单词 | 峇 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 峇—Bali IslandExamples:峇峇娘惹—Peranakan Chinese (Baba-Nyonya), an ethnic group of Chinese residing in the Malay peninsula (also known as Straits Chinese) 峇里—Bali Island, Indonesia
自峇里在本年10 月 12 日 发生爆炸事件後 [...] , 特区政 府一共发 出 旅游忠告或 相 关 的 新 闻稿共 5 次。 legco.gov.hk | Since the Bali explosions [...] on 12 October, the SAR Government has issued travel advice or related press releases on five occasions. legco.gov.hk |
此外, 我亦想了 解 一 下,在 九 一一事件或最近的峇里岛事件後 , 清 洗 黑 钱 的 活 动 会 否 更 猖獗呢? legco.gov.hk | Moreover, have such money laundering activities become more rampant in the wake of the "September 11" and the recent Bali incidents? legco.gov.hk |
事实上,在峇里岛未发生炸弹袭击之前,该处也是人间天堂,但 天堂变地狱,也只是一瞬之间。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, Bali was also a paradise before the bomb attacks, but the paradise was turned into hell in just a blink of an eye. legco.gov.hk |
本厂毗邻海岸公速公路沿海,位於峇六拜工业中心 (通称槟城矽谷)。 seagate.com | Near the sea, along the main coastal road, the plant is located in the industrial centre of Bayan Lepas, popularly known as Penang's Silicon Valley. seagate.com |
陈伟业议员: 主席,自 2001 年九一一事件发生以来,印尼峇里、菲律 宾三宝颜市、土耳其伊斯坦堡、俄罗斯莫斯科及西班牙马德里等地方先後遭 到恐怖袭击,造成重大伤亡,显示恐怖活动防不胜防。 legco.gov.hk | MR ALBERT CHAN (in Chinese): Madam President, since the September 11 incident in 2001, terrorist attacks have plagued Bali of Indonesia, Zamboanga of the Philippines, Istanbul of Turkey, Moscow of Russia and Madrid of Spain, and so on, causing heavy casualties and demonstrating the unpredictability of terrorist activities. legco.gov.hk |
一 个 明 显 的例子 是,西贡海 湾 的 水 质 长 期 都 属 A 级,特别适宜 繁殖珊瑚 礁 及 贝壳类 海产, 加 上该处 有 七十多个景 致怡人的岛 屿 , 应大可 以 发 展 为类 似 泰国布 吉 岛 、印尼峇里岛等度假 胜 地 。 legco.gov.hk | An obvious example is Port Shelter, where the water quality, always of A Grade, is particularly suitable for the culture of coral reef and shellfish. legco.gov.hk |
Starling Resources的总部设在印尼峇里,是一家国际认可兼具追踪纪录的顾问组织,为客户所面对的重大经济、环境和社会问题,提供实际解决方案,客户包括遍布亚洲各地的公司、政府机构和非牟利组织。 chi.mazars.cn | Based in Bali, Indonesia, StarlingResources is an internationally recognized consultancy with a track record of creating practical solutions for some of the most important economic, environmental and social problems facing companies, government agencies, and non-profit groups across Asia. mazars.co.id |
公司亦加开航班前往 阿姆斯特丹、峇里、法兰克福、胡志明市、约翰尼斯 堡、名古屋及珀斯,并於本年稍後时间,开办前往阿 特兰大和达拉斯的货机服务。 swirepacific.com | A new freighter service to Atlanta and Dallas will be introduced later this year. swirepacific.com |
在这堜峇痦之J斯(Burleigh Heads)学习滑浪,之後可以探索国家公园。 danpacplus.hk | Learn to surf here or in Burleigh Heads, where afterwards you can explore the national park. danpacplus.hk |
菲利普接受各种医疗检查之前,他在森林里逗留,运行的pH值峇博士在巴黎,包括encephaloscan中心探索DE LA Fonction脑病性。 zh-cn.mccarrisonsociety.org.uk | Philippe underwent various medical examinations before his stay in the forest, including an encephaloscan at the Centre d’Exploration de la Fonction Cérébrale run by Dr Ph Lebar in Paris. mccarrisonsociety.org.uk |
首批在苏格兰珀斯修毕两年工程课程的员工,在各自位於耶加达、峇里岛、 台北、曼谷及东京的家乡进行在职训练後,将成为认可的飞机工程师。 swirepacific.com | The first batch of staff graduated from our two year engineering programme in Perth, Scotland and will become fully licensed after a period of on-the-job training at their home ports of Jakarta, Denpasar, Taipei, Bangkok and Tokyo. swirepacific.com |
