

单词 履践

See also:

tread on


tread v
fulfill (a promise) v

External sources (not reviewed)

在结构上,报告遵循国际社会责任报告编制的通行规范和要求,在具备社会责任报告 一般要素的基础上突出了具有 CNNIC 特色履责实践。
In addition to basic elements for social
responsibility report, the Report also gave prominence to
[...] characteristics in fulfilling the social responsibility [...]
提供的信息应说明在法 律上和践中是怎样履行根 据《建议书》做出的承诺,陈述法律标准及实际情 况。
(Information supplied should
[...] demonstrate how laws and practices comply with commitments [...]
under the Recommendation, describing
legal norms as well as the factual situation).
We need in addition to be able to express clearly, through a new document, how we are living up
[...] to our responsibilities in practice.
该决 议草案呼吁伊朗解决这些关切,并在法律和 践 中充 分履行其人权义务。
The draft resolution called on Iran to address the concerns and to fully respect its
[...] human rights obligations in law and in practice.
两个成员国100 认为通知的要求在践上可能很履 行 , 答复收到的要求也 是如此,特别是另一缔约国、其他各缔约国或保存国是冲突当事国的时候。
Two Member States100 have expressed the view that it may not
[...] always be practical to fulfil the notification requirement, [...]
a remark which also applies
to acknowledgement of receipt, particularly if the other State or States or the depositary State are parties to the conflict.
提供的信息应说明在法 律上和践中是怎样履行根 据《建议书》做出的承诺的。
(Information supplied should
[...] demonstrate how laws and practices comply with commitments [...]
under the Recommendation).
在这方面,仍然很重要的是,所有各方都必 履 行 各 自义务 践 行 诚 信,全面落 实植根于国际人道主义法和人权法的人道主义准入原则。
In that context, it remains important that all sides respect their obligations and act in good faith to fully implement the principle of humanitarian access, which is rooted in international humanitarian and human rights law.
应该更经常地在践中履行此 种双重责任,即履行以和平手段解决争端 的义务以及行使安理会促进此种成果的权力。
That dual responsibility — the obligation to settle disputes by peaceful means and the power of the Council to promote that outcome — should be exercised more often in practice.
监测和推动各国遵守国际法的各项机制现在日益得到协调,以支持 国内有效地实施各项标准,并同技术援助联系起来,帮助各国发展其国家法律和践,以履行其义务。
Mechanisms that monitor and promote compliance of States with international law are increasingly harmonized to support the effective domestic implementation of standards and
are linked with technical assistance to help States develop their
[...] national laws and practices to fulfil their obligations.
但委员会关切地注 意到该国没有完成甲基氯仿行动计划规定的目标,并促请智利采取措施 践 其 履 约 承 诺。
The Committee notes with concern however that the Country has not met its targets under its plan of action for methyl chloroform and urges Chile to undertake measures to meet its compliance commitments.
希望在与少数群体合作和对话的过程中, 根据各国在践中切实履行人权标准的义务对建议作建设性的解释。
It is hoped that the recommendations will be interpreted in a constructive manner, in cooperation and dialogue with minority communities in the light of the obligations of States to implement human rights standards effectively in practice.
它促请理 事会对新西兰继续施加压力,要求 履 行 条 约义务,就与毛利人有关的特别程序 的建议采取行动。
It urged the Council to continue to apply pressure to New Zealand to meet its treaty obligations and act on the recommendations of special procedures relating to Maori.
乍得还感谢各种形式的援助,这将有助于其在审 议框架履行它的承诺。
Chad was also grateful for all forms of assistance that would help in the implementation of the commitments it had made in the framework of the review.
吁请 吁请 吁请
[...] 吁请伊朗伊斯兰共和国政府回应秘书长报告中重点提到的各项实质性 关切和大会以往各项决议中要求采取行动的具体呼吁,在法律上和 践 中 充 分履 行人权义务,特别是
the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to address the substantive concerns highlighted in the report of the Secretary-General and the specific calls to action found in previous
resolutions of the General Assembly, and to respect fully its human rights
[...] obligations, in law and in practice, in particular
2011 年 11
[...] 月,大赦国际针对民间社会组织发表了一个核对表,标题为“强 迫失踪不得饶恕”,为缔约国在法律和 践 中 履 行 《 公约》所规定义务提出准则。
Regarding civil society, Amnesty International published a checklist in November 2011 entitled “No impunity for enforced disappearances”,
which provides guidelines to States parties on how to
[...] implement in law and practice their obligations [...]
under the Convention.
(b) 達 成 任 何 保 證 、 保 障 或 擔 保 合 同 , 特 別 是 在 不 損 害 以 上 一 般 性 的 情 況 下 , 無 論 是 通 過 個 人 義 務 還 是 通 過 抵 押 或 收 取 公 司 費 用 的 所 有 或 任 何 部 分 、 目 前 和 將 來 的 財 產 與 資 產 、 未 催 繳 的 股 本 抑 或 是 通 過 這 兩 種 方 式 或 者 任 何 其 他 方 式 來 保 證 、 支 援 或 確履 行 義 務 或 承 諾 並 償 還 或 支 付 任 何 個 人 的 債 務 和 任 何 曾 經 是 本 公 司 的 附 屬 公 司 或 控 股 公 司 , 抑 或 是 本 公 司 的 其 他 附 屬 公 司 或 控 股 公 司 以 及 與 本 公 司 合 作 的 其 他 公 司 的 任 何 保 費 、 利 息 、 股 利 和 任 何 其 他 可 支 付 的 有 價 證 券 。
