单词 | 山峦重叠 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 山峦重叠 —overlapping ranges of high mountains [idiom.]See also:山峦 n—mountain range n 山峦—unbroken chain of peaks 重叠—an overlap • redundancy • telescope • one over another • run together • superimpose • superposition 重叠 v—duplicate v • lap v
七月,五名成员在克拉登附近的 重叠山 进 行 了炸弹制 造试验,几个月后他们回到同一地点练习手榴弹制 造。 crisisgroup.org | In July, five members carried out a bomb-making experiment on Mt Tumpang, near Klaten; a few months later they went back to the same place to practice making grenades. crisisgroup.org |
九峰山以层峦叠嶂的奇峰怪石与奔流湍急的瀑布闻名于世,拥有漫山遍野、种类繁多的动植物资源。 shangri-la.com | Notable for its uniquely shaped jagged rocks and [...] waterfalls, Jiufeng Mountain is also home [...]to an interesting variety of flora and fauna. shangri-la.com |
和地中海邮轮在一起的每一天都是探索发现的旅程:沙滩、岛屿、峡湾 、 山峦 、 都 市、村庄、博物馆以及更多。 msccruises.com.cn | With MSC Cruises every day it’s a day of discoveries: beaches, [...] islands, fjords, mountains, major capitals, picturesque [...]villages, museums, monuments and much more. msccruises.com.eg |
定义了三类可 [...] 捕捞的海山/海山复合区(“视为不可捕捞”、“已轻度捕捞”和“已捕捞”),捕 捞活动的空间分布与已经查明的海山 地 区 重叠。 daccess-ods.un.org | Three categories of exploitable seamounts/ seamount complexes were defined (“considered to be unexploited”, “already slightly [...] exploited”, and “already exploited”), and the spatial pattern of [...] fishing was overlaid on seamount areas already [...]identified. daccess-ods.un.org |
这样 不仅会促进创造性,也会防止重叠, 并改善资源管理。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This would not only foster creativity [...] but also prevent duplication and improve resource [...]management. unesdoc.unesco.org |
西部的崎岖海岸距市区仅很短的车程,那里林海茫茫 、 山峦 起 伏,几乎全部被列入世界遗产名录。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Within a short drive from our cities, [...] the island’s rugged west coast contains [...] rich forests and mountains, almost all of it [...]World Heritage-listed, while Eastern Tasmania is very different. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
2008年的42BELOW鸡尾酒世界杯是这个年度赛事举办的第五年年头,将会吸引数百名观众前来这个被冰雪覆盖 的 山峦 包 围 的新西兰皇后镇观赛。 tipschina.gov.cn | The 42BELOW Cocktail World Cup 2008 is the fifth year of [...] this annual event that sees hundreds of people travel to the [...] snow covered slopes that surround [...]Queenstown in New Zealand. tipschina.gov.cn |
在两个广告中,Schnabel捕捉了惊艳的 山峦 和 创新的风力农场。 ba-repsasia.com | In two ads, Schnabel [...] captures stunning mountains and an innovative [...]wind farm. ba-repsasia.com |
开放建筑应邀参加大型飞艇库的竞赛项目,场地位于中国安徽省马鞍山静美的原生 态 山峦 之 中。 chinese-architects.com | OPEN Architecture was invited to participate [...] in a competition to design a zeppelin hangar situated in the serene [...] landscape of Ma’an Mountain of Anhui Province, China. chinese-architects.com |
温州以美丽的山峦、弯 曲的河流和优美的海岸景色著称。 shangri-la.com | It is famous [...] for its beautiful mountains, winding rivers and [...]coastal scenery. shangri-la.com |
虽然并非所有从事非正规经济者都是穷人,也不是所有穷的工人都 是非正规劳动者,但贫穷和非正规经济之 间 重叠 的 范 围很大。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although not all persons involved in the informal economy are poor, and [...] not all of the working poor are informal workers, there [...] is a substantial overlap between poverty [...]and the informal economy. daccess-ods.un.org |
连绵的山峦、林 地、海洋洞穴和独特的红土,这一派田园风光为爱德华王子岛赢得了“海湾花园”的美称,它是在当地海域及北美均颇受欢迎的旅游度假地。 msccruises.com.cn | The island’s pastoral landscapes of rolling hills, woodlands, ocean [...] coves and unique red soil have earned PEI the name ‘Garden [...]of the Gulf’ and it is a very popular holiday spot with tourists from local maritime areas and from North America. msccruises.in |
