单词 | 屏幕比例 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 屏幕比例 noun —aspect ratio nSee also:屏幕 n—screen n • screens pl • on-screen n 比例 n—ratio n • ratios n • percentage n • proportions pl • proportionality n 比例—proportion • scale
如果在你頁面佈局中的照片框與你的照片 的 屏幕比例 並 不一致,你可以使用這個選項來自動裁切照片,以填滿每個照片框。 mammals.org | If the photo boxes on your page layout don’t [...] match the aspect ratio of your photos, you [...]can use this option to automatically crop the photos to fill each box. mammals.org |
另一种相机的实时显示功能除了是佳能的新功能,即长宽比实时显 示 屏幕 可 以 显示1:1,16:9或4 :3 的 比例 , 除了标准的比例为3:2裁剪线。 technologeeko.com | Another addition to the camera’s Live View [...] function is Canon’s new Aspect Ratio feature whereby [...] the Live View screen can display cropping lines for 1:1, 16:9 or 4:3 aspect ratios in addition to the standard 3:2 ratio. technologeeko.com |
有了这种设置,利用高清电脑显示器或电视机进行回放时,您还能以 与 屏幕 相 配 的 比例 显 示 并欣赏图像。 ricoh.com | Using this, you can also display and enjoy [...] photos with a ratio matched to the screen when playing them back on high-definition-capable computer screens and televisions. ricoh.com |
又 例 如去年 通 過 的《職 業安全 健 康 ( 顯 示屏幕 設 備 )規例》,大大加 強保護 員工在使用電腦 設 備 時的工作 安 全 和 健 康。 legco.gov.hk | Another example is the Occupational Safety and Health (Display Screen Equipment) Regulation, [...] which has greatly enhanced [...]the protection of employees' occupational safety and health in the use of computer equipment. legco.gov.hk |
信箱 — 在 16:9 的螢幕上播放寬螢幕電影,同時保持電影的原始 螢 幕比例。 seagate.com | Letter Box—Displays a wide screen film [...] on a 16:9 screen while maintaining the film’s original aspect ratio. seagate.com |
这里指的“设 [...] 置”包括使蜂鸣器与打印机动作或不动作,以及日期、时间、日期 格式、屏幕对比度等。 itcmed.com | These setting options include enabling or disabling the beeper and printer, and setting the [...] time, date format, and screen contrast. itcmed.com |
根据影片中所用的声音类型,银幕影 像 的 比例 : 2. 35:1(光学声音)或 2.55:1(4-轨磁性声 音)。 motion.kodak.com | Depending on the type of sound used [...] in the print, the screen image has an aspect ratio of 2:35:1 (optical [...]sound), or 2:55:1 (4-track magnetic sound). motion.kodak.com |
例如,下图屏幕中显 示的可用性统计数据按不 同时间段显示,并分为喷码机可用性和运行可用性两大类。 uptime.videojet.com | For example, the screen below shows Availability [...] statistics broken down by various time periods and also by Printer Availability and Operational Availability. uptime.videojet.com |
而eSlick设备上预装的福昕阅读器为用户提供了独特的阅读体验:一方面,其“缩放功能”可对阅读页面进行一 定 比例 的 放 大;另一方面,在“文本重排”模式中,文本内容被自动调整到适 合 屏幕 的 尺 寸,用户可通过菜单控制显示字体的大小。 oapdf.com | ESlick equipment and pre-installed Foxit Reader provides users with a unique reading experience: on the one hand, the [...] "Zoom" can read the [...] pages of a certain proportion of amplification; On the other hand, in the "rearrangement of the text" mode , the text is automatically adjusted to fit the size of the screen, the user can [...]control the display through the menu font size. oapdf.com |
USB 端口 [...] 允许方便安全地储存以 ASCII 格式提供 的数据及进行所有相关例程和屏幕截图 的数据传输。 miyachiunitek.com | A USB port allows for convenient and safe storage of data provided in ASCII format as well as data transfer [...] of all relevant routines and screen shots. miyachiunitek.com |
ODV(全向视图)和 ABN(高级黑色向列)技术实现了优异的正 面 屏幕 性 能 ( 例 如 超 高的 对 比度 ( 500:1) 和宽视角),可媲美 VFD(真空荧光显示器),且具有低功耗和高分辨率优势。 digikey.cn | ODV (Omni-Directional View) and ABN (Advanced Black [...] Nematic) technologies achieve [...] superior front screen performance, such as very high contrast ratio (500:1), and a wide viewing angle that is comparable to VFD (Vacuum [...]Fluorescent Displays) [...]but have the advantage of low power consumption and high resolution. digikey.be |
