

单词 属於

External sources (not reviewed)

由於包装方法日新月異,以新包装方法包装的食物 可能需要研究真实的样本才能决定是属於包装食物。
Due to the advancement in packaging method, for products packed with new packaging methods, examination of real samples might be required to determine whether they were prepackaged food.
鉴於中兴新就本公司层面(而并非就本公司的附属公司层面 ) 而 言属 於司 的 关 连 人 士,亦 是 立 [...]
德 的 主 要 股 东,因 此,立 德 本 身 构 成 香 港 联 交 所 上 市 规 则 项 下 本 公 司 的 关 连 人 士。
Given that Zhongxingxin is a connected person of the Group at the level
of the Company (and not at the level of
[...] the Company’s subsidiaries) and isasubstantial [...]
shareholder of Lead, Lead itself
constitutes a connected person of the Company under the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Listing Rules.
(C) 於所有适用法律、规则及规例之管制及准许之范围内及按以下规定取得 所有必需之同意(如有)之情况下,倘向任何人士以条例并无禁止之方式寄送源自本公司 有关财务文件属於法律、规则及规例所规定格式并载有当中所规定资料之财务报告 概要而非有关财务文件,即就该人士而言将被视为已符合本细则第(B)段之规定,惟倘 有权获取本公司有关财务文件之任何人士按照条例及所有其他适用法律、规则及规例 向本公司发出书面通知提出要求,则该人士除财务报告概要之外并可要求获寄送本公 司有关财务文件之完整印刷本。
(C) To the extent permitted by and subject to due compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and to obtaining all necessary consents, if any, required thereunder, the requirements in paragraph (B) of this Article shall be deemed satisfied in relation to any person by sending to the person in any manner not prohibited by the Ordinance and instead of a copy of the Relevant Financial Documents, a summary financial report derived from the Relevant Financial Documents which shall be in the form and containing the information required by applicable laws, rules and regulations, provided that any person who is otherwise entitled to the Relevant Financial Documents may, if he so requires and in accordance with the Ordinance and all other applicable laws, rules and regulations, by notice in writing served on the Company, demand that the Company sends to him, in addition to a summary financial report, a complete printed copy of the Relevant Financial Documents.
(b) 发生任何本地、国家或国际间之政治、军事、金融、经济或其他性质 (不论是否与上述任何性质相似者)之事件或变动(不论是属於销协议日期之前及╱或之後发生或持续出现之一连串事件或变动之一部 分),属於本地、国家或国际间之敌对行为或武装冲突爆发或升 级,或影响本地证券市场,而包销商合理认为可能对本集团整体业务或 [...]
(b) the occurrence of any local, national or international event or change (whether or not forming part of a series of events or changes occurring or continuing before, and/or
after the date
[...] thereof) of a political, military, financial, economic or other nature (whether or notejusdem generiswith any of the foregoing), or in the nature of any local, [...]
national or international
outbreak or escalation of hostilities or armed conflict, or affecting local securities markets which may, in the reasonable opinion of the Underwriter materially and adversely affect the business or the financial or trading position or prospects of the Group as a whole or materially and adversely prejudice the success of the Rights Issue or otherwise makes it inexpedient or inadvisable to proceed with the Rights Issue; or
不过 , 由 於这项工程计划( 即 720CL 号工程计划) 下的各项工程( 原 为 658CL 号工程计划的一部 分 ) 均属 於境影响评 估 条例》附 表 2 的 指 定工程项目,当局无须就拟议工程的施工和设施的运作申领环境 许可证。
However, all works under the subject project - 720CL (part of former 658CL) are not designated under Schedule 2 of the EIA Ordinance and no environmental permit is required for the construction and operation of the proposed works.
(4) 倘 未 能 根 据 第 ( 3 ) 款 获 准 进 入 该 场 所 , 则 凡 持 有 拘 捕 令 的 人 员 , 或 该 员 在 有 可 能 获 发 拘 捕 令 , 但 因 恐 拟 拘 捕 的 人 乘 机 逃 脱 以 致 未 能 前 往 领 取 拘 捕 令 的 情 形 下 , 得 有 合 法 权 力 进 入 该 场 所 , 以 及 在 其 内 搜 查 ; 如 该 员 表 明 其 权 力 及 目 的 , 并 正 式 要 求 准 许 入 内 而 遭 拒 绝 , 则 在 别 无 他 法 可 行 时,不 论 该 场属 於捕 的 人 或 他 人 所 有 , 该 员 得 有 合 法 权 力 打 破 该 场 所 的 内 外 门 窗 , 以 便 进 入 。
(4) If ingress to such place cannot be obtained under subsection (3) it shall be lawful in any case for a person acting under a warrant and in any case in which a warrant may issue but cannot be obtained without affording the person to be arrested an opportunity of escape from a police officer, to enter such place and search therein and in order to effect an entrance into such place to break open any outer or inner door or window of any place whether that of the person to be arrested or of any other person if, after notification of his authority and purpose and demand of admittance duly made, he cannot otherwise obtain admittance.
