

单词 属于

属于 verb

pertain v


属于自己的 adj

own adj

(权利)属于某人 v

belong v

隶属于 v

affiliate v

属于彼此 v

belong v

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 和战略》下的四项国家行动和执行计划,并且国家开始执行一项为农村妇女,包属于不同 族裔社区的妇女开展的项目。
A strategy entitled “Integration through education” was being drafted, the four national action and operative plans under the Roma Decade and Strategy had been revised, and
the State was starting to implement a project for women in rural
[...] areas, including women belonging to ethnic communities.
这笔经费将用于本组织不具备、 超出系统集成合同范围之外属于下 列领域的专门知识:变化管理领 域;技术领域,包括移动通信技术、报告设计和实施、数据仓储和商业 智能;职能领域,包括差旅、中央事务、外勤业务和后勤、薪金、预算 编制和规划;以及管理咨询人,用于交叉检查主要承包商/系统集成商提 供的项目管理服务。
The provision would provide for specialized expertise not available in the Organization, outside the scope of the systems integration contract, in the area of change management, in technical areas, including mobile technology, report design and implementation, data warehousing and business intelligence, and in functional areas, including travel, central services, field operations and logistics, payroll, budgeting and planning, as well as management consultants to cross-check the project management services provided by the main contractor/systems integrator.
某代表团对“振兴”执委会的提议表示关注,注意到执委会已经在发挥重要的功 能,应该继续保留其对食典委的咨询作用,而不应该 属于 食 典 委职责的事情做出任何 决定。
One delegation expressed some concern with the proposal to “revitalise” the Executive Committee, noting that it was already carrying out important functions and should retain its advisory role to the Commission, but should not take decisions that were the responsibility of the Commission.
现在有缺乏父母照管的儿童属于风 险 群体的儿童,但他们 常常相当快地受到儿童主管机构或警察的注意。
There are children who lack parental
[...] care or children belonging to risk groups, [...]
but they usually fairly quickly come to
the attention of child protection authorities or the police.
在这一方面,咨询委员会注意到,如上文第一.52(a)段所述, 秘书长提出将纽约裁军与和平事务处(次级方案 1)的 1 个 P-4 员额调到中央规划 和协调处(次级方案 2),以正式设立培训协调职能,在此之前这一职能一 属于 特设性质。
In this connection, the Committee notes that, as indicated in paragraph I.52 (a) above, the Secretary-General is proposing the redeployment of one P-4 post from the Disarmament and Peace Affairs Branch (subprogramme 1) to the Central Planning and Coordination Service (subprogramme 2) in New York in order to formally establish the training coordination function, which has hitherto existed on an ad hoc basis.
总务委员会不得有两属于同一 代 表团的成员,委员会的组成应确保其代表性。
No two members of the General Committee shall be members of the same delegation and it shall be so constituted as to ensure its representative character.
地拉那研讨会的目的在于就以上问 题开展后续工作,研讨会指出,虽然这两个问题 属于 地 雷 行动这一大的范畴, 但排雷和受害者援助分别具有不同的时间表,涉及不同的国家和国际行为者,不 [...]
It was noted that while both matters belong to the larger [...]
family of mine action, mine clearance and victim assistance have
different timelines, involve distinct national and international actors and relate to different national institutional and regulatory frameworks and budget lines.
[...] 力行为,无论是由于其国籍、族裔、宗教和语言,还是 于 其 属于 土 著群体、移 民、无国籍人、难民、居住在不发达、农村或边远社区、无家可归、被机构安置 [...]
此,在制定针对暴力侵害妇女行为的预防犯罪和刑事司法对策时,需要对她们予 以特殊关注、干预和保护。
The updated Model Strategies and Practical Measures recognize that some special groups of women are particularly vulnerable to violence, either because of their
nationality, ethnicity, religion or language,
[...] or because they belong to an indigenous [...]
group, are migrants, are stateless, are
refugees, live in underdeveloped, rural or remote communities, are homeless, are in institutions or in detention, have disabilities, are elderly, are widowed or live in conflict, post-conflict or disaster situations, and as such they require special attention, intervention and protection in the development of crime prevention and criminal justice responses to violence against women.
政府负责处理可能由第三方对教科文组织、其工作人员或地区中心雇用的其他人员提出的任 何索赔,并使教科文组织和上述人员不因地区中心根据本协定开展的业务所引起的索赔或债务而 受到损害,但经教科文组织和政府商定 属于 上 述 人员严重玩忽职守或蓄意行为不当所造成的索 赔或债务除外。
