单词 | 山水 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 山水 —landscapeless common: Sansui, Japanese company 山水 noun, plural —landscapes plExamples:山水画—landscape painting 山水诗—landscape poetry 靠山吃山,靠水吃水—lit. the mountain dweller lives off the mountain, the shore dweller lives off the sea [idiom.] • fig. make the best use of local resources • live off the land • find one's niche • exploit one's position to advance oneself
想了解更多爱尔兰的优美如画的山水 风 景? discoverireland.com | Enjoy a peak at Ireland and it's beautiful scenery by downloading the Adobe Flash Player below. discoverireland.com |
我们希望在这个项目中实现建筑及空间和场地内部及周边自然元素:天空 , 山 , 水 , 树 木等之间最大程度的融合和渗透,创造气韵空灵的场所气质。 chinese-architects.com | By establishing a permeable relationship between the architectural [...] space and its surrounding [...] natures, such as the sky, mountain, water, and trees, we try [...]to amplify the unique spirit of the [...]site - the flowing energy and tranquil vacancy. chinese-architects.com |
我们还为爱好自然的您准备了其它一日游行程,例如前往参观由一系列引人入胜的洞穴构成的哈迈奥斯 火 山水 洞。 msccruises.com.cn | Other great day trip ideas, ideal for nature-lovers, include a visit to Jameo del Agua, a complex of intriguing cave formations. msccruises.com.hk |
(a) 传统知识、遗传资源、山水、文 化和精神价值与习惯法之间的联系密不可分,它们共同维 [...] 护着知识体系的完整性。 wipo.int | (a) Traditional knowledge, [...] genetic resources, landscapes, cultural and [...]spiritual values and customary laws, are inextricably [...]linked and together maintain the integrity of knowledge systems. wipo.int |
上河徽院”的规划和建筑,正如它的名称由来一样 , 山水 之 间 ,登源河畔,徽风神韵与现代风格和谐统一,院落相套,粉墙黛瓦错落有致。 chinese-architects.com | The courtyards are subsequently stationed, incorporating grey tiles placed over white walls. chinese-architects.com |
本次展覽將展出其水彩畫、國畫、書法及篆刻作品逾百件,單是畫作的主題已 有 山水 、 花 鳥和人物等,展出作品多不勝數,大師傑作又豈能錯過? yp.mo | The exhibition features hundreds of watercolor paintings, traditional Chinese paintings, calligraphy and seal cuttings, ranging from landscape, flowers, animals and people. yp.mo |
(c) 於二零一二年九月十三日,本集團向獨立第三方收購貴州 麟 山水 泥 有 限責任公司(「貴州 麟 山水 泥 」 )的 80% 權 益,現金代價為人民幣 220,305,000 元。 westchinacement.com | Ltd. ( , “Guizhou Linshan Cement”), from an independent third party for a cash [...] consideration of RMB220,305,000. westchinacement.com |
第二個實際的地方是,雖然在制度上,調查者的職級最低限度要 較被調查的人高一級,例如為一名警員落口供,便要由“沙展”或以上 職級人員處理,但實際上,所謂山水 有 相逢,在一段時間,甚至可能 在很短的時間後,他們已經調到某個“環頭”或某組別,成為同事;甚 至如果被調查的人在被調查期間升職,其職級有可能較曾經調查他或 為他落口供的同事高,這樣又如何令人信服呢? legco.gov.hk | The second practical factor is that even though under the existing system, the personnel conducting the investigation should at least be one rank higher than the one under investigation (for example, the statement of a constable should be taken by a sergeant or officers of an even higher rank), in reality, as this is indeed a small world, after a certain period of time or even very shortly, the investigator and the one under investigation may be deployed to the same region or office to work in collaboration. legco.gov.hk |
桂林素有“桂林山水甲天下”的美誉。 shangri-la.com | Guilin boasts [...] some of the "finest mountains and rivers under heaven. shangri-la.com |
典型的应用领域为:钢铁、造纸、石油和天然气、 矿山水泥、风电和纸浆造纸行业。 schaeffler.com | Typical areas of application include the sectors of steel and aluminium, oil and gas, raw [...] material mining and processing, wind [...]energy and pulp and paper. schaeffler.com |
