单词 | 岭 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 岭—mountain ridgeExamples:岭南n—Lingnann 高岭土n—kaolinn 高岭土—kaolin (clay) china clay
徵集资料的工作需 要扩充﹐从 “10 个联邦机 构﹐7 个州和 2 个本地合作 伙伴到大约 1,400 本地政府 和 分水岭机构”。 napca.org | The ICR was required to expand information collection from “10 Federal agencies, 7 states and 2 local partners to approximately 1,400 local government and watershed organizations”. napca.org |
在发球木杆和长铁杆时产生很低後旋的Pro V1x能提供更远的距离,更稳定的飞行以及其着名的落即停果岭控制。 brandhk.com | Delivering very low spin off the driver and long irons, the Pro V1x provides longer distance and more consistent flight along with its renowned Drop-and-Stopgreenside control. brandhk.com |
八大传媒除了邀请港大民研计划外,亦同时邀请岭南大学进行同类工作。 hkupop.hku.hk | Besides HKUPOP, the eight media [...] also invited LingnanUniversity [...]to conduct the same selection. hkupop.hku.hk |
年内,共有七个有关燃气销售和管网建设项目签订正式合同,包括四川 简阳、辽宁铁岭、朝阳、本溪、广东韶关和清远。 enerchina.com.hk | A total of seven projects were secured during the year comprising piped gas distribution and gas pipeline construction [...] in cities that included Jianyang in the [...] Sichuan province, Tieling, Chaoyang and [...]Benxi in the Liaoning province, and Shaoguan [...]and Qingyuan in the Guangdong province. enerchina.com.hk |
不过,虽然民主派支持者中分别有51%及57%赞成2007普选行政长官及2008全面普选立法会,比率远高於自由党及亲中派的支持者,但如果我们把2012作为新的分水岭,则民主派支持者中约七成认为到时已经条件成熟,自由党支持者中超过一半持相同意见,而亲中派支持者中亦超过四成,整体选民中则有六成左右。 hkupop.hku.hk | Although a respective of 51% and 57% of the democratic camp's voters supported direct elections of the Chief Executive and all Legislative Council members in 2007 and 2008, which was a much higher proportion that those of the Liberal Party's and the pro-China [...] camp's supporters, if we use 2012 as the [...] new watershed, around70% ofthe democratic [...]camp's supporters believed the conditions [...]would be mature by then, over half of the Liberal Party's supporters and 40% of the pro-China camp's supporters held the same opinion as well. hkupop.hku.hk |
在北区土地注册处登记为粉岭上水市地段第226号的土地连同建於其上并称为粉岭祥华邨的建筑物。 housingauthority.gov.hk | The land registered in North New Territories Land [...] Registry as Fanling Sheung Shui Town Lot No. 226 together with the buildings thereon known as Cheung WahEstate, Fanling. housingauthority.gov.hk |
我们会在 2007 年继 续兴建∕扩阔 9 164 米道路,这些道路工程主要在沙田(T3 号道路 [...] – 大围段和八号 干线 – 沙田岭隧道及引道) 、白石角,以及佐敦谷( [...]近彩云道) 和九号干线( 石围角 至柴湾角)项目的余下路段。 devb.gov.hk | We will continue to construct/widen 9 164 metres of roads in 2007 mainly in [...] Sha Tin (Road T3 – Tai Wai Section and Route 8 [...] – Sha Tin Heights Tunnel and Approaches), [...]Pak Shek Kok and the remaining portion [...]of road works in Jordan Valley near Choi Wan Road and Route 9 between Shek Wai Kok and Chai Wan Kok project. devb.gov.hk |
活动筹得的款项皆用於大自然保护协会在云南省西北面所进行的环保项目,包括︰建立及维系生态保护区、保护长江及湄公河一带流域的重要分水岭地区、改善贫困以提升可持续自然资源的使用和保护生态品种多元化,以及发展当地的可持续经济活动。 dragonair.com | The fund is used in northwest Yunnan, China to: create a system of protected areas with the policies and funding necessary to sustain them; to protect vital watershedareas,especially along the Yangtze and Mekong rivers; to alleviate poverty, one of the principal causes of unsustainable natural resource use and biodiversity loss; and to develop sustainable economic alternatives for the people there. dragonair.com |
