单词 | 崔萤 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 崔萤 —Choi Yeong (1316-1388), general of Korean Goryeo dynastySee also:崔—surname Cui • high mountain • precipitous 萤—firefly • glow-worm
我们也谨感谢秘书长特别代表崔大使 对科特迪 瓦局势的客观评估,以及为在我国真正恢复和平所作 [...] 的努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | We also wish to thank Ambassador Choi, Special [...] Representative of the Secretary-General, [...]for his objective assessment of the [...]situation in Côte d’Ivoire and for his work to restore genuine peace to my country. daccess-ods.un.org |
科研人员复制了萤火虫 发光器官的结构,从而增加称为发光二极管(LED)的小型高效灯具的光传播。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Researchers have copied the structure of a firefly's lantern to increase light transmission in the small, efficient lights known as LEDs. chinese.eurekalert.org |
蚂蚁和黄蜂并没有对农药的比赛,但因为他是要消灭蚁丘,一个甲虫 , 萤 火 虫 管理比尔斯在裤裆咬。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Both the ants and wasps were no match against pesticide, but as he is about to exterminate the ant hill, a beetle and glowworm manage to bite Beals in crotch. seekcartoon.com |
2011 年 7 月 18 日,安理会听取了负责科特迪瓦问题的秘书长特别代表兼联 科行动负责人崔英镇在秘书长 2011 年 6 月 24 日的最近报告(S/2011/387)基础上 所作的情况介绍。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 18 July 2011, the Council heard a briefing by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Côte d’Ivoire and Head of UNOCI, Choi Young-jin, based on the most recent report of the Secretary-General dated 24 June 2011 (S/2011/387). daccess-ods.un.org |
根據民意研究在去年底完成的週年調查顯示,澳門特 首 崔 世 安的民望升至其2009年上任以來新高,支持度評分為64.5分,民望淨值是正23個百分比。 hkupop.hku.hk | According to our annual survey completed at the end of last year, the popularity of Macau CE Chui Sai On has increased to record high since he became CE in 2009. hkupop.hku.hk |
在中国,我们的主要服务为检验鉴定、测试分析及技术服务。产品范围包括能源矿产品(煤、焦炭、生物燃料等)、钢铁原材料(铁矿、锰矿、铬矿、铁合金等)、有色金属(铜、铝、铅、锌等)、钢材和海事、工业矿产品(水泥、石材、镁砂、盐 、 萤 石 、 重晶石等)、化肥及固体化工品、农药及除草剂、地质勘探样品、机械采样系统等。 sgsgroup.com.cn | In China, our team mainly provides the services of inspection, testing and technical consultation for a wide range of field such as: coal and coke, iron ore, manganese ore, chromites, ferro-alloy, copper, aluminum, lead, zinc, steel [...] products and marine services, cement, stone, [...] magnesia, salt, fluorspar, barite, fertilizer [...]and dry chemicals, pesticide and herbicide, [...]geochemical exploration samples, mechanical sampling system, etc. sgsgroup.com.cn |
温暖的仙女做了一切他们所能来挽救仙尘树 - [...] 叶毛毡上的树的每个分支鼓捣人才,动物的人才撤离的青蛙到一个更安全的地方,Iridessa疏 散 萤 火 虫 的beriwinkles Rosetta和Silvermist疏散蜗牛到一个更安全的地方,,天衣疏散一些动物在她的房子。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | All warm fairies did everything they can to save the Pixie Dust Tree – the tinker-talents placing the leaf blankets on each branch of the tree, the animal-talents [...] evacuate the frogs into a safer place, Iridessa [...] evacuates the fireflies on one of the [...]beriwinkles of Rosetta and Silvermist evacuates [...]the snail into a safer place and Tink evacuating some animals on her house. seekcartoon.com |
我还愿借此机会感谢秘书长特别代表 团 崔 先生的领导,并赞扬联科行动人权司在十分艰难的安全形 势下开展工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | I would like to take this opportunity to thank Special Representative of the Secretary-General Choi for his leadership and to commend the work of the UNOCI Human Rights Division under difficult security conditions. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国当代书画板块一直被认为是一个过度炒作的市场,虽然无法和古代 及近现代书画比较,本年度无一作品入围2012年中国纯艺术拍卖TOP100榜 单,但范曾、何家英、崔如琢 等书画家作品市场的迅速发展为此板块市场掀 起了一定的波澜。 imgpublic.artprice.com | The Chinese Contemporary painting and calligraphy segment has always been considered an excessively speculative market, although there is no way it can be compared to traditional and Modern painting and calligraphy - this year it had no works entering the 2012 Chinese Fine Art Top 100 list However the rapidly developing market for works by artists such as Fan Zeng, He Jiaying and Cui Ruzhuo set off waves in this segment. imgpublic.artprice.com |
