

单词 展馆

展馆 ()

exhibition hall
(expo) pavilion



exhibition hall

展览馆 n

exhibition gallery n

See also:

schoolroom (old)
embassy or consulate
term for certain service establishments

External sources (not reviewed)

今年迈入第卅届的FER-Interazar电玩展,于9月22~24日在马德里近郊的IFEMA展览中心四 展馆 举 行
The 30th FER-Interazar took place on September 22-24 at Hall 4 of the IFEMA Exhibition Center in the suburbs near Madrid.
第九届上海双年展伊斯坦布展馆的 主题为“突变”(A Twist in the Untimely),我们决定选择能够折射出土耳其与西方的联系中断和延续的三个主题,与一群知名艺术家合作,透过他们的作品走进历史,勾勒伊斯坦布尔在西化过程中多次与西方中断联系的历史真相。
For A Twist in the Untimely, the
[...] Istanbul City pavilion of the 9th Shanghai Biennale, [...]
we decided to make a selection of
three propositions that allude to the various ruptures and continuations that resulted within both contexts and work with a group of strong artists whose work traces several histories and delineates several fault lines inherent in the Westernization process.
如果您有机会亲身前往梦想展馆(1 号 展馆 , 摊位 C21),将能亲眼见识此款腕表魅力呈现。
If you have time to visit us at Baselworld in the Hall of Dreams (Hall 1.0, Stand C21) you’ll be able to see the watch on display and meet the Oris team.
[...] 2008 年萨拉戈 萨博览会设立联合国水机展馆; 为 2009 年伊斯坦布尔世界水论坛的联合国水 [...]
机制展区提供支助(由联合国水机制秘书处和粮农组织协调);每年的斯德哥尔摩 水周;在萨拉戈萨举办水问题记者讲习班和水运营商讲习班;与非洲之家西班牙
基金一起在大加那利岛为非洲水官员举办联合活动;以及 2010 年根据与塞万提 斯文化研究所达成的协定在世界各地举办一系列关于水质的讲座。
The Programme on Communication and Advocacy has organized a series of
catalytic communications initiatives,
[...] including: the UN-Water pavilion at the Zaragoza Expo [...]
2008; support to the UN-Water exhibition
area at the World Water Forum in Istanbul in 2009, which was coordinated by the UN-Water secretariat and FAO; the annual Stockholm Water Week; a journalists workshop on water and a workshop for water operators in Zaragoza; a joint event for African water officials with the Spanish fund Casa Africa in Gran Canary Island; and a series of lectures in 2010 on water quality around the world under an agreement with the Cervantes Cultural Institute.
当角色们出入中国人的邻里时具有的困惑之感贯穿全文的叙述,这可以跟进入(比如说)一个外交代表场合时坚称我们正在接近一个不同的领域而悬置我们的怀疑的感觉相比较——或者说,为此,这有点像在世界博览会和国际展览这些应该灌注国家表述的场合里去参观其他国家 展馆 的 时 候的感觉。
The feeling of bemusement the narrative conveys as the characters move in and out the Chinese neighborhood could be compared to the one experienced when entering, say, a diplomatic representation as it entices us into suspending our disbelief by sustaining that we are accessing a different territory – or, for that matter, when visiting other countries’ pavilions in world fairs and international exhibitions that are supposed to encapsulate national representations.
位于霍巴特市中心的杰出的 塔斯马尼亚博物馆及艺术馆 将该市最古老的建筑 Commissariat Store(1808)包纳其中,这展馆的特 色是陈列有来自该州殖民遗产的塔斯马尼亚土著展品和文物,外加大量殖民地艺术品。
Incorporating Hobart's oldest building, the Commissariat Store (1808), the excellent Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery in the City Centre features a Tasmanian Aboriginal display and relics from the state's colonial heritage, plus a good collection of colonial art.
[...] 梅赛德斯-奔驰金融•尊享汇,作为以金融服务为主题的独 展馆 , 更 被公认为亚洲车展史上前所未见的创举。
In 2012, MBAFC became the first automotive finance company to participate in Beijing International Auto Show, where it presented to China
and Asia the first          
[...] Mercedes-Benz Financial Pavilion, offering customers [...]
exclusive service and unique brand experience.
下一届活动将于2014年3月24-27日在韩国首尔KIN TEX 1展馆举行
The event will next take place at KINTEX 1, Korea from 24 – 27 March and will be hosted by Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS).
4月24日,北京——全球领先的汽车技术及服务供应商博世围绕"清洁与经济、安全与舒适"的主题亮相2012北京 展 E4 展馆 , 通 过iPad展示与模拟器互动等最新多媒体展演形式向中国消费者全面展示了包括混合动力系统、摩托车用ABS、驾驶员辅助系统等一系列领先汽车技术,以及商用车尾气后处理系统Denoxtronic 6.5、专为中国用户设计的人机交互界面等多项满足本土市场需求的技术解决方案。
Through iPad, simulator interaction and other multimedia platforms, Bosch presents a series of leading automotive technologies, including hybrid systems, motorcycle ABS, Driver Assistance Systems, as well as multiple technical solutions to meet the demands of local markets, such as exhaust gas after-treatment system for commercial vehicles - Denoxtronic 6.5 and human-machine interface (HMI) tailored for Chinese users.
