

单词 屈从

屈从 ()


See also:

feel wronged
surname Qu

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 联合国是放弃对一个世界文化多样性的承诺,而为实用起 屈从 于 事 实上的单语趋 势及其固有的单一思想文化,还是真正希望恪守它的价值原则,进一步维护使用不 [...]
In the context of economic realities and financial constraints, Member States are the ones to ultimately answer this central question: Should the United Nations abdicate their
commitment to cultural diversity
[...] within one world and succumb, for the sake of pragmatism, [...]
to the trend towards de facto monolingualism
and its inherent single-thought culture, or do they truly want to stand up coherently for their valued principles in further preserving the right and duty of using a diversity of languages to serve “the Peoples of the United Nations”?
将行 政法用于移徙者,从而绕过刑法的严格要求,将使外 国屈从于令人憎恶的法律标准。
Applying administrative law to migration to bypass the stringent requirements of criminal law could subject foreigners to abhorrent legal standards.
[...] 究施暴者的责任,有恶不惩的做法,不仅加深了暴力受害 屈从 和 无 力抵抗的境 地,而且还向社会发出了信息,表明男性暴力侵害妇女不仅可接受,而且是必然 [...]
When the State fails to hold the
perpetrators accountable, impunity not only
[...] intensifies the subordination and powerlessness [...]
of the targets of violence, but also
sends a message to society that male violence against women is both acceptable and inevitable.
l. 任何国家都不对其他国家施压或加以胁迫,包括诉诸侵略或涉及直接或间 接使用武力的其他行为,不采取和(或)推行违反国际法或以任何方式不符 合国际法的旨在胁迫任何他屈从其 主权权利或获得任何收益的任何胁迫 性单边措施。
l. Refraining by all countries from exerting pressure or coercion on other countries, including resorting to aggression or other acts involving the use of direct or indirect force, and the application and/or promotion of any coercive unilateral measure that goes against International Law or is in any way incompatible with it, for the purpose of coercing any other State to subordinate its sovereign rights, or to gain any benefit whatsoever.
21 国际社会期望,在面对一些国家显而易见的敏感 性时,本法院本着肩负的高度职责行事, 屈从 于 焦 虑或恐惧。
The international community expects that the Court acts at the
height of the responsibilities incumbent upon
[...] it, without succumbing to apprehensions [...]
or fears, in face of apparent sensitivities of some States.
它确认它贯彻落实各项全面改革的决心不 屈从 外 界压力所致,而是出 于它对这些改革重要性的信念。
It confirms its determination to follow up on the implementation of comprehensive reforms, not out of a need to yield to outside pressure, but rather because it is convinced of the importance of these reforms.
重申大会 1974 年 12 月 12 日第 3281(XXIX)号决议宣布的《各国经济权利和
[...] 义务宪章》所载的有关原则和规定,特别是第三十二条,其中宣布,任何国家不 得使用或鼓励使用经济、政治或任何其他措施来胁迫另一国家,使其在主权权利 的行使方屈从
Reaffirming the pertinent principles and provisions contained in the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States pr oclaimed by the General Assembly in its resolution 3281 (XXIX) of 12 December 1974, in particular article 32 thereof, in which it declared that no State may use or encourage the use of economic, political or any other type
of measures to coerce another State in order to
[...] obtain from it the subordination of the exercise of [...]
its sovereign rights
回顾免受酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚是不容克减的权 利,在一切情况下,包括在国际或国内武装冲突或动乱或任何其他公共紧急状态 期间,这一权利都须得到保护,各相关国际文书均申明绝对禁止酷刑和其他残忍、 不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚,针对这种行为的法律和程序保障措施绝不屈 从于规避这一权利的措施
Recalling that freedom from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment is a non-derogable right that must be protected under all circumstances, including in times of international or internal armed conflict or disturbance or any other public emergency, that the absolute prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment is affirmed in relevant international instruments and that legal and procedural safeguards against such acts must not be subject to measures that would circumvent this right
