单词 | 屁 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 屁—fartless common: flatulence nonsense 屁屁noun—bottomn屁屁—(child language) buttocksExamples:屁事—(vulgar) trifling matter 屁股n—assn rearn 屁股—buttocks butt back part
在每次换尿布时,保护和安抚您宝宝的小屁股。 cn.iherb.com | Protect and [...] calm your baby's Tiny Tush, [...]one diaper change at a time! iherb.com |
但亦有可能因为孩子於被打屁股时受惊 或受伤,引致压力激素分泌增加而妨碍学习。 yorkcas.org | It is also possible, though, that the stress hormones produced when children are frightened or hurt because of a spanking, diminish learning. yorkcas.org |
我用了身体自然的反应,转了个弯,先以屁股落地。 4tern.com | With my auto reaction, I turned myself, so that my butt can land on the ground, instead my body. 4tern.com |
黄鼠狼和红外搜索被称为大屁股,,后来恰好是红色人的传说。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Weasel and I.R. are in search of a legend known as Big Butt, which later happens to be The Red Guy. seekcartoon.com |
放屁大王POONGPOONG的爱好就是放屁、用放屁来解 决所有的问题的。 tipschina.gov.cn | POONGPOONG is a character whose hobby is to emit gas, and solves every matter by emitting gas. tipschina.gov.cn |
另一项研究 (Wilson, Lyman 1982)显示, 如果父母使用 其他训导形式 (如暂停、 以正面奖赏作鼓励 或撤销特权等)时又打孩子屁股,那麽其他训导形式的功效便会降低。 yorkcas.org | Another study (Wilson, Lyman 1982) found that when parents also spanked, other strategies such as time-out, positive reinforcement or removal of privileges were less effective. yorkcas.org |
黄鼠狼和IR炮制的生活,但很快变得嫉妒,当黄鼠狼的世界的发展速度比他快的红屁股狒狒。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Weasel and I.R. concoct life, [...] but the red-butt baboon soon [...]becomes jealous when Weasel's world evolves faster than his. seekcartoon.com |
可能的放屁声在 浅于40米处被记录下来,并且很可能是包括鲱鱼和青鱼在内的一群鱼,将气体从作为内部浮力器官的鱼鳔中释放出来。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The probable farts were recorded [...] shallower than 40 meters, and were most likely a group of fish, including menhaden and [...]herring, releasing gas from an internal buoyancy organ called a swim bladder. chinese.eurekalert.org |
真是上有政策,下有对策,说到底根本原因还是制度问题,不改革,说再多什麽话都是屁话,做再多什麽事都是白做,只要中国人每年都挤破头去考公务员,那制度问题就一直存在,受益的就不会是老百姓。 thisbigcity.net | Without reform, no matter what the government says or does is useless. thisbigcity.net |
建议每天沐浴时加适量润肤油在温水中使用、或用少量润肤油轻轻清洗红屁股的敏感部位、亦可作按摩油使用。 beyorgbeauty.com | Treat your baby to a gentle massage, add the oil to a soothing bath or use itfor gentle cleansing the sensitive nappy area. beyorgbeauty.com |
趁猫专注进食时,一个人用一只手迅速从猫的后方抓住猫的后颈(一定要死死 抓牢),另一只手紧紧抓住猫屁股位 置(尾巴根部前面的部位),双手紧紧将猫 控制在地面上(主要是通过抓住后颈来控制住猫的行动)。 animalsasia.org | When the cat focuses on the cat food, one person quickly and firmly ―scruffs‖ (grabs the skin on the back of its neck) the cat with one hand and its bottom with the other hand, hold it down on the ground firmly but without hurting it. animalsasia.org |
从怀孕的首三个月开始每天涂两次在腹部,胸部,臀部,屁股和大腿,以维持皮肤的弹性继而说明阻止妊娠纹的形成。 cosme-de.com | Bio-Oil should be applied to the abdomen, breasts, hips, buttocks and thighs twice daily from the first trimester, to help prevent the appearance of pregnancy stretch marks by moisturizing and maintaining the elasticity of the skin. cosme-de.com |
除了我们 什么是屁股段 , 在这里您可以查看最新的图像名人,并发表您的评论, 生活. galaxier.com | As well as our What’s poppin segment, where you can view up to date images of celebrities and post your comments, live. galaxier.com |
羞愧至死特别对夸口特尔印第安人和美洲人来说是一种成就——其他人不过说“胡说八道”,或者“这就是生活”或者“屁的个阿拉,全能 shanghaibiennale.org | Dying of shame is an accomplishment peculiar to the Kwakiutl Indians and Americans – others simply say “Zut Alors” or “Son cosas de la vida” or “Allah fucked me up, the All Powerful…. shanghaibiennale.org |
我觉得大家对BBQ的新鲜感已经减少了,很多人吃了就拍拍屁股就走。 4tern.com | However, many of them treated BBQ as a normal dinner. 4tern.com |
2000 年,这一意见在“Osbourne 诉牙买加”的个案中得到确认,此案涉及在 25 个监狱看守在场的情况下用棒棍在光屁股上打 10 下的司法惩罚。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2000, this opinion was confirmed in the individual case of Osbourne v. Jamaica, which concerned the judicial sentence of 10 strokes with a tamarind switch on naked buttocks in the presence of 25 prison warders. daccess-ods.un.org |
放屁大王POONGPOONG是一款儿童教育游玩学习的节目,通过多样的游戏来进行生活、情绪、知识方面的教育,能锻炼孩子们的创造性,安定他们的情绪。 tipschina.gov.cn | It is an educational play & learn program for children, and aims at comprehensive development of children in areas of emotion, intelligence, creativeness, etc, by showing various activities related to life, emotion, intellectual areas, etc. tipschina.gov.cn |
要从肛门处测量体温的话,最好在体温表的球茎处(盛水银的地方)用 油或水涂上能起到润滑作用,然后让孩子俯卧或侧躺,再将体温表插入孩 子肛门内约2公分左右,然后按住屁股和 把孩子抱稳,直至量好体温。 stranieriincampania.it | To take the temperature in the rectum it is preferable to lubricate the bulb of the thermometer with oil or water and after placing the baby on his side or on the stomach insert the thermometer approximately 2cm into the rectum, holding the baby still for the entire operation. stranieriincampania.it |
的文章“ 新年-踢自己的屁股, “他介绍的根本目标设定和实施原则的习惯,形成我们,和我们他们;目标有时间限制,以链接什麽你想要做什麽你想实现,让人们知道什麽要达到的目的 - 开展计划的承诺。 povilas.panavas.lt | The article " New Year - kick yourself in the ass, "he presents the fundamental goal setting and enforcement principles habits form us, and we them; goals have a time limit, to link what you want to do with what you want to achieve, to let people know what going to achieve - a commitment to carry out plans. povilas.panavas.lt |
如果诸如打 10 下屁股这样相对宽大的体罚 形 式 都 为国际人权法所绝 对禁止,那么 根 据 同 样 的 条款, 绞 刑、坐 电 椅 、 被行刑 队枪决以及其他死刑方式又有什么存在的理由呢? daccess-ods.un.org | If even comparatively lenient forms of corporal punishment, such as 10 strokes on the buttocks, are absolutely prohibited under international human rights law, how can hanging, the electric chair, execution by a firing squad and other forms of capital punishment ever be justified under the very same provisions? daccess-ods.un.org |