朱之蕃告老还乡后,居住在金陵,寄情 于 山水 和 文 学聚会,与焦竑和顾起元等一起吟诗唱和。 wdl.org | Zhifan retired to a secluded life in Jinling and devoted [...] himself to enjoying the mountains, rivers, literary gatherings, [...]and parties, and to exchanging [...]poems with Jiao Hong, Gu Qiyuan, and others. wdl.org |
水文服务:2007 [...] 年,为了应对社区森林的过度采伐和化学肥料在农业中的使用,中国非政府组 织 山水 保护中心发起了淡水保护项目(位于四川省平武县)。 teebweb.org | Hydrological services: In China, the NGO Shan Shui Conservation [...] Centre initiated a fresh-water conservation program [...]in 2007 in response to over-harvesting [...]of community forests and the use of chemical fertilizers in farming (in Pingwu County, Sichuan Province). teebweb.org |
这种镜头能胜任多种拍摄环境,如壮 丽 山水 的 广角拍摄,颇具震撼力的远摄拍摄以及室内场景中(相机与拍摄对象之间距离有限)的广角拍摄。 ricoh.com | This lens can handle a wide range of shooting situations, including shooting of expansive landscapes and powerful telephoto shots as well as wide-angle shooting of interior scenes with limited distance between camera and subject. ricoh.com |
巴庫豬原產英國,在當地以天然穀物 和 山水 餵 飼,品質優良、安全且食味豐富。 sfgourmet.com | Feeding in the local natural grain and landscape with high [...] quality, safe and have rich flavor. sfgourmet.com |
無論如何,奧克蘭山水甲山韓國 餐廳就如一般韓國餐廳,那就是許多配菜,價格也合理。 4tern.com | Auckland San Soo Kap San Korean Restaurant is like other Korean restaurant, there are many side dishes and [...] the price is reasonable. 4tern.com |
由教练领头带队,一路上那枫叶渐红的绮 丽 山水 延 绵 、绿水长流、溪谷清澈,健行了2小时左右,中午就在河边开始了IMONI大会。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | After a delightful nature walk of two hours with instructors, [...] admiring beautiful mountains, clear streams and [...]gorges where colored leaves were scattered, [...]we cooked and tasted “imoni”, taro and vegetable soup, on the river bench for lunch. en.tohokukanko.jp |
附註 3: 於 收 購 [...] 日 期 後, 本 集 團 與 貴 州 麟 山 水 泥 前 擁 有 人 達 成 獨 立 安 [...] 排, 於 其 後 雙 方 協 定 的 日 期 支 付 代 價 餘 額 約 人 民 幣 19,600,000 元,該金額已計入二零一二年十二月三十一日之其他應付款項。 westchinacement.com | Note 3: Subsequent to the acquisition date, the Group reached a [...] separate arrangement with the previous [...] owners of Guizhou Linshan Cement to pay the balance [...]of the consideration of approximately [...]RMB19,600,000 on a date to be mutually agreed later, which was included in other payables as of 31 December 2012. westchinacement.com |
詩下妙處橫生的奇石如同反面富有詩意 的 山水 圖 一 樣,遠觀其勢,近觀其質,都達到了氣韻生動的境地。 e-yaji.com | The landscape scene is also one of his finest early landscapes, with all of the poetic mood we expect of these early masterpieces. e-yaji.com |
趙無極《12.04.60》一作,將東方山水 境 界以及西方自然色彩,以個人語彙重現表現,達到近完美的聚合。 ravenelart.com | Using his own personal vocabulary, Zao Wou-ki achieves a near perfect combination in his work"12.04.60"by repackaging and presenting the realms of Eastern landscapes together with the natural colors of the West. ravenelart.com |
他充满现代感和改革精神的理念让他成 为新山水画运动的先驱,并将理论注入到 文章和作品之中。 imgpublic.artprice.com | His modern and reforming spirit made him a leader of the New Chinese Painting movement, which he theorised in a number of articles and essays. imgpublic.artprice.com |
2008年5月16日 发起“远洋山水与灾 区人民心连心”社区募捐活动,筹集到款项13570元和衣物若干。 sinooceanland.com | May 16 – Ocean Landscape (Beijing) collected RMB13,570 in cash donations and clothing for people struck by disasters. sinooceanland.com |
