

单词 居功



satisfied with one's accomplishment and arrogant as a result (idiom); resting on one's laurels and despising others


not claim personal credit for achievement [idiom.]

See also:

store up
surname Ju
be at a standstill
be (in a certain position)
(archaic) sentence-final particle expressing a doubting attitude

External sources (not reviewed)

Guide conflict parties and help them generate ideas for discussion, ensuring they can claim credit for agreements reached.
我们要热烈祝贺伊拉克政府和伊拉克人民,他们 在展现这一振奋人心的和平政治变化方 居功 至 伟
We most importantly congratulate the Government and people of Iraq, who deserve the greatest credit for this stirring demonstration of peaceful political change.
本院一直積極支持及發起推廣健康的活動,當中李曹秀群博士慈善基金更 居功 至 偉
Throughout the past years, the Hospital has been supporting or organizing health promotion programmes through the Dr. Ellen Li Charitable Foundation.
民主居功而自 傲,說自己為香港人做了甚 麼?
The Democratic Party is so proud of its achievement, claiming that it has done so and so for Hong Kong people.
對於這個成績,香港的企業家當居功至偉 ,但政府提供適當的實體基建和科技基礎設施,肯定亦發揮了不少助力。
But the Government has certainly played its part by providing the appropriate physical and technological infrastructure.
他在孟买高等 法院设立诉讼当事人信息中心方 居功 至 伟
He was instrumental in setting up the Information Centre for Litigants in the Bombay High Court.
本公司發展在其任內取得卓越成 績,居功至偉
He deserves
[...] great credit for the successful development of the [...]
Company‟s business throughout this time.
在嚴 重急性 呼 吸 系統綜 合症(下稱 “ SARS")疫 症 過 後 , 此項工 作 尤 其 重 要 , 因為我 們 要向世 界 各 地的商 務 旅 客 及 遊客再 三 保 證 , 到訪香港是安全 的   ─   在這方 面 , 我 們 的國際 級 醫 護 人員的無 私 奉 獻 及 專 業 精神居 功 至 偉
This is even more important now in the wake of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) crisis, as we seek to reassure business travellers and tourists around the world that Hong Kong is safe to visit — not the least because of the selfless dedication and professionalism of our world-class medical professionals.
我們的警居功至偉 ;今㆝我要向他們致以 衷心敬意。
This is a great tribute to our Police Force; I pay warm tribute to them today.
對此,前線醫護人員當居功至偉 ,而普羅市民和志願團體守望 相助,亦令大家欣慰。
Our health care workers of course deserve the highest commendation, and the solidarity shown by the masses and voluntary organizations has also been most encouraging.
我們能取得今日的進展,是因為有 許多個別㆟士和團體(包括大學、香港考古學會、市政局及區域市政局)熱誠投入 和作出貢獻,他居功至偉
That we have come this far is due in no small measure to the dedication and contributions of many individuals and organizations including the universities, the Hong Kong Archaeological Society and the two municipal councils.
臭 氧 層 有 助 保 護 地 球 上 的 生 物,免 受 有 害 的 紫 外 光 輻 射 傷 害居 功 至 偉 。 科 學 家 估 計 , 假 設 世 界 各 國 都 遵 照 《 蒙 特 利 爾 議 定 書 》 的 要 求 行 事 , 受 損 的 臭 氧 層 可 望 於 本 世 紀 中 左 右 大 致 修 復 。
Assuming global compliance with the Montreal Protocol, scientists have estimated that substantial recovery of the ozone layer would be expected near the middle of this century.
在經 濟 崛 起 過 程 中 , 新加坡 的經濟 發 展 局 和台灣 的經濟 建 設委員會是 吸 引 外 資 的 負責機 構居 功至偉
In the process of their economic takeoff, Singapore's Economic Development Board and Taiwan's Council for Economic Planning and Development which were responsible for attracting foreign investment made enormous contributions.
Whilst much more must be done to encourage cooperation and investment to deal with spiralling carbon emissions and the looming spectre of climate change, the proliferation of environmental concerns into all aspects of day to day life is almost complete.
居署成功地动 员了许多私营部门伙伴参加世界城市运动,它们都具有在公 共政策、公共投资和私人投资的所有领域促进可持续城市化的共同目标。
UN-Habitat successfully mobilized a number [...]
of private sector partners in the World Urban Campaign sharing a common objective
to promote sustainable urbanization in all spheres of public policy and public and private investment.
舒适而优雅的完成提供公寓还带有一个小厨房和宽敞 居 住 面 积 功 能 衣 柜。
Hotel Lux Apartments Comfortably and elegantly finished apartments offer
[...] also spacious living with a small kitchen and functional wardrobe area.
Crucial to the project’s success was the involvement [...]
of local people, who were employed to build the system and trained to maintain it.