香港盲人辅导会就视障长者生活质素情况,於2008年委托岭南大学亚太老年学研究中心进行调查,研究居於社区及院舍的视障长者在生活质素上的差异,以作为本地长者服务发展的参考。 hksb.org.hk | The Hong Kong Society for the Blind commissioned the [...] Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies [...] (APIAS) of the Lingnan University [...]to conduct a survey on the quality of life of [...]the visually impaired elderly of Hong Kong between November 2008 and January 2009. hksb.org.hk |
陈氏肆业於香港大学(文学士、社会科学硕士)及牛津大学(哲学博士),曾任香港岭南大学校长,并於 二零零七年自该职退休。 asiasat.com | He was educated at Hong Kong University (Bachelor of Arts, Master of Social Science) and Oxford University (Doctor of Philosophy) and was the President ofLingnan University in Hong Kong and retired from this position in 2007. asiasat.com |
保养优良的短杆果岭区可供学员练习高尔夫球场上可能会遇到的所有情况,如推杆,切球,劈起球,高抛球,沙坑球,困难球位等等。 cindyreidgolf.com | A well maintained short game area which allow you to practice every shot you may encounter on the golf course: putting, chipping, pitching, lob shots, bunker, difficult lies and more. cindyreidgolf.com |
W.G. Beasley 观 察 得 到,非 战 略 性 工 业 的 发 展 「 有 着 相 似 的 形 式 : 最 初 由 国 家 开 展 , 之 後 转 为 私 人 投 资,而 1881 年 是 两 者 之 间 的 分水岭。 hkahe.com | The development of the non-strategic industries, as W.G. Beasley observes, “followed a similar pattern: of state initiative at first and private investment later, with the year 1881 marking a watershed between the two. hkahe.com |
广东核电站及岭澳核电站的重要运作事项分别 列载於附件㆙及㆚。 weather.gov.hk | Major operational events of the GNPS and LNPS are listed in Appendices A and B respectively. weather.gov.hk |
彼现为香港儿童癌病基金终生会员、海洋公园保育基金信托人、无止桥慈善基金荣誉秘书、香港体育委员会成员、香港房屋协会委员、香港岭南大学校董会成员、加拿大西安大略大学(郑裕彤工商管理学院)亚洲顾问委员会成员、香港中文大学高级管理人员工商管理硕士课程谘询委员会成员、香港大学职业谘询委员会成员及云南省政协委员,并获授香港公开大学及香港大学荣誉大学院士荣衔、香港中文大学工商管理学院 Beta Gamma Sigma 及香港特别行政区政府太平绅士及银紫荆星章。 nwd.com.hk | She is currently a life member of the Children's Cancer Foundation, trustee of Ocean Park Conservation Fund, Honorary Secretary of the Wu Zhi Qiao (Bridge to China) Charitable Foundation, a member of the Sports Commission of Hong Kong, a member of the Hong Kong Housing Society, a court and council member of LingnanUniversity, a member of the Asian Advisory Board of the Cheng Yu Tung Management Institute, Richard Ivey School of Business (University of Western Ontario, Canada), a member of the Advisory Board of the EMBA Programme of CUHK, a member of the Career Advisory Board of HKU, a member of The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of the Yunnan Province, and a recipient of Honorary University Fellows from OUHK and HKU, Beta Gamma Sigma from CUHK/BA, Justice of Peace and Silver Bauhinia Star by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. nwd.com.hk |
