

单词 展玩

See also:

have fun
trifle with
play with
legendary archer
keep sth. for entertainment
sth. used for amusement

External sources (not reviewed)

该授权使STR-Registrar能根据玩具工业协会(TIA)的玩具安全认证计划(TSCP(R)) 展玩 具 产 品认证,并为已达到玩具安全认证计划特定安全要求的玩具产品或包装授权使用必要的玩具工业协会玩具安全认证标志。
This accreditation enables STR-Registrar to certify toy products in accordance with the Toy Industry Association's (TIA) Toy Safety Certification Program (TSCP(R)) and grant use of TIA's toy safety certification mark that will be required on toy products or packaging that have met the specific TSCP(R) program safety requirements.
香港現時是全球相當重要的展覽中心,也是亞洲的展覽之都,每年在香 港舉行的大型貿易展覽會超過 100
[...] 場,我們有 7 項展覽會,包括秋季電展、 玩具展及禮 品展等,均是亞洲最大型的,其中 [...]
5 項更位踞全球三大之列,每 年吸引 50 萬名海外買家前來香港。
We have seven events, including the autumn fair on
[...] electronic products, the toy show and the gifts show, [...]
and so on, which are the largest in Asia.
這些推 廣活動涵蓋年度重點活動,包括「影視娛樂博覽」、「設計遊」和「設 計營商周」,以至首次舉辦的活動,例如「香港亞洲流行音樂節」、 「亞洲網絡遊戲大獎」、「時裝‧視野 展 覽 、 「 玩 具 天 堂-香港玩 具文化與創意」及其他多項活動。
These programmes range from annual signature events, including Entertainment Expo, DETOUR and Business of Design Week, to inaugural events such as Hong Kong Asian-Pop Music Festival, Asia Online Game Awards, Fashion Visionaries, Toys Paradise – Creativity and Toy Culture of Hong Kong and many others.
请关心您孩子在互联网上的活动,并让他向展 示,他玩的是 什么游戏?访问的是哪些交流论坛 和网页?
Take an interest in what your child does on the Internet; have him or her show you the games he/she plays and which communication forums and websites he/she uses.
随着小孩认知能 力的展,这些玩偶、 可动人形和填充玩具便成为帮助小孩学习装扮和角色扮演的重要的 [...]
As cognitive abilities increase, dolls, action
[...] figures, and stuffed toys, serve an important [...]
symbolic function in helping children
learn to pretend and role-play.
因为中国是代表新兴国家,代表展 中 国 家,代 玩 知 识产权后起的国家。
China is a country that stands
[...] for emerging nations, developing countries and is a newcomer [...]
to handle intellectual property right.
成立科學大衛營的主要目的為產品操作示 範 / 展 示 、 銷售 玩 具 體 驗,每個各占了分店經營目標的1/3。
The three objectives of the Science camp are for demonstration, sales and experience, with 1/3 emphasis for each.
公司当前的唯一拥有人 Horst
[...] Brandstätter 在上世纪七十年代初认识到来自低成本经济体的竞争威胁,并因 展 开 了 新系 玩 具 的 开发工作。
Horst Brandstätter, the current sole owner recognised the threat of
competition from low-price economies at the beginning of the 1970s and so
[...] initiated the development of a new range of toys.
具有坚强实力的台湾游戏开发团队「思维工坊」于刚刚落幕的台北 玩展 中 首 度发表了最新作品《Dragon’s Prophet》,并同时宣布已与日本知名游戏营运商Aeria Games携手合作,进军具有指标意义的日本在线游戏市场,目前《Dragon’s Prophet》的走向及未来发展已受到全球市场及玩家的高度关注。
The company also announced it will be collaborating with the famous Japanese game publisher -- Aeria Games to release Dragon's Prophet in Japan.
