

单词 山崎

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External sources (not reviewed)

2010 年 4
[...] 月,我在咨询委员会的指定代表联合国主计 山崎 纯 向 安全理事会 通报了发展基金和咨询委员会的活动。
In April 2010, the Controller of the United
[...] Nations, Jun Yamazaki, my designated [...]
representative on the Advisory Board, briefed
the Security Council on the activities of the Development Fund and the Advisory Board.
[...] 的谅解,我认为安全理事会还同意根据其暂行议事规 则第 39 条,向联合国主计山崎纯先 生发出邀请。
In accordance with the understanding reached in the Council’s prior consultations, I shall take it that the Security Council also agrees to extend
an invitation under rule 39 of its provisional rules of
[...] procedure to Mr. Jun Yamazaki, Controller [...]
of the United Nations.
山崎先生 (主计长)介绍按照大会议事规则第 153 条提出的四项所涉方案预算问题说明。
(Controller) introduced four statements of programme budget implications submitted in accordance with rule 153 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly.
山崎先生(以英语发言):主席女士,我感谢你让 我有此机会向安理会介绍秘书长根据安全理事会第 1905(2009)号决议第 3 段提出的报告(S/2010/359)所 述、在加强对目前伊拉克发展基金的财务和行政监督 方面取得的进展,在实施发展基金后续安排方面将考 虑的法律问题和备选方案,以及对伊拉克政府在筹备 这种安排方面的进展情况的评估。
: I thank you, Madam, for this opportunity to apprise the Council on the progress made in strengthening financial and administrative oversight of the current Development Fund for Iraq (DFI), on the legal issues and options to be considered to implement successor arrangements, and on the assessment of the Government of Iraq’s progress in preparing for the successor arrangements for the DFI, as presented in the Secretary-General’s report (S/2010/359) pursuant to paragraph 3 of resolution 1905 (2009).
在财团法人日本交通公社公布的全国观光资源评价的自然资源和海岸的部分, 山崎 被 划 分为最高等级特A级。
It is the country’s only coastal natural resource to receive the highest rating in the Japan Travel Bureau Foundation’s National Tourist Resource Evaluation.
主要财政捐助国提名的五位代表是:日本常驻联合国代表团大 使 山崎 纯 、 前 主管维持和平行动副秘书长让-马里·盖埃诺(法国)、美利坚合众国前助理国务 [...]
卿詹姆斯·多宾斯、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国驻瑞典大使保罗·约翰斯顿, 以及德国前驻日本大使汉斯-约阿希姆·德尔。
The five nominated representatives from the major financial
[...] contributors are: Jun Yamazaki, Ambassador, Permanent [...]
Mission of Japan; Jean-Marie Guéhenno
(France), former Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations; James Dobbins, former Assistant Secretary of State of the United States of America; Paul Johnston, Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Sweden; and Hans-Joachim Daerr, former Ambassador of Germany to Japan.
在本次会议上,安全理事会将听 山崎 纯 先 生和 阿卜杜勒·巴希特·图尔基·赛义德先生的通报。
At this meeting, the Security Council will hear
[...] briefings by Mr. Jun Yamazaki and Mr. Abdul [...]
Basit Turky Saed.
山崎先生(主计长)在介绍秘书长关于联合国组 织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团(联刚稳定团)2010 年 7 月 1 日至 2011 年 6 月 30 日期间的经费筹措安排的 说明(A/65/512)时回顾说,大会第 64/275 号决议批 款1 365 000 000美元,充作2010年7月1日至2011 年 6 月 30 日期间联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团(联 刚特派团)的维持费,并决定由会员国分摊 682 500 000 美元,充作 2010 年 7 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日 6 个月期 间的经费。
(Controller), introducing the note by the Secretary-General on financing arrangements for the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) for the period from 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011 (A/65/512), recalled that the General Assembly, by its resolution 64/275, had appropriated an amount of $1,365,000,000 for the period from 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011 for the maintenance of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) and had decided to apportion among Member States the amount of $682,500,000 for the six-month period from 1 July to 31 December 2010.