科罗拉多州(英语:Colorado)是美国中西部的一州,此州最着名的是拥有洛矶山脉的最高峰,地形从东侧的平原陡然升高为西侧峻岭,地理景观十分壮丽。 usamapfinder.com | Colorado (Spanish: red colored) is the U.S. state that encompasses most of the Southern Rocky Mountains as well as the northeastern portion of the Colorado Plateau and the western edge of the Great Plains. usamapfinder.com |
我特别支持 在水及分水岭办公室管辖下的赠 款和规划单位和饮用水单位工作 [...] 的行政员工。我的工作是准备出 差授权书和出差收据﹔记录管理 包括将资料输入条码系统以保持 记录﹔开设新档案﹔及存档於联 邦政府记录中心﹔监管经理们的 会议时间表﹔回应来电并转达到 [...]有关部门与及协助审阅来往书 信。 napca.org | Specifically, I support the administrative [...] staff in the Grants and Planning Unit and the [...] Drinking Water Unitunderthe Office [...]of Water and Watersheds, and perform functions [...]such as: preparing government Travel Authorizations and Travel Vouchers; records management including inputting information into a bar-coding label system for record keeping, setting up new files, and archiving to the Federal Records Center; monitoring schedules and meetings for managers; answering the phone and directing requests for information; and helping to review correspondence. napca.org |
正 如 Thomson 所 言 ﹐这 段 时 期 经 常 被 认 为 是「 旧 俄 国 与 19 世 纪 俄 国 的 分水岭」﹐「 标 志 着 俄 国 由 半 封 建 走 向 早 期 的 工 业 经 济 。 hkahe.com | This period is often, as Thomson argued, said to be “a watershed between the old and the 19th century Russia” and “marked the transition in Russia from a semi-feudal to an early industrial economy. hkahe.com |
岭南通账户可在提供岭南通充值服务的网点增值,最高储值金额为1,000元人民币。 octopus.com.hk | You may also add [...] value to the Lingnan Pass RMB purse atLingnan Pass authorized [...]add value service providers with cash up [...]to a maximum stored value of RMB1,000 in mainland China. octopus.com.hk |
2013/14 学年的教资会(即「大学教育资助委员会」)资助课程由以下院校提供:香港城市大学、香港浸会大学、岭南大学、香港中文大学、香港教育学院、香港理工大学、香港科技大学和香港大学。 ipass.gov.hk | UGC-funded programmes, i.e. University Grants Committee-funded programmes, for the 2013/14 academic year are provided by the following institutions: [...] City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist [...] University, Lingnan University, [...]The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Hong [...]Kong Institute of Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and The University of Hong Kong. ipass.gov.hk |
部分增加的拨款是用於操作及维修将於 2004-05 年度建成的新污 [...] 水渠和污水泵房,以便为沙田、大埔、元朗、上水和打鼓岭乡郊地区约 35 条村落提供服务。 devb.gov.hk | Part of the increase is for operating and maintaining new sewers and pumping stations to be completed in [...] 2004-05 to serve about 35 no. of villages in the rural areas of Sha Tin, Tai Po, Yuen [...] Long, Sheung Shui and Ta Kwu Ling. devb.gov.hk |
当日,除了有「香港人力资源管理学会」代表讲解就业市场的概况外,我们更邀请到2009年香港十大杰出青年张润衡先生(1996年八仙岭山火意外生还者),与青少年分享他逆境成长经验;以及电讯盈科有限公司旗下香港电讯有限公司代表介绍职位空缺及就业前景。 yes.labour.gov.hk | Apart from briefing by representative of HKIHRM on labour market information, we have invited Mr. Stanley Cheung Yun-hang, one of the Hong Kong [...] Ten Outstanding Young Persons 2009 [...] (survivor of thePat SinLeng Country Park Hillfire [...]accident in 1996) to share with young [...]people his life experience under adversity, and representatives from HKT of PCCW Limited to introduce the job vacancies of the company and career prospects. yes.labour.gov.hk |