The Government shall be responsible for dealing with any claims which may be brought by third persons against UNESCO, against members of its staff or against other persons employed by the Regional Centre, and shall hold UNESCO and the above-mentioned parties harmless from any claims or liabilities resulting from operations of the Regional Centre under this Agreement, except where it is agreed by UNESCO and the Government that such claims or liabilities arise from the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of such persons.
工作组注意到,《移动设备国际利益公约关于空间资产特有事项的议定书》 第二条第 3 和 4 款规定《议定书》“不适于属于《 移动设备国际利益公约关于 航空器设备特有事项的议定书》所述‘航空器物体’定义范围内的物体,除非 [...]
时,本《议定书》也适用”,并还规定,本《议定书》“并不仅仅因为一航空器 物体被设计为暂时留在空间而适用于该航空器物体”。
The Working Group noted that paragraphs 3 and 4 of article II of the Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters
Specific to Space Assets
[...] established that the Protocol “does not apply to objects falling within the definition [...]
of ‘aircraft objects’
under the Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Aircraft Equipment except where such objects are primarily designed for use in space, in which case this Protocol applies even while such objects are not in space” and that the Protocol “does not apply to an aircraft object merely because it is designed to be temporarily in space”.
这些保障措施不太被认为是正当的程序保障――这一任 属于 其 他 联合国机 构――而是防范酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的手段。
These safeguards are considered not so much as due process safeguards — this task falls to other United Nations bodies — but as instruments of prevention of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
这包括但不限于青年才俊通过文字和图像表达对本组 织和本组织会员国领导人的期望;学者、学生和教师在他们的工作中看到联合国 带来的显著“影响”;大学生在完 属于 他 们 自己的“全球模拟联合国”中模拟 大会的各种活跃潜能;非政府组织和个人从更加广泛的地域给长期争论的专题注 入新的生命并带来更多的参与机会;各国政府、研究机构和媒体寻求而且现在能 够以便捷的形式找到会员国对关键问题的立场的记录;创意社区在对本组织议程 至关重要的事务中看到以具有知识性和娱乐性的方式联系受众的机会。
These include, but are not limited to, talented young voices giving expression, through word and image, to their expectations of the Organization and those who lead its Member States; scholars, students and teachers who see in their work a discernible United Nations “impact”; college students who adapt the dynamism of the General Assembly’s possibilities to a “Global Model United Nations” that is entirely their own; non-governmental organizations and individuals who breathe new life into long-debated topics with the vigour of a vaster geographical base and greater opportunities for participation; Governments, research institutions and the media, which seek, and can now find, the recorded positions of Member States on key issues in readily accessible form; and the creative community, which sees in matters vital to the Organization’s agenda the chance to reach its audiences in a fashion that informs as it entertains.
评估团就此提出了以下主要基准,以作为更实质性缩编 部队的先决条件:(a) 完成前战斗人员可信的解除武装、复员和重返社会以及民 兵的解散;(b) 成功完成选举;(c) 开始安全部门改革,特别是在更广泛的框架 内建立信任措施,进行安全部门的民主管理和监督、军队的统一和建立职能性属于共和 国的科特迪瓦武装部队和安全服务部门;(d) 恢复国家在全国各地的权 力。
In that connection, the assessment mission proposed the following key benchmarks as preconditions for a more substantial drawdown of the force: (a) completion of credible disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of former combatants and dismantling of militias; (b) successful completion of the elections; (c) commencement of security sector reform, in particular confidence-building measures within a broader framework for democratic governance and oversight of the security sector, reunification of the army and establishment of functional and republican Ivorian armed forces and security services; and (d) restoration of State authority throughout the country.
余下的两个项属于议程项目 7(g)下审议的投资活动,包括:德国的也门最终淘汰 土壤熏蒸中的甲基溴;意大利的印度转向无氟氯化碳计量吸入器的国家战略和淘汰药用计 [...]
The remaining
[...] two projects were among the investment activities considered under agenda [...]
item 7(g), covering: for Germany,
the terminal phase-out of methyl bromide in soil fumigation in Yemen; and for Italy, the national strategy for transition to non-CFC MDIs and the plan for phase-out of CFCs in the manufacture of pharmaceutical MDIs in India.
虽然这些 努力在很大程度属于非正 式的“二轨外交”,但成 功解决泰柬冲突将赋予印尼更强的信心和更大的政 治野心。
While much of this has been unofficial “track two” diplomacy, a success in the Thai-Cambodian conflict could give it even more confidence and greater ambitions.
