单词 | 崇左市 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 崇左市—Chongzuo prefecture level city in GuangxiSee also:崇左—Chongzuo prefecture level city in Guangxi 崇—sublime lofty esteem surname Chong 崇n—adorationn admirerspl worshipn 左adj—leftadj oppositeadj wrongadj
在私营部门,崇尚革新的公司正在放弃“公司社会责任”这一志愿主义做法,而逐步采取更加明确、 真正系统性的做法——在其自身活动中如此(比如实施标准或参加自愿性排放贸易市场,从而把可持续性纳入供应链的主流),在其公共政策游说中也是如此(例如公 司联合要求提高排放指标以及强化环境监管和价格制定方面长期稳定性)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the private sector, progressive companies are moving away from the voluntarism of “corporate social responsibility” and towards much harder-edged, genuinely systemic approaches — both in their own activities (such as mainstreaming sustainability in supply chains through the use of standards or joining voluntary emissions trading markets) andin their public [...] policy lobbying (for example, [...]coalitions of companies demanding tougher emissions targets and greater long-term certainty in environmental regulation and pricing). daccess-ods.un.org |
营销人才需求:行业营销经理六名,在营销副总经理的指导下,负责六大行业的市场拓展工作;区域营销经理三名,负责在某区域推广普通防火封堵产品的销售工作;市场开拓员30- 50人左右, 在区域营销经理的指导下,开拓普通防火封堵产品。 emerson.org.cn | Marketing talents demand: industry marketing manager six, in the marketing under the guidance of deputy general manager, responsible for six big industry market development work, Three regional sales manager, responsible for in a certain area promotion ordinary [...] fireproof plugging [...] product sales work; Marketdevelopment member 30-50 or so, in the area under the guidance of marketing manager, [...]develops the common fire sealing products emerson.org.cn |
这家电信设备生产商的初始条件是:在美国拥有5%左右的市场份 额,主要以廉价手机闻名,同时面临着苹果、三星电子等公司的激烈竞争。 zte.com.cn | The telecommunications equipment maker is starting [...] with abouta 5%market sharein the U.S., [...]a reputation mostly for budget phones, [...]and fierce competition from companies such as Apple Inc. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
美国仅占对古巴出 口乳制品市场份额的6%左右。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United Statesmarket share intotal exports of dairy products to Cuba is only about6[...] per cent. daccess-ods.un.org |
中兴公关部门一位高管引用第三方数据说,目前中兴在美国市场 拥有5%左右的 份额。 zte.com.cn | Citing third-party data, an executive with the company's communications department said [...] ZTE's current U.S.market share was around 5%. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
香港浸信会医院董事会主席刘振洛医生(左三) 、医院行政总监陈崇一医生(左二) 及医务总监李海滋医生 (左一) 从 ACHS 主席 Assoc Prof Peter WOODRUFF (右三)、行政总裁 Mr Brian JOHNSTON (右二) 及国际商业部行政总裁 Dr Desmond YEN (右一) 手中取得认证。 hkbh.org.hk | Dr Chun Lok LAU, Chairman of the Board of Directors [...] of HKBH (3rd from left),DrRaymond CHEN, Chief Executive Officer of HKBH(2nd fromleft)and Dr Hoi Che LEE, Director of Medical Services of HKBH(1st left) received the [...]Certificate of Accreditation [...]from Assoc Prof Peter WOODRUFF, President of ACHS (3rd from right), Mr Brian JOHNSTON, Chief Executive of ACHS (2nd from right) and Dr Desmond YEN, Executive Director of International Business (1st right). hkbh.org.hk |
我会读出几个可能性俾比选择,第一,市民游 行系为左反对23条立法,你赞唔赞成呢个讲法? hkupop.hku.hk | First, people marched to oppose the legislation for Article 23. hkupop.hku.hk |
卡 - 2PC 常见问题解答: [...] [...] 问:我买了一辆丰田ADKautoscan.com测试仪IT2,它无法工作,但我的车从2000-2006年后,2006年与2000年和之前的车型那 答:这取决于什么车型,丰田测试仪IT2只适用与铃木来自北美市场,而不是与铃木从其他左翼市场。chinatrader.ru | Card -- 2pc FAQ: Q: I bought from ADKautoscan.com a Toyota tester IT2; it fails to work with my car s from 2000-2006 year, but works with the car models before 2000 year and that of after 2006 year A: It depends on what car [...] model, Toyota tester IT2 only works with Suzuki from [...] North America market, not works with Suzuki fromtheotherleft market. chinatrader.ru |