山崎先生 (日本)(以英语发言):当世界面临多重 紧迫的发展挑战时,日本极为重视实现千年发展目 标。
(Japan): As the world faces a multitude of pressing development challenges, Japan attaches the highest importance to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
山崎先生 (主计长)介绍了秘书长关于大会和(或) 安全理事会授权的特别政治任务、斡旋和其他政治举 措的费用估计数(A/65/328 和 Add.1 和 Add.1/Corr.1 和 2 和 Add.2 和 Add.2/Corr.1 和 Add.3 和 Add.3/ Corr.1 和 Add.4 和 5)的报告,他说,2011 年特别政 治任务概算再次分为三个专题组(第一组:秘书长特 使、个人特使及特别顾问(A/65/328/Add.1 和 Corr.1 和 2);第二组:各类制裁监察小组(A/65/328/Add.2 和 Corr.1);第三组:联合国办事处、建设和平支助 办事处、综合办事处和委员会(A/65/328/Add.3 和 Corr.1)。
(Controller), introducing the report of the Secretary-General on estimates in respect of special political missions, good offices and other political initiatives authorized by the General Assembly and/or the Security Council (A/65/328 and Add.1 and Add.1/Corr.1 and 2 and Add.2 and Add.2/Corr.1 and Add.3 and Add.3/Corr.1 and Add.4 and 5), said that the budget proposals for special political missions for 2011 had once again been grouped into three thematic clusters (cluster I: special and personal envoys and special advisers of the Secretary-General (A/65/328/Add.1 and Corr.1 and 2); cluster II: sanctions monitoring teams, groups and panels (A/65/328/Add.2 and Corr.1); and cluster III: United Nations offices, peacebuilding support offices, integrated offices and commissions (A/65/328/Add.3 and Corr.1)).
由伊拉克方面的图尔基·赛义德先生和秘书长方 面山崎先生所作的两个通报相互补充,将为安理会 [...]
The two briefings, by Mr. Turky Saed, from the Iraqi
[...] side, and by Mr. Yamazaki, from the Secretary-General’s [...]
side, complement each other
and will inform the Council’s work.
山崎先生 介绍了联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里 亚特派团(埃厄特派团)2008 年 7 月 1 日至 2009 年 6 月 30 日期间预算执行情况报告(A/64/586 和 Corr.1),他说大会为特派团批款 37 016 400 美元, 支出达 31 005 000 美元,未支配结余 6 011 400 美 元,利用率为 83.8 %。
Introducing the performance report on the budget of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE) for the period from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 (A/64/586 and Corr.1), he said that the General Assembly had appropriated funding of $37,016,400 for the Mission and that expenditure had amounted to $31,005,000, leaving an unencumbered balance of $6,011,400, which represented a utilization rate of 83.8 per cent.
山崎先生(主计长)介绍 2010-2011 两年期拟议方 案预算第 34 款(安全和安保)的一个增编 (A/64/6(Sect.34)Add.1)以及秘书长加强和统一联 合国安保管理系统方面与 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案 预算有关的订正估计数和卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭 预算的报告(A/64/532),回顾秘书长已经任命一个独 立小组,负责确立与 2007 年 12 月 11 日联合国驻阿 尔及尔办事处遇袭有关的所有事实,并设法处理对提 供和加强联合国工作人员在世界各地开展业务时的 安保至关重要的战略问题。
(Controller), introducing an addendum to section 34, Safety and security, of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 20102011 (A/64/6 (Sect. 34)/Add.1) and the report of the Secretary-General on revised estimates relating to the proposed programme budget and the budget for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda related to a strengthened and unified security management system for the United Nations (A/64/532), recalled that the Secretary-General had appointed an independent panel to establish the facts concerning the attack on the United Nations offices in Algiers on 11 December 2007 and to address strategic issues vital to the delivery and enhancement of staff security for United Nations operations around the world.
