单词 | 嵌套的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 嵌套的 adjective —nested adjSee also:嵌套—nested • nesting 嵌 n—inlay n 嵌—embed
项目简介: 支持嵌套的Tab控 件,Tab内容通过Ajax加载,可通过ID动态控制Tab选中。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: In the switch between the different panels , the folding panel will follow the color change . javakaiyuan.com |
支持多层嵌套的折叠控件。 javakaiyuan.com | Support multiple levels of nested folding control. javakaiyuan.com |
支持嵌套的Tab控 件,Tab内容通过Ajax加载,可通过ID动态控制Tab选中。 javakaiyuan.com | Support for nested Tab controls , [...] Tab content loading via Ajax can be dynamically controlled by the ID Tab selected. javakaiyuan.com |
如果故障处理程序向它的外层作用域再次抛出故障,那么可用 从 嵌套的 作 用 域到它的父作用域的 Faulted [...] 信号来模拟这种情况。 huihoo.org | If the fault handler rethrows a fault to its enclosing scope, this is modeled as a Faulted [...] signal from the nested scope to its parent scope. huihoo.org |
如果在父作用域中有一个与嵌套的作 用 域的工作无关的故障,那么父作用域将要 求 嵌套的 作 用 域通过发送 Cancel 信号来提前放弃它的工作。 huihoo.org | If there is a fault in the parent scope [...] independent of the work of the nested scope, the parent scope will ask the nested scope to prematurely abandon [...]its work by sending a Cancel signal. huihoo.org |
请注意每个活动通过使用嵌套的 huihoo.org | (Note that each activity declares itself as the source or target of a [...] link by using the nested elements. huihoo.org |
灵活的布局使得任何内容或UI组件,包 括 嵌套的 数 据网 格 的嵌套 变 得 非常容易。 evget.com | The flexibly layout enables easy nesting of any content or UI component including nested data grids. evget.com |
最后,当父作用域决定不再需要已完 成 的嵌套的 作 用 域的补偿时,该父作用域 向 嵌套的 作 用 域发送 Close 信号。 huihoo.org | Finally, when a parent scope decides that the compensation for a [...] completed nested scope is not needed any more it sends a Close signal to the nested scope. huihoo.org |
可用从嵌套的作用域到它的父作用域的 Exited 信号来模拟这种情况。 huihoo.org | This is modeled as an Exited [...] signal from the nested scope to its [...]parent scope. huihoo.org |
项目简介: [...] RapidMiner(YALE)的组合式operator设计思想能够设计出复 杂 嵌套的 o p e ra tor链来解决运用快速原型技术所遇到的大量问题。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: RapidMiner (YALE) [...] of the modular operator design ideas to [...] design a complex nested operator chains [...]to address the use of rapid prototyping [...]technology encountered numerous problems . javakaiyuan.com |
XTemplate包含了许多有用的功能比如 嵌套的 程 序 块,各种类型的插值变量。 javakaiyuan.com | XTemplate contains many useful [...] features such as nested blocks , various [...]types of interpolation variables. javakaiyuan.com |
这可被看作个别服务预约可使用整个 LRT 的作用域中嵌套的事务的 LRT。 huihoo.org | This can be viewed as an LRT in which individual service [...] reservations can use nested transactions within [...]the scope of the overall LRT. huihoo.org |
在成功完成补偿后,嵌套的作用域向它的父作用域发送 Compensated [...] 信号。 huihoo.org | Upon successful completion of the [...] compensation, the nested scope sends the [...]Compensated signal to its parent scope. huihoo.org |
在丢弃补偿处理程序后,嵌套的作用 域发出 Closed 信号作为响应。 huihoo.org | After discarding the [...] compensation handler the nested scope responds [...]with a Closed signal. huihoo.org |
说明:为了解释起来比较方便,我们在这里仅做两 重 嵌套的 示 例,您可以按照实际情况进行更多 重 的嵌套 , 但请注意Excel的IF函数最多允许七重嵌套。 oapdf.com | Note: In order to explain more [...] convenient, we are here to [...] do only two-fold nested example, you can be more emphasis on the actual situation of the nest, but note that Excel's IF function allows up to seven re-nest . oapdf.com |
设计保留了大部分原有的结构,并从结构和树木的限制中创造出三个相 互 嵌套的 庭 院 来组织空间:西南角的庭院最为开敞并带有室外露台,能够毫无遮挡的看到西面的云杉林和南面的远山;东北角在相对局促的现有环境中创造了相对围合的内院,遮蔽了周围嘈杂的环境,提供了看树和看天的环境。 chinese-architects.com | The design retains the existing structure and then creates three differentiated courtyards in connection to the spruce trees. chinese-architects.com |