今年,集“迪奧的Christal”的東西,是一個新的漩渦 玩 卡 , 展 示 黑 的晚上,藍寶石水晶玻璃表鏡插入或長棍麵包,黑鑽石,發現擋板。
This year, the collection "Dior Christal" stuff is a new
[...] Whirlpool playing the card of evening that showcases black, its [...]
sapphire crystal inserts, black
diamonds or baguette, found on the bezel.
依照往年的規模,雖然電玩主機界三巨頭之一的任天堂,一如往年沒有參加東京 玩展 , 但 是今年日本微軟也因故沒有參展,導致東京 玩展 變 成SONY與第三方廠商(即非遊戲主機開發商與旗下製作公司的遊戲廠商)對抗智慧型手機遊戲的一場大混戰。
Therefore, this year’s TGS became a serious war zone in which Sony and the third party game developers (game companies which are not game console developers and subsidiary manufacturers) fought against smart phone games.
今年迈入第卅届的FER-Interazar电玩展, 于 9月22~24日在马德里近郊的IFEMA展览中心四号展馆举行。
The 30th FER-Interazar took place on September 22-24 at Hall 4 of the IFEMA Exhibition Center in the suburbs near Madrid.
好舒服-確保你無論是在工作還玩樂 , 都可 展 現 最 佳狀態完成。
Comfortable-No matter you are working or playing, comfortable is most important of all.
在促进手工 艺和设计方面,本双年度最后半年的工作主要是分发教材和有关前十八个月中开展培训和宣
[...] [...] 传活动的资料性文件:西非女手工艺人讲习班--会议小册子(达喀尔,2000 年 11 月 20--30 日),以无铅制造陶瓷器国际讲习班主题的只读光盘(墨西哥城,2001 年 5 月),“非洲儿玩具”展览目 录(教科文组织,2001 年 3 月 26--4 月 6 日),以及《富有创造力的手艺 人》第三卷(1996--2001 年教科文组织手工艺奖得主全被收在该卷中)。
Pursuing the promotion of craftwork and design, the last semester of the biennium was devoted to the dissemination of educational material and information documents on the training and promotion activities carried out during the previous 18 months: a brochure on the workshop-meeting of West African craftswomen (Dakar, 20-30
November 2000), a CD-ROM
[...] on the international workshop for lead-free ceramics (Mexico, May 2001), the catalogue of the exhibition “African children’s toys” (UNESCO, 26 March-6 [...]
April 2001), and
the second volume of Creative Craftworkers devoted to the winners of the UNESCO Crafts Prize 1996-2001.
第一個我們打算展出的盛會就是在領國舉行的新加 玩 具 、 電 玩 與 漫 畫 展 , 至 於接下來會在哪一個國家展出,會根據我們的預算而決定。
We intend to display the first event was held
in Singapore in the
[...] lead country toys, video games and comic show in the next step in a national exhibition which will be determined [...]
according to our budget.
政府负责处理可能由第三方对教科文组织、其工作人员或地区中心雇用的其他人员提出的任 何索赔,并使教科文组织和上述人员不因地区中心根据本协定 展 的 业 务所引起的索赔或债务而 受到损害,但经教科文组织和政府商定,属于上述人员严 玩 忽 职 守或蓄意行为不当所造成的索 赔或债务除外。
The Government shall be responsible for dealing with any claims which may be brought by third persons against UNESCO, against members of its staff or against other persons employed by the Regional Centre, and shall hold UNESCO and the above-mentioned parties harmless from any claims or liabilities resulting from operations of the Regional Centre under this Agreement, except where it is agreed by UNESCO and the Government that such claims or liabilities arise from the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of such persons.
机械和机床、石油化工产品、电器和电子商品、 计算机及信息和通信技术设备、钢铁产品,以玩 具和休闲设备等都属于其他受影响的 展 中 国 家工 业出口产品之列。
Machinery and machine tools, petrochemicals, electrical and electronic goods, computer and information and communications technologies (ICT)
equipment, steel and steel
[...] products, and toys and leisure equipment were among other developing country industrial [...]
exports to be affected.
