

单词 履约

履约 ()

keep an promise
honor an agreement
practice economy
keep an appointment


履约前 n

pre-compliance n

履约方 n

performing party n


performance bond (international trade)

See also:


shoe n

tread on

External sources (not reviewed)

本协定是库克群岛、基里巴斯、马绍尔群岛、密克罗尼西亚联邦、瑙鲁、纽埃、帕 劳、萨摩亚、所罗门群岛、汤加、图瓦卢和瓦努阿图政府(均称为“国家”)和执行委员 会关于按照商定的《蒙特利尔议定书》时间表在 2020 年 1 月 1 日之前将附录 1-A所列消 耗臭氧层物质(“物质”)的控制使用减少到 2.11 ODP吨的持续总量的协定,但有一项 理解,即:在根据第 7 条数据确履约基准消费量后,将于 2011 年对该数字做一次性订 正,根据第 60/44 号决定,将对供资做相应的调整。
This Agreement represents the understanding of the Governments of the Cook Islands, Kiribati, Marshall Islands (the), the Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu (each of them will be referred as “the Country”) and the Executive Committee with respect to the reduction of controlled use of the ozone-depleting substances (ODS) set out in Appendix 1-A (“The Substances”) to a sustained aggregate level of 2.11 ODP tonnes prior to 1 January 2020 in compliance with Montreal Protocol schedules, with the understanding that this figure is to be revised one single time in 2011, when the baseline consumption for compliance would be established based on Article 7 data, with the funding to be adjusted accordingly, as per decision 60/44.
采购行动包括查明需要、确定满足需要须达到何种要求、物色可能的供应 商、招标、询价和评标、授标和发出定购单、追踪进度、确保供应 履约 、 接 受 交货和验收货物、向供应商付款和管理采购的资产或服务。
Procurement actions include identifying a need, specifying the requirements to fulfil the needs, identifying potential suppliers, soliciting bids and proposals, evaluating bids and proposals, awarding contracts and purchase orders, tracking
progress and ensuring
[...] suppliers’ compliance, accepting and inspecting delivery, paying the suppliers, and managing the [...]
assets procured or the service contracted.
履约情 况 的措施已经落实到位,并成立了相应的基金会在国家政策一级或在教育领域帮 助各国进行能力建设。
Measures to monitor compliance have been put in place, with the corresponding fund available to help build country capacities whether at the national policy level or in the education sphere.
二、除非根据第六十七条或第七十二条存在一项具有约束力的排他性法院选 择协议,承运人或海履约方提起的诉讼寻求一项不承担赔偿责任声明的,或提 起的其他任何诉讼将剥夺一人根据第六十六条或第六十八条选择诉讼地的权利 的,该承运人或海履约方应在被告已选择根据第六十六条或第六十八条(两者 以适用者为准)所指定的法院的情况下,根据被告的要求撤回该诉讼,然后可以 在该法院重新提起诉讼。
2. Except when there
[...] is an exclusive choice of court agreement that is binding pursuant to article 67 or 72, a carrier or a maritime performing party that institutes an action seeking a declaration of non-liability or any other action that would deprive a person [...]
of its right to select
the forum pursuant to article 66 or 68 shall, at the request of the defendant, withdraw that action once the defendant has chosen a court designated pursuant to article 66 or 68, whichever is applicable, where the action may be recommenced.
秘书处在根据第 55/2 号决定编写关于一“贷款和其他来源的额外收入的融资机制”的政策文件时,也将考虑到
[...] 该案头研究的结果,并考虑到对臭氧和气候变化二者带来的好处、及时执行各个项目,以 遵守《蒙特利尔议定书履约时间 安排的必要性以及制定一项退出战略的必要性。
The results of the desk study should also be considered by the Secretariat when preparing a policy paper on a "facility for additional income from loans and other sources" as per decision 55/2, taking into account:
the benefits for both ozone and climate
[...] change, the need for the timely implementation [...]
of projects in order to adhere to the
compliance schedule of the Montreal Protocol, and the need for the development of an exit strategy.
拟订的《反对在体育运动中使用兴奋剂国 际约》的履约基准(有 60%的缔约方实履约)取 决于完成监督问卷的所有缔约方。
