单词 | 岐阜县 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 岐阜县—Gifu prefecture, JapanSee also:岐—divergent side road 阜—abundant mound
为了让在日本的菲律宾人 安心地生活,成为对社会有贡献的 一员, ASFIL岐阜将一直给予支援。 gic.or.jp | ASFIL is working to support Filipino people living in Japan to live stable lives so that they can contribute and cooperate as full members of society. gic.or.jp |
鹿儿岛大学、东北大学、茨城大学、首都大学东京、日本原子力研究开发机构的研究小组,针对从 岐阜县坂祝(Sakahogi)町的木曾川河床采集的岩石试验材料,使用ICP质量分析装置或者多重伽玛线检测装置等进行了分析。 tohoku.ac.jp | The research group consisting of Kagoshima University, Tohoku University, Ibaraki University, Tokyo Metropolitan University, and Japan Atomic Energy Agency collected rock samples [...] from the bottom of the Kisogawa riverbed in [...] Sakahogi-machi, GifuPrefecture and [...]analyzed them using Inductive Coupled Plasma [...](ICP) Mass Spectrometers and Multiplex Gamma Ray Sensing devices. tohoku.ac.jp |
於 2012 [...] 年内,集团继续扩展业务版图,分别在辽宁省、山东省、江西省、福建省和河北省共取得八个新 项目,包括辽宁省大连瓦房店市的城市管道燃气项目及中游长输管线项目、阜新市新邱区;山东省招远市 滨海科技产业园、济南市平阴县;江西省宜春市宜丰县;以及集团在福建省和河北省首个的投资项目— 福 建省龙岩市长汀县和河北省秦皇岛市山海关区临港产业园管道燃气项目。 towngaschina.com | We continued to expand the geographic extent of our business presence in 2012 with the acquisitions of eight new projects in Liaoning, Shandong, Jiangxi, Fujian and Hebei Provinces. These included a piped city gas and a midstream gas pipeline project in Wafangdian City, Dalian, Liaoning Province and piped gas projects in Xinqiu District in Fuxin City, [...] Liaoning Province; Binhai [...] Science and Technology Industrial Parkin Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province; Pingyin CountyinJinan City, Shandong Province; Yifeng County in [...]Yichun City, Jiangxi [...]Province; as well as debut projects in Fujian Province and Hebei Province. towngaschina.com |
方铁路网的㆞点 方铁路网的㆞点 方铁路网的㆞点;第㆓ ;第㆓ ;第㆓ ;第㆓,有何有效方法 ,有何有效方法 ,有何有效方法 ,有何有效方法,促使香港政府和㆗方有关县市政府对问题的看 ,促使香港政府和㆗方有关县市政府对问题的看 ,促使香港政府和㆗方有关县市政府对问题的看 ,促使香港政府和㆗方有关县市政府对问题的看 法尽快取得妥协? legco.gov.hk | Secondly, are there any effective measures by which a compromised views point can be reached as soon as possible between the Hong Kong Government and the relevant county andmunicipal governments from the Chinese side? legco.gov.hk |
佐渡民家的房门口以及设施入口处等,到处都能看到的赤石被称为赤玉石(AKADAMAISHI),被选为日本三大铭石(岐阜县的菊花石、北海道的神居古潭石,佐渡的赤玉石)之一。 sado-biyori.com | The red stones which can be seen at various places such as the entrances of private houses and facilities are called "Akadama-ishi," and recognized as one of [...] Japan's three greatest noted stones (the [...] chrysanthemum stoneofGifu,the kamuikotan [...]of Hokkaido and the Akadama-ishi of Sado). sado-biyori.com |
接着,陈保琼校监和叶国华教授上台向曲阜学校校长及两位同学递交一张款项为人民币500,250元的大支票,象征去年成功筹建曲阜市耀 中耀华希望小学。 ycis-bj.com | Present at the concert were the [...] Principal and two students from QufuSchoolto accept a symbolic check of RMB 500,250 yuan that helped establish the Qufu Yew Chung and Yew Wah Hope [...]Primary School. ycis-bj.com |
根 据 抚顺县国土资 源 局 日 期 为 二 零 一二年 八 月 二 十 日 的 确 [...] 认 , 吾 等 获 悉「 采 矿 用 地 改 革 试 点 方 案 」的 申 请 正 在 进 行 之中, 且 抚 顺 上 马 将 可 於 该 方 案 [...]获 得 有 关 批 准 後 六 个 月 内 获 得 临 时 土地使 用 权 , 故 此 尽 管「 采 矿 用 地 改 革 试 点 方 案 」的 申 请 尚 未 完 成 , 惟 吾 等 与 董 事一 致 认 为 , 贵 公 司 现 时 适 宜 进 行 抚 顺 上 马 收 购 事 项 。 cre8ir.com | Based on the [...] confirmation from FushunCounty Bureauof Land and [...]Resources dated 20 August 2012, we understand that the application [...]of the ‘‘Proposal for Experiment on the Reform of Mining Land Use Right’’ was in progress and Fushun Shangma will be able to obtain the temporary land use right within six months after the relevant approval of the proposal, so we concur with the view of the Directors that is a proper timing for the Company to conduct Fushun Shangma Acquisition although the application of the’’ Proposal for Experiment on the Reform of Mining Land Use Right’’ has not yet been completed. cre8ir.com |
