

单词 山岳

山岳 ()

lofty mountain

See also:

wife's parents and paternal uncles
surname Yue

External sources (not reviewed)

2002 年是山岳年”,山岳的开发和即将召开的世界可持续发展高峰会议需要本组织采取超越部门界限的方 法对各种问题作出回应。
2002 is the Year of Mountains and its focus on mountain development [...]
and the upcoming World Summit on Sustainable Development
require targeted responses of the Organization that go beyond sectoral approaches.
尤其为在国山岳年期 间提高对生物保留地的认识做出了贡献。
Many of their deliberations are under implementation, contributing especially to increasing awareness of biosphere reserves during the International Year of Mountains.
[...] 目,如热带森林的管理;水资源;易受伤害的生态系统;为研究生设置地理信息系统和卫星 应用方面的大学课程;地下水山岳 蓄 水 层的管理;和卫星数据的处理和分析。
A number of national projects were carried out covering a wide range of topics such as management of tropical forests; water resources; vulnerable ecosystems; development of university curricula for postgraduate diplomas in geographic
information systems and satellite applications;
[...] ground water and mountain aquifer management; [...]
and satellite data processing and analysis.
该 首脑会议的一项后续活动是山岳研 究 活动”,这是国际地圈-生物圈计划(IGBP)、全球 环境变化与人的关系国际计划(IHDP)和全球陆地观测系统(GTOS)的一项共同努力,将 [...]
One follow-up to
[...] the Summit is the “Mountain Research Initiative”, [...]
a joint endeavour of the International Geosphere-Biosphere
Programme (IGBP), the International Human Dimension Programme on Global Change (IHDP) and the Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS), to be carried out together with UNESCO-MAB so as to study the impact of global change on mountain environments and mountain communities using biosphere reserves in mountains all over the world.
人与生物圈计划还为 2002 年国山岳年做 出了几项贡献,并为 2002 年 10 月 29 日至 11 月 1 日在吉尔吉斯斯坦举行的“比什凯克全 山岳 首 脑会议”提供文件。
The MAB Programme also made
[...] several contributions to the International Year of Mountains in 2002 and provided inputs to the “Bishkek Global Mountain Summit” in Kyrgyzstan from 29 October to 1 November 2002.
按照预计,2002 年期间重点特别放在了生态旅游 山岳 活 动 上。
As foreseen during 2002, special focus was put on ecotourism and mountain activities. 2002 was the International Year of
Ecotourism, for which MAB prepared a special brochure for distribution at the World Ecotourism
[...] Summit in Quebec City in May 2002.
此外,还推出了国际地圈-生物圈计划(IGBP)、全球环境变化人的方面国际方 案(IHDP )、全球陆地观测系统(GTOS)和教科文组织人与生物圈计划(UNESCOMAB)对全球环境变化的影响的 山岳 研 究 行动”,届时,生物圈保留地将被用来作为该 项行动的考察和监测地。
In addition, the “Mountain Research Initiative” of IGBP, IHDP, GTOS and UNESCO-MAB on the impacts of global change was launched, for which biosphere reserves will be used as study and monitoring sites.
山岳年(2002 年)活动的高潮是比什凯克全山岳 首 脑 会议(2002 年 10 月 28 日 至 11 月 1 日,吉尔吉斯斯坦,比什凯克),总干事和教科文组织其他有关人员参加了此次 会议。
For the International Year of Mountains (2002), the culminating event was the “Bishkek Global Mountains Summit” (Bishkek, [...]
Kyrgyzstan, 28 October-1
November 2002) attended by the Director-General and other UNESCO staff.
[...] 圈计划将会同联合国粮农组织(FAO)和其他合作伙伴,共同致力于促 山岳 科 学 的发展和 能力建设。
This focused inter alia on a Type 2 partnership through
which UNESCO’s MAB programme will work with FAO and other partners to promote sciences
[...] and capacity-building in mountains.
整座山整个领域,笼罩着神气能量,成 山岳 信 仰的对象,一走进杉木林立的林道,就成了参拜自然与山之格式。
As the whole mountain area is considered [...]