(b) To enter into any guarantee, contract or indemnity or surety and in particular (without prejudice or secure, with or without consideration, whether by personal obligation or by mortgaging or charging all or any part of the undertaking, property and assets (present and future) and uncalled capital of the Company or both such methods or in any other manner, the performance of any obligations or commitments, of, and the repayment or payment of the principal amounts of and any premiums, interest, dividends and other moneys payable on or in respect of any securities or liabilities of, any person including (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) any company which is for the time being a subsidiary or a holding company of the Company or another subsidiary or a holding company of the Company or otherwise associated with the Company.
[...] 应确保将负有责任者绳之以法,受害者得到赔偿,妇女在法律与 践 中 无 保留地 享有与男子同样的平等。
Amnesty International called for prompt, impartial and effective investigation of all reports of violence against women, that the Government ensure that those responsible were brought to
justice and the victims granted reparations and that women be granted unqualified equality
[...] with men in law and in practice.
这些权利包 括:个人的生命权、人身自由与安全权和享有财产权,以及除了通过正当法律程 序之外,这些权利不得被剥夺的权利;法律面前人人平等和受法律保护的权利; 尊重私人生活和家庭生活的权利;在公共权力机构行使职能时获得平等待遇的权 利;参加政治党派、发表政治观点的权利;父母或监护人访问为子女或受监护人 的教育自己选定的学校的权利;行动自由;良知自由和宗教信仰与 践 自 由;思 想和言论自由;结社和集会自由;以及新闻自由。
These are the right of the individual to life, liberty, security of the person and enjoyment of property and the right not to be deprived thereof except by due process of law; the right of equality before the law and the protection of the law; the right of respect for private and family life; the right of equality of treatment from any public authority in the exercise of any functions; the right to join political parties and to express political views; the right of a parent or guardian to access a school of his own choice for the education of his child or ward; freedom of movement; freedom of conscience and religious belief and observance; freedom of thought and expression; freedom of association and assembly; and freedom of the press.
[...] 款的裁判予以更新;并邀请各国政府提供关于本国在这方面的 践 的 资料;还请 秘书长在第六十五届会议之前尽早提交这份材料;决定由第六委员会的一个工作 [...]
其他适当行动的问题(第 62/61 号决议)。
At its sixty-second session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to update the compilation of decisions of international courts, tribunals and other bodies referring to the articles,
and to invite Governments to submit
[...] information on their practice in that regard; [...]
also requested the Secretary-General to
submit that material well in advance of its sixty-fifth session; and decided to further examine, within the framework of a working group of the Sixth Committee, the question of a convention on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts or other appropriate action on the basis of the articles (resolution 62/61).
委员会还回顾,自设立联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(联黎部 队)和联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队)以来,派驻以色列-黎巴嫩地区和 以色列-阿拉伯叙利亚共和国地区的停战监督组织军事观察员便被置于这两个维 持和平特派团部队指挥官的行动指挥之下,协助其执行任务,但这不妨碍停战监 督组织在这两支维持和平部队的任务到期未续的情况下,在两个地区继 履 行职 责(A/66/6 (Sect.5),第 5.66 和 5.67 段)。
The Committee also recalls that UNTSO military observers assigned to the Israel-Lebanon and Israel-Syrian Arab Republic sectors have been placed under the operational control of the Force Commanders of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) and the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) to assist them in the fulfilment of their tasks, since the establishment of the two peacekeeping missions; this is without prejudice to the continued functioning of UNTSO in the two sectors should the mandates of the peacekeeping forces lapse (A/66/6 (Sect. 5), paras. 5.66 and 5.67).
本集團並無定期舉辦內部培訓計劃,惟本集團會因應新發展或新設施提供特定的培訓,以及贊助僱員 參加由外間機構提供與彼履行職 務有關及對事業發展有幫助的職業訓練課程。
However, the Group does provide ad hoc training on new developments or facilities and sponsors employees to attend external vocational training that is relevant to the discharge of their duties and their career progression.
鉴于最高法院关于“短期拘留”不符合宪法的2005 年裁决以及任意拘留问题工
[...] 作组将短拘划定为任意拘留类行为,缔约国应采取一切必要措施,在联邦和州两 级的立法和践中废止“短期”拘留。
In the light of the 2005 decision of the Supreme Court regarding the unconstitutionality of “arraigo penal” and its classification as arbitrary detention by the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, the State party should
take all necessary measures to remove “arraigo” detention from
[...] legislation and practice at both federal [...]
and state levels.
大会第六十四届会议请秘书长按照第 63/128 号决议第 5 段的规定,注意到 其报告(A/64/298)第 97 段的内容,提交其关于联合国法治活动的下一年度报告; 邀请国际法院、联合国国际贸易法委员会和国际法委员会在各自提交大会的报告