建于山东省曲阜的第一所“希望种子学校”,目前已为超过500名学生提新的校舍及优越的图书馆设施。 ycis-bj.com | The first Seeds of Hope [...] School, built inQufu,Shandong Province, [...]has gone a long way to provide education to over 500 rural [...]students and has excellent library facilities. ycis-bj.com |
理由十分简单,倘在每个阶段都公布双方仍未能解决的分岐,要达成令㆟满意 的协议显然会更加困难。 legco.gov.hk | This is for the simple reason that, if at each stage, the differences still outstanding between the two sides were to be publicized it would obviously make the prospect of reaching a satisfactory agreement that much more difficult. legco.gov.hk |
1993 年 10 月至 2000 年 6 月,中华人民共和国财政部人事教育司工作人员、 [...] 副处长(1997 年 4 月至 1998 年 4 月,任河北省阜城副县长)。 daccess-ods.un.org | October 1993 to June 2000: Staff and Deputy Director, Department of Personnel and Education, Ministry of [...] Finance, People’s Republic of China (April 1997 to April 1998, serving as the [...] vice mayor of Fucheng city,Hebei Province). daccess-ods.un.org |
在一般中国人的眼中,基督教仍然被视为西方宗教,是西方文化的‘进口产品’......基督教的本土化还没有完成......中国人民的道德源头仍然主要 来自于中国传统文化......大部分人对于基督教的偏见、怀疑和担忧主要在于文化方面......基督教仍然处于遭受文化岐视的地位 上。 amccsm.org | In the eyes of the average Chinese, Christianity is still regarded as a religion of the West and an ‘imported product' of Western culture... The contextualisation of Christianity has not been completed... The ethical and moral resources of the Chinese people are still largely derived from traditional Chinese culture... The prejudice, doubt and worry most people have against Christianity are mainly cultural... Christianity is still in a position of being culturally discriminated against. amccsm.org |
Copyright© 您可能希望报告您可能会发现的与您对本规范的评估有关的任何岐义、不一致或不准确问题(“反馈”)。 huihoo.org | Copyright© You may wish to report any ambiguities, inconsistencies or inaccuracies you may find in connection with your evaluation of the Specification ("Feedback"). huihoo.org |
根 据 目 前 的 申 请 进 度 及 抚顺县国土资 源 局 於 二 零 一二年 八 月 二 十 日 作 出 的 确 认 , 本 公 司 估 计 将 於 抚顺县国土资 源 局 批 准「 采 矿 用 地 改 革 试 点 方 案 」之 後 六 个 月 内 获 得 临 时 土地使 用 权 的 审 批 。 cre8ir.com | Based on the current progress of the application and confirmation fromtheFushun County Bureau of Land and Resources on 20 August 2012, the Company estimates that [...] the approval for the temporary [...]land use rights will be obtained within six months after the ‘‘ Proposal for Experiment on the Reform of Mining Land Use Right’’ is approved by the State Administration for Land and Resources. cre8ir.com |
回顾期内,本集团位於山西省柳林县的三个优质焦煤矿(兴无煤矿、金家庄煤矿和寨 崖底煤矿)运作良好,并且录得良好的安全生产纪录。 shougang-resources.com.hk | During the period under review, the three quality coal mines of the Group (Xingwu Coal Mine, Jinjiazhuang Coal Mine and Zhaiyadi Coal Mine) located in Liulin County, Shanxi Province, operated smoothly and maintained excellent safety record. shougang-resources.com.hk |
萨默斯博士和多尼隆先生与胡锦涛主席、温家宝总理、王岐山副总理、戴秉国国务委员以及外交部长杨洁篪进行愉快会面。 embassyusa.cn | Dr. Summers and Mr. Donilon had the pleasure of meeting with [...] President Hu Jintao, Premier Wen Jiabao, Vice [...] Premier Wang Qishan, State Councilor [...]Dai Bingguo, and Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi. eng.embassyusa.cn |