崔太润在大田长大,直到大学毕业,现在在纽约工作,在他的公共艺术、横幅和声音艺术作品中,他表现了资本社会的问题和灵活性。 shanghaibiennale.org | CHOI, who spent childhood and graduate school in Daejeon and currently working in New York, deals with the problem of the fluctuations of the capitalist society and the problem of its corresponding through his publications, banners, and sound art. shanghaibiennale.org |
(d) 本公司之公司秘書為崔志仁 先生,彼為英國特許公認會計師公會資深會員及香港 會計師公會資深會員。 equitynet.com.hk | (d) The company secretary of the Company is Mr. Chui Chi Yun, Robert, who is a fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and fellow member of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. equitynet.com.hk |
以下诸位高级官员分别代表其各自的代表团作了发言:阿富汗 政府经济部长高级顾问 Abdul Wassay Haqiqqi 先生;俄罗斯联邦政府外交 部专员 Oleg Senchenko 先生;中国驻泰国大使馆、亚太经社会常驻代表助 理崔菁文 女士;伊朗伊斯兰共和国政府经济事务和金融部伊朗投资、经济 和技术援助组织外国投资高级专家 Simin Najafi Aghdam 女士。 daccess-ods.un.org | Representatives of the following countries made statements on behalf of their delegation: Afghanistan; China; Iran (Islamic Republic of); and Russian Federation. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于划入爆炸物分类中的小青蛇和 萤火虫 以及其它符合本标准的产品,其通用名 必 须 是 “ Consumer Fireworks UN0336 ” 或 “Consumer Fireworks 1.4G”。 afsl.org | For snakes and glow worms that are not exempt from classification as explosives and all other items subject to this Standard, the common or usual name must be “Consumer Fireworks UN0336” or “Consumer Fireworks 1.4G. afsl.org |
该材料的例子有:石英,长石,重晶石 , 萤 石 , 白云石,石榴石,碳化硅,矾土,锆石,大理石,方解石,铁矿石,磷矿石,煤炭,陶瓷,矿渣等(400种材料)。 chinatrader.ru | Examples of the materials are: quartz, feldspar, barite, fluorite, dolomite, garnet, carborundum, bauxite, zircon, marble, calcite, iron ore, rock phosphate, coal, ceram, slag and so on(400 kinds of materials). chinatrader.ru |
坎贝尔助理国务部长和崔副外 交部长特别讨论了各方在即将到来的夏威夷APEC领导人会议以及巴厘岛东亚峰会上的目标。 embassyusa.cn | In particular, Assistant Secretary Campbell and Vice [...] Foreign Minister Cui discussed their respective [...]side’s objectives for the upcoming [...]APEC Leaders Meeting in Hawaii and the East Asia Summit in Bali. eng.embassyusa.cn |
例如,为了监视消散剂应 用的成效,除了由接受过培训的观察员目测观 察外,可以使用紫外线萤光测定法 (UVF) 来收 集关于水体中油类浓度的数据2 。 itopf.co.uk | For example, to monitor the effectiveness of dispersant application, in addition to visual observations by trained observers, ultra-violet fluorometry (UVF) can be used to collect data on oil concentrations in the water column2 . itopf.co.uk |
从旅舍出发步行20分钟,你可以在令人惊叹的艾比洞穴(Abbey Caves)看到数以千计的萤火虫 、钟乳石和石笋。 cn.yha.co.nz | Also just 20 minutes walk from the YHA Whangarei backpacker hostel you can view thousands of glow worms, stalactites and stalagmites in the fascinating Abbey Caves network. yha.co.nz |
对于喜爱冒险的人来说,洞穴探险、绳索下降和黑水漂流是不容错过的活动 ——穿越狭窄的通道、从逐级而降的地下瀑布一跃而下 [...] 、沿着河流缓缓漂流并欣赏拱形的石灰岩地道和闪烁 的 萤 火 虫 飞舞。 cn.yha.co.nz | For the thrill seekers, go adventure caving, abseiling ,rappelling and black water rafting – work your way through tight squeezes, take leaps of faith over cascading [...] underground waterfalls and float serenely down river as [...] you enjoy the glowworm show on the [...]vaulted limestone galleries up above. yha.co.nz |
工研院绿能与环境研究所表示,可调光与色温的LED室内人因照明系统可取代现有使用的T五灯管光源的灯具,若 与 萤 光 灯 管相较,LED灯管使用效能不仅增加四成,还具有不含汞的环保特性,甚至使用寿命高达六万小时以上, 比 萤 光 灯 管的二万五千小时更实惠。 jxlcd.com | ITRI green energy and Environment Institute said, adjustable light and colour for LED interior lighting system can replace the existing used T five lamp light source lamp and fluorescent lamp, if compared, LED lamp use efficiency not only increased four, also has no mercury environmental characteristics, and the service life of up to more than sixty thousand hours fluorescent lamp, than twenty-five thousand hours more affordable. jxlcd.com |
