

单词 屠房

See also:

surname Tu
slaughter (animals for food)

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,荃屠房由私營公司擁有及經營 , 即使經 營者願意 搬 遷,亦需要相當長時間商討解決 方法。
Furthermore, TWSH was owned and operated by a private company, it would take considerable time to negotiate a settlement even if the operator was willing to relocate.
[...] 致重大的營運虧損,委員會質疑政府當局與A 公司磋商興建上屠房 時,是否應一併處理此問題。
However, in view of the continual heavy operating loss of the CSWA, the Committee queried whether
the Administration should have addressed the problem while negotiating with Company A
[...] over the construction of the SSSH.
周梁淑怡議員及王國興議員批評,政府當局批准在荃屠房附近 發展住宅物業是城市規劃上的錯誤。
Mrs Selina CHOW and Mr WONG Kwok-hing criticized the Administration for
having made a mistake in town planning by approving the development of a residential
[...] development at the vicinity of TWSH.
李華明議員指出,兩個前市政局曾詳細討論搬遷荃 屠房的 建議,並認為有需要保留另一屠房 , 以 應付未能預見的情況,以及 確保鮮肉供應穩定。
Mr Fred LI pointed out that the proposal for relocating TWSH had been fully deliberated by the two former
municipal councils
[...] which had held the view that a second slaughterhouse should be retained to safeguard against [...]
unforeseen situations
and to ensure stable supply of fresh meat.
(b) 在屠房和切肉場,屠體、切塊和箱均附上適當標籤,標 示所規定的資料26;及 [...]
(c) 在碎肉場,所有包裝均附上正確標籤。
(b) within slaughterhouses and cutting plants, [...]
the carcasses, cuts and boxes are labelled with the appropriate compulsory
information26; and (c) in mincing plants, all packs are labelled correctly.
(c) 政府當局應考慮搬遷荃屠房,因 為這是最全面及長遠解決 臭味問題的方案。
(c) the Administration should consider relocating TWSH as it is the most comprehensive and long-term solution to solve the odour problem.
為了 與 入口冰 鮮 雞 競爭和 提屠房的財 務 可行性屠房經營者須屠 房的產品拓展 巿 場和建立優質品牌。
To compete with imported chilled chickens and to enhance the financial viability of the plant,
the plant operator will have to establish
[...] a market niche and a well-established brand name for the slaughtering plant products.
政府當局表示,荃屠房的管 理層已根據環境保護署(下稱"環 保署")及食物環境 生署(下稱"食環署")的意見,採取額外改善措施, 進一步減少發出臭味、噪音及水污染物,包括在豬欄面向海濱花園一 邊的選定空間安裝窗戶、使用漂白粉清 屠房 以 消減臭味,以及安裝 以腳踏操控的沖水系統清洗豬隻屠體,以減少污水量。
9. According to the Administration, following the advice of the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) and the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD), TWSH management had taken additional improvement measures to further reduce the
generation of odour, noise and water
[...] pollutants including installation of windows at selected openings of lairages facing the Riviera Gardens, use of bleaching powder during cleansing operation at the slaughterhouse to reduce odour and installation of pedal-controlled hosing system in cleaning slaughtered pig carcasses to reduce the generation of waste water.
(c) 在屠房界址 以外增建新牲口欄建築物和輔助建 築物。
(c) Addition of new lairage building and supporting building outside the site boundary.
[...] 流感疫情,食用豬肉是否安全亦成為焦點,而食物科負責密切監察由 國際主管當局發出的指引,以決定香港應採取的立場和行動,並負責 監察本地農場屠房加強防疫措施。
The latest outbreak of human swine influenza has also called into question the safety of pork consumption and the Food Branch is responsible for closely monitoring the guidelines issued by international authorities in formulating the position and
actions for Hong Kong, and overseeing the stepped up measures taken
[...] in local farms and slaughterhouses against the pandemic.
從顧問的意見可見,除非上屠房獲 擴 展至現有界 址以外的範圍,否則屠房現址可提供的產能,是無法 應付將宰豬工作集中在屠房進行所需的每日總宰豬 量。
Taking into consideration the views of the consultant, it is
apparent that the capacity of the existing SSSH
[...] site is not able to cater for the total daily pig slaughtering throughput if slaughtering is to be centralized at the SSSH, unless expansion work beyond the confines of [...]