[...] 照料,而威胁扣押食物、水或者基本医疗照料,也使受害者处于没有任何其他选 择只屈从于剥削的地位。
Economic and social human rights abuses, for instance, the threat of withholding food, water or essential medical care where the worker depends on the
employer for these goods, can also place the victim in a position where
[...] she has no choice but to submit to exploitation.
建设一个公正、非选择性、有效、公平的国际刑 事司法机构,对国家司法体系起到补充作用并是真正 独立的,因而也屈从于可 能侵蚀其本质的政治权 势,这仍然是古巴支持的一项目标。
The establishment of an international criminal jurisdiction that is impartial, non-selective, effective, fair, complementary to national justice systems, genuinely independent, and therefore free of subjugation to political interests that might erode its essence, continues to be an objective that Cuba supports.
(许多会员国在 早期正是因此原因反对该决议草案,尽管它们其 屈从 于 美 国的压力。)如下所 述,这些捕风捉影的暗指的确经不起认真的推敲
(Many member States objected to the draft resolution in the early days precisely for this reason though they acquiesced to United States pressure later).
其他人再一次表示,主要大国并不真正关心环境退化,并下定决心 屈从于 可 能会减缓其工业生产的协议;经济薄弱的国家,特别是非洲国家,无法阻止其 [...]
Others, again, suggested that the major powers are truly not concerned
about environmental degradation, being
[...] determined not to succumb to agreements [...]
likely to slow down their industrial production,
and that economically weak countries, particularly in Africa, are in no position to stand up against the destruction of their ecosystems.
但我们要提醒注意,不屈从诱惑 而去建立新的 机制,除非绝对有此必要。
But we warn against yielding to the temptation to create new mechanisms unless they are absolutely necessary.
欧洲委员会 1975 年的《欧洲建筑遗产宪章》提请人们注意“我们古城镇中的较小建筑 群及其自然形成或人工建成的典型村庄”所面临的各种问题,还告诫人们滥用城市规划“可 以是破坏性的,如果政府当局轻易 屈从 经 济压力和机动车辆的交通要求”(第 6 条)。
The Council of Europe’s 1975 European Charter of the Architectural Heritage drew attention to the issues faced by “the groups of lesser buildings in our old towns and characteristic villages in their natural or manmade settings” and warned about misapplied urban planning, that “can be destructive when authorities yield too readily to economic pressures and to the demands of motor traffic” (Article 6).
消防队员听到的噪声通过建筑物的通风孔,并设法营救他们之前,他 屈从 于 吸 入浓烟。
The firefighters hear the noise through the building’s air vent and manage to rescue
[...] them before they succumb to smoke inhalation.
他们必定屈从于欧洲人的优越天赋,在以文明和基督教取代其野蛮和低陋习俗的过程中,他们所 得到的收获被认为超出其一切牺牲和痛苦。
They were bound to yield to the superior genius of Europe, and in exchanging their wild and debasing habits for civilization and Christianity they were deemed to gain more than an equivalent for every sacrifice and suffering.
[...] 而被捕的与主要政党有联系的个人,而警察往 屈从 于 这 种压力,这助长了侵权 和暴力行为逍遥法外的现象。
Political pressure, including threats and intimidation, to release individuals linked to major political parties arrested
on criminal charges, to which the police
[...] have frequently succumbed, encourage impunity [...]
for abuses and acts of violence.
食品标准局(FSA)将被废除卫生局局长安德鲁Lansley,引发声称,政府 屈从 于 大 企业”。
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) is
to be abolished by Health Secretary Andrew Lansley, sparking claims that
[...] the government has 'caved in to big [...]
[...] 他方面正对叙利亚大肆污蔑,但明显的事实是,其目的是改变区域的平衡,迫使区 域内各国依从霸权政策屈从西方 国家的意志,牺牲本国人民的民主原则和尊严及 其要求的政治经济改革。
Despite the misleading campaign being waged against Syria by those parties and others, the plain truth is that the aim is to alter the balance in the region and force its
countries to comply with the
[...] hegemonic policies and bend to the will of those Western States, at [...]
the expense of the democratic
principles and dignity of their peoples and the political and economic reforms they are demanding.
回顾根据大会 1970 年 10 月 24 日第 2625(XXV)号决议附件所载的《关于 各 国 依 联 合 国 宪 章 建 立 友 好 关 系 和 合 作 的 国 际 法 原 则 宣 言
》 以 及 大 会 第 3281(XXIX)号决议宣布的《各国经济权利和义务宪章》所载相关原则和规定,特
[...] 别是第三十二条,任何国家不得使用或鼓励使用经济、政治或任何其他措施来胁 迫另一国家,使其在主权权利的行使方 屈从 , 并 自该国取得任何利益