The programmed benchmark for compliance with the International Convention against Doping in Sport (60% of States Parties achieve compliance) is dependent on all States Parties completing the monitoring questionnaire.
(e) 采购:我对采购权力下放到外地办事处的工作所进行的评估突出表明,由于总部和外地办事处监 测不当,存在很多缺陷,其中包括:没有遵守工发组织的规则、手册和行政指示;采购过程效率低下、效 果不佳;没有对不守规行为作出问责安排;采购物品时并不总能展开充分和公开的竞争;物品采购价格高 于市场或竞争价格;没有实行就近采购;强制供应 履约 的 情 况有限;没有遵守供应商名册机制;没有建 立可进行统计分析和例外情况报告的独特的供应商编号制度;以及没有披露相关方交易。
These weaknesses included: non-compliance with UNIDO rules, manuals and administrative instructions; inefficient and ineffective procurement processes; no accountability arrangements for incidents of non compliance; full and open competition for procured items not always achieved; items purchased at prices in excess of market or competitive prices; purchases not made at arm’s length; limited enforcement of vendor performance; vendor roster mechanism not complied with; no unique vendor numbering system that would allow for statistical analysis and exception reporting; and related party transactions not disclosed.
因此,最重要的是实行各项政策,改善与贸易有关的基础设施,增强贸易相 关服务领域的竞争,为创办企业提供便利,保障法制和合 履约 , 并 为外国企业 提供财政和其他方面的激励措施。
Therefore, policies that improve trade-related infrastructures, increase competition in trade-related services, facilitate business start-ups, guarantee the rule of law and contract enforcement, and provide fiscal and other incentives to foreign firms, are essential.
(c) 审议与合作和援助以及本议定书的国 履约 有 关 的事项,包括提交年 度国家报告的问题
(c) consider matters pertaining to cooperation and assistance and national implementation of this Protocol, including annual national reporting; and
由于指导委员会的工作成果,以及 指导委员会与部件有关的履约救济 问题小组委员会和公共服务问题小组委员 [...]
会分别于 2009 年 5 月 13 日在巴黎和 2009 年 10 月 26 日和 27 日在罗马举行的会 议的成果,指导委员会得以建议重新召集统法协会政府专家委员会,拟订《移 动设备国际利益公约》空间资产特有事项议定书草案。
The results of the work of the steering committee, as well as the results of the meetings of the subcommittees of the
[...] steering committee on default remedies in respect [...]
of components and
public service held in Paris on 13 May 2009 and in Rome on 26 and 27 October 2009, had allowed the steering committee to recommend the reconvening of the Unidroit committee of governmental experts for the preparation of a draft protocol on matters specific to space assets to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment.
伊拉克于 1991 年成为《关于禁止发展、生产和储存细菌(生物)及毒素 武器和销毁此种武器的公约》缔约国,并建立一个国家联络点(国家监
[...] 测局),申明坚决承诺执行其所有条款以及要求,该局每年都采取建立 信任措施,并将这方面的信息提交给日内瓦联合国裁军事务 履约 支助 股。
Iraq became a party to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction in 1991 and has affirmed its absolute commitment to implement all its provisions and demands by establishing a national focal point, the National Monitoring Directorate, which undertakes annual confidencebuilding
measures and submits information in that
[...] regard to the Implementation Support Unit within [...]
the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs in Geneva.
所提供的资源使执行支助股 能够更多协助个别缔约国处理迫切 履约 挑 战
Resources provided enabled the ISU to extend the reach of its support to
[...] individual States Parties in addressing pressing implementation challenges.
第(5)款至第(10)款确立采购合同生效的一般规则(在发出接受通知书时)、 采购合同生效的特殊规则(书面采购合同、其签署和(或)另一机关批准)、关 于有理由选择下一份中选提交书的例外情形的规则(未签署采购合同或未提履约担保)、关于该条规定的通知书被认为已经发出的时间点的一般规则以及最 后关于将采购合同已经生效通知其他供应商或承包商的规则。