澳门政府一直争取太平洋亚洲旅游协会(PATA)年会的主办权,自1995年起,有关部门已展开前期准备,及后澳门特区政府积极开展申办2005年太平洋亚洲旅游协会年会的筹备工作,去年初,社会文化 司 崔 世 安 司长专程到泰国曼谷会见太平洋亚洲旅游协会总裁,表达澳门特区政府申办第54届太平洋亚洲旅游协会年会的意向,之后,又藉着去年4月在吉隆坡举行的第50届太平洋亚洲旅游协会年会,争取协会各成员的支持。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | A 14-strong Macau delegation headed by Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Dr. Chui Sai On went to Sarawak last Friday (18 Jan 02) to attend the PATA Board Meeting, where they learnt that Macau won the bid to host the 54th PATA Annual Conference in 2005, which is ever the first time for Macau to host this Conference. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
新聞發佈會講者﹕(左起) 胡令芳教授、崔永康博士、Dr Rebecca Ong 研究小組成員崔永康 博士建議定期舉行家庭會議、鼓勵長者訂立持久授權書(EPA)、以及訂立遺囑以減少不必要的家庭糾紛及侵呑長者財產的虐老個案。 cadenza.hk | Speakers: (from left) Professor Jean woo, Dr. Eric Chui, Dr Rebecca Ong Dr Eric Chui, member of the research team, offers several suggestions to avoid unnecessary familial conflicts and reduce the occurrence of elderly financial abuse, including conduct regular family meeting, encourage senior citizens making an EPA and/or a will. cadenza.hk |
澳门特别行政区政府社会文化司司长 崔 世 安 今(18日)在大三巴牌坊前主持“2006澳门世界遗产年”启动仪式,为旅游局举办的连串宣传推广活动拉开序幕,藉此向全世界推广“澳门历史城区”,建立明确的旅游品牌。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Dr Chui Sai On officiated the launch ceremony of "2006 Macau World Heritage Year" in front of the Ruins of St Paul's to mark the commencement of a series of promotions and activities by Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) to reinforce Macau's tourism brand, "The Historic Centre of Macau". industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
当南非在就应否在新宪法中把经社文权利变成完全可诉的权利进行辩论的时候,克莱 格y斯高特和派崔克y麦 克莱姆发表了一篇极富说服力的文章。 socialrights.ca | In an article that was influential during the debates in South Africa about whether economic, social and cultural rights should be made fully justiciable in the new constitution there, Craig Scott and Patrick Macklem noted that assessments of what are legitimate roles for the courts, and of their competence to perform the them, are largely dependent on how important the courts consider the interests at stake. socialrights.ca |
雅凱全球導覽集團與崔斯坦 互動科技於2011年首次合作,共同發表羅浮宮官方app,本支app近日於英國衛報一篇針對全球博物館行動導覽之評價中,獲得「最佳導覽」之殊榮。 acoustiguide.com | Espro Acoustiguide and Tristan first partnered in 2011, to launch the Musée du Louvre’s official app, recently ranked by the UK Guardian as one of the best apps for a museum. acoustiguide.com |
直径16公尺的巨蛋型萤幕上 映射出极具震撼力的武器-- MOBILE SUIT的影像,现场并展示超过1,000座历代敢达模型,还设有数位摄影处以供参观者与心爱的角色模型合照,丰富多样的展示内容保证让粉丝们流连忘返。 jp-hotnow.com | It’s packed with fan-friendly content, such as a 16 meter diameter dome screen showing a variety of Gundam MS videos, an exhibit with over 1,000 plastic Gundam models detailing its long history, and a digital photo booth where you can take your photo with your favorite character. jp-hotnow.com |
原因是办公室现有的照明,一般在海内外,是 以 T 5 萤 光 灯 管为主,这种灯管的发光效率高达90lm/w~100lm/w,价格又低;在台湾一般公司不太省电,都用T8/T9这种规格的传 统 萤 光 灯 管,比较粗,发光效率只有50lm/W~65lm/W,是可以被LED灯管取代掉没错,但是价格的落差就更大了。 stdeli.com | Office lighting generally T5 fluorescent lamps mainly at home and abroad, this lamp luminous efficiency of up to 90lm / w ~ 100lm / w, the price is low; less in Taiwan Province electricity, with T8/T9 such specifications traditional fluorescent lamps, fairly thick, luminous efficiency of only 50lm / W ~~ 65lm / W LED lamp can be replaced out right, but the price gap is even greater the . stdeli.com |
同时,除了明星机型外,我们也推出了一系列性价比更好、带有更多个性化特征的智能手机(比如专为移动互联网定义的一键微博3G智能手机5820、更低价格 4 寸 萤 幕 智 能机5860、具有在线电视功能的TDSCDMA网路制式智能手机8810)。 chinawireless.cn | At the same time, except these star models, we also launched a series of better cost/performance smartphones with more individual features (such as 5820 One-Key Weibo 3G Android smartphone optimized for mobile social networking, 5860 a 4-inch screen smartphone at a lower price, 8810 the online TV TDSCDMA smartphone). chinawireless.cn |