[...] 期与会员国互动,特别是举行非正式通报会;邀请各会员国在第六委员会于大会 第六十五届会议期间的辩论中重点就“会员国实施国际法的法律和 践 ” 这 一分 专题作出评论(第 64/116 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit his next annual report on United Nations rule of law activities pursuant to paragraph 5 of resolution 63/128, taking note of paragraph 97 of his report contained in document A/64/298; invited the International Court of Justice, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law and the International Law Commission to continue to comment, in their respective reports to the Assembly, on their current roles in promoting the rule of law; invited the Rule of Law Coordination and Resource Group and the Rule of Law Unit to continue to interact with Member States on a regular basis, in particular in informal briefings; and invited Member States to focus their comments in the Sixth Committee debate at the
sixty-fifth session on the
[...] sub-topic “Laws and practices of Member States in implementing international [...]
law” (resolution 64/116).
在现有的践发生 实质性变化时,社会和政治利益就会受到挑战与以前无联系的问 题就会交织在一起,这需要作相当多的思考和努力,以建立对行动的广泛支持。
Where existing practices have to be substantially [...]
changed, social and political interests challenged, and previously unconnected
issues brought together, considerable thought and effort may be required, building support for action across a range of agents.
本文件中所阐述的注重能力建设的技术合作的定义包括以下几 方面:(a) 政策宣传和对话,其内容针对各种新出现的重大问题, 包括落实各项全球和区域承诺;(b) 建立区域知识网络联系,旨在 使亚太经社会成员和准成员能够交流和讨论各种良好做法和关于创 新践的信息及经验;(c) 培训、咨询服务和其他形式的技术援 助,旨在加强亚太经社会成员和准成员的能力,使其能更好地制订 和实施各主要发展领域的有效政策和方案。
For the purpose of the present document, technical cooperation focusing on capacity development is defined as encompassing: (a) policy advocacy and dialogue on critical and emerging issues, including follow-up to global and regional commitments; (b) regional knowledge networking aimed at enabling the members and associate members of ESCAP to share and discuss information and experiences on good and innovative practices; and (c) training, advisory services and other forms of technical assistance aimed at strengthening the capacity of the members and associate members of ESCAP to formulate and implement effective policies and programmes in a range of key development areas.
缔约国还表示,在能否践其增 加和获 得适当服务机会以及确保人们获得适当服务方面的承诺存在下列挑战:偏远地区 缺乏适当服务和合格人员;服务无障碍准则的实施程度有限;财政、技术和物质 资源有限。
States Parties have also expressed that the following challenges remain in being able to live up their commitment to increase availability of and accessibility to appropriate services and ensure that appropriate services are accessible: lack of appropriate services with qualified personnel in remote areas; limited implementation of accessibility guidelines; and limited financial, technical and material resources.
对于知识产权利益攸关者,这就意味着将冲突管理纳入商业流程(例如,开发新技 术)、合同践和广义上的执法政策,所有这些都需要意识到争议解决的风险与机遇。
For IP stakeholders, this translates into a need to integrate conflict management into business processes (for
example, the development of new technologies),
[...] contracting practices, and broader [...]
enforcement policies, all of which require
awareness of dispute resolution risks and opportunities.
[...] 效力几乎与保留所产生的效力相同,应该在专门载列保留定义的《 践 指 南 》的 那一章中予以提及,至少能够更加明确地鉴别这个概念的关键内容,把它们同保 [...]
As they produce effects almost identical to those produced by reservations, these techniques
nevertheless deserve to be mentioned in the part
[...] of the Guide to Practice devoted to the definition [...]
of reservations, if only so as
to identify more clearly the key elements of the concept, distinguish them from reservations and, where applicable, draw appropriate conclusions with regard to the legal regime of reservations.
多年践让我 们认识到,实现和平与安全的理想 也许仍然路途遥远,但只要我们恪守《联合国宪章》 的宗旨和原则,铭记“发愤立志、同心协力、以竟厥 功”的庄严承诺,坚定信念,加强合作,定能朝着共 同安全、持久和平的目标不断迈进。
Through our experience over the years, we have come to realize that, even as peace and security may seem a distant dream, if we all abide by the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, keep in mind our solemn resolve to combine our efforts to accomplish those aims and strengthen our conviction and cooperation, we will move ever closer to the objective of common security and enduring peace for all humankind.
[...] 进作物栽培技术、改善农业水资源管理、水产养殖和农林间作的最佳 践 、 开发沼 气等,都有助于实现减缓和适应气候变化的目标。
Delegates agreed that various successful agricultural practices – including restoration of degraded lands, sound management of grazing lands, improved crop
cultivation, improved agriculture water
[...] management, best practices in aquaculture [...]
and agroforestry and development of biogas
– can contribute to both adaptation and mitigation objectives.




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