Paragraphs (5)-(10) establish the general rule on the entry into force of the procurement contract (upon dispatch of the notice of acceptance), special rules on the entry into force of the procurement contract (a written procurement contract, its signature and/or approval by another authority), rules on exceptional circumstances justifying selection of the next successful submission (failure to sign a procurement contract or to provide a contract performance security), the general rule about the time point when notices under the article are considered to be dispatched, and finally rules on notifying other suppliers or contractors about the procurement contract that entered into force.
这些事实都表明,乌干达可能会大大加 履约 , 使 实际需要的时间短于 请求延长的时间。对此,会议指出,这样做可惠及《公约》和乌干达本身,因为 [...]
In this context, the Conference noted that doing so could
[...] benefit both the Convention and Uganda itself [...]
given the indication by Uganda of the
socio-economic benefits that will flow from demining.
如内罗毕首脑会议上所指出,尽管已识别出适当的销毁技术,但因销毁工作 十分复杂,加之有能力销毁这些地雷的实体为数有限,白俄罗斯和乌克兰拥有大
[...] 量此种地雷,移交第三方销毁这些地雷的做法不可取,而且销毁费用高昂,致使 这两个约国的履约工作 都面临严峻的挑战。
While, as noted at the Nairobi Summit, appropriate destruction technologies have been identified, the complexity of destruction combined with the limited number of entities capable of destroying these mines, the vast numbers of these mines held by Belarus and Ukraine, the inadvisability of transferring these mines for
destruction and the high cost of destruction has resulted in a compelling
[...] implementation challenge for both States Parties.
此外,他还期 望了解为什么日内瓦的文件提履约 率 仅 有 37%,并 强调了该问题的透明度和问责制的必要性。
He wished to know, furthermore, why the compliance rate for submission in Geneva was only 37 per cent, and emphasized the need for transparency and accountability in the matter.
委 员会还鼓励缔约国应对世界各地 履约 经 验 ,特别是遵循《联合国工商业与人权 框架》的经验,乃至公私营公司的经营情况,尤其关于遵循儿童权利问题给予应 有的考虑。
The Committee further encourages the State party to give due consideration to experiences from around the world in the application of, inter alia, the United Nations Business and Human Rights Framework to the operations of private and public corporations, particularly in respect of child rights.
会议还满意地注意到,在重振经修正后的第二号议定书之下的工作框架内并 且为进一步加履约,根 据2008 年经修正后的第二号议定书缔约方第十届年度 [...]
会议关于设立一个非正式不限成员名额专家组的决定,已举行了三次专家组会 议,审查议定书的实施情况和现况,审议缔约国根据经修正后的第二号议定书第
13条第4 款提出的报告所引起的事项,以及保护平民不受地雷滥杀滥伤影响的 技术的发展情况。
The Conference also notes with satisfaction that, in the framework of revitalizing the work
under Amended Protocol II and to further
[...] enhance its implementation, in accordance [...]
with the decision of the Tenth Annual Conference
of the High Contracting Parties to Amended Protocol II in 2008 to establish an informal open-ended Group of Experts, three meetings of the Group of Experts have been held to review the operation and status of the Protocol, consider matters arising from reports by High Contracting Parties according to Article 13, paragraph 4 of Amended Protocol II, as well as the development of technologies to protect civilians against indiscriminate effects of mines.
对于与违反服务保证有关,或是因此产生的任何索偿(无论是基于 违约、侵权或其他),MTS
[...] 的所有赔偿和客户除外补救措施,将为重履约或减免费用(具体由 MTS 决定)。
MTS’ entire liability and Customer’s exclusive remedy, whether in contract, tort or otherwise for any claim
related to or arising out of the breach of warranty covering Services
[...] will be re-performance or credit, [...]
at MTS’ option.
国际社会包括安全理事会必须利用其政治 工具,采取必要措施迫使以色履约。
The international community must use its political tools, including the Security Council, to take necessary measures to
[...] bring Israel into compliance.
[...] 料,如没有对立法及法律实务作出任何变动,可参阅中国最新 履约 报 告 中涉及 澳门特区的相关部分。