Shinto shrine precinct for worship, proceeding along a long entrance path is already
a part of paying a visit to the Shrine.
在国山岳年( 2002 年)框架内,人与生物圈计划(MAB)和国际水文计划(IHP) 为比什凯克全山岳首脑会议(2002 年 10-11 月,吉尔吉斯斯坦,也可参见第 02221 段)提 供了科学技术支持。
Within the frame of the
[...] International Year of Mountains (2002), MAB and IHP provided technical and scientific inputs for the Bishkek Global Mountain Summit (October-November [...]
2002 in Kyrgyzstan; see also para. 02221).
还有,位于奥羽山脉的山顶,除了可享 山岳 的 巡 回山麓游览外,东方的岩手县侧有出色的日出,西方的秋田县侧可眺望晚霞。
As it’s located on the summit
[...] of the Ou Mountains, you can enjoy mountain trekking in [...]
addition to the privilege of viewing
the sunrise on the eastern side facing Iwate Prefecture and the red sky at sunset on the western side facing Akita Prefecture.
作为 2002 年国山岳年的 后续活动,人与生物圈计划/国际 水文计划与山岳研究计划”合作,于 2003 年 11 月在恩特勒布赫生物圈保护区举办了关于 “山地生物圈保护区的全球性研究”的国际讲习班。
As a follow-up to the
[...] International Year of Mountains (2002), a joint MAB/IHP international workshop on “Global Change Research in Mountain Biosphere Reserves” [...]
was organized at the
Entlebuch Biosphere Reserve in November 2003 in collaboration with the “Mountain Research Initiative”, which laid the basis for monitoring and studying the impact of global change through a worldwide network of scientists and biosphere reserve managers.
并且,证明了由中国大陆来的大气沉降物中含有磷、氮等养分,在被公认为未受破坏的自然的八幡平 山岳 湖 沼 ,富营养化也在进行。
The atmospheric dust also included nutrients such as
phosphorus and nitrogen that are contributing to the eutrophication
[...] progression in the pristine lakes of the Hachimantai.
山岳研究计划”以一个科学家和生物 圈保护区管理者的全球性网络为基础,开展对全球变化的影响的监测和研究。为加强受到沙 漠化影响国家之间的合作,在联合国大学及国际干旱地区农业研究中心的协助下,人与生物 圈计划/国际水文计划 于 2003 年 11 月在伊朗的设拉子举办了国际讲习班,主题是如何通过 对边缘干旱地区的可持续管理来解决八个北非和亚洲国家的防沙漠化问题。
Sustainable management of marginal drylands to help combating desertification in eight countries of northern Africa and Asia was the theme of an international MAB/IHP workshop held in Shiraz, Islamic Republic of Iran, in late November 2003 in collaboration with UNU and ICARDA so as to enhance the scientific collaboration of desertification-affected countries.
使用于液晶面板或LED的生产的锑、铟等,至今为止不常听到的稀有金属从中国大陆以大气沉降物的形式飞来,其积累率在这30年间急速增加,这一事实是由八幡 山岳 湖 沼 的湖底堆积物分析而得来的。
The analysis of alpine lake sediments in the mountains of the Hachimantai have revealed that the accumulation rate of these metals is rapidly increasing in the past 30 years.
Gangwon-do is a gift of nature with
[...] its bountiful mountains, oceans, rivers, [...]
valleys, lakes and caves.
视线(LOS)计算包括网格山岳形态 模型,以及包含景观要素(例如:森林、城市)在内的网格地 形模型。
The line of sight (LOS) calculation includes a gridded orography model (height contours) as well as a gridded terrain model with landscape elements, such as forests, cities.
一分钟后,Hopewill Buzz赛车队车手山岳赛车 的后车盖掀起;同样来自亚洲赛车队的高里皮塔诺在T7打滑进入草地;同一时间,杨曦和陈启耀发生小摩擦,杨曦滑入草地,而陈启耀则控制好赛车,返回比赛。
One minute later, Hopewill Buzz Racing
[...] Team driver Gaku Ishiyama’s back cover [...]
was opened; Guille Pintanel also from ART
spun into the grass ground in T7, at the same time, Yang Xi and Samson Chan had a small crash, Yang Xi was brought into the grass and retired from the race, lucky for Samson, he was managed to come back.
这次他们将和两支日本车队Buzz赛车队和 Hopewill Buzz赛车队,一支韩国车队KIM赛车队合作,一共派出6位车手参赛,分别为:小杉谕司,山崎洋,霜野诚友, 山岳 , 林 彩源和彼得.奥尔森。
