单词 | 尽致 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 尽致 —in the finest detailSee also:尽 v—finish v • use up v • give priority to v 尽 adj—the utmost adj • (when used before a noun of location) furthest or extreme adj 尽 n—end n • the greatest extent n • the limit (of sth) n
它将智利的风土特性,以及两个超前的酿造者的独特精神展现得淋 漓 尽致。 antinori.it | It reflects all the typical characteristics of Chile’s terrorir and the unique spirit of two trailblazing producers. antinori.it |
无不使出浑身之力,在面临挑战的同时,将其赛车领航技术与驾驶技巧发挥到淋 漓 尽致。 oris.ch | It’s one of Europe’s biggest classic car rallies and a real test of the competitors’ skills as navigators, drivers and mechanics. oris.ch |
Bentley 6.75 的引擎堪称路面机械动力之最,而 Breitling Bentley 6.75 精密计时手表将其强大的性能展现得淋 漓 尽致。 hk.ashford.com | The Bentley 6.75 engine is one of the most powerful machines on the road and is reflected in the Breitling Bentley 6.75 chronograph. ashford.com |
其中漂移表演仍旧是呼声最高的内容,通过专业车手亦动亦静的精彩表演,将IS250优雅与狂野并存的个性淋 漓 尽致 地 展 现了出来。 lexus.com.cn | The drifting show received the most vocal attention, vividly and incisively showing the elegance and prowess of the Lexus IS250 through professional drivers’ amazing performances. lexus.com.cn |
从体育品牌如耐克,阿迪达斯,到互联网品牌Facebook和雅虎,再到金融业品牌摩根大通,数不胜数的品牌希望凭借着全世界都在欣赏这一足坛饕餮盛宴之际,将自己的品牌营销做到淋 漓 尽致。 labbrand.com | From sports-apparel companies like Nike and Adidas, to online brands like Yahoo and Facebook, to financial-services firms such as JPMorgan Chase, numerous companies are striving to communicate their brand names and messages as the world enjoys the football extravaganza from June 11 to July 11, 2010. labbrand.com |
由迪普霍耳茨(机械工程学)和奥尔登堡(电气工程学)FHWT 的学生所组成的 32 人团队淋漓尽致地体 现了这种实际应用的成果。 dieseltechnic.com | A team of 32 students from the FHWT locations in Diepholz (Mechanical Engineering) and Oldenburg (Electrical Engineering) put this to the test with a practical demonstration. dieseltechnic.com |
这款非凡珍品表款搭载40P超薄手动上链机械机芯,具备小时与分钟显示功能,完美演绎腕表的光芒与轻盈,更将伯爵的无限创意与对珠宝制作的不灭热情诠释得淋 漓 尽致。 piaget.com.cn | The full measure of Piaget’s creative and jewelrymaking passion has been expressed in an astonishingly light and airy manner on this exceptional piece, thanks to the slenderness of the 40P ultra-thin mechanical hand-wound movement driving the hour and minute functions. piaget.com |
偏离中心的表盘将 Jaquet Droz 的前卫审美风格展现得淋漓尽致。 hk.ashford.com | The off -center watch dial captures the avant garde aesthetic of the Jaquet Droz repertoire to perfection. ashford.com |
这些腕表作品淋漓尽致地展 现并延续着宇舶表的融合理念,所选用的材质包括:碳纤维、锆、钽、钨、镁、金属陶瓷、Hublonium(新型铝镁合金)、陶瓷、钛、金、King Gold(宇舶表独有黄金,含5%铂金)、铂金、钢、橡胶、蓝宝石水晶、钻石、宝石、nomex材质……未来还将出现更多材质。 lvmh.cn | Thanks to these pieces, Hublot continues to write the history of fusion combining materials such as carbon fibre, zirconium, tantalum, tungsten, magnesium, cermet, Hublonium (a brand new alloy of aluminium and magnesium), ceramic, titanium, gold, King Gold (a gold exclusive to Hublot with 5% platinum), platinum, steel, rubber, sapphire glass, diamonds, precious stones, Nomex…and others yet to be seen. lvmh.com |
为了实现我们的使命,我们需要可靠的合作伙伴成为福伊特的供应商,携手努力,将潜力发挥到淋 漓 尽致。 voith.com | In order to comply with our Mission Statement we would like to see our suppliers as reliable partners. voith.com |
Gran Turismo 的概念源于顶级跑车设计理念,此概念在新产品中演绎的淋 漓 尽致 , 并融 合了意式的的奢华与激情。 beneteau.cn | The Gran Turismo concept borrowed from the world of luxury high-performance cars is expressed fully in the design of this all new range, which embodies the Italian lifestyle in an inspiring combination of glamour, luxury and ’La dolce vita’. beneteau.cn |
探索英语语言上的力量及其对感知能力上的影响,掌握英语在语言上微妙与细微的差别,再加上运用正确抒发情绪与正确的游说技巧,这样的结合将在演说与写作上发挥淋 漓 尽致 的 表 现。 systematic.edu.my | Master the subtleties and nuances of the English language to convey just the right mix of emotions and persuasion in your speeches and writings. systematic.edu.my |
几何造型的Legend 系列 颈链、项链和手链,由长方形仿水晶元素精心拼砌成太阳光线的图形,将炎炎夏日的热浪激情与炫目风姿展现地淋 漓 尽致。 brand.swarovski.com | The pleasing geometry of the Legend collier, necklace and bracelets, with their sunray motif of precisely structured rows of baguette crystals, reflects the warmth and brightness of summertime. brand.swarovski.com |
由光秃秃的岩石和起伏不平的沙地,到古老的松树森林和满是碎石的山脊,都把山地自行车的乐趣发挥到淋 漓 尽致。 visitfinland.com | The fast rate of uplift in a group of islands in western Finland has earned them UNESCO World Nature Heritage recognition. visitfinland.com |