特色的戶外空間有著跳飛機與鞦韆等俏皮玩意與室內工業的裝潢成強烈 對 比 , 加 上LED 的 屏幕 牆 ,予 人無限的視覺驚喜。 ilovelkf.hk | Fly's fun outdoor space with hopscotch and swings sits in contrast to the industrial interiors where a LED wall pulses to the beat. ilovelkf.hk |
笔记本 索尼VAIO VPC-EL2S1R - 非常适合在家庭和工作的日常使用的日常工作的有效实施, 高对比度屏幕和用户友好的功能。 driver-download.ru | Notebook SONY VAIO VPC-EL2S1R -ideal for everyday use at home and at work. driver-download.ru |
此方式最適合 4:3 影像,例如電腦螢 幕、標準電視和 4:3 縱橫比的 DVD 電影, 因為這些都沒有更改比例。 viewsoniceurope.com | This is most suitable for 4:3 images like computer monitors, standard definition TV and 4:3 aspect DVD movies, as it displays them without aspect alteration. viewsoniceurope.com |
我作為《 職 業 安全及健 康 ( 顯示屏幕設 備 )規例》小 組委員會主席,由 2000 年年底 召 開 第 一 [...] 次 小 組委員會會議至今已有一年 多 的 時間,我 深切體 會 到 僱 主 與 僱 員 在 僱 員 職 安 健理想 上 的 嚴 重分歧 。 legco.gov.hk | As the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Occupational Safety and [...] Health (Display Screen Equipment) Regulation, I have, over [...]the past year or so since the [...]end of 2000 when the first Subcommittee meeting was held, come to deeply realize the huge differences between employers and employees over the latter's occupational safety and health. legco.gov.hk |
由于不同的原因(预算,W3C [...] 残疾人法案兼容,最小下载时间),HTML版本的站点在视效上非常简单,正 如 屏幕 的 比 较 截 图所揭示的那样使人回想起1996-1998时期的网站。 uigarden.net | For various reasons (budget, W3C ADA compliance, minimal downloading time), the HTML [...] version of the site is very simple visually, reminiscent of Web sites circa [...] 1996-98 as the comparison screenshots reveal. uigarden.net |
未來將會實現更多應用,例如: 廣告顯示屏或筆記本電 腦 屏幕 的 互動 點,可根據單個觀看者的目光方向自動切換不同的特惠信息或廣告; 或是特殊研究裝置,它能夠通過捕捉大多數觀眾首先注目的對象或注視 [...] 時間最長的對象,來測出最具吸引力的畫面點。 osram-os.net | Many more applications will be realizable in [...] the future, such as [...] interactive point of sale displays or laptop screens, automatically switching to [...]special offers or ads, [...]based on where the viewer is looking – or special study and research devices able to examine which points of a picture are most attractive by capturing what most people focus on at first or for the longest time. osram-os.net |
根據需要調整設定,具體做法請參照 「調整螢幕比例」( 第 56 頁 ) 和 「調整亮度和對比度」 [...] (第56頁)的資訊。 seagate.com | Adjust the settings as required, following the information in [...] “Adjusting the Aspect Ratio” on page 56 and [...]“Adjusting the Brightness and Contrast” on page 56. seagate.com |
放映机的镜头把正片解压缩, 幷提供符合宽银幕规格的 2.35:1 比例。 motion.kodak.com | The print is un-squeezed by the projector lens, which gives the [...] characteristic wide screen (2.35:1) aspect ratio. motion.kodak.com |
備註: 標準畫質電視以 4:3 的螢幕比例顯示 ¡F 高畫質電視以 16:9 的螢幕比例顯示。 seagate.com | Note: Standard definition TVs [...] display in a 4:3 aspect ratio; high definition TVs display in a 16:9 aspect ratio. seagate.com |
在三色系统中,配方 2-2(屏幕 31)和配方 3-2 (屏幕 33)可使用户为另外的 A2 和 A3 涂料 (颜色 2 和 3)设置冲洗计时器。 gww.graco.com | In 3-Color systems, Recipe 2-2 (Screen 31) and Recipe 3-2 (Screen 33) allow users to set flush timers for the additional materials A2 and A3 (colors 2 and 3). gww.graco.com |