如 果通过城市历史景观方法得到妥善管理,服务和旅游等新功能可以在经济方面发挥重要的积极作
[...] 用,增进社区的福利,促进对历史城区及其文化遗产的保护,同时确保城市经济和社会的多样性 以居住的功能。
When properly managed through the historic urban landscape approach, new functions, such as services and tourism, are important economic initiatives that can contribute to the well-being of the communities and to the conservation of
historic urban areas and their cultural heritage while ensuring economic and social
[...] diversity and the residential function.
我們的功率衛 星 加上廣泛的服務範圍,讓我們得以為客戶提供由單一衛星連接至全球三分之二人口的高質素和可靠服務。
The high power of our satellites [...]
and our range of services allow us to provide our customers with high quality and reliable
access to two-thirds of the world’s population from a single satellite.
黑龙江现代文化艺术产业园区位于哈尔滨师范大学江南校区西侧,其中包含文化、教育、商业、办公 居 住 等 功 能 , 为一多功能的都市巨构,如何融入基地周边复杂的现况及利用周围多样的活动所带来的能量,为本项目的重要课题。
Located at the west side of the south campus of Harbin Normal University, the complex includes theaters, cinemas, artist studios, office and residential units, and provides outdoor spaces for the citizens in the city.
利比里亚当局无法成功调查上述案件和提起起诉,表明政府没有可行的司 法机制,尤其是司法部下属的安全机构,来 功 缓 解这 些 居 住 于利比里亚境内的 战斗人员群体造成的问题。
The inability of the Liberian authorities to successfully investigate and prosecute the cases outlined above suggests that there is no viable judicial mechanism for the Government, and especially security
agencies under the
[...] Ministry of Justice, to successfully mitigate the problem presented by those groups of combatants residing in Liberia.
房屋署只設 1
[...] 個總工程師職位,實在不足以 應付這些職責及復居屋方面的新增工作,以及其他房屋措施和日趨 [...]
複雜的公營房屋規劃及發展工作帶來的額外工作量,包括:高樓齡屋 邨重建;工程可行性研究不斷增加;積極參與公眾諮詢;基本工程儲 備基金總目
711 項下的支援項目愈來愈多;更多基建改善工程及合約 管理工作;為符合新的環保及工程規定而進行的工程發展和標準研究 與日俱增;以及提升土地測量服務水平。
One CE post is grossly insufficient to cope with these duties
together with the additional workload due to
[...] resumption of HOS as well as those [...]
arising from other housing initiatives and
the increased complexity in public housing planning and development works, such as the redevelopment of aged estates; increasing number of engineering feasibility studies; active participation in public consultations; increasing number of supporting projects under CWRF Head 711; more infrastructure improvement works and contract administration works; increasing number of engineering researches on development and standard to meet new environmental and engineering requirements; and enhancement of land surveying services.
阿尔及利亚还欢迎对其建议采取积极的后续行动,确保 某些少数群体享有适足住房、教育、就业及保健权利,并特别注意这 居 民 融入 社会生活的所有领域。
Algeria also welcomed the favourable follow-up on its recommendation to ensure that certain minorities had access to adequate housing, education, employment and health care, and that particular attention was to be paid to the promotion of their integration in all sectors of social life.
此外,任何人(作为欧洲联居民并 为某成员国国民的任何自然人;在欧洲联盟 注册的任何法人;在欧洲联盟以外 居 的 任何成员国国民和在欧洲联盟以外设立而由 某成员国国民控制的船务公司;作为欧洲联 居 民 的 任何其他自然人;在欧洲联盟内、 包括在其领海和领空以及由某成员国管辖或控制的任何飞机或任何船只从事职业活 动的任何其他自然人)不得遵守任何直接或间接基于或产生于“1996 年古巴自由和民 主团结法”或在该法基础上或由其产生的行动的规定或禁令,包括外国法院的命令。
Furthermore, no person (any natural
[...] person being a resident in the European Union and a national of a member state; any legal person incorporated within the European Union; any national of the member states established outside the European Union and shipping company established outside the European Union and controlled by national of a member state; any other natural person being a resident in the European [...]
Union; any other
natural person within the European Union, including its territorial waters and air space and in any aircraft or on any vessel under the jurisdiction or control of a member state, acting in professional capacity) shall comply with any requirement or prohibition, including requests of foreign courts, based on or resulting, directly or indirectly, from the “Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act of 1996” or from actions based thereon or resulting therefrom.
根据联合国损失登记册细则和条例第 11 条的规定,满足以下条件的索赔有 资格列入登记册:(a) 索赔人为自然人或法人;(b) 索赔人已实际满足提交索赔 的技术要求;(c) 索赔在损失登记册的管辖范围内;(d) 索赔人表明在声称的损 失中拥有合法的权益;(e) 声称的损失必须是物质损失;(f) 索赔人必须表明声
