单词 | 屋子 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 屋子noun—housenroomroomnSee also:屋n—roomn housen
在此次展览中,原住房中的每间屋子都开辟为独立区域,观众可以播放高品质录放机或随意翻阅相册,如同在友人家中一般,随意发掘物品。 shanghaibiennale.org | Each room in the house hasits own section [...] in the exhibition, and visitors are encouraged to explore the objects as they [...]would in a friend’s home—by playing the hi-fi record player or browsing through photo albums. shanghaibiennale.org |
是的,我需要这么一间屋子来存 放我的旧家具”,这些家具寄托着她对已经过世十年的老伴的怀念。 reports.wacker.com | I need it for the [...] furniture from my old house.”She is keeping [...]the furniture as a reminder of her late husband, who died ten years ago. reports.wacker.com |
这就像是您最喜欢的艺术家在同一间 屋子里您独家倾情表演。 bang-olufsen.com | It's as though your favourite artists are performing in the same room, just for you. bang-olufsen.com |
别以为住在半山区的屋子一定很豪华。 4tern.com | Don’t ever [...] think all the housesin the middle [...]of the hills must be luxurious or nice. 4tern.com |
对于这类消费者,无论他们是否使用收音机, 还是在屋子里点 几盏灯,税收都是固定的。 undpcc.org | Indeed, for these consumers, the tariff is fixed and based on whether or not they use a radio and on the number of lighting points in the household. undpcc.org |
在耶路撒冷西部地区,违章建筑大体上毫无例外地包括在合法 建筑物外添加建筑,比如在院子中新建一间 屋子或在同一房屋内加建阁楼。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the western parts of Jerusalem, building violations almost [...] invariably consist of additions to a legal building, such as the addition of [...] a room in courtyard or an attic within a roof space. daccess-ods.un.org |
。混合宿舍是8在一个小山寨床间大屋子里。 instantworldbooking.com | Mixed dorm is one big roomwith 8 beds in a little cottage. instantworldbooking.com |
因此,在 2012 年 1 月 24 日至 26 日期间,74 名嫌疑人分别关在两间牢房 和利比里亚国家警察站的一间屋子里。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a result, the 74 suspects were detained in two cells and one room at the LNP station between 24 and 26 January 2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
24 小时被锁在屋子里。这不仅 是一种侵权行为,这也意味着他们是与世隔绝的,无法向有关当局汇报剥削情 况,也无法从他的同龄人、朋友或工会代表获得支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is not only a violation, but also means that they are isolated, unable to report exploitation to the authorities and incapable of obtaining support from peers, friends or labour union representatives. daccess-ods.un.org |
我迅速冲出屋子,望见了夜空中的一幅奇景:天空仿佛被火红的烈焰点燃,闪耀的殷红色光帘,明黄色线条与脉动的紫色斑点时隐时现。 visitfinland.com | I hurried out into the night and was amazed to see the heavens ablaze with fiery red flares, shimmering crimson curtains of light, bright yellow streaks and pulsating purple patches. visitfinland.com |
然后,他围着屋子喊“ 砰砰砰”,他的同伴尖叫并撞死倒下,这时 他的老师们惊恐地冲向他(Jones [...] 2002: 45)。 ipaworld.org | What a perfect gun! Then he ran round [...] the room shouting “pow pow pow” while [...] his classmates squealedandpretended [...]to fall down dead and his teachers rushed towards [...]him in horror (Jones 2002: 45). ipaworld.org |
无需施肥灌溉,只要将由种子、天然矿物土壤,与及能够提供水份与养料的物质Polyter三者组合而成「PRET-A-POUSSER」的充值材料放到「HAUTE [...] CULTURE」系列容器中,注水、拌好,放到 屋子里任何地方,无需日光照射;数天後,一片鲜嫩的草坪就会出现眼前。 think-silly.com | No fertilizer and watering needed, all your need to [...] do is to empty the ‘Pret-a-Pousser’ [...] package (composed of seeds, natural mud with [...]mineral and polyter) into the ‘Haute Culture’ container with water. think-silly.com |
如果您有孩子,在使用氨时应告诉他们不 要呆在屋子里。 hcphes.org | If you have children, tell them to stay out of the roomwhen you [...] are using ammonia. hcphes.org |
一名参与争斗的土耳其乘客说,士兵们抓住他,给他带上金属手铐,拎着 手铐将他带入一间小屋子,另有5 名士兵对他拳打脚踢,其他人则围在外面遮挡 [...] 现场情景。 daccess-ods.un.org | One Turkish passenger involved in the fight said that he was subsequently taken by soldiers, handcuffed [...] with metal cuffs, picked up by the cuffs, [...] taken to a small roomand beaten and [...]kicked by five more soldiers while others [...]shielded the scene from outside. daccess-ods.un.org |
首先同类产品带来了优秀员工,这间屋子-其实这个集合有两种不同的尺寸和两套独立的部分,引起不小的轰动,当它被推出。 zh.horloger-paris.com | First of its kind to bring a caliber staff, the room - actually this collection since there were two different sizes and two sets of separate parts, caused a stir when it was launched. en.horloger-paris.com |
2004 年,他 因非法持有武器被逮捕,而那是警察事先藏在他家 屋子里的。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2004, he was arrested for [...] illegal possession of a weapon that the police had hidden at hishouse. daccess-ods.un.org |