欢迎您到瓦克在FIMMA Brasil的展台参观:C展馆,26 区。
Visit WACKER’s booth at
[...] FIMMA Brasil in Pavilion C, Street 26.
光地展台搭建要则 光地展台搭建要则 光地展台搭建要则 光地展台搭建要则 主办单位只为光地的参展商提供所要求的场地面积,参展商须依照主办单位 展馆 订 立 的规则及条款,自行兴 建摊位。
Exhibitors have to design and construct their own booths and comply with the Rules and Regulations of the venue as well as any conditions, which the Organizer may specify before, or during the Exhibition.
为了展馆内营 造一个安静的商务交流环境,主办方将贯彻执行以下设定的场地声量控制的相关条例以及 感谢您对此的支持与配合。
To ensure a quiet environment for business discussions in the exhibition halls, the Organizers will implement the following rules and regulations related to onsite sound control and would appreciate to have your kind compliance and cooperation on this matter
该设计工作室的作品包括图书设计、海报设计、为音乐作品提供视觉标志的摄影和包装设计、文具设计、标识系统设计、印刷设计、网络设计、视频设计、电影字幕设计、展览设计、编辑设计 展馆 设 计 等。
Their work includes book design, posters, photography and packaging for music to visual
identities, stationery,
[...] signage systems, type design, web, video, title sequences for movies, exhibition design, editorial and curatorial work.
这个高质素展馆获得 一致好评,亦有幸荣获美国出版的Exhibitor [...]
Magazine 2010年世博比赛的「编辑之选-荣誉奖」。
The pavilion received many compliments [...]
from visitors and an Honourable Mention recognition from a US based Exhibitor Magazine‘s Expo 2010 Award.
[...] 法。提供相关资料的工作有所改善,分发相关资料的级别有所提高,对此种资料 的需求日渐增加,里约公展馆或纪 念土地日等伙伴活动数目众多,《防治荒漠 [...]
化公约》网站的使用率有所提高,媒体对《公约》益发关注,这些都是此种动态 的明证。
The improved availability and increased level of distribution of information materials, the rising demand for such materials, the
numerous partnership activities such as the
[...] Rio Conventions Pavilion or the Land Days, [...]
the increased use of the UNCCD website
and the growing interest of the media are clear evidence of this development.
约300家来自机器视觉技术领域的参展商将出席VISION 2010这一国际盛会,VISION 2010将在新斯图加特展览中心4号和6号 展馆 举 行 ,两 展馆 的 总面积可达20,000平方米,展品范围如下:创新型摄像系统、视觉传感器、图像采集卡、照明系统、激光器、光学器件/镜头、光学滤镜、配件、软件库、特殊应用机器视觉系统、可配置的机器视觉系统以及完整的解决方案和相关服务。
As an international showcase with around 300 exhibitors of machine vision technologies, VISION 2010 will present the following products on a total gross exhibition area of 20,000 square metres in Halls 4 and 6 at the New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre: innovative camera systems, vision sensors, frame grabbers, illumination, lasers, optics/lenses, optical filters, accessories, software libraries, application-specific machine vision systems, configurable machine vision systems and complete solutions and services.
位于晋安区新店镇,占地面积815亩,有各类动 展馆 、 展 区 16 个,动物近150种1000多只,其中国家一级保护动物20多种。福州动物园富有环境生态化、笼舍景观化、设施人性化的特点。
Located in Xindian Town, Jin’an disctrict, Fuzhou Zoo occupies an area of 815 acres and fosters 1000 animals of 150 species.
意大利国家展览团是意大利对外贸易委员会(ICE)在意大利陶瓷机械及设备生产商协会(ACIMAC)协助下组织的,该展团位于广州琶 展馆 3.1号馆C101- 102,总面积达1300平方米,是本次展览规模最大的外国 展 团 , 展馆 的 布 置独到而大气,充分地体现了意大利产品的创新技术和卓越的设计风格。
Italian national trade is the Italian Trade Commission (ICE) in Italian ceramic machinery and
equipment manufacturers Association (ACIMAC) With the assistance of the
[...] Organization, the Pavilion is located in Guangzhou pazhou 3.1, C101-102 total 1300 square meters, is the largest exhibition Large foreign exhibitors, the Pavilion's unique layout [...]
and atmospheric, adequately
reflects the presentation of the innovative technology and great design.
不久的将来在上海世博会上,我们也期待着在中 展馆 内 ,能有研究成果是使用了日立高新的分析装置和医用仪器而得出的。
In the near future , in the Shanghai Expo association, we are also looking forward that research result which made by using analysis equipment and clinical machine of Hitachi High-Tech will be presented.
目前公司经营范围涵盖各种触摸屏、触摸显示器、大尺寸互动系统、触摸查询一体机、触摸应用软件的开发等,我们的产品广泛应用到金融、通信、电力、交通、医院、游戏、房地产、旅游和政府等行业, 以及车站、4S零售店、博馆、展览 馆 、 图 书馆、宾馆酒店、娱乐KTV等场所。
Currently, the company covers a variety of touch screens, monitors, large-size interactive systems, kiosk, the application software development, etc., our products are widely applied to the financial, telecommunications, electricity, transportation, hospitals, gaming, real estate, tourism and government sectors, as well as the station, 4S stores, museums, galleries, libraries, hotels, entertainment, KTV and other places.