对 於 年 龄 较 大 的 幼 海 豚 , 重 要 地 点 包 括 大 澳 半 岛 北 面 、 鸡 翼 角 附 近 及 分 流 , 其 他 [...] 经 常 出 没 的 地 方 还 有 龙 鼓 洲 东 面 、 烂 角 咀 附 近 、 踏 石 角 和 北 大 屿 山 的 深 水 角 , 以 及 西 南 大 [...] 屿 山 的 分 流 东 面 、狗岭涌附近 及 索 罟 群 岛 周 围 。 threerunwaysystem.com | Areas considered important for older calves include areas just north of Tai O Peninsula, near Peaked Hill and Fan Lau, with other frequent occurrences of older calves found at east of Lung Kwu Chau, near Black Point, Tap Shek Kok [...] and Sham Shui Kok in North Lantau, and east of [...] Fan Lau,nearKau Ling Chung andaround [...]Soko Islands in Southwest Lantau. threerunwaysystem.com |
a. 香港城市大学,及其专上学院 b. 香港教育学院,及其持续专业教育学院 c. 香港理工大学,及其香港专上学院 d. 香港专业教育学院,职业训练局/职业训练局工商资讯学院 e. 明爱白英奇专业学校 f. 明爱徐诚斌学院 g. 珠海学院 h. 恒生商学书院 i. 香港艺术学院 j. 保良局香港社区书院 k. 香港专业进修学校 l. 香港科技专上书院 m. 香港树仁大学n.岭南大学社区学院 o. 香港浸会大学国际学院 p. 香港中文大学专业进修学院 q. 香港公开大学 r. 香港大学专业进修附属学院 ipass.gov.hk | and Information Systems e. Caritas Bianchi College of Careers f. Caritas Francis Hsu College g. Chu Hai College of Higher Education h. Hang Seng School of Commerce i. Hong Kong Art School j. Po Leung Kuk Community College of Hong Kong k. Hong Kong College of Technology l. Hong Kong Institute of Technology m. Hong Kong Shue Yan University n. LingnanUniversity, The Community College at Lingnan University o. Hong Kong Baptist University, College of International Education p. The Chinese University of Hong Kong ipass.gov.hk |
。」 继二零一一年十一月收购地块後,於二零一二年整年,新昌物业发展部门建立起一支专业团 队,於中国辽宁省铁岭新市进行星悦南岸物业发展项目的规划、设计、推广及销售。 hsinchong.com | Following the acquisition of the land parcels in November 2011, throughout 2012, Hsin Chong’s Property Development Division has established a dedicated full team of professionals to undertake the planning, design, [...] marketing and sales of the La Viva (星悦南岸) property [...] development projectin the NewTown of Tieling, [...]Liaoling Province, PRC. hsinchong.com |
李爵士荣获英国剑桥大学、英国华威大 [...] 学及香港大学颁授荣誉法律博士学位,彼亦荣获多间大学颁授荣誉博士学位,包括岭南大学(社会科学)、美国哈特福特Trinity [...]College(人文学)、英国爱丁堡 Napier University(工商管理)及英国伦敦Imperial College(科学)。 vitasoy.com | Sir David holds Honorary Doctorate Degrees in Law from the Universities of Cambridge, Warwick and [...] Hong Kong. He also holds Honorary Doctorate [...] Degreesfrom Lingnan University [...](Social Sciences), Trinity College, Hartford [...](Humane Letters), Edinburgh Napier University (Business Administration) and Imperial College London (Science). vitasoy.com |
本次课程由港澳知名学者、教授及文化局专业人员担任课程导师,向学员教授:博物馆知识、导赏技巧、中西文化历史、艺术文化、澳门历史城区、考古、文物修复、岭南书画和西洋画等不同范畴的知识及导赏实习和讨论。 macaumuseum.gov.mo | They instruct students in different fields of knowledge, and lead them in practical training and discussion in the domain of docent services including museum knowledge, docent techniques, Chinese and western cultural history, arts and culture, the Historic Centre of [...] Macao, archaeology, restoration of cultural relics, painting and [...] calligraphy of the Lingnan region, and western [...]painting macaumuseum.gov.mo |