卡通化/真实的细节主要 涉玩具的外型展示。
Cartoonish/Real details
[...] pertain to the visual presentation of a toy.
香港 - 伟易达集团(香港联交所代号:303;伦敦证交所代号:VTH;美国预托证券代号:VTKHY)旗下之全资附属公司VTech
[...] Elect ronics Europe plc在伦玩具展上宣 布推出多款全新婴儿电子学习产品系列。
Hong Kong – VTech Electronics Europe plc, a wholly owned subsidiary of VTech Holdings Ltd (SEHK: 303;
London SE: VTH; ADR: VTKHY) announced the addition of various new products to the
[...] VTech Baby family at the London Toy Fair.
香港 - 偉易達集團(香港聯交所代號:303;倫敦證交所代號:VTH;美國預託證券代號:VTKHY)旗下之全資附屬公司VTech
[...] Electronics Europe plc 在倫玩具展上宣布電子學習電腦系列的全新產品。
Hong Kong – VTech Electronics Europe plc, a wholly-owned subsidiary of
VTech Holdings Ltd (SEHK: 303; London SE: VTH; ADR: VTKHY)
[...] announced the expansion of their range [...]
of Electronic Learning Computers.
Pockos提供了一个新奇玩具范围扩展 到 那 些可在Pockos美国目前和杂项物品,还提供花园大倍数和独立零售商的一致好评。
Pockos offers an extended range of novelty toys to those available [...]
currently in Pockos America and also offer Garden Sundry
items to large multiples and independant retailers alike.
[...] 戏室,但在代表团查访时无人使用,里面只有几 玩 具。
The women’s quarter had a playroom which was donated by an NGO, but during delegation visits no one used the
[...] room, which had a few toys.
委员会提醒缔约国注意儿童休息、娱乐和参加文化活动的权利,建议缔约 国支持在公共场所、学校、儿童机构和在家中增进和便利儿 玩 耍 以及 开 展 儿童 自己组织的其他活动的举措。
The Committee reminds the State party of the children's right to rest, leisure and cultural activities and recommends that it support initiatives which promote and facilitate
children's play-time and other self-organized activities in
[...] public places, schools, children's institutions and at home.
經過高超的化妝術修飾,不但巾幗可勝鬚眉,俊男亦可變妝成美女!嶄新遊節目《變身男女Chok Chok Chok》就為酷愛「變身」的男女提供表演舞台,透過公開招募,每集有一男一女入圍參賽者亮相節目, 玩 「 反 串」, 展 才 藝,由紅人嘉賓與現場觀眾競猜真正性別,勝出的參賽者及猜中的嘉賓都可獲得豐富獎金或獎品。
Synopsis Release Date: 2011.07.03 Production Credits Producer: Wilson Chin Editor: Wah Kok Leung Main Cast: Christine Ng, Louis Yuen, 伍詠薇, 阮兆祥 Source HDTV Format RMVB Language Cantonese Subtitle Chinese Episodes 18 Latest Search: what the face chok chok chok episode 15 rmvb, watch 變身男女chok chok chok online, 變身男女 chok chok chok watch online, 變身男女 Chok Chok Chok what the face, 變身男女 english sub, what the face – 變身男女chok chok chok – episode 15, 變身男女chok chok chok watch online, 變身男女Chok Chok [...
曜越Tt eSPORTS PRIME Team– 韩国顶尖《星际争霸II》
[...] [...] 职业电竞战队成立于2010年,不过其辉煌的战绩,很快就窜红在星际界中,成为国际星际赛事中大家所热烈讨论的知名战队之一;2012年,台北国际 玩展 ( T a ip ei Game Show)中,曜越科技Tt eSPORTS正式与韩国顶尖职业电竞战队 PRIME Team签约,在有曜越Tt eSPORTS的电竞配备加持下,Tt [...] [...]
eSPORTS PRIME Team于2010的《星际争霸II:自由之翼》大赛中崭露头角,接着更以黑马姿态在大型国际星海赛事中锋芒毕露,其战无不胜的成绩,迅速累积名气,成为星海迷们的瞩目焦点英雄;近期在内华达州拉斯韦加斯的 IPL4 国际星际争霸 II联赛,PRIME Team最终也抱走高逹USD25,00的冠军奖金及奖杯,证明其日不落的实力。
Established in 2010, PRIME quickly became an international force following two successful GSL 2nd place finishes by popular player MarineKing.