无 论 身 在香港,或 身处北 京、波 士 顿或峇里,你均可 使用信 用 卡 购 物 ;不管购 买 的是廉 价 品 还 是 贵 价 货 , 你 的 信 用 卡 均 会 获接纳。 legco.gov.hk | No matter whether you are here in Hong Kong, or travelling to Beijing, Boston or Bali, your credit card is accepted for purchases small and large. legco.gov.hk |
6位来自博特拉大学佛学会的大专生带领18位峇都安南中学生拜访昔加末特殊儿童教育资源培训协会(REACH Segamat)活动中心。 reachsegamat.com | They chartered a school bus and brought along 18 secondary students from Batu Anam. reachsegamat.com |
鉴於气候变化已成为全球持续发展的重要议题,联合国将在本年12月在峇里举行气候变化峰会,许多国家和地区正共同努力,制订有效措施以 减少温室气体排放;为此,本会促请政府带领香港负起国际城市应尽的 责任,采取积极行动应对气候变暖危机,包括 legco.gov.hk | That, as climate change has become an important issue in sustainable development worldwide, the United Nations will convene a summit on climate change in Bali in December this year, and many countries and places are working together to formulate effective measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; in this connection, this Council urges the Government to lead Hong Kong in shouldering its due responsibilities as an international city and take proactive actions to respond to the crisis of climate warming, which include legco.gov.hk |
实际上,杰出的演出已造就了一群爱好音乐的追捧者,他们不辞辛劳的从昔加末的第一场演出舟车劳顿的再次出席于峇株巴辖所举行的第二场演出。 systematic.edu.my | In fact, the Concert was so good that newly-converted enthusiastic [...] fans, who attended the first concert at Segamat, traveled all [...] the way to Batu Pahat toattend [...]the second performance there. systematic.edu.my |
本会与台湾纺拓会联办「纺织业发展趋势暨创新营运模式」 研讨会, 21 日在 吉隆坡,22 日在峇株吧辖花园酒店举行,各有 23 及 48 位出席者。 mkma.org | Sponsored by Taiwan Textile Federation, two presentations were held at KL and BP respectively with 23 and 48 participants. The speaker, Mr. Jeff Chen briefed the participants on the trend and innovation modals of the textile and apparel industry. mkma.org |
短期而言,我们应当自愿采纳联合国峇里气候会议内的建议,把 2020 年的碳排 放量订於较 1990 年排放量减少百分之二十五的水平42 。 procommons.org.hk | In short term, we should voluntarily adopt the standard being laid down at the United Nation Bali Climate Change Conference in December 200742 to suggest reducing carbon emissions by 40 per cent by 2020 compared to 1990. procommons.org.hk |
新加坡航空於一九七二年正式独立(该公司的历史可追溯至一九四七年),是本土的世界级航空公司。一九五八年,新加坡航空在巴耶利峇机场成立航空学院,培训航空交通管制、飞机消防和救援服务方面的专才,因而获得殊荣。 hongkongpoststamps.hk | Together with the birth of Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) in 1968 from the times of Singapore Air Defence Command (SADC) to the advance force today, a world-class local airline in Singapore Airlines since it officially became a standalone in 1972 (though history dates back to 1947), and an award winning aviation academy that was formed in 1958 at Paya Lebar Airport to provide experts in air traffic control, aircraft fire-fighting & rescue services. hongkongpoststamps.hk |
由世纪音乐系学生所呈现的The Wave巡回演奏会(第一系列)共于3个地点进行演出:柔佛州昔加末的Wesley Methodist Church,柔佛州峇株巴辖的华仁中学及马六甲培风中学大礼堂。 systematic.edu.my | The Wave Concert Tour (series 1) performed by SEGi School of Music students stopped over at 3 other locations: Wesley Methodist Church in Segamat, Johor; Chinese High School in BatuPahat,Johor; Pay Fong High School Concert Hall in Malacca. systematic.edu.my |