

单词 岂有此理

岂有此理 ()

how can this be so? (idiom); preposterous

External sources (not reviewed)

此,有一个会员国建议加强 遗产中心工作人员在遗产理方面 的专业能力。
In this regard, one Member State recommended that a stronger professional capability among WHC staff in the area of heritage management be developed.
在 45 年期间——从 1945 年创立到 1988 年—— 安全理事会只通过 690 项决议,而在此后的 20 年中,理会通过的决议数量三倍此,岂 不 怪 乎?
Is it not strange that over a period of 45 years — from its creation in 1945 to 1988 — the Security Council adopted only 690 resolutions, whereas in the following 20 years it adopted three times that number?
此責任 包括設計、實施及維持與編制及真實兼公平地呈列財務 報有關的 內部監控,以確保並無重大錯誤陳述(不論是否因欺詐或錯誤引起);選擇及應用適當之會計 政策;以及在不同情況下作出理的 會 計估計。
This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and the true and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate [...]
policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.
电脑用起来得心应手,完全满足工作和娱乐需求 有 选 择当然很好,不用 岂 不 是 更好。
We believe that your computer should work and play as hard as you do and that choice is good, but not having to choose is better.
据英国广播公司报道,一名助手对记者说,“她实际上 是什叶派,所以我岂能指 望别的什么”。
She is actually a Shia, so what else can we expect”, one of the aides told the journalist, according to the BBC report.
津巴 布韦报告说,其雷区横跨与莫桑比克的边界,两国的国家排雷行动管理局已经在
[...] 技术层面上讨论了进入这些雷区及其排雷责任的问题,不久,两国之间业已存在 的政府双边高层论坛将讨论这些问题,解决这些问题预计不会存在困难, 此本 阶段第三方有理由介入。
Zimbabwe has reported that it has mined areas that straddle its border with Mozambique, that issues of access and responsibility for clearance of these mined areas have been discussed at the technical level between the two countries’ respective national mine action authorities, that these issues will be subject to discussion in due course at bilateral high level government forums that already exist between the two countries and that no problems in
dealing with these issues are
[...] anticipated and therefore the involvement of third parties is not warranted at [...]
this stage.
理事会主席表示,他此理解为: 厄立特里亚目前还不能接受这些建议,但是已经注意 有 关 情 况。
The President then indicated that he would therefore take it that, since Eritrea could not yet support these recommendations, [...]
they had been noted.
在这里值得阐明的是,没人能照顾您比自己照顾自己好,如果 有 自 理 能 力 ,并且懂得怎样积极的管理自己的身体健康,您的生活质量和寿命都 有 相 当 的提高, 岂 不 是 不亦乐乎。
It is also worth stating that no one is going to look after you as well as you are able to and that proactive health care can significantly increase your quality and quantity of life.
一位代表指 出,解决这些问题是消除贫困的一个先决条件, 此 完 全 有理 由 优先考虑淡水问题。
One speaker stated that the solutions to these
problems were among the preconditions to eradicating
[...] poverty and, hence, would justify that priority be [...]
given to freshwater.
(m) 若 無 跡象顯示某 法案將在有關的法案委員會完成工作後的一 段理時間 內恢復二讀辯論,而法案委員會有 此 決定,法 案委員會主席或代表法案委員會的任何 委員須向立法會提交 [...]
書面報告,並根據《議事規 則》第 21(3)條請求立法會主席批 准其就該 報告向立法會發言。
(m) In the situation where there is no indication that the second reading debate on a bill will resume within a reasonable time
after completion of
[...] the Bills Committee’s work, the chairman or any member representing the Bills Committee shall, [...]
if the Bills Committee
so determines, table a written report in the Council and seek the President’s permission to address the Council thereon under Rule 21(3) of the Rules of Procedure.
部分委員關注到上述"有合理理由懷疑"的門檻過低,並認為 應採用"有合理理由相信"此一較 高的門檻,原因是有關手令是為了 進入及搜查該處所以檢取證據;此 , 有 關法官在簽發有關手令時 應加倍審慎。
Some members have expressed concern that the above threshold of "reasonable grounds to suspect" is too low, and opine that a higher threshold of "reasonable grounds to believe" should be adopted instead considering that greater care should be exercised for issuing warrant for entering and searching premises to seize evidence.
