单词 | 岂敢 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 岂敢 —I don't deserve such praisehow could one dare?See also:岂—how? (emphatic question) 敢 v—dare v 敢—daring • (polite) may I venture 嵾—not uniform • uneven
事 實㆖,我敢說, 沒有多少個政府能夠期望現行制度獲得這麼多市民支持。 legco.gov.hk | Indeed, dare I say, few governments [...] could expect to receive such massive popular support for an existing system. legco.gov.hk |
根据特别报告员收到的报告,尽管政府在这些战斗之后控制了 果 敢 地 区, 但缅甸东北部的局势依然紧张。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite Government [...] control of the Kokang territory following [...]these battles, the situation in north-eastern Myanmar remains [...]tense according to reports received by the Special Rapporteur. daccess-ods.un.org |
毫无疑问,这些setter是框架所需的样板代码,如果不使用构造器注入也能避免这一 点 岂 不 美 哉? infoq.com | Wouldn’t it be nice if they could be avoided without the need to use Constructor injection everywhere? infoq.com |
据英国广播公司报道,一名助手对记者说,“她实际上 是什叶派,所以我们岂能指 望别的什么”。 daccess-ods.un.org | She is actually a Shia, so what else can we expect”, one of the aides told the journalist, according to the BBC report. daccess-ods.un.org |
教科文组织与会所产生的额 外费用较少,而且都属于教科文组织《2008--2013 年中期战略》以及国际水文计划第七阶段 工作的组成部分,考虑到该中心将积极参与实施由德意志联邦共和国政府大力资助的教科文 组织淡水计划(见第 9(f)段),所增加的这部分费用岂 止 被 全部抵消。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The relatively minor incremental costs of this involvement, which are integral parts of UNESCO’s Medium-Term Strategy for 2008-2013 and the seventh phase of IHP, will be more than offset by the fact that the Centre will be actively involved in the execution of the freshwater programmes of UNESCO with substantial contribution by the government of the Federal Republic of Germany (see paragraph 9(f)). unesdoc.unesco.org |
然而,如果有几十个、上百个这样的修改,也得刷上几十次、上百次 , 岂 不 是 变成白领油漆工了? oapdf.com | However, if there are dozens, hundreds of such changes, they have to brush on the scores, hundreds of times, does it mean that white-collar workers into a painter? oapdf.com |
断乎不可!我们在罪上死了的人岂可 仍 在罪 中活著呢? ccineurope.org | We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? ccineurope.org |
加㆖到目前仍看不到任何令㆟信服的監管制度和投資風險的責任承擔,本㆟實在 不敢 貿然 向市民推薦,除非政府提供更詳盡的資料,例如㆒直沒有公開在九㆔年年底委託 顧問公司完成的強制性私㆟公積金可行性報告,並且承諾盡快解決目前所有老㆟家的 退休生活問題。 legco.gov.hk | In view of the absence of any satisfactory monitoring system and commitment to insurance against investment risks, I would be slow to recommend it to the general public unless more detailed information be made available, such as the feasibility study report, which was never published, in respect of a mandatory privately-run provident fund scheme completed at the end of 1993 by a consultant company appointed by the Administration; or unless there are promises that the livelihood problems of elderly people after retirement will be well taken care of. legco.gov.hk |
在 45 年期间——从 1945 年创立到 1988 年—— 安全理事会只通过 690 项决议,而在此后的 20 年中, 安理会通过的决议数量三倍于此,岂 不 怪 乎? daccess-ods.un.org | Is it not strange that over a period of 45 years — from its creation in 1945 to 1988 — the Security Council adopted only 690 resolutions, whereas in the following 20 years it adopted three times that number? daccess-ods.un.org |
GAAP的规定非常详尽,这反映了美国社会好打官司的诉讼环境,对于企业尤为重要的财务规 则 岂 能 马 虎? 12manage.com | US GAAP is very detailed, reflecting the litigious environment in the US which calls for more and more detailed regulation. 12manage.com |
亚伯拉罕和罗得预先知道罪恶之地所多 玛的毁灭,上帝说:“我所要作的事 , 岂可 瞒着亚伯拉罕呢? thestudiesinthescriptures.com | Abraham and Lot knew of the destruction of Sodom beforehand, God saying, “Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do? thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
该奖的荣誉奖颁给了 Yolande Mukagasana 女士(卢旺达/比利时),表彰她作为 1994 年 卢旺达种族大屠杀的受害者和见证人,为促进和平文化而进行的 勇 敢 的 、头脑清醒的战斗。 unesdoc.unesco.org | An honourable mention of the Prize went to Ms Yolande Mukagasana (Rwanda/Belgium) in recognition of her courageous and lucid combats to contribute to a culture of peace as both a victim and a witness of genocide in Rwanda in 1994. unesdoc.unesco.org |
集团公司对完美的追求岂止产品质量这么简单,从专卖店的选址和布局,以至商品的摆设,再到想方设法使顾客一进门便有宾至如归的感受……每个细节都让顾客体味到LVMH对品质的孜孜以求。 lvmh.cn | Their search for excellence go well beyond the simple quality of their products: it encompasses the layout and location of our stores, the display of the items they offer, their ability to make their customers feel welcome as soon as they enter our stores... All around them, their clients see nothing but quality. lvmh.com |
如果我们宁愿坐谦卑的位置,而不是保护自己的骄 傲,冲突岂不更容易解决吗? sallee.info | Would not conflict be easier to resolve if we were more willing to take the humble position instead of protecting our own pride? sallee.info |
今天要不是我亲眼见到这浩瀚无边的北海,我还会以为黄河是天下无比的呢!那样 , 岂 不 是 被有见识的人永远笑话了! chinesestoryonline.com | If I had not come to your gate, I should have been in danger of continuing in my ignorance, and been laughed at for long by sensible people. chinesestoryonline.com |
罗 5:17 若因一人的过犯,死就因这一人作了王,何况那些受洪恩又蒙所赐之 义的,岂不更 要因耶稣基督一人在生命中作王麽? newlife.org.my | Rom 5:17 For if by the one man's offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. newlife.org.my |
电脑用起来得心应手,完全满足工作和娱乐需求。有选择当然很好,不用 选 岂 不 是 更好。 parallels.com | We believe that your computer should work and play as hard as you do and that choice is good, but not having to choose is better. parallels.com |
在这里值得阐明的是,没人能照顾您比自己照顾自己好,如果您有自理能力,并且懂得怎样积极的管理自己的身体健康,您的生活质量和寿命都会有相当的提高, 这 岂 不 是 不亦乐乎。 aging-management.com | It is also worth stating that no one is going to look after you as well as you are able to and that proactive health care can significantly increase your quality and quantity of life. aging-management.com |