(9) 按其认为适当之条款及条件(如有)以初始认购、合约、投标、购买、交换、 包销、参与银团或其他方式购买、收购、认购、包销、持有、出售及以其他 方式买卖任何股份、股票、债权证、债股权证、债券、票据、债务及其他证
[...] 券、商品及任何性质之其他投资(不论是否提供收入),及任何有关选择权或 权利(不论是属於足)。
(9) To purchase, acquire, subscribe, underwrite, hold, dispose of and otherwise howsoever deal with any such shares, stock, debentures, debenture stock, bonds, notes, obligations and other securities, commodities and other investments of any nature whatsoever (whether or not income producing), and any options or rights in respect thereof by original subscription, contract, tender, purchase, exchange, underwriting, participation in
syndicates or otherwise, and whether or not fully paid subject to such terms and
[...] conditions (if any)as may bethought fit.
就此目的而言,外聘核数师包括与负责核数之公司处於同 一控制权、拥有权或管理权之下的任何机构,或一个合理及已知 悉所有有关资料的第三方在合理情况下,会断定该机构属於责核数公司的本土或国际业务之一部分的任何机构。
For this purpose, external auditor shall include any entity that is under common control, ownership or management with the audit firm or any entity that a reasonable and informed third party having knowledge of all relevant information would reasonably conclude as part of the audit firm nationally or internationally.
g」条属於课程,选择的科学课程需符合该选修课程之资格:实际來說就是一 个学分(相当於兩学期课程)的额外实验科学。
The “g” requirement pertains to elective courses, for which selected science courses may qualify: specifically, one unit (equivalent to two semester courses) of an additional laboratory science.
关於条例草案第8(2)(c)条,法案委员会的法律顾问关注 到,若有某人并非参与调解的一方,而属於解中的标的 争议无关的民事法律程序的一方,但他管有、保管或控制调解 通讯所载某些受民事法律程序中的文件透露规定所规限的资 料,该人或可披露有关的调解通讯。
Regarding clause 8(2)(c), the legal adviser to the Bills Committee has expressed concern that a person, whois not a party to the mediation but is a party to civil proceedings which is not related to the subject dispute in the mediation but has procession, custody or control of certain information contained in the mediation communication which is subject to discovery in the civil proceedings, may be able to disclose the mediation communication concerned.
就本段 而言,由董事或其联系人作为无条件受托人或托管受托人持有 而於当中并无拥有任何实益权益的任何股份、倘及只要其他人 士有权收取所得收入的情况下,该董事或其任何联系人拥有权 益的一项信托中包属於权或剩余权项下的任何股份、该 董事或其任何联系人仅由於身为信托持有人而於当中拥有权益 的任何认可单位信托计划的股份,以及於股东大会上无股息分 派权及并无股息分派权及无股本回报权的股份,均不得计算在 内。
For the purpose of this paragraph there shall be disregarded any shares held by a Director or any of his associate(s) as bare or custodian trustee and in which he or such associate(s) has/have no beneficial interest, any shares comprised in a trust in which the interest of the Director or any of hisassociates isin reversion or remainder if and so long as some other person is entitled to receive the income thereof, any shares comprised in an authorised unit trust scheme in which the Director or any of his associates is interested only as a unit holder, and shares which carry no voting right at general meetings and no or nugatory dividend and return of capital rights.
In other words, only if the general public adopts the definitions of "democratic camp" and "pro-China camp", we need not further investigate whether "democratic camp"
will be "pro-China", or whether "pro-China camp" will also be
[...] "democratic", as these belongto questions ofanother level.
对於一位业界代表的提问,主席、赵卓寧先生及陈伟仁先生答称,如某化学物属豁 免物质,属於2008年食物内防腐剂(修订)规例》内的防腐剂及抗氧化剂,但具备该 功能,仍须按照有关法例(例如《食物及药物(成分组合及标签)规例》(第132W章))在食 物上标示该化学物在食物中用作防腐剂或抗氧化剂。
In replying to an enquiry of a trade representative, the Chairman, Mr. C. L. CHIU and Mr. W. Y. C H A N advised that when a chemical was an exempted substance and was not consideredas preservative or antioxidant under Preservatives in Food (Amendment) Regulation 2008 but function as one, its function as preservative or antioxidant in the food should still be required to be labelled in the food product in accordance with relevant legislations (e.g. Food & Drugs (Composition and Labelling ) Regulations, Cap. 132W).