the existing site boundary is done.
[...] 請政府當局向事務委員會匯報將西區副食品批發市場改作中小 屠房 的試驗計劃詳情。
They also urged the Administration to
provide details of the pilot scheme to convert the Western Wholesale Food Market into a
[...] small to medium sized slaughterhouse.
食環署 人員在 每 次
[...] 檢 查 中均會 查 核零售商是 否 備屠 房發出 的提貨 單,以 確 定 店 內 所 售 [...]
的 鮮肉的 來 源 。
During each inspection, FEHD officers check
whether a fresh meat retailer has purchasing
[...] invoices issued by the slaughterhouses to ascertain the [...]
source of the fresh meat.
政府當局強調,荃屠房管理 層採取的改善措施有效,而荃屠 房運作時發出的氣味和噪音水平並無超出法定上限。
The Administration stressed that the improvement measures implemented by TWSH management were effective and the levels of odour and noise generated from TWSH operation were within statutory limits.
[...] 否向市政局匯報關於與A公司進行的磋商,以及興建上 屠房 的 條 件。
With reference to the relationship between the USD and the UC, the Committee enquired whether
the USD had reported to the UC the negotiations with Company A as well as the conditions
[...] for the construction of the SSSH.
議員否決該 項申請,並提出多項 建議,其中包括根據建 議上屠房採用的 標準,為荃屠房制訂 具體的環境改善計劃。
Members rejected the application and suggested, among other things, that a
concrete environmental improvement plan should be
[...] drawn up for TWSH consistent with the standards recommended for SSSH.
我們會在本年稍 後時間 擬屠房的商業和運作安排的 細節。
We will draw up the details regarding the commercial and operational arrangements for the plant later this year.
此外屠房在營 運期 間 如因爆 發禽流感而須停止運作屠房經營者的 營 運期 會 獲 得 延長,時間相等於該段停止運作期。
Besides, the lease offered to the plant operator will be extended by a period of time equivalent [...]
to the cessation period
of plant operation as a result of outbreak of avian influenza during the lease period.
此 外,我們會 提出立法建議,屠房的運作訂 立發牌制 度 , 訂屠房的 生標準、環境管制措施,以及 有關屠 宰和檢驗程序等 規定。
Legislative amendment will be introduced to put in place a licensing regime for the operation of the plant which will specify the hygiene
standard, the
[...] environmental control measures as well as the slaughtering and inspection processes relating [...]
to the slaughtering plant.
政府當 局會考慮由上屠房集中屠宰牲 口的可行性研究結果及一些其他因 素,包括荃屠房如在 2047年土地契約期滿前關閉可能涉及的財務開 支、在上屠房加建新牲口欄建築物和輔助建築物的建築費用,以及 由單一屠房供應 全港鮮肉的策略性風險等。
The Administration would take into consideration the
findings of the feasibility study of
[...] centralizing slaughtering of livestock in SSSH and some other factors including the likely financial requirements arising from the closure of TWSH before the expiry of land lease in 2047, the construction costs of building an additional new lairage building and supporting building in SSSH and the strategic risk of using a single slaughterhouse to supply fresh [...]
meat in Hong Kong, etc.
本集團將持續提升上屠房的運營管理效率,保障香港鮮肉市場的安全、穩定和均衡供 應。
The Group will continue to enhance the management and
[...] efficiency of its abattoir operation in Sheung [...]
Shui to ensure the safe, stable and
balanced supply of fresh meat to Hong Kong.
本集團旨在通過進一步提屠房的運 營管理水準,提升服務 附加值。
The Group aims at further improving the operational
[...] management of the abattoir to enhance the added-value [...]
of our services.
屠 房(兽 医) 组 内 的 农 业 化 学 及 兽 医 药 物 小 组 负 责 规 管 进屠 房 的 食 用 动 物 , 抽 验 农 业 化 学 物 及 兽 医 药 物 残 余, 并 执 行 《 公 众 卫 生 ( 动 物 及 禽 鸟)( 化 学 物 残 余) 规 例 》(第 139 N 章)( 下 称 “ 规 例 ”)) 内 的 规 定 , 进 行 监 察 工 作 , 以 防 药 物 及 化 学 物 残 余 流 入 食 物 链 中 。
It enforces the Public Health (Animals and Birds) (Chemical Residues) Regulation (Cap. 139N) (the Regulation) to conduct monitoring and surveillance programmes for prevention of the entry of drug and chemical residues into the food chain.