称的损失同在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙有因果关系;(g) 声称的损失事实上 是持续性的;(h) 索赔的佐证文件和主张实质上是一致的;(i) 根据索赔人提交
[...] 的资料和文件,索赔已有初步证据,在某些没有相反证据的情况下假定索赔人说 的是实话,同时铭记索赔人的产权 居 民 身 份不尽相同。
In accordance with article 11 of the Rules and Regulations, claims are eligible for inclusion in the Register if: (a) the claimant is a natural or legal person; (b) the claimant has substantially met the technical requirements for submitting a claim; (c) the claim is within the jurisdiction of the Register of Damage; (d) the claimant has established a legal interest in the claimed damage; (e) the claimed damage is material; (f) the claimant has established a causal link between the claimed damage and the construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory; (g) the claimed damage was in fact sustained; (h) the documents and assertions in support of the claim are substantially consistent; and (i) the claim has been established prima facie, based on the information and documents submitted by the claimant, giving the claimant the benefit of the doubt in
appropriate cases and bearing in mind the varying circumstances with
[...] regard to title and residency status of claimants.
例如: 如果将两个控制输入端都设置为“本地/远程”,一个输入端信号为高
[...] (1),另一个输入端信号为低 (0),则“手动/自动”和“升/降功 能 既 无法借助于前置面板上的 F 按键完成,也无法通过远程通讯的输入端或串口实现。
If you have set both control inputs to "Local/Remote", and the signal is high (1), but low (0) on the
other control input, the "Manual/Auto"
[...] and "Raise/lower" functions are not possible [...]
with either the F keys on the front panel
or the inputs for remote messages or serial interface.
秘 书 长 先 前 关 于 企 业 资 源 规 划 系 统 实 施 战 略 的 提 案
(A/62/510/Rev.1,第 40 至 45 段)建议,企业资源规划项目的设计、建
[...] 立、测试和部署将分两波进行:第一波为期 30 个月,于 2010 年底完 成,建立遵守《国际公共部门会计准则》(《公共部门会计准则》)所需 要的财务、人力资源、采购和资产管理等核 功 能 ; 第二波为期 24 个 月,主要是成果管理制、风险管理、运输和差旅等其 功 能 的 设计-建 立-测试-部署。
The Secretary-General’s previous proposals on the ERP implementation strategy (A/62/510/Rev.1, paras. 40–45) suggested that the ERP project would be designed, built, tested and deployed in two waves: the first to be completed over a 30-month period by the end of 2010, for the core finance, human resources, procurement and asset management functions required for compliance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards
(IPSAS); and a second wave over
[...] a 24-month period for design-build-test-deployment of the remaining functions, such as results-based management, risk management, transportation [...]
and travel.
[...] 准:完成前战斗人员可信的解除武装、复员和重返社会以及民兵的解散; 功完 成 选举;开始安全部门改革,特别是在更广泛的框架内采取建立信任措施,进行 [...]
The Security Council also endorsed the following benchmarks introduced as preconditions for further drawdown of the UNOCI force: completion of credible disarmament, demobilization and
reintegration of former combatants and
[...] dismantling of militias; successful completion of the elections; [...]
commencement of security
sector reform, in particular confidence-building measures within a broader framework for democratic governance and oversight of the security sector, reunification of the army and establishment of functional and republican Ivorian armed forces and security services; and restoration of State authority throughout the country.
[...] 对许多国家来说,参加食典委会议具有能力建设 功 效 ; 两年期会议可能需要更长的时 间解决所有的议题,将造成实际困难;应认真考虑政府为准备和参加年度会议做出的巨 [...]
Some delegations highlighted specific reasons for retaining annual sessions: in view of the lack of resources for risk assessment in many developing countries, timely availability of Codex food safety standards was very important for use at the national level;
participation in the Commission had a
[...] capacity building function for some countries; [...]
biennial sessions may need to be longer
in order to address all items of work, which would create practical difficulties; and the considerable efforts made by governments to prepare themselves and participate in annual meetings should be taken into account.




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