(4) 取属於司之任何樓宇或土地之空置管有权、就此目的支付补偿、拆卸该 等樓宇以及为建筑目的属於司或本公司(无論以拥有人、承租人、承建 商或其他身份)拥有权益之任何土地进行平整及预备工作。
(4) To obtain vacant possession of any
[...] buildings or lands belonging to the Company, to pay compensation therefore, to demolish the same and to lay out and prepare for building purposes any lands belonging to orin which [...]
the Company is interested,
either as owners, lessees, contractors or otherwise.
如果扫瞄应用 程式将 ISIS 驱动程式设定保留在页面设定中,属於情况。
This is normal if the scanning application maintains the ISIS Driver settings in a page setup.
[...] 任本公司任何其他管理或业务职务的董事任何其身为董事可行使的权力,不论 此权力属於除其本身的权力,以及可不时撤销、撤回、改变或更改全部 或任何该等权力,惟本着诚信行事人士在没有通知任何有关撤销、撤回、改变 [...][...]
The Directors may from time to time entrust to and confer upon a Managing Director, Joint Managing Director, Deputy Managing Director, Executive Director, General Manager or Joint General Manager or a Director appointed to any other office in the management or business of the Company any of the powers exercisable by them as Directors upon such terms and
conditions and with such
[...] restrictions asthey think fit and either collaterally with or to the [...]
exclusion of their own powers
and may from time to time revoke, withdraw, alter or vary all or any of such powers but no person dealing in good faith and without notice of such revocation, withdrawal, alteration or variation shall be affected thereby.
但是,因考虑某人从事受监管工作之适合性 (以及考虑某人对 《2007
[...] 年法令》中指定的任何其他相关目的之适合性) 而询问其之前的判罪,仍视为询问豁免问题,因为此类职属於ROA 2003 年修正令规定排除的职位类型。
However, asking a person about their previous convictions for the consideration of that person’s suitability to do regulated work (and consideration of a person’s suitability for any of the other related purposes specified in the 2007 Act) is still deemed to be asking an exempted question
because it is these types of
[...] positions are excluded from the provisions of the ROA by amendments [...]
made to the 2003 Order.
(t) 管理土地、楼宇及其他物业(不论是属於司),并收租及收取收 入以及为租户及占用人及他人提供其认为适宜的便利设施及好处,以 [...]
(t) To manage land, buildings, and other
[...] property whether belongingtothe Company [...]
or not, and to collect rents and income
and to supply tenants and occupiers and others with such conveniences and advantages as may seem expedient and generally to undertake the business of and act as land and estate agents.
(36) 在本公司股东之间分配本公司之任何类别财产,尤其属於司或本公司 有权出售之任何其他公司之任何股份、债权证或证券。
(36) To distribute among the members of the Company in any kind of property of the Company, and in particular any
shares, debentures or securities of any
[...] other companies, belonging to the Company [...]
or of which the Company may have the power of disposing.
收 购 成 本 按 所 支 付 的 资 产、发 行 的 权 益 工 具 以 及 发 生 或 所 承 担 的 负 债 在 交 易 日 的 公 允 价 值 总 值,再 加 上 直 接属 於活 动 的 成 本 计 量。
The cost of the acquisition is measured at the aggregate of the fair value of the assets given, equity instruments issued and liabilities incurred or assumed at the date of exchange, plus costs directly attributable to the acquisition.
由 於 这 项 大 规 模 行属 於署 相 关 部 别 推 行 署 方 有 关 楼 宇 安 全 及 维 修 执 法 计 划 的 整 体 工 作 的 一 部 分 , 我 们 不 能 单 就 处 理 这 项 行 动 的 人 手 提 供 分 项 数 字 。
As the LSO is part of the overall duties of the concerned Divisions of the BD to implement its building safety and maintenance enforcement programme, we are not able to provide a breakdown of the manpower solely for handling this operation.
该阿维斯塔文语言是印度支那日耳曼舌属於体伊朗集团的其他成员被老波斯的楔形文字铭文的巴列维,并Pazend (或中东伊朗) ,以及後来的方言,新波斯语,库尔德语,阿富汗等阿维斯塔文讲话,是非常密切相关的梵文,事实上,我们能够移调任何词从一种语言到其他的应用特别拼音法。
The Avestan language is an Indo-Germanic tongue and belongs more specifically to the Iranian group, the other members being the Old Persian of the cuneiform inscriptions, the Pahlavi, and Pazend (or Middle Iranian), and the later dialects, New Persian, Kurdish, Afghan, etc. The Avestan speech is very closely related to Sanskrit; in fact, we are able to transpose any word from one language into the other by the application of special phonetic laws.
此外,这些独特的 硬碟机和硬体组合在市场属於品,有时容易发生不稳定,因为它们的 [...]