8月初以来,这座雕塑一直在开普敦Stellenbosch的Rupert博 馆展 出 , 这家博物馆珍藏的是南非最重要的当代艺术收藏品。
The sculpture has been on display since early August in the Rupert Museum in Stellenbosch near Cape Town, which houses the most important collection of contemporary art in South Africa.
该展览已在巴黎教科文组织 总部及在欧洲和拉丁美洲的几个博 馆展 出。
Among various locations, the exhibition was hosted at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, as well
[...] as several museums in Europe and Latin [...]
例如在美馆展出摄 影作品,向观众表演 话剧,在商店、餐馆播放CD等。
For example, displaying photos in an art gallery, performing a play in front of an audience, or playing a CD in a store or restaurant.
儿童的学习成果发表于Bouzigues的托湖沼博 馆展 览 室 中,爱彼基金会亦资助博物馆的成立。
The children’s work is presented in a dedicated room in the Musée de l'Etang [...]
de Thau in Bouzigues, the creation of which
was financed by the Foundation.
博物馆行业专家 将对新的博馆展示手 段和视觉展示手段进行研究并加以落实,以期着眼于不同 文化间和不同文明间的交流。
Museum professionals will research and implement new museographical and scenographical approaches with a view to intercultural and intercivilizational exchange.
该展览是威尼斯双年展的一部分,与在威尼斯 本地举办的其它外部活动相联系:双年展通过
位于全世界主要城市的意大利文化机构举办了 89
[...] 场展览,通过视频连接由居住在巴塞罗那的 意大利建筑师 Benedetta Tagliabue Miralles 为 2011 年意大利展厅设计的 “2011年第 54 届威 尼斯国际艺术双年展意大馆” 展览。
The exhibition is part of the Venice Biennale, which is linked to other initiatives outside the Venice site: the Biennale in the Regionals and no less than 89 exhibitions at the premises of Italian Cultural Institutes in the main capital cities around the world, linked to Venice’s Arsenale via video, to create the “Italy around the world hall at the 54th International Exhibition of Art for the
2011 Venice Biennale”
[...] in the Italy Hall set up for 2011 by Italian architect and Barcelona resident Benedetta Tagliabue Miralles.
香港生物科技协会(HKBIO),香港科技园公司(HKSTP)及香港贸易发展局(HKTDC)合办香港生物科技代表团,带领香港生物科技公司和机构,到在华盛顿召开的BIO 2011生物科技全球大会香馆展出科 研成就。
Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization (HKBIO), Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) are pleased to announce the recent success of co-organizing the Hong Kong Biotechnology Delegation, comprising
prominent Hong Kong biotech companies and
[...] organizations, to exhibit at the BIO 2011 [...]
International Convention at Washington DC during June 27-30.
大会该届会议还请秘书长继续为协助方案下一个两年期和以后的两年期方 案预算提供所需资源,确保该方案持续有效和进一步 展 , 尤 其是定期安排国际 法区域课程,确保联合国国际法视听图 馆 能 继 续办下去;定期邀请会员国、大 学、慈善基金会和关心此事的其他国家与国际机构和组织以及个人,对协助方案 [...]
经费作出自愿捐助,或以其他方式协助方案的执行和可能的扩展;又请秘书长在 同协助方案咨询委员会协商后,提出关于其后各年执行协助方案的建议(第 66/97 号决议)。
Also at that session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to provide to the programme budget for the following and future bienniums the resources necessary to ensure
the continued effectiveness and further development of the Programme of Assistance, in particular the organization of regional courses in international law on a regular basis and the viability of the United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law; to periodically invite Member States, universities, philanthropic foundations and other interested national and international institutions and organizations, as well as individuals, to make voluntary contributions towards the financing of the Programme of Assistance or otherwise to assist in its implementation and possible expansion; and, following consultations with the Advisory Committee on the Programme of Assistance, to submit recommendations regarding the execution of the Programme in subsequent years (resolution 66/97).
社会重返厅单独或与其它组织合作举办未成年人休闲活动,如参观博馆展览、 夏令营和野外郊游等,从而加强有份参与的青少年之间的友谊,扩大 [...]
The DSR organizes, individually or in co-operation with other associations, leisure
initiatives for the minors, such as visits
[...] to museums and exhibitions, summer camps [...]
and field trips, among other activities.




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