能力建设提供者和受益者之间交流信息、知识和经验,以及捐助者和提供 [...] 者方案的合作与协调,对有效实施举措、减少代价极高的工 作 重叠 现 象 以及确保 在各层面取得可持续成果十分必要。 daccess-ods.un.org | The exchange of information, knowledge and experience among and between capacity-building providers and beneficiaries, as well as cooperation and coordination of donor and provider programmes, is necessary for the [...] effective delivery of initiatives, the [...] reduction of costly duplication as well as for [...]ensuring their sustained outcomes at all levels. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,我们承认必须进一步努力在武装冲突中保 [...] 护平民,但我们也认为,对于安全理事会内部建立任 何新机制的问题应深思熟虑,然后再作出决定,以免 出现行动和体制上的重叠以及 消极的财政影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, while recognizing the need for further efforts to protect civilians in armed conflict, we hold the view that the establishment of any new mechanism within the Security Council should be carefully considered and studied in depth before a [...] decision is made in order to avoid operational [...] and institutional overlapping, as well as negative [...]financial implications. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了确保连续性,每名联合主席的任期将与另一名联合 主席的任期重叠一年。 daccess-ods.un.org | To ensure continuity, [...] each would serve overlapping terms. daccess-ods.un.org |
专家组将与其他专家组协调,以处理 重叠 问 题或跨领域问题,并可能决定 与其他专家组举行一些联席会议以处理此类问题,如工作组在科学和技术小组 [...] 委员会 2012 年 2 月第四十九届会议所商定(A/AC.105/1001,附件四,第 16 段。 daccess-ods.un.org | The expert group will coordinate with other expert [...] groups to address overlapping or cross-cutting [...]issues and could decide to hold some [...]of its meetings jointly with the other expert groups to address such matters, as agreed by the Working Group at the forty-ninth session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee in February 2012 (A/AC.105/1001, annex IV, para. 16). daccess-ods.un.org |
英国铁路公司(BritRail)邀您乘坐火车领略苏格兰美景,那里有起伏 的 山峦 、 崎岖的山脉、波光粼粼的湖泊,衬托着古城堡和充满活力的城市。 tipschina.gov.cn | BritRail invites you to discover Scotland by train, where rolling [...] hills, rugged mountains and sparkling [...]lakes form the backdrop to historic castles and vibrant cities. tipschina.gov.cn |
耶路撒冷不仅仅是石头筑就的纪 念碑或是一些山峦。 daccess-ods.un.org | Jerusalem is not just a monument of [...] stone or a group of hills. daccess-ods.un.org |
而另一方面,在辽阔山峦和银 色森林中以适当的速度游弋,也是一种令人梦寐以求的体验。 visitfinland.com | On the other hand, cruising vast fell landscapes and silvery forests in a moderate pace is a fantastic experience. visitfinland.com |
高据本那比山峦之上 的Lift可提供现代设计的1间卧室和1间卧室+小房式公寓套房,以及2、3和3间卧室加家庭花园式住宅和高层住宅。 zh.rew.ca | High atop Burnaby mountain, Lift offers contemporary [...] 1 bedroom and 1 + den flats, plus 2, 3 and 3 bedroom plus family garden homes and sky homes. rew.ca |
对鬼神的崇拜, 与丘陵、山峦、河 流、溪流、森林和草原密切相关,与其生活方式相符。 daccess-ods.un.org | The worship of gods and spirits, closely [...] related to hills, mountains, rivers, streams, [...]forests and grasslands, are intertwined with this way of life. daccess-ods.un.org |
多位与会者明确指出必须对框架及其功能如何与其他进程及国际谈判,如将 于 2012 年举行的联合国可持续发展问题会议(里约+20 会议)、世界贸易组织和 [...] 《联合国气候变化框架公约》的进程及国际谈判之间的关联保持敏感,这不仅是 为了避免重叠和冲 突,还是为了找到合适的可能的协同配合。 daccess-ods.un.org | A number of participants flagged the need for sensitivity as to how the framework and its functions would relate to other processes and international negotiations, for example those of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development to be held in 2012 (Rio+20), of the World Trade Organization and of the United Nations [...] Framework Convention on Climate Change, in [...] order to avoid duplication and conflicts [...]but also to find possible synergies where feasible. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国 [...] 海洋法公约》第 15 条规定,海洋区域重叠时,将在两国 海岸线等距离处划分界限,然而有些因素可能影响界限 [...]划分,包括有关的海岸线长度,各大陆和岛屿海岸线之 间的距离,以及争端各方拥有的不同岛屿标志的数量。 crisisgroup.org | When maritime zones overlap, Article 15 of [...] UNCLOS states that the boundaries will be established at an equal distance from [...]both countries coasts, although there are other factors that can modify this, including the lengths of the relevant coastlines, the distance of the various mainland and island coastlines from each other, as well as the number of different island features owned by the various parties to the dispute. crisisgroup.org |