此外,2002 年《联合国(反恐怖主义措施)法》第 13 条规定,圣文森特和格 林纳丁斯警察部队的任何成员、任何海关官员、或任何移民官,如有合理理由怀 疑下列情况,可扣留任何现金:此款打算用于恐怖活动;此 属于 该 法第 2 条所 规定的意义内的恐怖分子财产。
Additionally, section 13 the United Nations (Anti-Terrorism Measures) Act, 2002 states that any member of the Royal Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force, any customs officer, or any immigration officer may seize and detain any cash if he has reasonable grounds for suspecting that: it is intended to be used for the purposes of a terrorist act, it is terrorist property within the meaning given in section 2 of the Act.
此外,教科文组 织还将继续努力,促进和平文化建设以及不同文化间与不同文明间的对话,这两者 属于横 向性质的活动。
Furthermore, UNESCO will also continue its efforts to promote a culture of peace and the dialogue among cultures and civilizations, both of which are cross-cutting endeavours.
机械和机床、石油化工产品、电器和电子商品、 计算机及信息和通信技术设备、钢铁产品,以及玩 具和休闲设备等属于其他 受影响的发展中国家工 业出口产品之列。
Machinery and machine tools, petrochemicals, electrical and electronic goods, computer and information and communications technologies (ICT) equipment, steel and steel products, and toys and leisure equipment were among other developing country industrial exports to be affected.
许多代表团和观察员支持将水果和蔬菜汁和浆纳入委员会的职权范围,但不提及 “相关产品”,因为这一术语较含混,可能使委员会的工作范围扩大至据理 属于加 工 水果或蔬菜的产品之外的其它产品,例如,复合产品,在此类产品中,水果汁可用 作一种成分,但其本已包括在处理多成分食品的横向法典文本中。
Many delegations and observers supported the inclusion of fruit and vegetable juices and nectars in the Terms of Reference of the Committee with the exclusion of the reference to “related products” as this term was ambiguous and would open up the scope of the work of the Committee to products that might fall outside of what could be understood as a processed fruit or vegetable, for instance, composite products in which fruit juice could be used as an ingredient that were already covered by horizontal Codex texts addressing multi-ingredient foods.
在 2 月 9 日第 2 次会议上,匈牙利代表(代属于欧洲 联盟和联系国的联合 国会员国)、阿根廷(代属于 77 国集团的联合国会员国和中国)、智利(代表里 约集团)、纳米比亚(南部非洲发展共同体(南共体))、印度尼西亚(代表东南亚国 家联盟(东盟))、西班牙、俄罗斯联邦、加纳、中国和日本发了言。
At the 2nd meeting, on 9 February, statements were made by the representatives of Hungary (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the European Union and the associated countries), Argentina (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group of 77 and China), Chile (on behalf of the Rio Group), Namibia (on behalf of the Southern African Development Community (SADC)), Indonesia (on behalf of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)), Spain, the Russian Federation, Ghana, China and Japan.
关于秘书长报告(A/63/301)中提出大 会可能希望鼓励联合国各专门机构及其他有关实体 在广泛基础上、并通过开放的机制参与道德操守委员 会的建议,咨询委员会仍然认为,将与全系统协调有 关的问题提请行政首长协调会成员注意 属于 作 为协 调会主席的秘书长的职权范围。
With regard to the suggestion in the Secretary-General’s report (A/63/301) that the General Assembly might wish to encourage United Nations specialized agencies and other entities to participate actively in the Ethics Committee on a broad basis and through an open mechanism, the Advisory Committee
believed that it was
[...] within the purview of the Secretary-General, as Chairman of CEB, to bring issues relating to system-wide coordination to the attention of its members.
会议宣布,《公 约》的范围是全面的,第一条明确包括类型和数量 属于 预 防 、保护或其他和平 用途所正当需要的所有天然或人造或人工改变的微生物剂或其他生物剂和毒素及 其组分,不论其来源或生产方法如何,不论其是影响人、动物还是植物。
The Conference declares that the Convention is comprehensive in its scope and that all naturally or artificially created or altered microbial and other biological agents and toxins, as well as their components, regardless of their origin and method of production and whether they affect humans, animals or plants, of types and in quantities that have no justification for prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes, are unequivocally covered by Article I.
于许多属于这一 节的神学理论科目将被视为适当的标题下,他们几个前professo,所以建议在本条仅仅采取这种看法的整个领域将有助于说明在一般地方的末世宗教的框架,解释其标的物的轮廓和它在人类的各种宗教的内容,并通过比较说明了基督教末世论的教学优势。
As the numerous
[...] doctrinal subjects belonging to this section of [...]
theology will be treated ex professo under their several