1 月 2 日,以色列占领军袭击了 Samouni 家族居住的楼,然后将这个 大家族的人集中到其中的一间屋子。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 2 January, Israeli occupying forces raided the building which houses the Samouni family and then grouped the extended family together in one of the homes. daccess-ods.un.org |
沐浴完毕,回到和往 常一样黑乎乎的屋子。 enviefashion.com | I got out of [...] the shower, thehouse was dark inside [...]as usual. enviefashion.com |
会爬的宝宝受好奇心的驱使,会把任何东西都往嘴里放,这样会导致窒息或中毒,所以,一定要看好宝宝,并且,在让他们自由活动之前要对 屋子里进行检查。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Curious crawling babies put everything in their [...] mouths, which can result in choking or poisoning, so keep a watchful eye and [...] check around the house before you let [...]them loose. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
在入口左侧的一楼有类似起居室的屋子,配有厨房、浴室以及关押 12 名被拘留者的牢房。 daccess-ods.un.org | To the left of the entrance, on the ground floor, there was a sort of living room with a kitchen, a bathroom and the cell where the 12 detainees were being held. daccess-ods.un.org |
在Rio dei [...] Vetrai小运河上有几个从中世纪保存至今的老窑坊,这些窑坊很好辨认,因为它们建在了门廊上,而且仍有迹象显示它们曾经的功能:窑主的 屋子,玻璃工坊,原材料贮存。 veniceconnected.com | On the Rio dei Vetrai are several ancient furnace-houses that have survived from medieval times, recognizable because they have been built on porticos and which still display the [...] signs of the function that they once performed: home of the [...] owner ofthe furnace, glass workshop, [...]and raw materials store. veniceconnected.com |
过去瑞士人让·贝尔西(Jean Bersy)住在这间屋子里,房子的一侧围栏外是球戏场地,是由一条上覆有栅栏拱顶的小径形成的。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | It was the Swiss Jean Bersy who lived in this residence, of which one of the fences is bordered by the bowls playing area formed by a path covered with trellis-work arches. en.chateauversailles.fr |
一路上秋天的美景、屋子建筑 物的设计、与我同车的外国人,让我觉得很庆幸可以亲身体验这一切。 4tern.com | I was amazed by the autumn scenery, thebuildings and the foreigners who were on the same bus with me. 4tern.com |
19.11 时,Shaman bin Omar Idris(母亲名叫 Najibah;1965 [...] 年出生于 Mubarakiyah) 指称他屋内所有家具都被身份不明人士盗走, 屋子被烧毁,而他的汽车,车牌号 72105 Homs,以及驾驶执照都被盗。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 1100 hours, Shaman bin Omar Idris (mother’s name Najibah; born in 1965 in Mubarakiyah) reported [...] that all the furniture in [...] hishouse had been stolen by unknown persons, his houseset on fire, and [...]his motorcycle, licence [...]plate No. 72105 (Homs), stolen, together with his driving licence. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们可以在‘状态更新’上分享个人的生活细节(我烤了一个蛋糕,我刚清理了 屋子)个人的相关成就(我得到了一份新工作)甚至更私密的情感话题(将你的状态由‘单身’改为‘交往中’),这是目前公认的状态标准。 spla-t.com | Being able to share your personal micro [...] accomplishments (I baked a cake, I just cleaned theflat)to [...] statusrelated benefits (I gotanew job) [...]right up to more emotive achievements [...](updating your status from ‘single’ to ‘in a relationship’) is now the accepted norm. spla-t.com |
这栋屋子如同一场恶梦,张坎蒂(音译,Candy Chang)是艺术家兼平面设计师,住处距离这栋美国纽奥良的房屋仅几个街区,她表示,「自从卡翠娜飓风过後,房子积了许多灰尘与涂鸦,看来相当破败,好像格林童话里的场景」。 thisbigcity.net | It had been collecting dustand graffiti since [...] Katrina and there was something very shabby and Brothers Grimm about it,” [...]says Candy Chang, an artist and graphic designer who lives just a few blocks from the place in New Orleans. thisbigcity.net |
显然,起源的任期 博尔萨的valores 是的根目录下 [...] 在世界上的第一家证券交易所她出生在比利时布鲁日的商人在 屋子里一个人在会议上,被称为范德 Beurse。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | Apparently, the origin of the term stock exchange is at the root of first stock [...] exchange in the world: She was born in Bruges, Belgium, in meetings of [...] tradersin the house of a man called Van [...]der Beurse. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
这里的装饰保留了曾用过这间屋子的三 个王后的痕迹:天花板的分格可以追溯至玛丽-泰雷兹王后时期,布歇(Boucher)创作的灰色浮雕感绘画作品则是为玛丽莱辛斯卡所作,还有细木墙裙也是。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | The décor retains the memory of the three queens [...] who occupied the room: the compartmentalisation [...]of the ceiling dates back to Queen [...]Marie-Thérèse, but the monochrome paintings by Boucher were produced for Marie Leszczinska, as were the wood panels. en.chateauversailles.fr |