如果 Cancel 信号被发送到已产生内部故障 的嵌套的 作 用域,那么 Cancel 信号被忽略,该作用域将最终向父作用域发送 [...] Faulted 信号或 Exited 信号。 huihoo.org | In case a Cancel [...] signal is sent to a nested scope that has already [...]faulted internally, the Cancel signal is ignored and [...]the scope will eventually send either a Faulted or an Exited signal to the parent. huihoo.org |
这就是所谓 函数作用域(functional scoping) 的一个例子:在 JavaScript 中, [...] 变量的作用域是由它在源代码中所处的位置定 义 的 , 且 嵌套的 函 数 可以访问在其外层作用域中声明的变量。 developer.mozilla.org | This is an example of functional scoping: in JavaScript, the scope of a [...] variable is defined by its location within [...] the source code, and nested functions have access [...]to variables declared in their outer scope. developer.mozilla.org |
在接收到 cancel 信号后,嵌套的作用 域将中断并终止它的执行(就好象出现了内部故障),然后把 [...] Canceled 信号返回给父作用域。 huihoo.org | The nested scope, upon receiving the [...] cancel signal, will interrupt and terminate its execution (as though there were an [...]internal fault), and returns a Canceled signal to the parent. huihoo.org |
当嵌套的作用 域完成后,父作用域(的故障处理程序或补偿处理程序)可以要求它通过调用它的补偿处理程序来补偿它自己。 huihoo.org | After a nested scope has completed, [...] (a fault or compensation handler for) the parent scope may ask it to compensate itself [...]by invoking its compensation handler. huihoo.org |
WebPaneManager拥有强大的对象模型基础,它在Group和Pane之间提供了明确的分离,使得高度复 杂 的嵌套的 布 局 分组能够一致显示。 evget.com | WebPaneManager’s strong object model foundation [...] provides a clear separation between Group and Pane, enabling the consistent display [...] of highly complex nested Layout Grouping. evget.com |
在这种情况下,嵌套的作用 域向它的父作用域发送 Compensated 信号。 huihoo.org | In this case the nested scope sends the [...] Compensated signal to its parent scope. huihoo.org |
可用从父作用域到嵌套的作用域的 Compensate 信号来模拟补偿操作。 huihoo.org | The compensate action is modeled with a Compensate signal from [...] the parent scope to the nested scope. huihoo.org |
该主要活动可以是一个复杂的结构化的活动,其中有任意深度的许 多 嵌套的 活 动。 huihoo.org | The primary activity can be a complex structured [...] activity, with many nested activities within [...]it to arbitrary depth. huihoo.org |
使用 XtraReports 套包, [...] 你可以选择以下两种中的一种方式来创建主从报表:通过创建一个分 层 嵌套的 D e t ailReportBand或者使用XRSubreport控件来显示分开的主报表的子报表。 evget.com | With the XtraReports Suite, you can choose between two approaches to [...] creating master-detail reports: by creating [...] a hierarchy of nested Detail Report Bands [...]or by using the XRSubreport control [...]to show separate detail reports within a master report. evget.com |
长期运行的交互包括多个工作单元,这些单元常常 是 嵌套的 , 每 个单元有自己的数据要求。 huihoo.org | Long-running interactions include [...] multiple, often nested units of work, [...]each with its own data requirements. huihoo.org |
请注意,嵌套的作用域的强制终止顺序是从最里面开始,这是因为(如上所述)执行所有故障处理程序的第一步是隐式地(递归地)终止执行所有被直接包括在它的关联作用域中的正在执行的活动。 huihoo.org | Note that forced [...] termination of nested scopes occurs [...]in innermost-first order as a result of the rule (quoted above) that [...]execution of any fault handler begins by implicitly (recursively) terminating execution of all currently executing activities directly enclosed within its associated scope. huihoo.org |
当来自嵌套的作用域的 Completed 信号与来自父作用域的 Cancel 信号出现竞争时,Completed 信号胜出,也就是说,可以认为 嵌套的 作 用 域已完成而 Cancel 信号被忽略。 huihoo.org | In case there is a race [...] between the Completed signal from the nested scope and the Cancel signal from the parent scope, the Completed signal wins, i.e., the nested scope is deemed to have completed and [...]the Cancel signal is ignored. huihoo.org |
通过WPReporter控件,您可以点击箭头按钮来展开或者折叠组,折叠后的组会有一个 和 嵌套的 段 一 样的操作标记柄:同样,在组里面的子段会有和子组段一样的操作标记柄。 evget.com | Internally the groups [...] are handled as nested paragraphs: paragraphs [...]inside of a group are handled as children of the group paragraph. evget.com |
注释支持也允许面板的嵌套和固 定面板的一些关键的图表元素,像数据点或数据项的图例。 evget.com | Annotation support [...] that also allows nesting of panels and anchoring [...]panels to key elements of the chart like data points or legend data items. evget.com |