由于 需要处理的纸张和用品的数量一直在减少, 此有理 由 裁 撤一般事务(其他职等) 员额。
The ongoing decrease in the quantity of paper and supplies to be handled justified the abolition of the General Service (Other level) posts.
他提出有鉴于此,向委员会这一 理此 事 件 的唯一机构提出对他被 引渡至墨西哥的决定的合理性的质疑是正当的,并辩称,在被引渡到墨西哥之后 遭受酷刑提出的损害诉讼显然不能构成避免他被引渡的有效补救措施,因此也不 [...]
He submits that it is thus valid to challenge the legality of the decision [...]
to extradite him to Mexico before the Committee,
the sole body dealing with the matter, and argues that clearly, a suit for damages filed subsequent to the torture he endured after extradition to Mexico cannot constitute an effective remedy that would have prevented his extradition and thus cannot be considered as an available means of domestic remedy.
教科文组织与会所产生的额 外费用较少,而且都属于教科文组织《2008--2013 年中期战略》以及国际水文计划第七阶段 工作的组成部分,考虑到该中心将积极参与实施由德意志联邦共和国政府大力资助的教科文 组织淡水计划(见第 9(f)段),所增加的这部分费岂 止 被 全部抵消。
The relatively minor incremental costs of this involvement, which are integral parts of UNESCO’s Medium-Term Strategy for 2008-2013 and the seventh phase of IHP, will be more than offset by the fact that the Centre will be actively involved in the execution of the freshwater programmes of UNESCO with substantial contribution by the government of the Federal Republic of Germany (see paragraph 9(f)).
其他一些代表团则支持通过最大残留限量,因为具有科学依据,而且在最大残留 限量方面似乎没有悬而未决的科学问题, 此 认 为 没 有理 由 推 迟通过。
Other delegations intervened in favour of the adoption of the MRLs as they were based on science and there
appeared to be no outstanding science issues with regard
[...] to the MRLs thus they saw no reasons for delaying [...]
the adoption.
此理念使我們得以贏得新客戶及與 有 客 戶 重新續約,而且能夠保持較競爭對手 為高之價格,在合約年期及租賃價格兩者之間取得良好的平衡。
This has allowed us to win new customers and renew existing customer [...]
contracts while maintaining our premium pricing over
competitors and optimising the balance between contract length and lease rates.
集团公司对完美的追岂止产 品质量这么简单,从专卖店的选址和布局,以至商品的摆设,再到想方设法使顾客一进门 便 有 宾 至 如归的感受……每个细节都让顾客体味到LVMH对品质的孜孜以求。
Their search for excellence go well beyond the simple quality of their products: it encompasses the layout and
location of our stores, the display of the
[...] items they offer, their ability to make their customers feel welcome as soon as they enter our stores... All around them, their clients see nothing but quality.
据申诉人在遭驱逐的前一天 称,未提出上诉的原因是移民事务法庭决定不暂缓执行驱逐,而且,鉴于上诉庭 很可能不会批准他上诉的请求,此 , 他完 全 有理 由 认 为,移民上诉庭也会拒绝 他要求暂缓执行的要求。
As reasons for his failure to appeal, the author submitted that the day before he was to be expelled from Sweden, the Migration Court decided not to stay the enforcement of his expulsion, and that he had good reasons to believe that the Migration Court of Appeal would also reject his request for a stay of enforcement, in view of the fact that the Court of Appeal would probably not grant him leave to appeal.
GAAP的规定非常详尽,这反映了美国社会好打官司的诉讼环境,对于企业尤为重要的财务规 岂 能 马 虎?
US GAAP is very detailed, reflecting the litigious environment in the US which calls for more and more detailed regulation.
(h) 涉及採納、修改或理有關本 公司向本公司或其附屬公司或其聯 營公司的員工或為彼等利益發行或授予涉及股份或其他證券的 購股權的任何股份計劃或任何股份激勵或任何購股權計劃,而有 關董事或其聯繫人士可此受益 的任何建議。
(h) any proposal concerning the adoption, modification or operation of any share scheme or any share incentive or share option scheme involving the issue or grant of options over shares or other securities by the Company to, or for the benefit of the employees of the Company or its subsidiaries or its associated companies under which the Director [...]