。 企业对于构建今后十年左右的市场和 竞争地位的观点。 12manage.com | A particular point of view [...] about the long-term marketorcompetitive position [...]that a firm hopes to build over the coming decade or so. 12manage.com |
还有其他创意破坏力量:或许家用能源监测技术会破坏现有能源及科技产业,尽管我过去认为,Google、微软等资通讯科技企业将跨足能源产业,但结果却可能恰恰相反,由新进者破坏资通讯产业力量,未来左右市场的 居家能源监控装置可能此刻正在研发,且源自於没没无闻的车库、实验室或新创企业。 thisbigcity.net | Despite my earlier assumption that ICT players would ‘gatecrash’ the energy sector, in the way Google and Microsoft tried, it might be precisely the opposite – that a new entrant is poised to creatively destruct the ICT disruptors. thisbigcity.net |
要取下输入托盘,请将输入托盘轻轻推到左边或右边将插脚从插 槽中释放出来,然后将它拉出。 graphics.kodak.com | To remove the input tray, gently push the [...] input tray to the leftor right torelease [...]the pin from the slot, and lift it out of position. graphics.kodak.com |
品牌设计总监Chloe Chen的独到品味与创作功力皆已备受市场推崇,现在为了能让更多的人找到属於自己与时尚的独特连结,特别推出Fashion4Everyone.com线上购物网站,在这里不仅可以看到品牌CHLOECHEN一系列商品,包括手工打造的CHLOECHEN女鞋、设计总监Chloe Chen所设计的服装、饰品,以及Chloe Chen亲自挑选来自欧洲、美国、亚洲的设计师创作作品,不论是服装配件,或是美妆、生活居家创意等皆是设计师Chloe Chen生活中的精选。 fashion4everyone.com | The unique tastes and creative skill of brand design director Chloe Chen is well-known and greatly respected in the fashion world. Now, in order to help more people find their own unique link with fashion, Chloe Chen launches the Fashion4Everyone.com online shop, where you can not only see series of CHLOECHEN products, including handmade CHLOECHEN shoes and director Chloe Chen's designed clothing and accessories, but also fashion works that Chloe Chen personally selected from designers in Europe, America and Asia. fashion4everyone.com |
阿拉伯利比亚民众国投票赞成大会第 64/6 号决议,确认其反对对古巴实施 经济、商业和金融封锁的立场,并呼吁各国和平解决分歧,不采取单方面胁迫措 施,因为这种措施违反《联合国宪章》各项原则,侵犯人权,并且阻碍发展努力, 而发展是联合国的崇高目标之一。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Libyan Arab Jamahiriya voted in favour of General Assembly resolution 64/6 in order to stress its position in opposition to the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed against Cuba and calls on states to resolve their differences by peaceful means, without resorting to harsh unilateral measures that constitute a violation of the principles of the Charter of the United nations and of human rights, and an obstacle to efforts to achieve the development that is one of the lofty goals of the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
按此计算,9000LM的路灯产品功率在80~100W之间,市场价格在18 00元左右。 ledfchina.com | According to statistics provided by industry research institute, GG-LED and economic research institute of Guosen Securities, in 2011, the price of LED street lamps is 20~23 yuan /w. A 9000LM street lamp’s power is 80~100, thus it cost about1800 yuan. ledfchina.com |
计算机软件业本身也是创新 的一个非常重要的来源,并且其成员认为在过去的十年左右时间内他们在许多商用软件产 品的性能和功能方面创造了巨大的增益,而与此同时价格依然保持稳定,甚至有所降低。 iprcommission.org | The computer software industry is also a highly important source of innovation in its own right and its members argue that they have produced dramatic gains in the performance and functionality of many commercial software products in the last decade or so while prices have remained stable or even fallen. iprcommission.org |
Cortex-M的出现,致使微控制器市场重新洗牌,现在的情况是:Cortex-M芯片的市场售价非常低廉,甚至能与传统的8位机相抗衡的地步:比如高 端的AVR mega128 单片机,市场价在40元左右,这个价格能买到更远比AVR mega128强大的Cortex-M芯片,同时Cortex-M芯片带来的创新也能极大的减少开发人员的劳动强度,比如强大的调试系统,完全采用C语言 编程。 coocox.org | Now the situation is : The Cortex-M chip's market price is very low , to the point where even able to compete with the traditional 8-bit machine : such as the high-end AVR mega128 SCM , its market price is about 40 yuan . coocox.org |