Likewise, on the issues of racial discrimination, torture, rights of the child, of women and of persons with disabilities, to the extent that no changes have occurred in legislation and legal practice, reference is also made to the
pertinent parts that relate to the MSAR of the latest reports submitted by China on the
[...] application of the relevant Conventions.
三、合同事项未载明承运人履约方 收 到货物时货物表面状况的,该合同事 项视为已载明承运人履约方收 到货物时货物表面状况良好。
3. If the contract
[...] particulars fail to state the apparent order and condition of the goods at the time the carrier or a performing party receives them, the contract particulars are deemed to have stated that the goods were in apparent good order and condition at the time the carrier or a performing party received them.
格里涅维奇先生( 白俄罗斯) 说,自2009年3 月第五号议定书对白俄罗斯生
[...] 效以来,本国政府已提交处理战争遗留爆炸物的援助请求和关 履约 情 况 的国家 报告。
Mr. Grinevich (Belarus) said that, since the entry into force of Protocol V for Belarus in March 2009, his Government had submitted a
request for assistance to deal with explosive remnants of war and a national report on
[...] the implementation of the Protocol.
有意见认为,规定未来的空间资产议定书适用于债务人的权利和相关权利 将是不妥当的,只要这样规定就足够了,即:规定 履约 的 债 务人有义务尽可 能充分合作,将许可证转让给债权人,若不允许转让,则终止自己的许可证并 为债权人办理新的许可证。
The view was expressed that it would be inappropriate to provide for the application of the future space assets protocol to debtor’s rights and related rights and that it would be sufficient to impose a duty on a defaulting debtor to cooperate, to the fullest extent possible, in either the transfer of a licence to a creditor or, if not permitted, the termination of its licence and procurement of a new licence for a creditor.
委员 会特别注意到,国际原子能机构、禁止化学武器组织、生物武器 约履约 支 助 股、 世界海关组织、欧洲联盟、联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室的援助方案都为第 1540(2004)号决议的总体框架或目标作出了贡献或补充。
The Committee notes in particular that the
assistance programmes of IAEA,
[...] OPCW, the implementation support unit of the Biological Weapons Convention, the World Customs [...]
Organization (WCO),
the European Union and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime contribute to or complement the overarching framework or objectives of resolution 1540 (2004).
专家们重申,各国必须在自由的事先知情同意原则和相互承认的基础上, 执行有效参与且公正的进程,才可解决各国与土著条约合作伙伴之间在执行履 约方面产生的违约和纠纷问题。
The experts reiterated the need for States to implement effective participatory and just processes, based on the principles of free, prior and informed consent
and mutual
[...] recognition, whereby treaty violations and disputes regarding implementation and compliance could be addressed by States and indigenous treaty partners.
为了维护《不扩散条约》 在促进集体安全中的核心作用,审议大会必须重申 所有国家都应采取协调行动以确保严格遵守其不扩 散义务,并且国际社会必须对履约 情 事 做出快速 而有效的反应。
In order to preserve the central role of the Non-Proliferation Treaty in promoting collective security, the Review Conference must reaffirm that all States should take concerted action to ensure strict compliance with their non-proliferation obligations, and that the international community must respond quickly and effectively to instances of non-compliance.
它促请理 事会对新西兰继续施加压力,要求 履 行 条 约 义 务 ,就与毛利人有关的特别程序 的建议采取行动。
It urged the Council to continue to apply pressure to New
[...] Zealand to meet its treaty obligations and [...]
act on the recommendations of special procedures relating to Maori.
但正如已经指出的, 《约》履行工作相比普遍加入《公约》问题将受到相对优先的考虑。
However, as noted, implementation will receive relatively greater priority than universalisation.




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