Also, being relatively new to the [...]
marketplace, these unique drives and hardware combinations are sometimes prone to instabilities,
as their ecosystems are still evolving.
3.4 阁下承认及确认,属於券买卖外并无任何其他业务且受阁下控制的非上市公司所提 出的申请应被视作是为阁下的利益而提出的申请。
3.4 You acknowledge and confirm that, if an application is made by an unlisted company that does not carry on any business other than dealing in shares and in respect of which you exercise control, such an application shall be deemed to be an application made for your benefit.
(5) 管理任何楼宇(不属於司与否)或於任何期间以本公司认为适当之 租金及条件租赁该楼宇或其中之任何部分:收取租金及收入及向租户、 [...]
占用人及其他人供应照明、热力、空调、茶点、服务员、通信员、接待 室、阅读室、盥洗室、洗衣设施、电子设备、车库、娱乐设施及本公司
不时认为适合之其他利益,或如上文所述透过聘用任何人士、商号、或 公司以按本公司认为适当之条款进行或从事或提供该等管理、租赁及利益 。
(5) To manage any
[...] buildings,whetherbelonging to the Company or [...]
not, or let the same or any part thereof for any period
and at such rent and on such conditions as the Company shall think fit; to collect the rent and income and to supply to tenants and occupiers and others light, heat, air-conditioning, refreshments, attendants, messengers, waiting rooms, reading rooms, lavatories, laundry facilities, electric conveniences, garages, recreation facilities and other advantages which from time to time the Company shall consider desirable, or to provide for such management, letting and advantages as aforesaid by employing any person, firm or company to carry out or to supply the same on such terms as the Company may think fit.
(a) 倘 阁 下 接 纳 购 股 权 收 购 建 议 , 则 应 按 照 粉 红 色 申 请 表 格 所 印 列 之 指 示 填 妥 该 表 格 , 而 有 关 指属 於权 收 购 建 议 条 款 及 条 件之一部 份 。
(a) If you accept the Option Offer, you should complete the PINK Form of Acceptance in accordance with the instructions printed thereon, which instructions form part of the terms and conditions of the Option Offer.
(B) 在作出或授出任何配发、发售或授出购股权或出售本公司股份或 其他证券时,本公司或董事均毋须向登记地址位於有关地区以外 的司法权区,或董事认为如无办理登记声明或其他特定手续而於 当地作出有关行动将会或可属於或并不可行,或存在办理 登记声明或特别手续的规定或可能耗费大量(不论按绝对值或相 对可能受影响的股东计算)资金或时间的任何一个或多个特定地 区的股东或其他人士,作出或提出任何有关发售股份、授出购股 权或出售股份或其他证券。
(B) Neither the Company nor the Directors shall be obliged, when making or granting any allotment of, offer of, option over or disposal of shares or other securities of the Company, to make, or make available, and may resolve not to make, or make available, any such offer, option or shares or other securities to shareholders or others with registered addresses in any jurisdiction outside of the Relevant Territory, or in any particular territory or territories being a territory or territories where, in the absence of a registration statement or other special formalities, this would or might, in the opinion of the Directors, be unlawful or impracticable, or the existence or extent of the requirement for such registration statement or special formalities might be expensive (whether in absolute terms or in relation to the rights of the shareholder(s) who may be affected) or time consuming to determine.
(c) 就外部核数师提供非核数服务制定政策,并予以执行(就此规定而言,「外部 核数师」包括与负责核数的公司处於同一控制权、所有权或管理权之下的任何 机构,或一个合理知悉所有有关资料的第三方,在合理情况下会断定该机属 於责核数的公司的本土或国际业务的一部分的任何机构),及向董事会作 出报告任何须采取行动或改善的事项并提出建议
(c) developing and implementing policy on engaging an external auditor to supply non-audit services (for this purpose, “external auditor” includes any entity that is under common control, ownership or management with the audit firm or any entity that a reasonable and informed third party knowing all relevant information would reasonably conclude to be part of the audit firm nationally or internationally) and reporting to the Board, identifying and making recommendations on any matters where action or improvement is needed
A1: In order to ensure the interviewers are not affected by the above-mentioned factor, our interviewers have throughout the years emphasized that HKU Public Opinion Programme is a neutral research body, and
reminded the respondents not to make any decisions based on the fact that we are
[...] affiliated to the University of Hong Kong.
4.4 在CERP教育活动里属於合CERP资格/不核准为CERP,且与直接传送教育给学生无关的 印刷版或电子版资讯中,例如像是时程表或内容叙述等,可包含宣传产品的资料或特定产品的广 告。
4.4 Print or electronic information distributed about the non-CERPs-eligible/approved elements of a CERP educational activity that are not directly related to the transfer of education to the learner, such as schedules and content descriptions, may include product promotion material or productspecific advertisement.




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