

单词 岸线




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更普遍地说,还需要支持采取措施保护岸线,包括开展沿海侵蚀控制项目(见 A/45/712,第 [...]
113-125 段)。
More generally, there is also a
need for support in the adoption of measures for the
[...] protection of shorelines, including [...]
coastal erosion control projects.
此外,很多岸线特征 (例如植被 或岩层变化)从远处看起来与油类十分相似。
Furthermore, many shoreline features, for [...]
example vegetation or changes in rock strata, viewed from a distance bear a close resemblance to oil.
该区域不包括任何及所有 海域和岛屿领土,也不包括每个缔约国的国内立法所界定的 岸线。
This area excludes any and all maritime areas and island territories,
[...] as well as the coastline as defined in [...]
each State party’s domestic legislation.
另外一个例子是NIMA的世界数字图(VMap0/VPF),它提供了整个世界的国家、 岸线 、 国 界、人口分布、交通、工业、植被以及其它的数据。
Examples of vector data include US Census/Tiger data, which provides street-level detail for the entire continental United States, as well as NIMA's Digital
Chart of the World (VMap0 / VPF) that
[...] provides country, shoreline, political boundary, [...]
population, transportation and industry,
vegetation and other data for the entire world.
这归功于自东向西经大西洋吹到美洲大陆的季风,以及从赤道流向挪威海的暖流, 挪威岸线的角 度以及北冰洋的开阔路径将温和的气流和水流引向更高纬度。
This is due to the trade winds that blow east-west across the Atlantic to the American continent and the warm currents flowing
from the Equator to the
[...] Norwegian Sea, where the angle of the Norwegian coastline and the open [...]
path to the Arctic Ocean guides
the temperate air and waters to more northerly latitudes.
多样化的地貌包括位于该州最北端的金伯利,这里保留着原始的蛮荒,地势崎岖不平, 岸线 逶 迤绵长,内陆峡谷令人叹为观止。
Interesting variations in landscape include the Kimberley, in
the extreme north of the state, which is a wild and rugged area with
[...] a convoluted coastline and stunning [...]
inland gorges.
其次,该线本身并不满足《联 合国海洋法公约》有关领土水域的定义,公约规定距岸线 12 海 里以内为领土水域,以及 200 海里以内为专属 经济区(如果涉及大陆架主权,则范围更大)。
Second, the line itself does not satisfy the definition of territorial waters as defined by the UNCLOS, which allows for a maximum of 12 nm territorial waters zone, and a 200 nm EEZ (possibly more, if continental shelf claims are involved) extending from the coastlines.
联合国 海洋法公约》第 15 条规定,海洋区域重叠时,将在两国岸线等距离处划分界限,然而有些因素可能影响界限 划分,包括有关的岸线长度 ,各大陆和岛屿 岸线之 间的距离,以及争端各方拥有的不同岛屿标志的数量。
When maritime zones overlap, Article 15 of UNCLOS states that the
boundaries will be established at an
[...] equal distance from both countries coasts, although there are other factors that can modify this, including the lengths of the relevant coastlines, the distance of the various [...] [...]
mainland and island coastlines from each other, as well as the number of different island features owned by the various parties to the dispute.
当 肆虐的暴风雨和洪水更加频繁地冲击 岸线 和 蹂 躏 百姓之时,气候变化能对稀缺的资源造成更大的压 [...]
As more powerful and frequent storms and
[...] floods lash coastlines and uproot populations, [...]
climatic changes can put even more
pressure on scarce resources and expose vulnerable communities to greater instability.
据海洋大气署指出,这些方案共同保护该国 95 331 英里长海岸和五大 湖岸线中的 99%以上。
According to NOAA, these programmes together protect more than 99 per cent of the country’s 95,331 miles of
[...] ocean and Great Lakes coastlines.
此外,在世界可持续发展峰会核可了“撒哈拉以南非洲国家沿海 和海洋环境发展与保护的非洲进程”之后,政府间海洋学委员会随即参与了非洲发展新伙伴
[...] 海洋观测和预报系统(ROOFS-AFRICA)的项目提案,这一关于 岸线 保 护和管理的项目 旨在提供科学的战略和政策以保护非洲西北部国家(佛得角、塞内加尔、冈比亚、毛里塔尼 [...]
Furthermore, and following the endorsement of the “African Process on the Development and Protection of Coastal and Marine Environment in Sub-Saharan Africa”, at the WSSD, and its subsequent integration into the Environmental Initiatives of NEPAD, IOC has continued to develop the project proposal on the Regional Ocean Observing and Forecasting Systems for Africa (ROOFS-AFRICA), which is the implementation of the Global Ocean Observing
System at the regional level in Africa, and
[...] the project on Shoreline Protection and [...]