They will co-operate with another two Japanese racing teams: Buzz Racing and Hopewill Buzz Racing; one Korean team called KIM’S RACING, all together they have six drivers: Satoshi Kosugi, Yosuke Yamazaki, Shigetomo Shimono, Gaku Ishiyama, Lim Che One and Peter Olson.
The tallest
[...] among the five, Mount Hua overlooks the [...]
Huanghe River and the Weishui River to the north and the Qinling Mountains to the south.
申诉人岳父通过其人际关系网和贿赂手段使他获释, 然后他就逃到了哈萨克斯坦。
Through his network and by means of a bribe, the complainant‟s father-in-law obtained his release, after which he fled to Kazakhstan.
This decision was made in consultation with his father-in-law, who, according to the complainant, confirmed that he was wanted by the police.
战后的北杜市,以岳山南麓 为中心由故的保罗・瑠朱(Paul Rusch)博士和美国市民的国际协力,推进了以奶酪畜牧业和高原蔬菜的模范农村的形成,成为从北海道到九州全国的高冷地农村复兴的榜样。
In postwar Hokuto City, international cooperation by the late Dr. Paul Rusch and other Americans pursued the creation of model farming villages engaging in dairy farming and highland vegetables, mainly on the southern slope of Mt.
(iii)  於 二 零 零 九 年 七 月 七 日,本 公 司 間 接 全 資 附 屬 公 司 星 際 能 源 國 際 投 資 有 限 公 司 與 關 連 人 士 明 基 地 產 投 資 有 限 公 司(「明 基 地 產」,其51%股 權 由 本 公 司 主 要 股
東 兼 執 行 董 事 黃 先 生 實 益 擁 有,餘 下 49% 股 權 則 由
[...] 黃 先 生 之 胞 兄 黃岳 先 生 實 益 擁 有) 訂 [...]
立 臨 時 買 賣 協 議,內 容 有 關 以 現 金 總 代 價 8,300,000 港
元 收 購(「收 購」)九 龍 柯 士 甸 道 西 1 號 擎 天 半 島 第 5 座 一 個 單 位。
(iii) on 7 July 2009, star energy international investment Company limited, an indirectly wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, entered into a provisional sale and purchase agreement with Ming Kei properties investment limited (the “Ming Kei properties”), a connected person, of which 51% of the shareholding of Ming Kei properties is beneficially owned by Mr. Nelson Wong, a substantial shareholder and an executive Director of the Company and the remaining 49% of the shareholding of
Ming Kei properties is beneficially owned by
[...] Mr. Wong Wai Ngok, the elder brother [...]
of Mr. Nelson Wong in relation to the
acquisition (the “acquisition”) of a property, a flat in Block 5 sorrento, 1 austin road West, Kowloon for a total cash consideration of HK$8,300,000.
Wu Jialin, Chairman of the Tiger Forest & Paper Group, parent
[...] company of Yueyang Paper, is equally [...]
proud of the way the project was executed:
“We took only 16 month until the commissioning of the PM 10 – possibly the shortest time ever for the completion of such an extensive project in China.
鄭敏泰先生岳明珠 女士、鄭碧浩女士、Harmonious World及 Fairmout [...]
Investments(合稱「賠償保證人」)已各自與本公司(本身及作為其現有各附屬公 司的信託人)訂立以本公司(本身及作為其現有各附屬公司的信託人)作為受益人
的賠償保證契據(即本附錄「重大合約概要」一段所述的第(c)項重大合約),共 同 及 個別就有關(其中包括)以下各項提供賠償保證
Mr. Cheng Man Tai, Madam Ngok Ming Chu, Ms. Cheng [...]
Pik Ho Liza, Harmonious World and Fairmout Investments (together, the
“Indemnifiers”) have entered into a deed of indemnity with and in favour of the Company (for itself and as trustee for each of its present subsidiaries) (being the material contract (c) referred to in paragraph headed “Summary of material contracts” of this Appendix) to provide indemnities on a joint and several basis in connection with, inter alia




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