一个代表团建议秘书处可通过三个重点优先事项:(a) [...] 以最佳方式利用 资源,以避免工作重叠;(b ) 注意有特殊需要的国家,尤其是太平洋岛屿国 [...] 家;(c) 促进易受灾害袭击国家在防灾、备灾和灾后重建方面开展可持续合 作。 daccess-ods.un.org | One delegation suggested three priorities that the secretariat could [...] adopt: (a) optimizing resource [...] utilization to avoid duplication; (b) paying [...]attention to countries with special needs, [...]especially the Pacific island countries; and (c) promoting substantial cooperation among disaster-prone countries in prevention, preparedness and post-disaster reconstruction. daccess-ods.un.org |
希望通过对行动计划实施情况和机构间协调的审查,更准确地评估存在的差 距和重叠现象 ,拿出纠正这些现象的新举措。 un.org | It is expected that, through the reviews of the implementation of [...] the action plan and inter-agency [...] coordination, gaps and overlapping will be more precisely [...]assessed and new initiatives will be developed to remedy them. un.org |
这些地方悠远僻静,未受污染,非常适宜散步静思,不管是远足跋涉还是漫步片刻,这里绵延起伏、郁郁葱葱的 层 峦叠 嶂 都 会将你的思绪带向远方。 discoverireland.com | The River Liffey Valley is now popular for cruisers anglers, boater, golfers, canoeists and riverside walkers, but the Valley itself wears evidence of very early settlers and is rich with Celtic churches, holy wells, abbeys and castles. discoverireland.com |
在喜马拉雅的山石嶙峋中欣赏雪豹,或是看着安第斯熊攀登上云雾缭绕 的 山峦 寻 找 食物,也可以亲眼目睹巨型海龟在马苏阿拉热带雨林中游泳,这里终年温暖湿润,是片馥郁的热带雨林,再现了13000平方码真实的马达加斯加。 bauraulac.ch | Enjoy the sight of the snow leopards in their rocky Himalaya landscape, watch the Andean [...] bears as they go climbing in search of food [...] in their misty mountain world, and admire [...]the giant turtles swimming in the Masoala [...]Rainforest, where it is warm and humid all year round – a fragrant, tropical green oasis, a piece of Madagascar live in 13,000 square yards. bauraulac.ch |
可以分发一份概念文件,阐明选定该主题的理由,同 时考虑到必须:(a) 按照《公约》并遵照在联合国环境与发展会议达成的协议、 尤其是《21 世纪议程》第 17 章开展行动;(b) [...] 考虑到可持续发展委员会和联合 国其他机构提供的信息;(c) [...] 避免设立新机构;(d) 避免与专门论坛的工作产生 重复和重叠;(e ) 认为大会不会对不同的法律文书进行法律或司法协调;(f) [...] 牢 记世界不同区域的不同特点和需要;(g) 对大会年度辩论作出贡献;(h) [...]表明支 持可持续发展三个支柱的综合立场。 daccess-ods.un.org | A concept paper could be circulated to articulate the rationale for the chosen theme, taking into account the need to (a) carry out the exercise in accordance with the Convention and consistent with the agreements reached at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, particularly chapter 17 of Agenda 21; (b) take into account inputs provided by the Commission on Sustainable Development and other United Nations bodies; (c) avoid the [...] creation of new institutions; (d) [...] avoid duplication and overlapping with specialized [...]forums; (e) consider that it was not [...]intended for the General Assembly to pursue legal or juridical coordination among different legal instruments; (f) bear in mind differing characteristics and needs of different regions of the world; (g) contribute to the annual debate of the General Assembly; and (h) provide an integrated stance of the three pillars of sustainable development. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过,在某些情况下,其他机构报告了一 些 重叠 活 动,例如约旦的哈龙管理计划或 菲律宾的国家淘汰计划,期间,世界银行反对履约协助方案在世行已经那么做的基础上, [...] 再额外提供支助。 multilateralfund.org | In some cases, however, overlapping activities were reported [...] by other agencies, for instance in the case of the Halon Management [...]Plan in Jordan or the NPP in the Philippines where the World Bank was objecting to the support provided or offered by CAP in addition to what was already being done by the Bank. multilateralfund.org |
观察员还着重介绍了两组织之间的若干合作领域,尤其是在信息交换、活动 相互重叠情况 的确定、避免重复劳动、解决标准中冲突条款以及相互参与技术工作方面。 codexalimentarius.org | The Observer also highlighted several areas for cooperation between the two organizations especially in [...] relation to exchange of information, [...] identification of overlapping activities, avoiding [...]duplication of work, resolving conflicting [...]provisions in standards and participation in each other’s technical work. codexalimentarius.org |