Management aimed to provide science-based
strategies and policies for protecting coastal habitats from the impacts of coastal erosion and climate change in North Western Africa (Cape Verde, Senegal, Gambia, Mauritania, and Guinea-Bissau).
与澳大利亚其他地方一样,塔斯马尼亚的人口主要聚居在 岸线 附 近,沿岸有两个主要城市:霍巴特(首府)和朗塞斯顿(Launceston)。
Like the rest of Australia, Tasmania's population is predominantly
[...] based around its coastline, with two major [...]
cities: Hobart (the capital city) and Launceston.
如果我们看世界地图,并意识到许多数万公里长 的岸线将受到影响,并且在某种意义上我们将如何 [...]
不仅在地理上,而且也在专属经济区和许多其他影响 方面改变世界版图,我们就开始意识到,我们现在真 正面临的科学知识水平足以使我们开始了解,我们说 的是重大影响,不仅是对领土的影响,而且还有地缘 政治影响。
If we look at a world map and we realize how many tens of thousands of
[...] kilometres of coastline will be affected [...]
by this, and how in a sense we will redraw
the world map not only in geographical terms but also in terms of exclusive economic zones and many other implications, we begin to realize that we are now truly confronted with a level of scientific knowledge that is sufficient for us to begin to realize that we are talking about major implications, not only in a territorial sense, but also from a geopolitical perspective.
莫尔德坐落于鲁姆斯达尔山和挪威南部的 岸线 之 间 ,被称为“玫瑰之城”缘于这里有众多的花园,鲜花装饰着城市中占大多数的木质结构建筑。
Nestled between the Romsdal Mountains and southern Norway’s coastline, Molde is known [...]
as the ‘Town of Roses’ due to the
number of large gardens and flowers that adorn the city’s predominantly wooden architecture.
评估团发现部分岸线有焦 油球形状的油污染的痕迹,这是海滩上经常看到 的,估计每平方米有25-30 毫克。
The mission found traces of oil pollution along part of the coastline in the form [...]
of tar balls, which were frequently found
on beaches, with estimates of 25-30 mg per square metre.
海上石油泄漏导致排放了 15 000 吨
[...] 的燃料油,污染了黎巴嫩 150 公里的岸线,对 生 计、资源、渔业、生物多样性和人类健康造成了影 响。
There had been a marine oil spill of 15,000 tons
of fuel and contamination of 150
[...] kilometres of Lebanese coastline, which had implications [...]
for livelihood, resources, fisheries,
biodiversity and human health.
这里的岸线与Aq uitaine 的相似,长长的沙滩和正宗的法国度假风格。
The coastline here is similar to [...]
that found in Aquitaine with some long sandy beaches and authentic French Resorts.
会议最终签署了“加强执 行沿海综合管理,促进东亚地区海域可持续发展和适应气候变化的马尼拉宣言”,其中证实东 亚海域环境管理伙伴关系国家伙伴承诺扩大促进可持续发展和适应气候变化的综合沿海管理
[...] 方案的规模,实现到 2015 年该区域岸线的覆盖面达 20%的目标。
The meeting culminated in the signing of the Manila Declaration on Strengthening the Implementation of Integrated Coastal Management for Sustainable Development and Climate Change Adaptation in the Seas of the East Asia Region, which confirmed the commitment of the country partners of the Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia to scale up integrated coastal management programmes for sustainable development and climate change adaptation, targeting 20
per cent coverage of
[...] the region’s coastline by 2015 (see [...]
the contribution of the Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia).
截至本报告之日,以色列海军继续禁止加沙人进入离 岸线 3 海里以外的地 域和进入边境围栏附近 300 [...]
As of the date of this report, Israeli naval forces continue to
prohibit Gazans access beyond three
[...] nautical miles from the shore and within a 300-metre-wide [...]
strip of land near the border fence.
岸线沿岸政区 用不同的颜色表示,某些情况下还在里面涂上阴影来表示。
Areas of political control are indicated by different colors along the coastline and in some [...]
cases by shading of the interior.
不管是去发现笼罩在神话和民间传说的自然美景,还是参加各种节日盛会,参观博物馆与美术馆,带孩子来爱尔兰岛旅游,您永远不愁找不到事情做,而且全程花费也绝对物超所值!您既可以在 岸线 边 一 望无垠的金色沙滩上无限时嬉戏玩闹,也可以漫步在爱尔兰的国家公园,尽情欣赏绝色景致。
Whether it’s to discover a landscape drenched in myth and folklore or to visit some fantastic festivals, museums and galleries, a trip with the kids to the island of Ireland means you’ll never be short of something to do – and all without spending a fortune!