proper titles, it is proposed in this article merely to take such a view of the whole field as will serve to indicate the place of eschatology in the general framework of religion, explain its subject-matter and the outlines of its content in the various religions of mankind, and illustrate by comparison the superiority of Christian eschatological teaching.
属于重大 改变的重新分配可 纳入经核准的正在执行的年度执行方案中,并在关于年度方案执行情况的报告中向执行委 员会报告。
Reallocations not categorized as major changes may be incorporated in the approved annual implementation programme, under implementation at the time, and reported to the Executive Committee in the report on implementation of the annual programme.
[...] 倘若赌台管理员收到大量以奖金形式提供的金额,而这些款项并不是赠款而属 于社会 目的的捐款,因此如果只因这是奖金而减免赌台管理员的税务负担,但不 [...]
Therefore, although croupiers receive considerable amounts in the form of gratuities, these
gratuities are not donations but customary
[...] gifts, and it makes no sense to relieve [...]
croupiers of taxes on such gratuities
if the tax burden on other people at work is not alleviated.
决定要求冻结安全理事会以往决议和第 1929(2010)号决议第 11 和 12 段确定
[...] 的人员和实体所属的一切资金与金融资源,特别 属于 伊 斯 兰革命卫队的人员和 实体以及(第 19 段所述的)伊朗伊斯兰共和国航运公司的实体(第 [...]
20.1.a 条)。
The decision calls for the freezing of all funds and economic resources belonging to persons and entities designated by the Security Council in prior resolutions and in paragraphs 11 and 12 of Security Council
resolution 1929 (2010), in particular,
[...] persons and entities belonging to the Islamic Revolutionary [...]
Guard Corps and especially
(pursuant to paragraph 19) entities of the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (article 20.1.a).
墨西哥报告,该国宪法第 2(A)条第五和第六款规定:承认和保障土著人民及 社区的自决权,从而依宪法自主保护和改善其生境,并维护其土地的完整;可按 宪法和这方面相关法律规定的形式和方式享有土地所有权,以及第三方或社区其 他成员获得的优惠使用或享用其居住地自然资源的权利, 属于 宪 法 所定战略领 域的除外。
Mexico reported that article 2 (A), paragraphs V and VI, of its Constitution state that it recognizes and guarantees the right of indigenous peoples and communities to self-determination and, as a consequence, autonomy to conserve and improve the habitat and preserve the integrity of their lands in accordance with the Constitution; and to have access to the forms and modalities of property of land established in the Constitution and related laws on the matter, as well as the rights acquired by third parties or by other members of the community to the preferential use and enjoyment of natural resources of the places they live in, except for those that are strategic areas according to the Constitution.
而且,我要澄清的是,1956 年 1 月划定了 Abiad 湖在苏丹共和国与南苏丹共 和国之间边界,这方面不存在争议,整个 Abiad 湖地区属于两国 边境上有争议 的四个或五个地区,受到苏丹人民解放军和正义运动部队攻击的我国武装部队是 驻扎在苏丹共和国领土上。
Furthermore, I would like to clarify that the Abiad Lake is divided between the Republic of the Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan by the border line of January 1956 and there is no dispute on that, the whole of the Abiad Lake area is not among the four or five disputed areas on the border between the two countries, and our armed forces, which were attacked by SPLA and JEM forces, were stationed inside the territories of the Republic of the Sudan.
在同次会议上,苏丹(代属于 77 国集团成员国的联合国会员国和中国)、 捷克共和国(代属于欧洲 联盟成员国的联合国会员国)、孟加拉国(代表最不发 达国家)、格林纳达(代属于小岛屿国家联盟成员国的联合国会员国)、汤加(代 表太平洋小岛屿发展中国家)、阿曼(代 属于 阿 拉 伯集团成员国的联合国会员 国)、塞内加尔(代属于非洲 集团成员国的联合国会员国)、加拿大、美利坚合 众国、俄罗斯联邦和澳大利亚等国代表发了言。
Also at the same meeting, statements were made by the representatives of the Sudan (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group of 77 and China), the Czech Republic (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the European Union), Bangladesh (on behalf of the Least Developed Countries), Grenada (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Alliance of Small Island States), Tonga (on behalf of the Pacific Small Island Developing States), Oman (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members [...]
of the Arab Group), Senegal (on behalf of the States Members of the United
Nations that are members of the African Group), Canada, the United States of America, the Russian Federation and Australia.




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