Recalls that, according to the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, contained in the annex to General Assembly resolution 2625 (XXV) of 24 October 1970, and the relevant principles and provisions contained in the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States proclaimed by the Assembly in its resolution 3281 (XXIX), in particular article 32 thereof, no State may use or encourage the use of economic, political or any other type of measures
to coerce another State in order to
[...] obtain from it the subordination of the exercise of [...]
its sovereign rights and to secure
from it advantages of any kind
我只是没有想到维冈到现在成了为了保级而战,如果说他们今年的比赛最 屈从 于 保级,对我来说一点儿都不吃惊。
I’m just not convinced with Wigan at all
and after dodging the drop continuously I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the
[...] year they finally succumb to relegation.
该委员会不屈从于压 力,在没有作出知情决 定所需的全部相关资料时对采购案进行审查和提出建议。
The Committee should not be pressured into reviewing and making recommendations on procurement cases without all the relevant information necessary to make an informed decision.
不应将审查用作胁迫各国的工具,使 他屈从于带 有政治动机的针对具体国家的决议
It should not be used as a tool to coerce States and subject them to politically motivated country-specific resolutions
因此,我们高兴地看到安理会内部正形成的一种 日益强化的趋势,它有时很明显,有时则不那么明显, 那就是:安理会日益采纳区域实体提供的意见,而不屈从于可能的诱惑,试图不征求有关方面的意见就 从这里发号施令。
That is why we applaud the growing tendency of the Council — tacit, in some cases, and explicit in others — to follow the guidance offered by the regional entities, in contrast to the possible temptation to try and dictate the path to follow from this Chamber without consultations.
屈从于以 色列的要求,认可其所设想的犹太人 本性将需要巴勒斯坦人放弃他们的历史和权利,支 持与基于国家所有公民无论族裔或种族归属,权利 一律平等的现代民主政治制度观念相悖的种族主义 态度。
Yielding to Israel’s demand for recognition of its supposed Jewish nature would require Palestinians to forgo their history and rights and endorse a racist attitude that ran counter to the modern notion of democratic political systems based on the equal rights of all citizens of the State, regardless of their ethnic or religious affiliation.
最后让我再次重申,伊朗伊斯兰共和国曾经遭受 大规模杀伤性武器之害,将积极争取实现无大规模杀 伤性武器世界的目标,但绝不屈从 于 恐 吓和压力。
Certain nuclear-weapon States, in particular the United States and France, are non-compliant with their NPT obligations by continuing nuclear-sharing with the only non-party in the Middle East, which constitutes an act of horizontal proliferation of nuclear weapons.
这种措施也违反了大 会第 62/183
[...] 号决议,该项决议规定,任何国家不得使用或鼓励使用经济、政治 或任何其他措施来胁迫另一国家,使其在行使主权权利时有 屈从。
Those measures are, furthermore, incompatible with General Assembly resolution 62/183, which provides that no State may use or encourage the use of unilateral economic, political or any other type
of measures to coerce another State in order to
[...] obtain from it the subordination of the exercise of [...]
its sovereign rights.
虽然有政治办法可以将潜在的被告同这样的法律程序隔离开来,但是,在 国家法院,依靠普遍管辖权并屈从 那 些 可以在联合国系统内阻碍实现问责的制 约因素。
Although there are political ways to insulate potential defendants from such a legal process, in national courts reliance on universal jurisdiction is not subject to the sorts of constraints that block efforts to achieve accountability within the United Nations system.
[...] 决议必须得到执行,不能用持续的默许 屈从 来 应 对公然违反国际法和联合国决 议的行径;必须竭尽一切努力,维护国际制度的管理规则以及旨在保护当今世界 [...]
International law and United Nations resolutions must be implemented, and their flagrant
violation must not be met with continued
[...] acquiescence or surrender; all efforts [...]
must be exerted to uphold the laws and norms
that govern our international system and that are intended to protect the human rights and dignity of all peoples and to promote peace and security in our world.




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