我们提供了多个界面元素,包括检查框、单选按钮和编辑栏,方便您构建常规 的 屏幕 , 比 如 许 可协议窗体、序列号校验窗体、文件夹选项界面和其他高级选项界面。 evget.com | There’s everything from check boxes, radio buttons and edit [...] fields to popular screens like license agreements, [...]serial number verification, shortcut [...]folder selection and other advanced options. evget.com |
上图是普通屏幕显示(打印屏幕)的 例 子 , 没有图例。点击“地图编辑器控制”的“复制图例”,然后 把它粘贴到 Word 文件中即可加上图例。 help.emd.dk | Shown above is an example of an ordinary screen dump (print screen), without [...] the Legend, which can be added by clicking [...]“Copy legend” in the Map Composer Control, and then pasting it into the Word document. help.emd.dk |
(B) 倘任何股東交出代表其所持股份之一張股票予以註銷,並要求本 公司按該股東可能指定之有關比例另 發 兩張或以上代表該等股份之股票替代,則董事 [...] 會可於就首張股票以外每張股票支付董事會不時釐定的有關費用(倘為任何於香港證 券交易所上市的股本,則該費用不得超過有關證券交易所不時規定或准許的最高金 [...] 額,而倘為任何其他股本,則為董事會就有關股東名冊所在地區而言屬合理而可能不 時釐定的以有關貨幣計值的有關款項,或否則於各情況下董事會可能不時釐定的有關 其他款項)後酌情遵照有關要求。 asiasat.com | (B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or [...] more share certificates representing [...] such shares in such proportions as he may specify, [...]the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply [...]with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine. asiasat.com |
据高工LED产业研究所统计,2012年中国LED芯片平均价格 同 比 下 降32%,部分产 品 例 如 显 示 屏 用 小功率LED蓝绿光芯片平均价格降幅超过50%。 jxlcd.com | According to high LED industry research institute, China LED chip prices [...] fell by an average of [...] 32% in 2012, some products such as screen with small power LED blue green [...]light chip prices fell by more than 50% on average. jxlcd.com |
在不同的时间当您的计算机正在运行时,信息可能会显示 在 屏幕 上 , 例 如 当 病毒数据库已经更新,当传入的电子邮件被扫描等等。 [...] 这可能会导致全屏幕应用程序(如游戏)被中断,当信息出现时当作 Windows 从全屏幕模式切换到正常模式。 support.avast.com | At various times while your computer is running, messages may be [...] displayed on your screen e.g. when the virus [...]definitions have been updated, when [...]an incoming e-mail is being scanned etc. This can result in full-screen applications (e.g. games) being interrupted as Windows switches from full-screen mode to normal mode when the message appears. support.avast.com |
因此,可以为网络上的特定设备或用户定义特殊的监视器分辨率 ( 例 如 宽 屏 格 式) 或 屏幕 布 局。 igel.com | As a result, particular monitor [...] resolutions, such as wide-screen formats, or the screen layout can be [...]defined for a specific device or user over the network. igel.com |
如 果只有部分屏幕显示图像(例如指 令提示窗口),或者使用黑 色背景(墙纸等),此功能无法正常工作。 eizo.com | Itdoesnotwork [...] properlywhenanimageisdisplayedonlyonapar tof th e screen(commandpromptwindow,for example) o r whena blackbackground(wallpaper,etc.)isinuse. eizo.com.au |
双方还商定,如果三分之一/三 分之二的分摊比例是偿 还人事费的公平假设,则将其应用于以前未分摊的 费用:一般临时人员、计算机、办公场地和审计费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was also agreed that, if the one-third/two-thirds formula was a fair assumption for the reimbursement of staffing costs, it should also be used for costs that had previously not been shared: general temporary assistance, computer, office space and audit costs. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些包括非毛利人与毛利人之间的差异, [...] 《威坦哲条约》在国内立法中的地位,家庭暴力,机会平等,毛利人在刑事司法 制度中比例过高,以及批准新西兰尚未成为缔约国的人权条约问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | These included the social disparities between non-Maori and Maori; the status of the Treaty of Waitangi in [...] domestic legislation; family violence; [...] equality of opportunity; overrepresentation of Maori [...]in the criminal justice system; and [...]ratification of human rights treaties to which New Zealand was not party. daccess-ods.un.org |