以無底價出售的巴菲特於1953 年創作的靜物畫, [...] 及藤田嗣治於1911年到法國前創作的一種罕見 的 山水 畫 極 度吸引著收藏家們的注視。 est-ouest.co.jp | B. Buffet’s still life painting [...] created in 1953 and sold without a reserve [...] price, and a rare landscape painting by [...]Leonard Foujita painted in 1911 before he went [...]to France and attracted attention. est-ouest.co.jp |
在陇木洞以南三个小 时航程的五指山水满乡(地处热带岛 屿海南岛中部),那里的苗族妇女依 然懂得哪些植物可以煮成染料,以此 将苗族传统服装染成地道的蓝黑色。 netzhammerbreiholz.de | In Shuiman, three hours by plane South of Longmudong, in the middle of the tropical island of Hainan, the Miao women still know which plants to boil up in order to dye the traditional clothes of the Miao the right blueblack colour. netzhammerbreiholz.de |
可是本壺的條紋異乎尋常,或許可識讀為潑 墨 山水。 e-yaji.com | In the case of this bottle, the markings are sufficiently unusual and dynamic to consider [...] their ink-play potential [...]as, perhaps, a landscape. e-yaji.com |
負責實施該計劃的舊金山水利局 發言人 Charles Sheehan 說,”去檢視該計劃的設計,在我們真正開始服務消費者之前,除了調查,我們還將進行 一個非常廣泛的宣傳活動。 ktsf.com | In addtion to the survey, a very comprehensive outreach program will be undertaking as well. ktsf.com |
公寓及别墅:北京水木兰亭、SEVENTH STREET区岳各庄高级公寓、中海海洋花园,以及碧水庄园四期、深圳金地格林小镇、哈尔滨国际会展新城 、 山水 文 园 、北京圣士一品花园和北京第三使馆区外交公寓等 在办公楼的设计方面,北京东方梅地亚中心、大连沿海国际大厦、连云岗商务区公检法办公大厦、成都东大街国际金融办公中心、江苏软件园办公楼、丰盛科技园项目、郑州联盟新城、北京图书大厦,北京首信技术中心,深圳贵州大厦、北京文化创意大厦、北京财源中心室内设计等。 cn.tianfucommunity.com | Flat and villa: Beijing water muran kiosk, the seventh street Qiugezhuang service flat, Zhonghai sea garden, Blue water park, Shenzhen [...] Jindi Greekn Townlet, [...]Harbin international Convention and Exhibition new city, hill water and culture garden, Beijing Shengshiyipin garden and Beijing the third Embassy Area diplomacy flat,ect. cn.tianfucommunity.com |
十二五”期间,我省将加速推进中部城市引松供水干线工程建设进度,完成老龙口水利枢纽、引嫩入白、大安灌区、哈 达 山水 利 枢 纽工程等4项重点工程建设任务,完善功能,充分发挥效益,实现年调控60亿立方米水资源目标。 kincle.net | Twelve Five" period, the province will accelerate the central city cited the progress of loose construction of water [...] supply lines to complete Laolongkou Water, Nen into the white, Da [...] irrigation, such as Hada Mountains Hydro Project 4 key [...]project construction tasks, [...]improve function, give full play efficiency to achieve regulation of 6 billion cubic meters of water resources goals. kincle.net |
是次展覽為奕居與FINE ART ASIA的第三度合作,展出由一群獨當一面的當代藝術家,以傳 統 山水 風 格及概念,融合於別具創意的當代藝術意念的作品。 aaifair.com | The third collaborative exhibition between Fine Art Asia [...] and The Upper House, [...] entitled '”Within Shan Shui'”, will feature a selection of artworks by outstanding contemporary artists, who translated the traditional style of shan shui (Chinese landscape [...]painting), into their contemporary creations. aaifair.com |
我們現正將亞洲市場山水豆腐 系列產品 拓展至韓裔市場,同時研發能方便食用的更有價值優質產品加入 NASOYA 豆腐和麵食 系列。 vitasoy.com | the process of expanding the Asian SANSUI Tofu line into the Korean market, as well as exploring additional value-added premium products to our NASOYA Tofu and Pasta lines with a focus on convenience. y We will enhance our consumer e-marketing campaigns to meet the expectation of today’s technologically savvy consumers. vitasoy.com |
著名山水诗人 ,主要创作活动在刘宋时代,中国文学史 上 山水 诗 派 的开创者。 chinesestoryonline.com | As a result, his poems were mainly focused on describing landscape, and his poem style was famous as grace and magnificence, forming a kind of state of spaciousness, which was widely fond of by then people and later generations. chinesestoryonline.com |