伊拉克财务专家委员会主任阿卜杜勒·巴希特·图尔基·赛 义德先生和联合国主计山崎纯先 生依据其各自报告(S/2010/365 和 S/2010/359) 作了通报。
A public meeting was held on 12 July to hear the quarterly briefings pursuant to Security Council resolution 1905 (2009) by Mr. Abdul Basity Turky Saed, Head of the Committee of Financial Experts (COFE) of Iraq, and by the United Nations Controller, Mr. Jun Yamakazi, on the basis of their respective reports (S/2010/365 and S/2010/359).
一个人的一生中至少要来访一次摩纳哥,这位于阿尔卑 山崎 岖 的 岩石陡坡和天鹅绒般蓝色的地中海之间的传奇之地是一个梦想也是现实。
This legendary spot between the rugged, rocky slopes of the Alps and the velvety blue of the Mediterranean is both a dream and a reality.
这次他们将和两支日本车队Buzz赛车队和 Hopewill
[...] Buzz赛车队,一支韩国车队KIM赛车队合作,一共派出6位车手参赛,分别为:小杉谕司 山崎 洋 , 霜野诚友,石山岳,林彩源和彼得.奥尔森。
They will co-operate with another two Japanese racing teams: Buzz Racing and Hopewill Buzz Racing; one Korean team called KIM’S RACING, all
together they have six drivers: Satoshi
[...] Kosugi, Yosuke Yamazaki, Shigetomo Shimono, Gaku Ishiyama, Lim Che [...]
One and Peter Olson.
联合国主记山崎纯和伊拉克财务专 家委员会主管阿卜杜勒·巴西特·图尔基·赛义德还 向安理会通报了伊拉克发展基金的情况。
The Council also heard a briefing on the
Development Fund for Iraq by the United Nations
[...] Controller, Jun Yamazaki, and the Head of [...]
the Iraqi Committee of Financial Experts,
Abdul Basit Turky Saed; the latter requested a 12-month extension of the Fund.
山崎先生 (日本)(以英语发言):我要感谢宋相宪 院长关于国际刑事法院(国际刑院)近期工作的深入 报告(A/66/309)。
(Japan): I would like to thank President Sang-Hyun Song for his in-depth report on the most recent work of the International Criminal Court (ICC) (see A/66/309).
山崎先生 (日本)(以英语发言):我非常高兴和荣 幸地代表日本政府,在纳赛尔大使阁下主持的大会上 发言。
(Japan): It is my great pleasure and honour, on behalf of the Government of Japan, to address the General Assembly under the presidency of His Excellency Ambassador Al-Nasser.
山崎先生 (主计长)介绍秘书长关于 2009 年 7 月 1 日至 2010 年 6 月 30 日期间支助非洲联盟驻索马里特 派团(非索特派团)的经费筹措的报告(A/64/465)时回 顾到,按照大会第 63/275 B 号决议,大会已授权通过 摊款承付 138 802 500 美元,以在 2009 年 7 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日期间支助非索特派团,大会也请求秘书长及 时提交 2009/10 年的全额预算。
(Controller), introducing the report of the Secretary-General on the financing of support of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (A/64/465), recalled that, by its resolution 63/275 B, the General Assembly had authorized a commitment authority of $138,802,500, with assessment, for the support of AMISOM for the period from 1 July to 31 December 2009, and had requested the SecretaryGeneral to submit a full 2009/10 budget in a timely manner.
山崎先生 (主计长)介绍了秘书长关于已结束的 维持和平特派团截至 2009 年 6 月 30 日的最新财务状 况的报告(A/64/605),他说在该报告载列的 22 个维持 和平特派团中,5 个特派团因出现共计 86 648 000 美 元的现金赤字,其余 17 个特派团可计入会员国账下 的现金盈结余共计 213 843 000 美元。
(Controller), introducing the report of the Secretary-General on the updated financial position of closed peacekeeping missions as at 30 June 2009 (A/64/605), said that five of the 22 peacekeeping missions covered in the report reflected cash deficits totalling $86,648,000 and that the other 17 reflected cash surpluses totalling $213,843,000 which were available for credit to Member States.