y 当兩院出现意見分岐时,可让第二议院有权延迟法 案和议案、成立兩院聯合 委员会、或让法案和议案 在兩院來回讨論,直至达 成协议。 legco.gov.hk | A lack of agreement between the two chambers can be dealt with bygiving the second chamber the power to delay the passage of bills or motions, by appointing a joint committee of both chambers, or by providing for bills to shuttle between both chambers until agreement is reached. legco.gov.hk |
最新的事故 [...] 则是肠 道 病毒 EV71 自 3 月在安徽阜阳流传,疫 情 迅速蔓 延, [...]引 致 多 名 儿童死 亡 , 而当地 政 府 却 一 直 否 认 , 至 4 月 才作出公布 。 legco.gov.hk | The latest incident is the spread of the [...] enterovirus EV71 in Fuyang, Anhui since March. [...]The rapid spread of the epidemic has [...]caused a number of deaths in children. legco.gov.hk |
如果委员会成员之间在政治上 产生分岐,他们实现共同目的能力将受到削弱。 daccess-ods.un.org | If the Committee members allowed politics to divide them, their ability to fulfil their common purpose would be diminished. daccess-ods.un.org |
种子卵球形,约 2.2 * [...] 1.5 毫米,黄,平滑和发亮;种阜钻形,深黄,无柄,容易脱落。 flora.ac.cn | Seeds ovoid, ca. 2.2 × 1.5 mm, yellow, smooth [...] and shiny; caruncle subulate, deep [...]yellow, sessile, easily lost. flora.ac.cn |
为中国所有患有HIV/AIDS的人 祷告,但愿他们都能在生命中得知神的爱,赐给他们希望和力量,能够在面对的任何岐视和偏见当中刚强站立。 amccsm.org | Pray for all of those suffering from HIV/AIDS in China. May each one of them know the love of God in their lives, givingthem hope and strength to stand in the midst of anydiscrimination and prejudice they face. amccsm.org |
鸟类是生态系统之中较常用作环境指标的类别,鸟类的物种的多样性以及其数量,可以反映地区的生态环境岐异度﹝Habitat Diversity﹞及承载量﹝Carrying Capacity﹞。 greeneducationcuhk.net | The diversity of bird species and their numbers reflect the “habitat diversity” and the “carrying capacity” of an area. greeneducationcuhk.net |
与20国集团领导人认同的方向一致,为改善新兴市场的贸易融资,财政部长鲍尔森和中国副总理王岐山今天宣布一项新的伙伴关系来增加针对新兴市场的与贸易有关的融资。 embassyusa.cn | Beijing - Consistent with the direction of G-20 Leaders to improve trade finance for emerging markets, [...] Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr. and Chinese Vice [...] PremierWang Qishantodayannounced [...]a new partnership for increasing trade related finance to emerging markets. eng.embassyusa.cn |
巨邦香料凭借薄荷产区之优势,在安徽省阜阳市投资组建了专业薄荷加工厂,年产薄荷脑1200吨,薄荷素油600吨,其中80%用于出口,远销欧美、东南亚、香港、韩国、日本等国家和地区。 china-menthol.com | With this location advantage, our factory is specialized in manufacturing Menthol Crystals and Peppermint Oil Dementholized, with annual processing capability of 1200MTS Menthol Crystals and 600MTS Peppermint Oil. 80% of the products are exported to Europe, U.S.A., Southeast Asia, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and other overseas market, enjoying popularities of customers. china-menthol.com |
目前人们有很多认识上的误区:一是消费者 要求零风险,其实零风险的食品是不存在的;二是过于重视化学污染而忽视食源性疾病;三 是笼统地把假冒伪劣与食品安全划等号,例如安徽阜阳假奶粉事件就不是一个食品安全事件 四是将致癌物污染的食品等同于致癌食品,含苏丹红的食品不会引发癌症;五是将不合格食 品等同于有毒食品,例如碘含量超标的雀巢奶粉就不是有毒食品。 docs.china-europa-forum.net | Third, poor quality counterfeit products are often taken as proof of a lack of food safety, an example of this being the “fake milk powder” incident inFuyang,Anhui province, which was not really a food safety problem. docs.china-europa-forum.net |
2011年11月,耀中宗教德育部主管Steve [...] Hackman牧师和另一位同事刘克辉先生,代表耀华及耀中前赴位于山东省曲阜市的“希望种子学校”,进行为期两天的访问。 ywies.com | In November 2011, Mr. Steve Hackman and Mr. Davy Lau from Christian and Moral Education Division of Yew Chung paid a two-day visit, on behalf of Yew Chung and Yew [...] Wah, to the new Seeds of Hope School under [...] constructionin Qufu, Shangdong Province [...]which is the focus of our current Seeds [...]of Hope fundraising initiative of Yew Chung and Yew Wah. ywies.com |