隨著本集團於二零零九年就香港上 屠房 未 來 最長十年的營運管理權成功續約,本集團將 會進一步完善香港屠宰行業的食品安全體系建設,啟動食物安全重點控制(HACCP)系統、 [...]
With the successful renewal of our contract right to
[...] operate and manage the abattoir in Sheung Shui, [...]
Hong Kong for a maximum of another ten
years in 2009, the Group will further improve the food safety system in Hong Kong’s slaughtering industry, kick off the management system upgrade in aspects such as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System, occupational safety and health and environment protection, and consummate the platform for tracing food quality information like the pigs and cattle tracking system for ensuring safety of food supplies to Hong Kong.
中心在二零零九年屠房收集 豬肝樣本,發現佔內地輸港活豬總數約2%的燒種豬(約四月齡)中約有30%呈 [...]
陽性反應,而佔內地輸港活豬總數約98%的肉豬(約六月齡)則全部沒有驗出戊型肝炎病 毒。
The CFS collected
[...] liver samples from slaughterhouse in 2009 and found [...]
that around 30% of roaster pigs (around 4 months old),
but none of porker pigs (around 6 months old), which contribute to around 2% and 98% of total admission of live pigs from the Mainland respectively, were positive for HEV.
並 非 在 政屠 房 或 在 署 長 所 批 准屠 房 內 屠 宰 的 動 物 的 新 鮮 或 冷 藏 肉 , 但 如 該 等 肉 類 是 按 照 《 進 口 野 味 、 肉 類 及 家 禽 規 例 》 ( 第 132 章 , 附 屬 法 例 ) 合 法 地 [...]
輸 入 香 港 , 則 屬 例 外 。
Fresh, chilled or frozen meat of animals which have not been slaughtered in a Government slaughterhouse or in a slaughterhouse approved [...]
by the Director except
where such meat was lawfully imported into Hong Kong in accordance with the Imported Game, Meat and Poultry Regulations (Cap 132 sub. leg.).
六十多年来,屠杀、房屋拆 毁、粮食和药物禁 运、绑架和监禁;以各种方式威胁其邻邦,包括使用 [...]
核武器;对巴勒斯坦和黎巴嫩发动无数次战争;暗杀 政治和宗教人士和精英;公开或隐蔽地干涉他国的政 治、经济和文化事务;违反国际法和国际人道主义法 以及肆意侵犯人权,包括杀害儿童和妇女——所有这
一切已构成充足的理由,要求国际社会采取果断措施 来制止这些暴行,并给予巴勒斯坦人民几十年来一直 被剥夺的合法权利。
More than six decades of massacre, home demolitions, [...]
food and medicine embargos, abduction and imprisonment; the threatening
of its neighbours in various ways, including with nuclear weapons; the waging of numerous wars against Palestine and Lebanon; the assassination of people, political and religious figures and elites; overt and covert interference in the political, economic and cultural affairs of other States; violations of international law and international humanitarian law and all-out violations of human rights, including the killing of children and women — all of this should be reason enough for the international community to take decisive measures to stop these brutalities and grant the people of Palestine the legitimate rights of which they have been deprived for decades.
[...] 私雞,因為任何截至晚上未能售出的雞隻均 屠 宰 ,而經處理雞隻( 即 「光雞」) 的價值會大幅下降。
This new measure will also discourage the retailers to sell smuggled chickens
as any unsold chicken at the end of
[...] the day has to be slaughtered and the value of [...]
a dressed chicken is much diminished.
除了用于面包店的DIOSNA和面机,我们也生产用于面包工业的和面站、起重和排放设备以及用于食堂 房 、 屠 宰 厂 和其它食品生产企业的揉捏机和混和器。
Beside the DIOSNA kneaders for the bakery trade we produce kneading plants for industrial bakery enterprises, lifting and
discharging stations as well as kneaders and
[...] mixers for canteen kitchens, butchers and further food [...]
producing companies.
[...] “教科文组织非常重视和平文化的发展与文化间了解,而纪念 屠 杀 是这项工作的重要内 容”(180 EX/5,§54)。
At the 180th session of the Executive Board, the Director-General gave the results of his consultations with the United Nations Secretary-General and concluded that “UNESCO gives utmost weight to the development of
a culture of peace and intercultural
[...] understanding, and Holocaust remembrance is [...]
an important part of this” (180 EX/5, para. 54).




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