or his associate(s) may benefit.
然而,如有几十个、上百个这样的修改,也得刷上几十次、上百次 岂 不 是 变成白领油漆工了?
However, if there are dozens, hundreds of such changes, they have to brush on the scores, hundreds of times, does it mean that white-collar workers into a painter?
如果我们宁愿坐谦卑的位置,而不是保护自己的骄 傲,冲岂不更容易解决吗?
Would not conflict be easier to resolve if we were more willing to take the humble position instead of protecting our own pride?
其中包括:可查 阅并更新所有拘留和监禁所的被拘留者登记册;保证亲属和律师获得适当的资料 并进入有此类拘留场所;确保将被捕者迅速移交给司法当局;加强 理 被 强迫 失踪问题的民间社会组织的实力。
These include: accessible and updated registries of detainees at all places of detention and confinement; guaranteed access to
[...] information and to all such places for relatives as well as lawyers; bringing arrested persons promptly before a judicial authority; and strengthening civil society organizations that deal with the issue [...]
of enforced disappearance.
毫无疑问,这些setter是框架所需的样板代码,如果不使用构造器注入也能避免这一 岂 不 美 哉?
Wouldn’t it be nice if they could be avoided without the need to use Constructor injection everywhere?
在增加负责自然资源问题的第六名专家后, 理 会 在 第 1952(2010)号决议第 6 段扩大了专家组的任务,使其包括“有非法武装团体活动的地区,包括北基伍 和南基伍以及东方省”,请专家组关注支持非法武装团体的区域和国际网络、在 刚果民主共和国东部地区活动的犯罪网络和严重违反国际人道主义法和侵犯人 权的人,包括国家武装部队有此类 行 为的人,并请专家组评估该决议提到的尽 职调查准则的作用。
With the addition of a sixth expert for
natural resources,
[...] the Security Council, by paragraph 6 of resolution 1952 (2010), expanded the mandate of the Group of Experts to “areas affected by the presence of illegal armed groups, including North and South Kivu and Orientale Province”, as well as on regional and international networks providing support to illegal armed groups, criminal networks and perpetrators of serious violations of international humanitarian law and human rights abuses, including those within the national armed forces, operating in the eastern [...]
part of the Democratic
Republic of the Congo; and requested the Group to evaluate the impact of due diligence guidelines referred to in the resolution.
理健康 和社会福利机构协商制定和实施相应策略,预防女性囚犯自杀和 自残,并应有此风险 者提供考虑到其性别特点的适当和专门支持,这应成为女 子监狱理健康综合政策的一部分。
Developing and implementing strategies, in
[...] consultation with mental health-care and social welfare services, to prevent suicide and self-harm among women prisoners and providing appropriate, gender-specific and specialized support to those at risk shall be part of a comprehensive policy of mental health care [...]
in women’s prisons.
董事認為遞 延購買價屬公平理,此乃由於遞延購買價為飛利浦(作為飛利浦注入業務之賣方及飛 利浦品牌之有人)提供誘因,對合營集團作出承擔及支持,並促使飛利浦注入業務轉 虧為盈。
The Directors consider that the Deferred Purchase Price is fair and reasonable because the Deferred Purchase Price provides an incentive to Philips (as the [...]
vendor of the Philips Contributed
Business and owner of the Philips brand) to show commitment and support to the JV Group and to contribute to the turnaround of the Philips Contributed Business.
(d) 出售、交換、按揭、質押、出租、分享溢利、使用費或其他、授予特許、地役權、購股權、使用 權及此有關之 其他權利,及以任何其他方式 理 或 處 置本公司所有或任何部分之業務、物業及 資產(現有及未來),以換取任何代價,尤其是(在不損及上述各項之一般性原則下)任何證券。
(d) To sell, exchange, mortgage, charge, let on rent, share of profit, royalty or otherwise, grant licences, easements, options,
servitudes and other
[...] rights over, and in any other manner deal with or dispose of, all or any part of the [...]
undertaking, property
and assets (present and future) of the Company for any consideration and in particular (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) for any securities.




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