不存在集体监视系统,包括监测几内亚湾 岸线 的沿 海雷达,不过一些国家已特别是在同法国和美国双边防卫合作方案的框架内 [...]
There is no collective surveillance
system including coastal radars covering the
[...] Gulf of Guinea coastline, even though [...]
some States have begun installing and operationalizing
national coastal radars, notably under the framework of bilateral defence cooperation programmes with France and the United States.
它可以提供生物物 理结果(如保留的岸线米数 )以及经济价值(避免的财产损失成本)。
It can provide biophysical results (such
[...] as meters of shoreline retained) and [...]
economic values (avoided property damage cost).
绿色经济所需要的技术,很多是已经有的,例如生产可再生能源(风能、太 阳能、生物燃料等等)的多种可供选择的技术,碳捕获技术和能源使用效率更高
[...] 的技术,替代生物不能降解的资源的技术,和可持续的耕作和林业技术,以及使岸线和基 础设施少些遭受自然灾害的技术。
Many of the technologies needed for a green economy are already available, as evidenced, for example, by the range of options for generating renewable energy (wind, solar power and biofuels, among others), technologies for carbon capture and more efficient energy use, techniques to replace non-biodegradable resources, and sustainable farming
and forestry techniques, as well as
[...] technologies to render coastlines and infrastructure [...]
less prone to natural disasters.
因此,划界程序的第三阶段形成了调整等距线的一种消极而不是积极 的条件,因为这是为了核查两个海岸长度之间的差别是否使根据第一和第二阶段
[...] 划定的临时等距线不会由于各自 岸线 比 率 之间的不平衡而导致不公平的结果。
The third stage thus introduced a negative, rather than positive, criterion for adjusting the equidistance line: finding out whether the difference in coastal lengths was such that the provisional equidistance line established at the first and second stages led to an inequitable result by reason
of a marked disproportion between the
[...] respective coastal lengths; in the case [...]
in question, no such inequitable result had been produced.
阿尔斯特最著名的一点无疑就是其壮观 岸线 那 无 尽的美景,从西部多尼戈尔的天然地带、沿着伦敦德里到布什米尔斯的北部 岸线 、 再 到美丽的安特立姆海岸,最终到达贝尔法斯特以北的拉恩(Larne)。
What is undoubtedly the most impressive aspect of Ulster is its spectacular coastline, from the wild reaches of Donegal, along the northern shoreline from [...]
Londonderry to Bushmills, and down the Antrim
coast to Larne, north of Belfast.
产生的废物量取决于众多因素,如泄漏的油类 型和数量、油类散布程度及对岸线 的 影 响程度, 以及最重要的因素,用于从海面和 岸线 回 收泄 漏油类和含油材料的方法。
The amount of waste generated is dependent on many factors, such as the type and quantity of oil spilt, the extent to
which the oil spreads and
[...] affects the shoreline and, most importantly, the methods employed to recover the spilt oil and oiled material from the sea surface and the shoreline.
1993 年《宪法》第 58-1 条 指 出 , “ 国家财 产 主要包括土 地、矿 产 资 源 、
[...] 山脉、 海洋、地下水 、大陆 架、岸线、领空 、 岛屿、 河流、 运 河 、 [...]
溪流、 湖 泊 、 森林、自然 资 源 、经济和文化中心 、国防 基地和其他被
定 义 为 国家财 产 的 设施。
Article 58-1 of the 1993 Constitution states that, “State property notably comprises land, mineral
resources, mountains, sea, underwater,
[...] continental shelf, coastline, airspace, islands, [...]
rivers, canals, streams, lakes, forests,
natural resources, economic and cultural centres, bases for national defence and other facilities determined as State property”.
公元991年(宋淳化二年)因松江上游不断淤浅, 岸线 东 移 ,大船出入不便,外来船舶只得停泊在松江的一条支流“上海浦”(其位置在今外滩以东至十六铺附近的黄浦江中)上,公元1267年(南宋咸淳三年)在上海浦西岸设置市镇,定名为上海镇。
In 991 (2nd year of Song Emperor Chunhua’reign), because
the upstream Songjiang was continuously
[...] silting up, the seacoast moved to the [...]
East. Boats could not easily enter anymore,
big ships arriving had to moor in a tributary of the Song river called “Shanghaipu” (situated between the current Bund and the 16th dock of Huangpu River).




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