单词 | 崩塌 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 崩塌verb—collapsev崩塌—landslide talus slide crumble (of scree slope) See also:崩—demise death of king or emperor fall into ruins 塌v—collapsev 塌—settle down
随着世界观的崩塌,我们的精神也开始漫无目的地游荡。 shanghaibiennale.org | Faced with the collapseof our worldviews, [...] our spirits begin to roam. shanghaibiennale.org |
遗憾的是,加沙在保健、教育 和饮用水方面的重建需求如此巨大,以至于尽管联 合国其他机构也致力于解决问题,但基础设施崩塌毁坏的速度仍然超过了修缮进度。 daccess-ods.un.org | Unfortunately, the reconstruction needs in Gaza were so huge — in such areas as health, education and water — that the crumbling of the infrastructure was outstripping improvements, even though other United Nations agencies were also working on the problem. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于第一点,我国代表团首先要表示悼念因特派 团总部大楼崩塌而丧生的 101 名联合国工作人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the first point, my delegation wishes first and foremost [...] to pay tribute to the memory of the 101 United Nations staff members who died when the [...] Mission’s headquarterscollapsed. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 如果maul中的球成为无法比赛或maul非暴行结果崩塌而被命令scrum时, 该maul非顺利结束。 irblaws.com | (b) A maul ends unsuccessfully if the ball becomes [...] unplayable or collapses (not asa result [...]of foul play) and a scrum is ordered. irblaws.com |
(g) 当scrum崩塌或扬升悬空而无违规发生,将命令另一次scrum,而由原投 [...] 进队再次投进球。 irblaws.com | (g) Ifa scrumcollapses or liftsup into [...] the air without sanction a further scrum will be ordered and the team who originally [...]threw in the ball will throw the ball in again. irblaws.com |
由于中国惧怕朝鲜 政权崩塌,担心成千上万朝鲜难民蜂拥入境,忧虑 韩朝迅速统一可能带来的战略后果,中国仍然会继 续保护朝鲜免受更严厉的惩罚,包括更强硬的经济 制裁。 crisisgroup.org | Given its fear of regime implosion, or hundreds of thousands of North Korean refugees streaming across the border, or the strategic consequences of a precipitous reunification with South Korea, Beijing continues to act in ways that shield the DPRK from more punitive measures, including stronger economic sanctions. crisisgroup.org |
联海稳定团的总部所在地克里斯托弗饭店崩塌,附近的联合国办事处和其他设施受到严重影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Hotel Christopher, the headquarters [...] of MINUSTAH collapsed, and nearby [...]United Nations offices and other facilities were severely affected. daccess-ods.un.org |
约旦政府还深切关注的是,以色列在锡勒万镇进行的侵入性考古挖掘在 2010 年 1 月 3 [...] 日已造成锡勒万镇联接市中心和“尊贵禁地”大院的主要街道的塌方和崩塌,在2010 年 1 月 18 日再次造成希勒沃河街更大的塌方,在主要街道中心形 [...]成一个长 3 米,宽 4 米的大坑,导致沿街建筑物结构性倒塌和周围历史性建筑受 损。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is also a matter of deep concern for the Government of Jordan that intrusive Israeli excavations in the town of Silwan have caused a collapse and an avalanche on 3 January 2010 in the main street of Silwan, linking the town [...] centre and the Haram Al-Sharif Compound, [...] and again a larger collapse on 18January 2010 [...]in Wadi Hilwa Street, where a crater [...]measuring 3 metres in length and 4 metres in width was created in the centre of the main street, leading to the structural collapse in the street and damage to the surrounding historic buildings. daccess-ods.un.org |
e. 作者去掉了如下说法:“嘉汉林业(SinoForest)崩塌一周之后值得怀疑的新闻稿(2011年6月9日)”以及“在出现嘉汉林业丑闻之后,值得怀疑的管理层电视采访”。 tipschina.gov.cn | e. The authors have removed reference to the statement "Suspicious Press Release (June 9, 2011) One Week after SinoForestCollapse"and to a "Suspicious Management TV Interview in Wake of Sino-Forest"'. tipschina.gov.cn |
约旦哈希姆王国政府认为上述锡勒万镇的挖掘活动和有关塌方事件是非常 [...] 严重和侵入性的事件,因为锡勒万镇许多房屋和道路已经很脆弱并可能崩塌。daccess-ods.un.org | The Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan regards the abovementioned Silwan excavations and related collapses as [...] very serious and intrusive, since many of the Silwan homes and roads are already fragile and [...] under thethreatofcollapse. daccess-ods.un.org |
维尼利用卷曲锈钢制成的拱门(Arches)、不定线条 [...] (Indeterminate Lines)和崩塌(Collapses),对艺术、景观和建筑之间的关系提出质疑;以视觉效果向我们细诉他从概念艺术到公共艺术的创作历程,以及他的安装艺术和大型雕塑怎样在当代美学领域刻上长久的 frenchmay.com | Questioning the relationships between art, landscapes and [...] architecture with his rolled steel Arches, [...] Indeterminate Lines and Collapses, the artist [...]tells us a story visually about his path from [...]conceptual art to public art, and how his installations and monumental sculptures make a lasting mark on the contemporary aesthetic landscape. frenchmay.com |
预防胜於治疗正是这项发明的优点,目前已在四座一般尺寸桥梁上测试,使用自我修复纤维的桥梁耐久性优於对照组,她指出,「整体结构已改变为柔软材质,能量分散至各处」,不仅可避免桥梁因龟裂崩塌,因为纤维可减少震动,让桥梁弹性更佳。 thisbigcity.net | The result was not only the prevention of catastrophic failure, due to the enlargement of any one crack, but greater resilience overall, thanks to the fibres’ ability to dampen down vibrations. thisbigcity.net |
(a) 当局将会采用一套风险评级系统,來决定“防治山泥倾泻计划”之下防治山泥 倾泻工程的优先次序,其中会考虑的因素包括斜坡的稳固程度,以及一旦斜坡崩塌可能出现的後果。 devb.gov.hk | (a) A risk-based ranking system will be adopted to decide the priority for the landslip prevention and mitigation works under the Landslip Prevention and Mitigation Programme (LPMitP). devb.gov.hk |