此版本将这些特点体现的淋漓尽致, 我 们的安卓手机从此更加强大。 chrome-beta.cn.uptodown.com | And that's exactly what we find in this version of the well-known web browser we can now enjoy on our Android powered devices. chrome-beta.en.uptodown.com |
一件诞生于阿尔坎塔拉的碳纤维材料艺术品,一款满足各方面技术要求,并通过“形式服从功能”的原则将之表现得淋 漓 尽致 的 跑 车。 lamborghini.com | A car that is a work of art in Alcantara and carbon fiber, whereby every technical demand is answered and expressed via the principle of "Form follows Function". lamborghini.com |
每一枚腕表都淋漓尽致地体 现了我们的艺术、创新精神以及对传统的尊重。 audemarspiguet.com | Each watch embodies our art, innovation and respect for tradition. audemarspiguet.com |
红色标签式LOGO,更是将产品的独特性表达的淋 漓 尽致。 designsuccess.cn | Red tags type LOGO, but also will be the uniqueness of the products of the expression incisively and vividly. designsuccess.cn |
塑膜缠绕机构中 的特殊链条长度恢复系统允许机构的高度调 节,这样用同样的机构处理不同高度的度的 容器,从而把设备的潜能发挥的淋漓 尽致。 ocme.it | The film winder also has a special chain length recovery system which enables the unit to be adjusted for height so that products with different heights may be processed on the same machine, always using to the system’s potential to the best advantage (e.g. changeover from 0.33 lt can to 2 lt bottle). ocme.co.uk |
独特时尚的金属外形足以让它成为经典的代名词,而色彩更令其优雅浪漫之气发挥的淋 漓 尽致 , 神 秘优雅的身姿轻盈舞动,仿佛华丽的晚礼服在珠光宝气的映衬下凸显高贵与奢华,以极致的魅力倾倒众生。 yesidoo.cn | Unique fashion metal shape enough to make it become a classic of the pronoun, and [...] color but also its elegant romantic gas [...] plays the most incisive, mysterious [...]and elegant posture of light dancing, like [...]a gorgeous dress in glittering background highlights the noble and luxury, with extreme charm many conquests. yesidoo.cn |
最后,平台是网络效应体现得最淋漓 尽致 的 一个细分,在这个领域已涌现出成熟 的领先知名企业。 mckinseychina.com | Finally, the marketplace is the segment with clearest network effect, and wellestablished names are already in this space. mckinseychina.com |
两年,仅仅用了两年的时间,GTI广州展就淋 漓 尽致 地 展 现了自己的特色:见证并记录中国大陆电玩业日渐良好的成长趋势。 taiwanslot.com.tw | In just two years' time, GTI Asia China Expo has completely demonstrated its own characteristics: it witnesses and records the China e-game industry's growth trend. taiwanslot.com.tw |
索特的山地自行车线路大量不同的地势,由光秃秃的岩石和起伏不平的沙地,到古老的松树森林和满是碎石的山脊,都把山地自行车的乐趣发挥到淋 漓 尽致。 visitfinland.com | There are plenty of gradients and the terrain varies from bare rock and undulating sandy ground to ancient spruce forests with tree roots and gravel ridges – perfect for taking it to the max. visitfinland.com |
总而言之,整款腕表的构思和设计将HUBLOT 宇舶表的DNA:运动、性能、高科技表达的淋 漓 尽致。 wthejournal.com | In short, the entire piece has been conceived and designed to reflect Hublot's pure DNA: sport, performance and technology. wthejournal.com |
虽然通过标准网页可以迅速简便地访问终端内的数据,但是您可能会发现,由于无法 编辑数据的精确格式,从某种程度而言,您的艺术能力无法发挥得淋 漓 尽致。 redlion.net | While the standard web pages provide quick-and-easy access to the data within the terminal, you may find that your inability to edit their precise formatting leaves your artistic capabilities somewhat frustrated. redlion.net |
画廊内部,才艺非凡的爵士三人组演奏着动听的乐曲,香水的独特精髓则通过 Bruce Weber 和 Christian Weber 的短片展现得淋漓尽致,迷 人的芳香弥漫在空气中,沁人心脾。 bottegaveneta.com | Inside, an exceptional jazz trio played on while the individuality of the fragrance was insinuated through the films of Bruce Weber and Christian Weber, and the intriguing scent floated in the air. bottegaveneta.com |
瑞士高级制表基金会(Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie)研究中心的主任Dominique Fléchon解释道:“只有透过技艺精湛的巧手进行雕刻工作,才能在毫无声息的雕刻材质中淋 漓 尽致 地 抒 发雕刻大师的情感,进而使最终成品唤起观赏者的共鸣。 audemarspiguet.com | The work of the engraver makes each object unique, because each artisan has his own sensitivity, his interpretation and his personal touch,” explains Dominique Fléchon, director of the research and study center at the Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie. audemarspiguet.com |
透过蓝宝石水晶表背即清晰可见,并配有75颗宝石 – 仅凭这一令人印象深刻的数字,就象征了繁复的机械 – 机芯的精致展露得淋漓尽致。 wthejournal.com | Clearly visible through the sapphire crystal case back and fitted with 75 jewels – an impressive number that single-handedly symbolizes the complexity of the mechanism – the caliber conceals nothing of its refined finishing. wthejournal.com |