尽管缔约国为减轻学生的压力作出了努力,通过一些方案确保儿童有机玩耍和开展娱乐 和文化活动,但委员会关切的是,在缔约国的教育系统中仍然广 [...]
Despite the efforts made by the State party to lower the stress of students and the
adoption of programmes to ensure that
[...] children have the opportunity to play and engage [...]
in recreational and cultural activities,
the Committee is concerned at the severely competitive conditions that are still prevalent in the State party’s education system.
被来自全世界玩家首肯的Dreamhack电竞博览会,一直是顶尖游戏亮相之处,所有玩家皆对此 玩 界 的 展 示 会 抱持着最热衷的参与态度,每年的展览一定吸引超过上万名的电竞高手前往参观及比赛,Tt [...]
Dreamhack is considered the pinnacle
gaming event around the world because of
[...] the mass amount of gamers who come together [...]
to visit the World’s Digital Festival,
with over 9,250 BYOC competitors as well as an estimated 10,000 visitors.
本會促請政府全 面 檢討西九龍文娛藝術區展計劃,在規 劃文化設施 之 前 , 應 先 考慮有關‘軟 件 ’的 內容, 延 長提交展建議的期 限 ,並公開 及 詳 細 地 諮詢文化界 、 專 業 團 體 、地產 界 、立法會、公眾 及相關組織 , 以 貫徹文化委員會就西九龍展計劃 提出‘以 人 為本’、 ‘建立伙 伴 關 係 ’ 和 ‘民間主導’的原則 , 制 訂 公 開 、公平 和 適切合 宜 的展及運作方案, 而 在展過程中,政府應 促成展商與 文化界 的 伙 伴 關 係,讓 文化界參 與 區 內 設施的策 劃及將來的運作。
That this Council urges the Government to
comprehensively review the West
[...] Kowloon Cultural District development project, consider the ‘software’ contents before planning the cultural facilities, extend the deadline for submission of development proposals, openly and thoroughly consult the cultural sector, professional bodies, the real estate sector, the Legislative Council, the public and relevant organizations, and uphold the ‘people-oriented’, ‘partnership’ and ‘community-driven’ principles put forward by the Culture and Heritage Commission for the West Kowloon development in formulating a development and operation plan that is open, fair and proper; and in the process of development, the Government should [...]
also facilitate a
partnership between developers and the cultural sector, so as to allow the latter to participate in the planning and future operation of the facilities in the district.
这 12 个员额包括行政领导和管理项下的一个 P-2 协理经济事务干事员额;次级 方案 1(与全球经济的联系、区域一体化及合作)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案
2(生 产和创新)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案
[...] 3(宏观经济政策和增长)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 5(社会展与平等)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 12(墨西哥和 [...]
中美洲的次区域活动)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 13(加勒比次区域活动)下的
1 个当地雇员员额;方案支助项下的一个 P-4 临时员额、一个 P-2 员额和 3 个当 地雇员员额。
These 12 posts comprise one P-2 post of Associate Economic Affairs Officer under executive direction and management; one P-2 post under subprogramme 1, Linkages with the global economy, regional integration and cooperation; one P-2 post under subprogramme 2, Production and innovation; one P-2 post under subprogramme 3, Macroeconomic policies
and growth; one P-2 post under
[...] subprogramme 5, Social development and equality; one [...]
P-2 post under subprogramme 12, Subregional
activities in Mexico and Central America; one Local level post under subprogramme 13, Subregional activities in the Caribbean; and one P-4 temporary post, one P-2 post and three Local level posts under programme support.




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