inherent dignity of persons with disabilities through interesting workshops, experiential activities and inter-school competitions, so as to foster a discrimination-free culture and encourage them to work together to create a barrier-free society.
我们可以协助您更 有效地应对这些改变,并向您 介绍如暂休工作坊及照顾者 支援小组的支援服务。
We can assist you to better manage the changes and introduce you to supports such as respite care, workshops and carer support groups.
作为以“重新发电”为主题的2012年第九届上海双年展教育项目“圆明学园”三 工作坊 之 一 ,对于“沉浸”的研究同时是对艺术与科技相交发展历史的整理与呈现,对当代人类生存状态与其所遭遇的社会现象与问题的真实反射,也是对艺术与科技交叉学科的再定义及其未来发展的重新审视。
Responding to the 9th Shanghai Biennial’s theme of “Reactivation”, we attempt to track the history of art and technology through our workshops focusing on the theme of IMMERSION in order to redefine the field and its development in the future, thus to reflect on man and the social environment he’s living within.
大約500名介乎12至17歲之間的學生將有機會利用這難得的機會,出席由廚師主持 工作坊 , 了 解品味及味道的多樣性,並同時幫助他們提高對語言及文化的理解。
Approximately 500 students aged between 12 and 17 will enjoy this fantastic opportunity to attend the chefs’ workshops and learn about the diversity of tastes and flavors and improve their cultural and linguistic understanding at the same time.
獲基金資助的項目活動可包括研討會 工作坊 、 會 議、展覽會、 調查研究、獎勵計劃、最佳經營守則、數據庫、服務中心、支 援設施及科技應用示範等。
Activities under the projects which may be supported by SDF include seminars, workshops, conferences, exhibitions, research studies, award schemes, codes of best practices, databases, service centres, support facilities and technology demonstration.
珠寶商研討會工作坊,瑞 士的La Chaux-de-Fonds的,製造商製表訣竅是非常不同的,但相同驅動工匠對完美的追求,超越的激情。
Jewelers in
[...] workshops and workshops Swiss La Chaux-de-Fonds, [...]
in the Manufactures watchmaking know-how is very different,
but the same passion for perfection that drives artisans, transcends the passions.
d) 學生園地創工作坊 — 工作坊由香 港理工大學 及香港知專設計學院合辦,是「設計營商周」的重 點教育活動,旨在讓中學生體驗設計的過程,啟發 創意。
d) Education Corner – The programme, an important educational element of BODW, was organised by PolyU and Hong Kong Design Institute to enable secondary school students to experience design process and inspire them to develop their creative talents.
因此,集團一直致力為員工提 供多個培訓機會,透工作坊和研 討會給予員工有關管理 技巧發展、客戶服務、產品知識、行業趨勢及語言能力等 各方面的訓練。
To this end, the Group consistently provides staff with ample training opportunities in the fields of management skills, customer service, product knowledge, industry trends and language proficiency, via various workshops and seminars.
觀塘現有超過1,000個獨立藝術家工作室、樂隊排練場地、街頭藝 工作坊 和 電影後期製作室。
Kwun Tong is now home to over 1,000 independent artist studios, band rehearsal spaces, street art workshops and film post-production houses that appeared gradually after the regime change of the city.
本會邀請了兩位口述影像專家擔 工作坊 的 導 師:美國盲人理事會口述影像計劃總監Joel Snyder 先生及現任台灣公共電視董事長兼華視董事長趙雅麗博士擔任導師。
We invited two Audio Description specialists, Mr. Joel Snyder, President of Audio Description Associates, LLC from the United States and Dr. Chao Yaly, Chair of the Board of the Public Television Service Foundation and Chair of the Board of the Chinese Television System from Taiwan, to conduct a workshop in last July.
同樣地,這些建議工作坊所得的意見相若,即 包括有戶外表演 (有組織的及自發的)、戶外小型音樂會、節慶活動及嘉年華、戶 外展覽 (定期或短期的)及比賽活動(公眾、慈善等比賽);除了「比賽活動(公眾、 慈善等比賽)」沒有在這次意見收集中被提及。
This is again similar to those popular suggestions from the brainstorming workshop, i.e. outdoor performances (organized and spontaneous); outdoor mini-concerts; festivals and carnivals; outdoor exhibitions (fixed and temporary); competitions (public, charities, etc.) (see Appendix D) except that “competitions (public, charities, etc.)” has not been suggested in this exercise.
這 些 活 動 包 括 製 作 一 份 有 關 在《 僱 傭 條 例 》下 的 合 理 辯 解 條 款 的 單 張;以 9 種 不 同 語 文 (包 括 中 英 文 ) 印 製 有 關 《 修 訂 條 例 》 的 單 張 ; 推 出 新 刊 物 及 宣 傳 品 , 以 鼓 勵 更 廣 泛 使 用 書 面 僱 傭 合 約 和 妥 善 備 存 工 資 及 僱 傭 記 錄;製 作 新 一 輯
電 台 宣 傳 聲 帶 和 在 公 共 交 通
[...] 工 具 上 張 貼 廣 告,介 紹 如 何 分 辨 僱 員 與 自 僱 人 士 ;舉工 作 坊 以 促 進 僱 主 與 僱 員 之 間 的 有 效 溝 通 和 協 作;透 過 本 地 報 [...]
章 及 製 作 專 題 宣 傳 品 以 推
廣 家 庭 友 善 僱 傭 措 施,使 更 多 人 接 受 在 工 作 場 所 實 施 該 等 措 施;以 及 在 不 同 地 點 舉 行 巡 迴 展 覽,教 育 市 民 認 識 在《 修 訂 條 例 》及《 最 低 工 資 條 例 》 下 享 有 的 權 益 及 保 障 。
These include producing a leaflet on the reasonable excuse clause under the EO, producing leaflets on the EAO in nine different languages including Chinese and English, introducing new publications and promotional materials to encourage the wider use of written employment contract and proper keeping of wage and employment records; producing a new radio Announcement in the Public Interest and placing advertisement in public transport about differentiating an employee from a
self-employed person;
[...] organising a workshop to enhance effective communication and foster collaboration between employers [...]
and employees; promoting
FFEP through local newspaper and producing thematic promotional materials to boost the receptiveness of FFEP in the workplace; as well as staging roving exhibitions in different locations to educate the public of their rights and protection under the EAO and MWO.
還有以匯報及互工作坊討論 的其他題目包括風險管 理、再保險、精算建模、與生物統計學風險相關的產品如失能險、危疾及長期護理 險,以及優先人壽概念的各個方面。
Further topics discussed in presentations and interactive workshops included risk management, reinsurance, actuarial modelling, issues related to products that cover biometric risks such as disability, critical illness and long-term care as well as aspects of preferred life concepts.
This class’ curricula include the profuse contents of digital and derivatively art, software art, game, theoretical research on the history of experimental media art; communication media, linguistics, micro-information; sculpture, space art and bio-technology; sound art and tele-information technology; interactive art, human consciousness, tele-communication technology, and etc.  International masters of new media art and young artists will discuss the benign interaction between science and art together.
英基學校協會 (English Schools Foundation) 連續第二年舉辦「法國美食日」(Journée du
[...] Goût),邀請了15位廚師及供應商 (見下表)舉行美工作坊,跟 學生們分享他們對美食的經驗,知識和熱情。
For the second year in a row, the English Schools Foundation is delighted to host the “Journée du
Goût” event in which 15 chefs and suppliers
[...] (see list below) will run parallel workshop [...]
sessions and share their expertise,
knowledge and passion for food with students.




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