山崎先生(日本)(以英语发言):首先,我要热烈 祝贺多哥常驻联合国代表科乔·梅南先生阁下担任 2 月份安全理事会主席,并欢迎多哥总统福雷·纳辛贝 先生阁下与会。
(Japan): At the outset, I would like to extend warm congratulations to His Excellency Mr. Kodjo Menan, Permanent Representative of Togo to the United Nations, on his presidency of the Security Council for the month of February, and to welcome the presence of His Excellency Mr. Faure Gnassingbé, President of Togo.
山崎先生(主计长)介绍了联合国布隆迪行动(联 布行动)最后执行情况报告(A/64/610),他说该报告 介绍了截至 2009 年 6 月 30 日联布行动的资产、未偿 负债和基金结余状况。
(Controller), introducing the final performance report of the United Nations Operation in Burundi (ONUB) (A/64/610), said that the report included information on ONUB’s assets, outstanding liabilities and fund balance as at 30 June 2009.
位于陆中海岸国立公园北方的山崎 , 有 着200米高的断崖,经太平洋的海浪冲蚀而形成的奇岩怪石、大大小小各种各样的海蚀洞窟、以及那生动有力约8公里长的海岸线,这里也是代表东北的风景胜地之一。
Kitayamazaki situated in the north of Rikuchu-kaigan National Park is one of the best scenic spots in Tohoku with 200-meter cliffs, strangely-shaped rocks and bizarre stones, caves corroded by sea water and dynamic coast line stretching up to 8 km.
山崎先生 (主计长)介绍,介绍了联合国海地稳 定特派团(联海稳定团)2008 年 7 月 1 日至 2009 年 6 月 30 日的预算执行情况报告(A/64/554),他说,大 会已拨供 574 916 500 美元以维持该特派团,支出 已达 574 401 700 美元,未支配余额 514 800 美元, 这标志着几乎充分使用了核定资源。
(Controller), introducing the performance report on the budget of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) for the period from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 (A/64/554), said that the General Assembly had appropriated funding of $574,916,500 for the maintenance of the Mission and that expenditure had amounted to $574,401,700, leaving an unencumbered balance of $514,800, which represented near full utilization of the approved resources.
4 月 6 日,安全理事会开会讨论秘书长按照第 1905(2009)号决议第 3 段提交
[...] 的报告,听取伊拉克财务专家委员会主席阿卜杜勒·巴西特·土尔其·赛义德和 联合国主计山崎纯介绍情况。
The Security Council meeting on the report of the Secretary-General pursuant to paragraph 3 of resolution 1905 (2009) took place on 6 April, where the Council was briefed by the
President of the Iraqi Committee of Financial Experts, Abdul Basit Turki Saeed, and United
[...] Nations Controller, Jun Yamazaki.
首都地区位于新南威尔士州东南部,面积 2,366 平方公里,南部和西部崎岖的蓝灰 山 脉 , 首都堪培拉位于东北角。
It covers
[...] 2,366 sq km and features rugged blue-grey ranges in [...]
the south and west, with Canberra, located in the northeast corner.
西部崎岖海岸距市区仅很短的车程,那里林海茫茫 山 峦 起 伏,几乎全部被列入世界遗产名录。
Within a short drive from
[...] our cities, the island’s rugged west coast contains rich forests and mountains, almost all of it [...]
World Heritage-listed,
while Eastern Tasmania is very different.
[...] 人贩子支付巨款,而人贩子则安排他们在例如极其危险的情况下翻 崎 岖 的 山路 或 者安排他们在既不适合航海又没有充分供给的拥挤不堪的船只中渡海。
Enormous sums of money are paid
to smugglers who, for example, arrange
[...] journeys across mountain ridges in dangerous [...]
circumstances or across the sea in
overcrowded vessels that are neither seaworthy nor adequately provisioned.
邓恩郡是一个风景如画的地方,拥有连绵的 山 , 与 之形成对比的是雄伟 崎 岖 的 莫恩和邓纳 山 脉 ( Mountains of Mourne and Slieve Donnard),海拔达到848米。
County Down is a picturesque spot filled
mostly with low, rolling
[...] hills that contrast spectacularly with the rugged Mountains of Mourne and Slieve Donnard, which rise [...]
dramatically to a height of 848 metres.




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